brother? that's a really interesting possibility! thank y'all for pointing it out! though i feel like a brother would be more likely to come up in conversation than an uncle 🤔
What if instead of being her brother, uncle, or father (since she’s an only child) maybe he’s her older cousin? Maybe her dad does have a twin brother and Blaze is his son. Maybe while her father was busy, her uncle would come over with his son and help foal-sit (or Blaze volunteered to do the foal-sitting himself). With that time together, he’d take her to sports shows and fangirl and bond together.
I don't think they are brothers 'cause Rainbow Dash's mother seems a bit young to already have an adult kid when Rainbow Dash was young... I think they are cousins, Rainbow Dash's father probably has an older brother, who would be Rainbow Blaze's father ^^
You say brother would be more likely to come up in conversation. I'd like to point out shining armor and... fluttershy's brother who's name i'm forgetting, as evidence to the contrary. No mentions until they appeared.
I like your idea but maybe rainbow blaze is rainbow dash’s brother. They look alike and they like flaying! It’s possible and we have seen it before so maybe 😁
Well if you think about it rainbow was the only one in the mane six not to have a blood sibling and who knows rainbow blaze might have had a falling out with the rainbow family its not hard to see that rainbows parents are a little over whelming and even though dashie could find a middle ground with the two some kids with parents that smutherong could distant them selfs to a point of never being around or in my opinion a more interesting explanation would be that blaze felt over shadowed by his yonger sibling maybe felt rainbow was favored over himself and took off as a result dashie may have never spoke about him in the same vain celestia never talked a bout luna because of guilt maybe talking about him gave her so much guilt she refused to maybe thats why when we meet her parents she gets so angry at her parents fbecause they were doing the same things that drove her brother off in the first place maybe thats why her parents became so abscessed with rainbow after the fall out and loss of blaze they clung to the one kid they had left
Phoenix The Wolf2021-05-07 18:16:46 (edited 2021-05-07 18:20:34 )
I like the idea of him being a brother but if he was wouldn’t he have to look a tad bit younger in the Equestria Games flashback like Dash for that to work? Or am I just overthinking it?
@plushie princess funtime lolbit But their too similar... But what if theres a bit of SoapOperas In there? Like , if her mother was cheating on blitz with his TWIN brother
@Loren ....... or she could have been with blaze before she mee bow then left blaze for bow it makes scince (i can't spell sorry) that they would allow rainbow dash as a kid to go with blaze to cemormenys but when she got older her mom chooses bow over blaze and the one time blaze can see rainbow dash is at friendship day
@Pastel NutI get what your saying but it really never showed in mlp that Rainbow Dash is an only child and if Rainbows dad was busy and couldn’t take care of Rainbow then the mom would’ve kept that responsibility of taking care of her.
@Loren if this is the case... then why would rainbow’s father want to change his cutie mark in the first place? Rainbow dash’s dad and rainbow blaze have different names too, there’s a possibility he probably changed names but why?
@Loren Starlight stole cutie marks because she wanted everyone to be equal and it turned out that she secretly kept her cutie mark and didn’t change it so then why would rainbows dad change his?
@Isra Wakil But... I just said that if he cl9ned itself, when he was young and the clone was being jealous that the original one got a cutiemark, than it got one different and then married Rainbow's mother? I GUESS nothing is sure, that clones dont get cutiemarks !
perhaps he’s estranged? maybe something happened between him and rainbow’s parents or something, and that led to their relationship being strained? and maybe they reconciled during hearthswarming? i dunno dnsnjsjs just a thought. i do like the idea of him being rainbow’s uncle, though
Dear sawtooth I am a fellow subscriber and I was thinking if most of Rainbow Dash‘s family has rainbow type cutie marks what if throughout time they were the people or ponies who done the sonic rainboom
I remember seeing blaze during his visit to ponyville and wondering who exactly he was. At first, I mistaked him for Bow, but then realized they were different ponies. The idea that he's the 'cool uncle' makes complete sense.
Sawtooth waves I have a question can you do a video about Celestia nephew and who is the real dad. I thinking that that's Luna son but who is the father
Hey sawtooth and others who see this a though I am very late but I hope u clear this out sawtooth but what ABOUT the one Pony who looks almost exactly like rainbow and that would be Daring Do! But what if the two father's took one child each that could be a connection but I wanted you to know any sorry my sentence is long but yeah anyway bye!
Hey sawtooth and others who see this comment I'm late I know but I want sawtooth to think about how Daring Do fits into this story anyway I could be wrong for the fact that I'm a 9yr old but just wanted you to know!
@Isra Wakil I think Rainbow actually revealed that she was an only child to Scootaloo in the episode her parents were revealed. Besides, it’d be kinda weird for her parents to centre their entire lives around being Rainbow Dash fans of she had other siblings. Don’t’cha think?
Nah I think uncle is more likely. He's more likely to look just like his brother because they share parents then a child with a new genetic added looking so much alike (except body shape).
The first pic off rainbow blazes cutie mark looks like rainbow dash doing a sonic rainboom did rainbow blazes maby have a part in her destiny that what im wondering
What happened to Apple jack parents And my other question is where rarity parents ? Rarity and apple Jack are both in the big sister position but no parents , And I have a theory celestia calls luna sister not because there related but because there alicorns
@Suprize Studios ACA Art Comics Animation applejacks parents are dead. Like its as canon as it can be without them saying the word "died" in a kids show. As for rarity's parents? Nopony knows.
I think he is his real Father because if you look very closely at his cute mark if I had to say he has a straight rainbow with exploding sonic rainboom that Rainbow Dash has Talk about it but this might be were her idea came from. Think about that SAWTOOTH all you need to do is proof that and you should make another video on that.
If we look at fluttershy and her brother. Fluttershy never mentioned him and we only got to see him a few times. Too bad the show ended so we may never know. But I see him as being a big brother maybe half brother?
I remember in CCG Rainbow Blaze is her mentor. His sub-title is "Dashing Mentor" and his flavor text is "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows!". This card was revealed in 2014, years before "Parental Glideance", so this is not retcon.
@Rosella Could be a cousin or brother but not farther because they have different cutie marks ,and cutie marks can not change. When ponies get there cutie marks the are always going to have them and it can not change or disapear .:)
I'm sorry but I might ruin this whole theory. I know theorist think that theirs a meaning behind everything that's in a cartoon show, and sometimes their is. But I don't believe this is the case. Boe is in the newer seasons of mlp while rainbow blaze in the older seasons of mlp, so with that being said, I'm bout to ruin your theory and sorry. But most likely rainbow blaze is a early design of Boe, and Boe is just redesign version rainbow blaze. 9 times out of 10 they weren't satisfied with his design and name and change him completely. As an artist I understand not being satisfied with a character I draw and remake them. So i think that rainbow blaze is an early design version of Boe that changed because they weren't satisfied. And even if rainbow blaze is in the newer seasons but obviously a background character(its been a long time since I watch mlp) they didnt exactly scrapped his design completely but use him as a background character with no meaning.
@Sawtooth Waves When Hasbro came out with the MLP trading cards, Rainbow Blaze had his own trading card. His title or role was listed as "Dashing Mentor", and he has a quote on the card saying, "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows!" While the card doesn't directly state Rainbow Blaze's relation to Rainbow Dash far as family, I think you were right that he's her athletic uncle who became her mentor.
I will just looking for your channel I'm really happy to meet you bet you know that other girl and that neither girl the truth I saw one on poki channels that sold his mother cheating on rainbow dash is fatherdildar my friends and I saw it to this creepy and weird little bit scary I hate it but the scene that you think it's real father uncle I don't knowbut what is debit knowing brother but fight to the death in only one wins want that be creepy 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😰😨😨😨😨😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😰😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😓
how can he stay the same AGE! LOOK AT HIM! HE IS A CHANGLIG LIKE YOU SAID AT ONE POINT! ok, ok, but think he is not for a second showed up moons later and NOTHING CHANGED! who would be up to thing kind of age spell? why show up only 2 times? is it because he saw someone in cloud stale he liked and spends all his time with... ITS DISCORD! I saw him look diagonal at one point UP! he saw... FLUTTERSHY! he spends almost 24/7 with her! so I think its DISCORD!!!!!!!!
@Sawtooth Waves Well sometimes animators have an original design for a character (in this case Blaze was the original design) but then end up not going with it. So they just put the characters original design in the background for a fun little Easter egg. An example of this world for “The Owl House” when you can see the original design for Amity Blight in the background of the first episode. Your theory seems more likely though.
Yeah he has the same color of Rainbow Dash's that I same skin color masane mein I think it's has to be the brother and they kind of have the same cutie mark
I was going to say that he might be a brother or perhaps even a cousin of some sort Uncle does seem like it be a highly likely possibility but I’m leaning more towards cousin or brother
@Sawtooth Waves he's her mentor and most likely uncle since she has bobs determination and his brothers love of sports and being better than his older brother hint him instilling that being the best is the best
Yep, I think it's Rainbows brother because sometimes in genetics you might look more like your dad but have your mum's body type. So I think he's her brother because he looks like his dad but has his mum's skinny body.
Hey sawtooth remember the time when twilight and flutter shy was sent on a mission with the cutie map and they met two wars and then they fixed it well what about there cutie much then they were pretty dangerous so are deadly you no more it’s a good thing or a bad because I feel that it’s a bad day because their passion sensitive cutie mark is a chainsaw
I think the pony on the flash backs is actually rainbow's older brother, his "skin" is kinda more light than rainbow's dad, what remind me of rainbow's mom that have light blue "skin", maybe he just look a ton lot more like his father
It is she's Brother! Look on all of they eyes soooo mabye they dont like they son and never tell (Rainbowdash) <- idk if its right? Brw so Rainbowdash never know him oki i have no idea
Sawtooth Waves It’s true that the possibilities of Blaze being Dash’s brother is more than the possibilities of him being her uncle. However, him being her cousin is more likely. Because you see, than Dash would have mentioned the cool athletic brother at least once. Here’s what I think happened:
“Bow Hothufe was close to his big brother. His big brother got married and soon he had a child. He named him Rainbow Blaze. Bow became an uncle. His nephew was a lot like him. They were close. Very soon Bow got married and had a baby girl. She was a lot like Blaze so they named her Rainbow Dash. Blaze and Dash were very close. Dash saw how athletic he was and was inspired by him. Blaze’s biggest dream was to be a Wonderbolt. Dash wanted the same thing. To be a Wonderbolt. Those two did amazing things together. She learned a lot from him. But when Blaze tried to become a Wonderbolt he failed. In shame, he didn’t talk with her about it much. Dash tried to comfort him and encourage him to try again, but he was too depressed. He gave up his dream and went away to find a new career. Dash and Blaze drifted apart and soon lost touch. But Rainbow Dash was still determined to be a Wonderbolt. She worked hard and became an amazing flyer and soon a Wonderbolt. After a long time, Dash remembered her cool cousin, how he was her inspiration. She got in touch with him and told him how she became a Wonderbolt. Blaze was proud of his little cousin and decided that he will visit her in Heart’s Warming. They caught up and had a wonderful time.” Of course that’s what I think. What do you think Sawtooth? *fun fact: when I was typing “Sawtooth”, “Saw toothpaste” appeared. It was so funny 😂 *
@Sawtooth Waves HAVE AN IDEA: what if rainbow blaze is the true father but rainbow's mom divorced him and married his rainbow dash's other father? this is the most plausible theory if they are so alike yet we never see them together a lot?!
@Sawtooth Waves I HAVE AN IDEA: what if rainbow blaze is the true father but rainbow's mom divorced him and married his rainbow dash's other father? this is the most plausible theory if they are so alike yet we never see them together a lot?
@Sawtooth Waves Hello! I just wanted to tell you a thought I had about that theory you made of there being a secret alicorn and wanted to get your thoughts on it.
You know, something I've always wondered was who the previous ruler of the Crystal Empire was before Sombra took it over. Perhaps that secret alicorn was it. We know there had already been (somewhat) mention before of a previous princess of the empire. There's also the fact that the picture shown for the love spell with said alicorn is similar to the one Cadence uses, therefore implying they potentially had the same powers.
Think about it. There has not been a rightful heir to the Crystal Empire throne until Cadence. And, we also know Sombra had taken over and inserted himself as king for a time before her. The show has made clear though that Sombra was not the rightful ruler however. This means there used to be another princess, but something happened to her. Did Sombra perhaps kill her? Or did something else happen? One can only wonder.
@Res Dent a thought? That’s a theory, an amazing one. And you know what? I think I just figured out how Sombra took over Crystal Empire. And it’s all thanks to your amazing theory. So here’s what I think happened: “The Crystal Empire was ruled by a beautiful princess. A prince was in love with her. She wasn’t in love with him. She was too caught up in her responsibilities to fall in love with somepony. One day, the prince found a recipe for a love potion. So he made it and gave it to the princess. As soon as she drank it, the potion started working. But it turned out that it was a love POISON. She was so lost in his eyes that she forgot about her responsibilities. But the prince didn’t notice that. He was happily enjoying the the moment. In the mean time Sombra found the kingdom and was looking for a way to conquer it. It took him years to get their after getting defeated by Starswirl. Right after he was banished the two princess discovered the Crystal Empire. Starswirl turned their cousin into an alicorn to rule and protect Crystal Empire. But when Sombra arrived after years he could easily conquer the Empire because the princess was unable to fight. One of the royal guards informed the princess that a dark force is trying to take over the Empire. But because of the love poison she didn’t care. The prince finally realized his mistake but it was too late. Sombra killed them and took over the Empire.” That’s how I think it happened. But I still wanna hear your ideas.
@Rosella This is a really good theory, and you've made a lot of good points. I can actually see this as a possibility of what happened. It does make me wonder then why it took a whole millennium for a new princess of the empire to appear. Why not sooner? Unless.....what if the previous princess was actually still alive.
When Twilight took over ruling Equestria for example, Celestia and Luna were still alive. They just simply retired. It would then mean that perhaps the reason why a rightful heir hadn't appeared sooner was because the previous princess was technically still alive. She may have simply gone into hiding when Sombra came and took over.
(I also realize some could argue that the reason a new ruler didn't show up for so long was because the empire had been banished for all that time. However, Cadence did become an Alicorn princess herself before the empire had returned. The same goes for Twilight, who was considered a princess of something else before taking the throne of Equestria.)
@Res Dent Twilight is still the princess of friendship even after taking over the throne. She ruled Equestria as the princess of friendship. Celestia and Luna ruled Equestria as the princesses of the day and night . And yes, it did take a long time for a new ruler for the Empire to be born but I think I know why. When Sombra was defeated by the two Sisters and he was banished to the shadows. But unfortunately, the Empire went with him. Now let’s say that a new heir to the Empire had bin born right after the current ruler died. Now the new heir would have to wait for years and years to figure out what her destiny is. Because her destiny is in the Empire and it doesn’t exist at the moment. I think that’s why Cadence was born so late. Because the Empire was late. And so that she wouldn’t have to wait for too long. Cadence was the princess of love and love is the main power of the Crystal Empire. She was meant to rule Crystal Empire as the princess of love.
@Vibhavari Karthik um, you should check my public reply to this (Sawtooth’s) comment. I have got a theory about Rainbow Blaze that fits perfectly with what we know about Dash and Blaze. Also I have got no idea what you’re sorry about. You did mean “sorry” with “srry”, didn’t you?
@Sawtooth Waves if you say Chloe glow I'm from the human world can you explain why there is a character a model that looks exactly like her but and brown hair and green skin
@Sawtooth Waves do you want my little pony friendship is magic for the show to be back? I felt it ended too early along with equestria girls. What do you think?
@sparkle's thing can I ask why you deleted all the videos that you have uploaded and changed your profile picture from Twilight to Iris from Lolirock? Wait, Iris from Lolirock? You know about Lolirock?
He could have gotten jealous of his younger sister and things could have become tense between the family and so he left without a word and maybe that’s why they don’t talk about him because it’s hard to talk about him
Discord can still be the creation of Star Swirl we only SAW him after the pillars when to limbo because Star Swirl made sure that he did nothing wrong but when Star Swirl went to limbo there was a window of opportunity that he could take equestria into chaos . And I am your biggest fans i even watched your first video
The uncle makes total sense. What if Rainbow Blaze was an athlete . And when rainbowdash was born he would came around to help out with her. And while watching rainbow he’d show her or watch a lot of the wonderboltz around her and when she got old enough he would come around and train her. But cause she was very young she couldn’t remember you help her.?
maybe its rainbow dashes brother or cousin because he looks a lot younger than bow it would be unlikely also because we havent seen any other siblings that are that far apart in age. i like to think that rainbow had an older brother but he is always away on flying sponsorships! rainbow dosent mention it because she hasent seen him in ages and he has no impact on her current life
Also another idea could be that Blaze is a sperm donor? It could easily be that her father was infirtle so Blaze was willing to help his Brother and Sister in Law.
No actually siblings tend to fight and if it's bad enough they never talk or even mention the other trust me I'm a big sister and my little sister still hasn't forgiven me I have to introduce myself to her friends
It could be a twin of him He does looks alot like him And cutie marks would ofc be different as they could be identical twins and talents could be different Yeh so thats what I think-
@Sawtooth Waves twighlight sparkle has a big brother (shining armor) so this new rainbow pony is most likely her big brother and mabe rainbow dash just likes her uncle more than her brother
Maybe rainbow blaze is her long lost brother that their parents didnt support and he left because of the lack of support and now they have rainbow dash and to make up for the loss of their son are overly supportive in literally everything Dash says and does...what do you think sawtooth waves?
Well I think blaze is a time traveler and blaze is rambo dash in he fucher and something happened to his dad in the future and is waiting untill the bad thing happens he will wait and try to injoy seeing her dad
Dont know how ture this is but i heard this When you first see rainbow dash with rainbow blazes the original staff where going use him as rainbow dash original father and reveal him soon but after the episode of where scootaloo meet rainbow dash parents it was then to make rainbow blaze rainbow dash's older brother and to precent around the same time as we found out about flutter shy brother. they where planing to have an episode where rainbow dash older brother came home to visit with his own family. He was going to have a white mare as his wife, he was also going to have a daughter, she was going to have a rainbow main and tale like her father and white coat like her mother, but around the same time the original male staff or any one who was male working on my little pony shows where fired or let go and replace fir a all woman staff and since the male staff left so did the idea of her brother coming to visit
well actually cousin makes more sense to me because i have a cousin who i look exactly like so it could be possible that that's dashy's cousin or somethin?
No, Blaze is the FATHER!!!!!!!!! Thinking 'bout it, its Blaze. rainbow's mom is a cheat and Blaze is her dad. The first theory must be true. Her mom isn't truthful.......... Let's not leave the FACTS in the waiting room, people. LOL XD
What happens if windy FIRST marred blaze first, then bow….. OR she cheated on blaze with bow then she marred bow , then she told rainbow dash that is his uncle
I don't think the pony from the flashback is rainbow dash his brother I mean come on I know you said cutie mark couldn't change but I think that's Rainbow dash Uncle
I honestly like the idea that he is her brother, cuz he didn't seem to age later on when he is seeing during hearts warming. And to me that's what makes the most sense since they look so similar and he's so much younger than Bue
Yeah, but it's my little pony, the only time a brother is going to show up in a conversation is if is going to appear in the episode. I mean, we didn't even know Fluttershy had a brother until zephyr's episode.
Interesting that before the 2:34 mark I was already thinking something like "Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's father" although more like; what if Windy Whistles and Rainbow Blaze are Rainbow Dash's biological parents, but he left and Windy raised Rainbow Dash with Bo Hothoof? Since RD, RB, an BH all have rainbow-colored; manes, tails, and cutie marks it's likely that they're either related or similar
He's either her brother, uncle, or a simple base to represent Rainbows father before they actually full on made up his character. Like personality and stuff. So that's most likely her father but the starter base
@Mikayla Guiang yeah... But were talking about genetics and pelt and hair color inheritance... You know how it goes... Gays can't have children naturally, they have to adopt... And Dash wouldn't have inherited their colors...
@Mariusz Zet they are way too similar to not be related tbh (same skin, eye and mane) and Windy is definitely her mom because of her skin and eye color so I think that the gay theory is unlikely
You are are you real ayurville are you JNU tell me Angela Angela and and noun and very thought you have a YouTube channel Tom 2 have a YouTube channel what going on here😱😧😨😦😥
The third possibility is the most likely, they probably made him, decided he wasn't good enough, and redesigned him into a completely different character.
@Blue waves🌊✨ y'all are really comparing gay humans to magical gay rainbow ponies who have magic in their world..... Pretty sure gay ponies could have a baby
@『Smituna』 y'all are really comparing gay humans to magical gay rainbow ponies who have magic in their world..... Pretty sure gay ponies could have a baby
@Beatriz Xinyu Diaz Alvarez y'all are really comparing gay humans to magical gay rainbow ponies who have magic their world.... Pretty sure gay ponies could have a baby
Genes can just as easily skip a generation as it can be present in one. RD's athletic build may have been the result of her inheriting a carried gene that either Bow or Windy passed on to her.
This Mystery Pegasus could be RD's uncle, which explains why he's a grown stallion even when RD was little. It would also explain why she was seen so much with him, as he was the only pony she knew that was interested in sports, therefore she would bond with him more closely over their favorite activity.
Every instance we saw her with this Pegasus could have simply been a day her parents were too busy to keep an eye on her, handing her off to her favorite uncle so he could babysit her. I mean, her baby pictures prove she was quite the handful even in her infancy, needing more hooves on deck to make sure she doesn't accidently injure herself.
Yeah I definitely think that he’s rainbows uncle. He looks really similar to her dad so I could even say twins. Maybe one just grew up with more of a passion for sport. The idea that rainbow was inspired by this is perfect too. I think that she was much closer with her uncle as a kid but only sees him on special occasions as an adult.
I like the idea of him being Rainbow's big brother. She'd get alot of inspiration from him, and they'd most likely spend time together. As for her bringing him up in conversation with the others, I don't think she actually would. We only discovered who Rainbow's parents were in that one episode, and as far as I can remember, they were never mentioned before. This brings the thought that Dash doesn't talk about her family much.
I play one of the MLP games in the App Store. In the game you collect characters, for every character you collect it gives you a description or fact about the character and I have Rainbow Blaze. This is what his description says: Rainbow Dash has always looked up to this gifted flier, ever since she was a filly, sometimes literally — he was up in the sky a lot back then! Although this doesn’t exactly tell us how or if they are related, but it tells us that Rainbow Blaze is a good flyer and that Rainbow Dash looked up to him, making the possibility of him being the inspiration to Rainbow Dash very likely.
I haven't seen anything I am just new fan of my Little pony friendship is magicbut it's really weird because in the flashback rainbow dash is with him and what creepy stories think I saw that his mother cheating on rainbow dash is father I think I saw it on creepy channels are something 🤔🤔🤔
I don't know what you're talking about I just su the movie that you're talking about and on the three pichanur something I saw a video that showed me that rainbow dash is mother cheated on his father with is with his father 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@Stun Star Studio Yeah but there is problem with your theory. Don’t get me wrong it is a good theory but let’s look at the episodes he is in.(yes I know it is just a theory and you evidence to back up your theory but hear me out) why would a total stranger allow young Rainbow Dash to be on their body and in a hearts warming tail he is in that episode to and plus(yes I know some ponies from Ponyville are there to but still) why would the mane 6 allow a total stranger into their party the ponies that are there are either friends or family of the mane 6 it wouldn’t make any sense that they would allow a stranger into their party.
Here’s another theorem. Perphaps this younger pony is simply a place holder for what we see now as rainbows father. We can see the mark on the younger one is obviously of rainbow dash. So perhaps this was a place holder to show that rainbow does have a father. I mean the art for the show has gotten more and more pronounced as the plot has thickened so it could be.
But what if’s her brother? Basically he’s her older brother but he went to college? It might be an idea that they threw in the trash and just reused his asset
I know that Hasbro can be lazy sometimes and just reused or recycled some assets and made clone of ponies that are not changelings. But stil, this is Rainbow Dash's family members that we talked about here. All of the mane 6 family members have been shown throughout the series and each of them have speaking roles. So, why not include just one more pony? Heck, he doesn't even have an official name from Hasbro.
That makes more sense then my teory. But it how do expland that we didin't get to know her brother? And she most be arond 9 years in that first clip, and her brother most have been like 13-15 years it's 9 years whituot Contact we know of. And they had to say at least his name, siblings are a inportent for ponys, so what els happend to him
well theres something to think about there if he was a older brother then woudnt the parents mention him like crazy like they do with dash? like they love there daughter to insane extents they would do the same with there son wouldnt they? also i feel like the reason they love rainbow so much is because shes the only child
I HAVE AN IDEA: what if rainbow blaze is the true father but rainbow's mom divorced him and married his rainbow dash's other father? this is the most plausible theory if they are so alike yet we never see them together a lot?!
Hmm good idea. Maybe Rainbow Blaze is rainbow dash's brother, because a son is like their fathers and a daugther can be like their mothers. That make sense's now
I never knew about the hearths warming apperance, so I always had the headcannon that RB was an older brother who died at some point which is why you only see him via flashback and Dash never talks about him
I think it would be kinda dark to put affairs in a kids show, so I think he’s the uncle that,even though close to one of the parents just drifts apart over time
I think that maybe, even though they were close during her childhood,blaze either drifted apart or there was a massive fight that caused some pretty bad separating. I mean stuff like that happens albeit even with your own brother🤷♀️
That's my headcannon. My headcannon also has him being the older brother and that's why he gets the "Rainbow" name. A first-born, each generation privilege.
@Rehena Begum if I was rainbow dash's dad I would be really offended lol in my opinion, they both look the same age and in retrospect, fashion wise rainbow dash's mother looks older than rainbow blaze but you do you
@Rehena Begum That makes no sense whatsoever, let's speak in logic of your weird pedophilic theory, why would Bow even be married to his son's significant other? That's disgusting
If it were her uncle, then I think that the show would introduce him as his uncle... I would thing that's its rainbow dash's brother, and he ran away. The parents forgot about him.. its a stretch but.. ya ;-;
simple - their parents just weren’t creative and had pretty tight genes, they look almost identical besides the eye color and fur color, both he shares with rainbows father.
they’re brother and sister, he was named first (“rainbow blaze”) and they named her something similar because they look nearly identical
1 like
Maddy 🇺🇦2022-07-19 17:22:44 (edited 2022-07-19 17:23:32 )
I think he was the uncle! Great video by the way, I love your channel
Or maybe blaze is rainbow dashes much older brother, Like one of my friends who’s 14 has a brother in his late twenties/early 30s, we never talked that much, but that could be a similar situation to this.
Maybe it’s her older brother because he looks like rainbows father and the genes are so close. That makes it way more possible for it to be her older brother! And he didn’t live with the family because he was old enough to live alone.
If he was Dashie's brother, how could Hasbro just left him out? All the Mane 6 family members have already been shown throughout the series and each of them have speaking roles. Is it against some kind of animation rules to include just one more main casts' family members? Was it too much work for Hasbro? Think about it
@Hiccy69 Idea; Maybe he's a half sibling! People remarry all the time so maybe dash's dad had his brother with another parent. That may explain why we didn't see him, Hasbro didn't wanna explain that to a younger audience so they ignored it! There is always the possibility that it was an error with no explaination, but this is more fun.
@Helena Krieger fluttershys father has green coat and pink hair. Her brother has green coat and BLONDE hair and different bodytype too so your comment doesnt make much sense
Why did rainbowdash never mention him or why didnt his parent , maybe he did some thig wrong and his parents didnt want to mention him. So at the game rainbow dash sneaked of with her brother.
My brother looks more like one of our uncles than he does our mother (who is said uncle's sister), and I look more like my Dad's side of the family than my brother does. Rainbow Dash can resemble her uncle more than her father fairly easily, without any ... issues. They're family.
No need to start questioning things on this route without a lot more evidence than "she looks like her uncle."
They both have the rainbow mane though ... it seems like they’re both related to her so I kinda don’t think her mum married both of them I don’t think she cheated either but it seems more likely Idk
i have no evidence to support and it very well may be wrong, but my first thought was this:
the athletic pony was dash's real father, but maybe he was too young to actually take responsibility for her, so the athletic pony's father must've covered up for him and took responsibility for rainbowdash.
this would make the older pony her grandfather and the younger to actually be her father. this would also explain the athleticism and why her "father" already seemed so old when dash was still so young.
my only issue with this theory is, why wouldn't they tell rainbow dash the truth after she's become an adult?
In preview I read, The father remarried the aunt after his wife passed, maybe this is going on here too, but different, rainbow bio parents got divorced and the mother got with what we know as the father, and Blaze felt betrayed my his brother for marrying his ex-wife, so he never is brought up. Dash probably sees both of them as her father. Its a stretch but it is possible
Maybe the first one was originaly ment to be Rainbows father, but when there was a plot wich involves her parents, the writers probably forget about that and created a new father. Or in other words: bot charakters are the same person, but with a big redesign in between.
I would imagine Hasbro decided to officially debut Rainbow Dash's dad not thinking much about the flashback, saw the community reaction of all these theories, went "ah sht we messed up", then saw some convincing theories and casually decided to go alomg with it like that was the whole plan
Blaze being rainbows uncle would be perfect it is easy to asume rainbows inspiration comes from a close family member thus letting him play a big role in little rainbows life
I think it's maybe a possibility (and I know people have already said this but i don't care) that Blaze is Rainbow's older brother. Probably around the age equivalent to a teen in those flashbacks. This would explain a lot. The fact that he looks very similar to Bo but a lot younger looking, the fact that he appears in flashbacks, and that we don't see him much outside of flashbacks. He probably got a job somewhere else and isn't around much anymore. idk but this makes sense to me
I do belive he was just the first design for the father before being changed later on, since after the appearance of the real dad you dont really see him anymore
Not gonna lie, I like the uncle angle because he can have a big impact on Rainbow's life and inspire her without others questioning why she wouldn't talk about him much. If she had a strained relationship with her parents, that wouldn't mean she'd gravitate to her uncle, necessarily, but focus on being alone and with friends instead. Family second, basically.
Maybe even an older brother in my opinion because like fluttershy’s brother he was not really mentioned till later in the series and was off studying. Like Blaze could be studying somewhere else. and not told his ans Rainbow Dash’s parents because he knows how they get.
@Tudor Aragorn of Greyscot a wiki page is not cannon sorry. A wiki can be altered, and unless told by the creators or canonically said within the show itself, it’s not cannon. Wiki pages for any fandom is run by fans, not creators. Sorry man guess is still that Blaze is just the cool young jock uncle, who didn't quite qualify as a Wonderbolt but sublimated that into being a super-fan.
I think Rainbow Dash spent a lot of time with her uncle because her dad was always working. Which would explain Rainbow Dashes and Rainbow Blazes shared interests. Then when her uncle went to travel the World Rainbow Dash needed a new male role model. This is why her dad is so invested in her flying interests. He's just trying to make up for lost time
That sounds pretty passable and i like it, make alot of sense too cuz bow is the really over appreciable father. (This has nothing to do with anything, but i noticed a animation error with blaze 3:06 lol)
Even if he is her brother, dash nowadays seems so caught up in flying and taking care of ponyvilles clouds plus wonderbolts training as well, so of course she wouldn't bring it up
It more likely just good old design retcons and then they just reused Rainbow Blaze’s model to save time. However, my headcanon is that Blaze and Bo are twins that look different body wise due to Blaze being more active than Bo since Bo had a kid and couldn’t exercise as often as Blaze could. Blaze would babysit Dash when Bo was busy, hence why we see him in the flashback.
I think he's definitely her brother the way they were interacting with Stephanie more of a sibling kind of interaction than uncle and niece kind of interaction plus also it's like sawtooth said the cutie Mark is completely different and also so is the eye color but surprisingly not the coat color it's definitely possible that Rainbow Blitz is Rainbow Dash's brother
it makes too much sense to me that he could either be young bow or could be dash's uncle. it also could be a less bulky bow. they do look exactly alike besides the stubble and body.
@Kimber then that debugs my theory on the show. Just thinking after they showed off that pony. "Hey they should be the dad But they can't look too similar because then it'll just look like an error" and brother does make sense. I mean they look a lot alike but have different cutie marks so it makes sense.
I do believe that Blaze is Dash's uncle, but I also believe that his importance was of a caretaker for when Dash's real parents were away or busy. A babysitter of sorts.
And I'm still trying to figure out where Zuko's mom is.
Javier Febronio2021-05-09 07:34:01 (edited 2021-05-10 19:00:39 )
@Blue Jay I still can't forgive Hasbro for NOT revealing Spike's parents. There's nothing wrong with searching for your biological parents. Just like Kung Fu Panda 3, you can love both your adoptive and biological families instead of choosing one or the other. Plus, it's sad that Spike considers the Mane 6 his "real family" when 98% of the time they ignore him, laugh at him, or use him as free labor.
I don't think his father is a dragon. He seems somewhat pony-ish sometimes. A changling maybe? He bonded with Thorax after all. Or maybe the Nameless One is his dad.
Well if you were right about the uncle theory, maybe Rainbow's dad couldn't have children so they came out with a solution that her uncle could donate some of his things (with both party's consent ofc) Because at least it's better than adopting a child with no blood relations. So having a child with some of your blood would be better? Maybe that could also explain why Rainbow was seen at the festival with him and why he looked so caring to her?
I think that maybe Blaze was Rainbow’s older brother. They bonded over athleticism and Rainbow probably looked up to him as a role model and stuff. But then he died idk.
I looked it up a few moments ago it says “Rainbow Blaze is a male Pegasus pony and "mentor" of Rainbow Dash who appears in the episodes Games Ponies Play and A Hearth's Warming Tail.” on google, so the possibility of an older sibling or uncle acting as a mentor is likely since some parents may not be able to mentor or teach well like others can
See that they have the same color pattern meaning they are brothers/related..
And rainbows dad's coat color is a darker-isher blue than the new dude.. And the mom is brighter I would think her dad that was introduced as her dad In The show is her dad.
i think that this is proof that Twilight and Starlight really did go into another universe after the time spell. In the first universe, the athletic rainbow dad was her true dad. The first clip is from before she has her cutie mark. The second is after the events of the time spell. But if that means the only difference between universes is that the muscular dad is Rainbow's dad instead of (what i will assume to be muscular dad's identical twin athletic dad), then the muscular rainbow dad's universe should also have a Twilight sparkle and Starlight. unless that universe's Twilight and Starlight got lost in the time spell. But under what universe would twilight be unable to convince Starlight of the power of friendship? Under that assumption, in muscilar rainbow dad universe, the Mane 6 have all the same cutie marks (so the rainboom must have happened), they all have the same elements of harmony(they were never surprised at twilights mention of using the elements), they defeated every villain before Starlight, but Twilight was never able to reform Starlight for some reason( never returned from the time loop). If they never returned from the time loop spell, but they didn't prevent the rainboom from happening, that tells me that in some iteration of Rainbow Dash's rainboom, Alternate Twilight and Alternate Starlight were both stuck in a resultant future universe where they're unable to return to the time loop from. The stopping condition of this recursive loop might even be a universe where magic doesn't exist anymore, which sounds surprisingly like the premise of G5 from what i've heard. But what connection is there to Athletic Rainbow Dad and Twilight being unable to reform Starlight in the time loop??
Naw i am pretty sure it is the same character but had a dufferent character design In the first season, just like In first season every unicorn had same colored Light Pink/lilac magic. It just got changed because the animation/design team made improvements
That was my thought at first too, but then I thought about it. They can't be twins. If they were twins they would be of a similar age, and we saw Blaze in modern times during the hearth's warming tail episode, he looked much younger than Bow. I'm more willing to believe he's Bow's younger brother, or maybe even Dash's brother
@iloveowls90 They didn't show any siblings in the show and her parents are obsessed with her and have no other pictures of any other child in the house. I think it was even mentioned somewhere about her.
what if he was her mentor. and she looked up to him. don't know if they're related but just an idea. tbh I wish they done more with him but oh well we got what we got.
I think he's the cool uncle! We saw that RD's parents were really supportive of her and really cared about her, so maybe they wanted RD to be close to her family, so Rainbow Blaze used to take her to sports events, wonderbolts shows, races, and he even taught her some stuff he knew about flying, and that's what made RD fell in love with flying!
Genetics can go as far as 8 generations down for the decedent so dash could of had grandmas eye color instead of her parents and it would have been explainable with biology class
I do see that Rainbow Blaze could be her uncle whom she bonds more with, kinda like how Miles Morales has Uncle Aaron and bonds more with him (random comparison but it came to mind when thinking about the relationships)
See I think the original theory you said makes since especially if they was brothers even though I guess since its a child's show they wouldn't go that dark ....... Or would they
What if Rainbow's brother died so her parents felt more protective of her making sure no one hurts her and that is how her confidence level grew to almost arrogant?
Maybe this is a stretch, but what if the reason why we didn't see dash's parents in flashbacks was because they were absent parents, and that's why we see dash with her brother, instead? I'm imagining that Rainbow Blaze likely died due to the parents carelessness thus they become overly involved and protective, but Dash has never known the full truth
@Eikie K I suppose it was a bit funny. And the reason my name was familiar might be because in the show “Winx Club” there was a fairy named Bloom and my previous name was Crystal Heart. And when you said “whats the first letter” I think you meant that you wanted to know the first letter of my real name. It’s “J”.
I think it's probably her brother. The insignia is almost the same and the character too. If you look closely, then Rainbow Dash's father and this pony have the same color eyes. Maybe it was her father in his youth? Although no, when Dash became older, this pony remained young. A good riddle from Hasbro Studios
If you go to Rainbow Blazes wiki, you can see a quote that says, "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows!" Which further proves this theory
According to the card game, Rainbow Blaze was Dash's mentor, and taught "everything she knows". I think that plus the resemblance to her dad, makes the uncle theory more plausible
Sometimes people can share characteristics of another family member other than the parents. If we assume the bg pony guy(I forgot his name) is an uncle, rainbow could’ve borrowed the athletic build from the said uncle.
I do really think this theory is very good tho, but I still think this two ponies are actually brothers, not just because they are pretty similar, but we can still see that Rainbow Blaze and Rainbow Dash didn’t had many moments together, while Rainbow’s actual father had many moments with her and he act like he IS her father, while this other pony might be just her uncle, cause as we haven’t seen him many times and he doesn’t look so much like her father, maybe is just Rainbow’s father twin bro. OOOR, maybe Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dashes BROTHER. He do really look like an older brother, and maybe that why he have the “Rainbow” name, just like his sister. Maybe he is her uncle or he is just her actual older brother. This two possibilities would make a lot of sense too.
A direction I dont think MLP writers would take but would be cool is if Rainbow Blaze was her father but when he was much younger (teenager and all that) and in his panicked state he asked his much older brother to take Rainbow and be her father (idk I think that would be cool)
I know I’m a little late to comment, but genetics can skip generations or for siblings to have different body types inherited from different sides of the family. It’s possible that Rainbow’s dad and Rainbow blaze are brothers, but if they’re brothers or relatives maybe RainbowBlaze inherited the more athletic body type while maybe Rainbow’s dad inherited a different body type from one of his parents. I don’t think we saw either of RainbowDash’s grandparents in the show, so this is a plausible theory.
I'm thinking Blaze is the father before more diverse Body shapes were in the show. And before a more solid cutie mark was decided? Since it's so much more similar to Dash's Mark, a Cloud and Rainbow.
I think that he was probably supposed to actually be rainbow dash’s dad in the past but then they decided to just change up his whole design, including his cutie mark. I’m not really sure tho but, just a thought.
This supports the fake theory. In the writer's world, they change things like this. The repercussions mean in the MLP universe Bow Hothoof becomes rainbows adopted/step father. I honestly like the idea. It makes things feel more realistic. Maybe Blaze was too young and Bow took on the role of father. That would also explain why he's so over-the-top with supporting Dash. Step fathers can tend to do that.
I had a feeling they would bring him up in one episode, but due to stupid show canseling they just had to cut him out. This would also fit why rainbow's parents never knew she became a wonderbolt, if she always hang out with her uncle
He could just as easily be her brother. It's possible that her parents had a kid- who looks very similar to his father- and it wasn't until he grew up that they decided to have another child. This is why he could be seen as an adult in the flashbacks. And with having an adult sibling, you're probably not going to see him as much. He's not her sibling whose a few years older than her, just chillin' at him. He's probably 2 decades- maybe more- older than her. He has a life, a job, maybe even a family. He can't just drop everything to go hang out with her and see her everyday, and seeing her would become increasingly difficult after she moved to another city entirely.
I rewatched the episode last night where Celestia brings Discord to Ponyville to be reformed and I noticed that at the very end of the episode, he winks at Celestia. Earlier in the episode we learned that he could hear everything while in stone. I really think we need to revisit Discord’s role in Twilight becoming a Princess. I believe now more than ever that Celestia communicated with discord and convinced him that he was going to be the key to Twilight becoming the leader that could take her place. There are so many obvious moments where Discord tested Twilight and their friendship was the literal key to the chest from the tree of harmony. But I think it began long before any of us expected.
I’m not saying he didn’t truly need to be reformed, but what kept him in Ponyville in the first place? He could have run off the second he was free if all he truly cared about was bringing chaos. Fluttershy’s influence didn’t come in until later and while it may seem like the Mane 6 would be the obvious targets of his chaos..I think there is more to it.
i believe its her older brother or uncle its possible in some cases that the child doesn't look like the dad but another family member like my dad and his brother his brother looked like his grandpa while my dad his father and my half uncles don't really look like my half grandpa when it comes to the youngest he's the only one that sounds like he has a bit of helium affect constantly while being lighter haired while most of the rest has dark hair and it could be possible that rainbow dash looks more like her uncle because its one of those recessive traites of a athletic body type plus her father looks like a guy who would help her with strength training that would work on her body with help from her uncle or brother it just makes the most sence
I like to think that Bow Hothoof is just a redesign of Rainbow Blaze, because they have the same colours and character-of-the-day designs were more complex by season 7.
@Siionach You made a great point but a part of the reason I said he was her cousin that I for got to mention is not only because of the age but also because of how rarely we see him. (I edited my comment a bit BTW)
That might be possible and its really common that creators forgot which characters is which or they forgot they already made RD father but completely forgot about it or they just forgot that RD actually have a older brother in my opinion bc I'm like that to wahahah there're to many characters so it can't be help 😂
Could you maybe make a small theory what happened with Fluttershy after the bats episode?? She still had the sharp teeth, though I believe they disappeared in all the later episodes, isn't it kinda sus that they removed the detail that the creators added in that episode's ending in the first place? Maybe the bat's part is still with her
Well it could be her brother. Just like flutter shys brother he could have moved out and lived on his on. And maybe rainbow dash could have be inspired by him since he looks more like an athlete. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to fail as a wonder bolt,cause she doesn’t want to fail her older brother!
I thought that the pegasus in the flashback was like the father when he was younger, and that the pegasus in present time with the fade beard is present time father of Rainbow dash. But i guess that the pegasus in the flashback is the uncle of rainbow dash, or even a brother of rainbow dash.
Well, this does make sense BUT Fun fact: horses actually mate with many other horses to confuse them when the baby is born to protect him/her from being attacked or killed by their father :D
My personal head cannon goes like this: rainbow blaze is either dash's brother or older nephew somehow since he looked quite young compared to Bow but was never mentioned in a story by the creators of the show for some reason
I like the idea of him being that cool uncle who inspired rainbow dash to become who she is, and took her to events whenever her parents were busy. Since the colour schemes are pretty much the same between the two characters I could also imagine them as twins who don't look the same physically but colour scheme wise they're exactly the same.
ho wait waitwaitwait. when did we got introduced to dashes parents? after season 5 and the timealtering with starlight? if so, your theory of an alternate timeline got just confirmed. come to think of it, the timeline from where twilight comes from maybe had rainbowblaze as dashes father but in the now present timeline its a different father. i think , your thoughts about a ninth parallel universe are true and the timeline from which twilight , spike and starlight come from are now "abandoned" destined to fall under chrysalis´s control with the revengeattack. this is looking rather sinister indeed ...
Even though Rainbow Blaze being the uncle makes a lot of sense I really do think Rainbow Blaze is the brother of Rainbow Dash because first the dad and Blaze look so similar but their cutie marks are different and Blaze looks younger and that's probably the reason why and also of course Blaze would spend time with his sister and lastly no wonder Blaze looks so like his probably dad
If he’s her uncle, they are still genetically related, so the body type can still be given to Rainbow Dash. And it would make sense where she got her athleticism.
Fantastic theory as always Sawtooth, however i often thought that maybe the stallion in the flashback actually could've been RD's brother, i mean i know it was never confirmed that RD had any siblings but that was just my guess or you never know, maybe RD has an uncle with a rainbow mane and tail...but like i said it's just a guess.
@Lesbian Goose We also didn't know that Fluttershy and Twilight had siblings until later in the show, or that Maud existed despite there being a flashback of Pinkie's family
In Season 9, Quibble Pants and Rainbow Dash are having a conversation at some point. Quibble says something along the lines of: I mean, your dad was a pro sports man! Could that mean something?
@Praise OSA-Ogunbor to be honest I’m kinda new to the MLP fandom. This show started when I was like 2 years old. I discovered the Equestria girl movies at the last months of 2019. I was little bit familiar with my little pony but was also shocked at how little the ponies were shown and how much humans were shown because I thought that was it. But then I downloaded Netflix at first months of 2020 and discovered the my little pony show. But I couldn’t finish watching all the episodes because I was interpreted by a long disconnection with the Wi-Fi network of my house. And then I forgot about the show. I found it again a few months after and started watching from the beginning. I liked it so much that I watched from season 1-9 twice. Of course I realized that season 9 wasn’t available at Netflix and had to watch it at YouTube when I finished watching it for the first time. That’s why when I finished watching it for the second time I was able to discover Sawtooth’s videos and I liked them. I watched all of his videos, even the ones he made 7 years ago. And until now I had no idea about silver quill. Thanks for telling me about him. His videos are great 😊
@Rosella Kinda crazy to see how newer fans got into MLP! MLP started when I was in the 3rd grade I believe, and now I’m in my second year of college. I’ve been here since the beginning of this generation and it’s always cool to see people get into it, no matter how late it was <3
OK here is my theory if blaze is really her uncle it would make sense for the first thing we see in this video just making sense because like it’s just an uncle taking their niece to a thing that they like because the parents are busy or just as a surprise makes sense now?? So in my family my brother has blonde hair like my Grandad and both of my parents have brown and black hair so maybe that kind of works with Rainbow Dash she has a little bit more jeans from the brother then the dad!! and here’s a guess I’m thinking her dad is older than blaze making sense in the differences and why Rainbow Dash‘s dad is so happy about her being so athletic unlike him it’s probably because he loved being a cheerleader for his little brother!! I just read some other comments and saw one that said they played a my little pony game and it comes with a description it said Rainbow Dash looked up to blaze so that would probably prove more of them being related and him being her uncle maybe she looks up to her uncle???
Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow dashes mentor on the Rainbow Blaze card it specifically says "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flyer. I taught her everything she knows."
I just don't like how this episode had the audacity to claim that Scootaloo and RD's parents did nothing wrong. RD was in the right to scold her trashy parents.
Scootaloo needs to learn about stranger dangers; and RD's parents should be in jail for trespassing, assault, arson with fireworks, and technically they kidnapped Scootaloo by bringing her into their home instead of taking her to the nearest police station.
Honestly, i have no clue XD but If I was to choose one option that would be more likely it would be that he is either rainbow dashes brother or her uncle
I just assumed Rainbow blaze is still Rainbow Dash's dad, just over time the mlp staff changed his design for that moment he'll have a role in an episode🌈
I think it’s her older brother because in the episode when we met her parents they have a lot of rooms for rainbow dash and one of them could have been blazes but blaze prob moved out when rainbow was really young that’s my theory 🥲👍
I'd imagine she's mis-remembering (rainbow was a filly after all, and kids forget stuff all the time) Like they are similar and the cutie marks are similar so maybe she just one day thought her dad looked like that and stuck with it till she saw her dad and was like, Oh yeah!
I think he's Rainbow Dash uncle. He may look like Rainbow's Dad but it's possible that they're twins. Same hair color, skin color, and eye color. And it's possible that both parents may be busy to take care of Rainbow Dash, so that's where the uncle comes in. He shows her the life of flying and how Rainbe fell in love of what she does because of him. Yeah sure, it's sad how the dude doesn't really show up (only like, twice.) But then we got the comics, they're related to the show so it's possible he can be around in the comics. Just like how Vynal Scratch got her cutie mark when she saw Shining Amor singing. Even her Dad was there. So it's possible that the uncle showed up in the comics or maybe someday the creators are going to create a comic about Rainbow Dash family, aunts/uncles/cousins/ and so on. I hope you read this Sawtooth and I hope you enjoyed my theory!!
@Hepoxni yes think about it. If you create a character and then completely forget you created them you would most likely come up with an idea very simulator to your first especially if you don’t even remember making a first
@Hepoxni if the same people came up with the first as the second and then forget they even made a first, why wouldn’t they end up making the same pony again, they’re going through the exact same thought process
@Rachel Brougher But the people working on the later seasons were different to those on the earlier ones. Clearly the writers just wanted to make their own father instead of using her actual one, while copying the colour scheme.
@Fixed Assets I mean we don't exactly know their thought process but idk about you but if it was my job to make her father, I would come up with something very similar as well. I mean she's a blue rainbow pony
@Rosella yeah I can’t think of a specific example off the top of my head but I know I’ve done it and in the creators case would have probably done the same lol
@Rachel Brougher well I know what it feels like, I once painted a picture of a beautiful waterfall but I couldn’t finish it. I kept it aside with my colors thinking “I’ll finish it tomorrow” but I forgot about it. A month later, I wanted to draw a waterfall and the ideas I had was same as before. I realized it a day later when I found my old picture of the waterfall.
Swoth waves do you know in my little pony in new genoration when we first saw sunnys father on his left side is the GROGARS BELL!!!! How did the sunnys father get won of the powarfulest artefacts (Grogars) bell!!!????!?!!
I was like omg when he said that rainbows mom cheated I said omg i’ve never seen a video this dark and once it was done I was like what and then I saw more I was phew 😅
Don’t just equate body types to genetics because genetics really has nothing to do with it. Both my parents are very bulky individuals, while my body types is athletic/Twinkish.
Huh, seeing this video for the first time... Ironically this is my own *exact* conclusion as well. Rainbow Blaze is Dash's uncle, and possibly inspiration for flying. I have a headcanon that the Buccaneer Blaze that Dash wanted to use to impress the Wonderbolts was his creation.
At first i thought it was just rainbows dad but younger but i checked the cutie marks Me: oh ok maybe its his dad brother or dads cousin or something🤷♀️
ok no one can convince me otherwise. so blaze is rainbows older brother who died tragically when she was little, causing her parents to be extra protective and encouraging. blaze inspired Rainbow Dash to make her want to be a wonderful and to be an athlete. she’s living in his memory. also when you look at how she treats scootaloo like a sister, she’s taking scootaloo as a little sister and rainbow once was and filling in that role and thats why her and scootaloo are so connected because they both lost family members. (i know scootaloo parents are alive but they’re not involved) also rainbows thing is loyalty and she’s loyal to her brother
personally i like to think rainbow blaze is her older brother because rainbow dash has similar coat color that of windy whistles meanwhile rainbow blaze has the same coat color as bow hothoof 🤷♀️
a lot of people are saying he might be rainbows brother, but i disagree. everypony we've seen so far has colors from both their father and mother. uncle seems more likely to me
I think that maybe rainbow was embarrassed about his parents like you see when you meet her parents. Blaze must be a different pony who is a role model.
I thought he was just a brother that he creators just didn't think hat he was an important character for the story and they just left him out :/
Maria Amaya2021-05-21 16:10:48 (edited 2021-05-21 16:11:09 )
Theroey : He's Rainbow's Older lost brother and ignored him so they never told their daughter and rainbow snuck out to play with Blaze But never told her mom nor dad :/ Edit : I'm late :)
Since you mentioned a multiverse and I see a lot of fanart, could it be possible that Rainbow Blaze is the gender-bend of Rainbow Dash? If you look across Youtube and Google, you'll see that Rainbow Blaze is the agreed-upon GB name. But, I could be wrong and just being a wild conspiracy theorist. Maybe he's her older brother that she looked up to???
If Mrs.Cake can have two kids that are two separate races that she and Carrot are not, why not have Blaze be her dad?
It's interesting that they rectoned Rainbow Blaze into an original pony that exact for the CM and body build, look exactly the same. If they hadn't showed him ever again we could just assume they're the same character.
But they did. So either an animator made a mistake, or the staff made an effort to show us these two are not the same character.
I always found it strange they felt the need to create an exact double for no reason other than because whatever they were thinking. I mean, they look just alike, why bother?
I noticed that, besides Fluttershy and Twilight's dad, every dad for the Mane6 are this exact big body build.
Yes Pinkie's dad isn't bulky either but he was already canon since S1. They chose not to recton him, but they did with Rainbow Dash's. I just can't understand, why?
I guess whoever created him just didn't like Rainbow Blaze.
Hmm, what if her “dad” is her step-dad, and bow knows it and so does rainbow but she she sees him as a real dad and rainbow blaze is her real dad that wants to spend time with her. The idea sounds weird and crazy tho it’s a possibility.
older brother could be too, maybe the family doesn't talk about him because he gave up being a wonderbolt for something different, and left home, so the family doesn't want to think about him.
Something I thought, the reason why all the times Blaze has been near Rainbow Dash but her parents were never there were maybe because, well, we know Rainbow was always embarrased by her parents always going too over the top when supporting her, meanwhile Blaze (who I'm just going to assume is her uncle), while he still clearly supported her, he didn't seem to go over the top like Rainbow's parents, so she would often go to events and stuff with Blaze only because he wasn't embarrassing for her like her parents would be.
Me literally the entire video: He's her uncle. He's her uncle....... But then you said maybe the mother cheated on Bo. And that gave me an idea: what if Blaze was the original farther, maybe Wendy started Dating Blaze, but before Dash was old enough to form memories, Wendy and Blaze broke up, and then Wendy started dating Bo.
In the official My Little Pony game, There is a Rainbow Blaze character you can obtain, His bio says “Rainbow Dash always looked up to this gifted flier, ever since she was a filly. Sometimes literally — he was up in the sky a lot back then!” Though vague, maybe this can contribute to this theory a little-
(EDIT: Also, In the My Little Pony official card game, It says that Blaze was a “mentor” of Dash, Still a small amount of information to work with, but hey, It’s something!)
My immediate thought was brother but another juicy theory is that he is Rainbow Dash’s biological dad who adopted her out to Rainbow Dash’s parents. It could also be a situation where he is her dad and Bow is his dad. Bow could be Rainbow Dash’s grand father and Rainbow Blaze carries a recessive gene for pink eyes that Rainbow Dash’s mother also carried. It could of been a situation where her biological mother died during birth and he was just about to take off in his career so his parents agreed to raise Rainbow Dash as their own daughter instead of their grand child.
Okay, this is just wrong. I was raised in a family where I didn't look like my sibs. I was hammered by "jokes" from sibs I had any number of fathers other than theirs. Yeah, not funny, but it was constant. Wasn't until my dad's funeral seeing pics of him growing up that, it was clear I was the one kids who looked like him, not my mom. So, as someone who didn't enjoy that type of joke...a bit poor taste.
Besides, it was her imaginary big brother because being an only child was too much time with her attention focused parents. Duh.
Off topic:I wonder if there are other dimensions we know that there are the human world but is that all? I mean there are other possibilities if you count limbo. Would love to see a video on this topic
Crack Theory: Wind Rider is Rainbow Dash's real father. He got rid of Spitfire so he could fly with his daughter for once, especially at such an important event, but was too sloppy, didn't anticipate Spitfire's mother showing up and underestimated the effect his ploy would have; thus, he bit the bullet and gave up his reputation for hers. He didn't spill the beans about their relationship and his real motivations because other ponies wouldn't see it that way and accuse the Wonderbolts of nepotism, also harming Dash's reputation so instead he went with whatever accusations they assigned him. Though he likely didn't expect to actually be pulled from the event. As for how Rarity got his motivations so wrong... well, even Sherlock Holmes has been wrong on at least one occasion despite following the evidence and logic perfectly, so it's no surprise an amateur such as herself flopped on this one. It would also likely explain how she would be able to beat his long-distance flying record, being derived from his stock and all. Now, is it crazy? Hell fucking yeah it is! But even so, while watching the episode I couldn't help but wonder, "but what if...?"
There's also the possibility of both being her dad. Mr Athletic could be her biological dad, but he and her mom could've divorced when she was still a filly.
I think he could be rainbows uncle or brother. I think this only because he looks a lot younger. I understand that the body can change but he also says the different body types
Sada -Hoshi2021-05-07 16:18:49 (edited 2021-05-07 21:56:58 )
Idk but in the wiki of the character it said that hes her mentor, in his merchandise says "Dashing Mentor", probably hes her fly teacher?
I think I think that she kind of cheated on me for a little bit and then she went back to her darkest secret and she just felt like getting rid of her secret and do not feel like telling Rainbow Dash of loyalty
I think it's her uncle because they do look similar or maybe twin uncle and her dad and him just are better at different things and the dad is just bigger?
Well in one deviant art uses art of Rainbow Dash‘s family they reimagined Blaze as the older brother of Dash of course it’s just a head canon but a idea I love you so much I had written in as fact in my fanfiction
What if they were both just born with the same skin they're same rainbow hair rainbow —They both look similar There's 1 thing I have a notice about them Well well if That guy like the flying the other person on Rainbow — is a original dad Let you would love find now but what does he do now it's a different kind of rain but ash also loves to fly so what's this correct dad you might never know why I just call him a
Twins ,rainbow's uncle , rainbow's dad's twin who has a different body type , it's like getting her genes from an Uncle like apple bloom getting her eyes from granny smith
I think Blaze is her brother. Since he's older he might be a half brother if hothoof already had a family before he met Windy Wistles and remarried (or something like that).
There's one other thing it could have been. Rainbows father could have had problems haveing children and so rainbow blaze his brother offered to help. Just a possibility I thought of
Maybe Rainbow Dash's dad had an affair but stayed with the wifey, the other jilted mare never told him she got pregnant and that pony is the son/half brother to Dash that no one knows about? He was raised in some other town but visits Cloudsdale and Ponyville from time to time. You could make a whole episode based around a pony version of '23andMe' coming out, the Mane 6 taking the test for kicks, but holy hell, past dirty drama is revealed!! The old man has got some explaining to do... 🤣
I just think that when ur a kid and when ur a grow up u don't see things the same way and since Rainbow was a little fella she juste might have a memory of her dad this way but he don't really looked the same as in reality
I think he's rainbow father because they kinda have the same hair if you look closely his hair is more neat than hers but if his hair was more messy it would probably a exact replica of rainbow's hair
S - Sharp Mind
A - Awesome
W - Watches MLP Carefully
T- Terrific
O - Observant
O - Outstanding
T - Totally Mind Blowing
H - Hilarious
W - Wonderful
A - Amazing
V - Vibrant
E - Enthusiastic
S - Super Ultra Extreme awesomeazing
These are the some of the words to describe you with.
* I also wanted to ask\tell that in the first Equestria girls movie pony sunset shimmer’s magic’s colour was kind of turquoise and more like her eye colour, but then in spring break down and later movies when sunset was shown as a pony her magic’s colour was red. What do you think could be the reason behind this………….???
In the episode where we first see her with a stallion (as shown in the thumbnail) i thought that was her dad but in a future episode we find out that her father is more different
Wait... To me that Rainbow blaze looks like a rain bow into the clouds like a sonic rainbow boom up maybe that's the destiny rainbow dash got from Rainbow blaze
i just got here from watching your 5year old The Pony I Wanna Be Remix. it’s great to see you’re still active even after so much passed time! That’s a sub!
considering the fact that they accidently put twilights cutie mark on fluttershy and pinkie once i wouldnt be surprised if this was an animation error but this is way more fun to think about 😂
what if blaze is the ignored child, like Sky Stinger, a brother that passed to live in the shadow, because the parents wanted a girl o for some reason become overbearing with dash
Some of your wording doesn't sit right with me. Whether they are blood related or not, Rainbow's dad is whoever decided to spend his life with her, care for her, and raised her. Blood does not = family.
He might had ask glimmer to change cutie mark. Or limited behind the sky. Like ground pony got police and sky ponies have no rules. Or he travel in time too like in his could room could be a hidden time room. And only reason he he not I knew that dash was once in flying team he stuck time because time mechanics broke and to sad to make it fly again.
I'm gonna say that's Bow's younger brother or nephew, Rainbow Dash's uncle or cousin who was foalsitting her. Windy Whistles doesn't look like a cheater to me. Cupcake looks more like a cheater to me... Or a swinger since Carrot Cake tried to cover for her. I'd rather you theorize on who Cupcake cheated with.
@Mikayla Guiang It was obviously a JOKE based off of something he said around 0:50 or so. Are you OK? Do you know what a joke is? I thought it was funny he opened with an alternate timeline theory so I commented on it. It's fine if you don't think it's funny, but it just makes you look dumb and like the joke flew over your head when you (basically) go "ACTUALLY"
No views 4 likes 0 comment 1 comment in the comment section Me who just want to learn about the father because I saw two different cutie marks in the show
Maybe he is her genetic father because the father who raised her Cant have children and he was the one who was the closest to her raising fathers look.
I think it's her uncle because, the only reason her dad is built like that is because he has fast strength. You can tell cause his cutie mark an her dad will allow her uncle to take her places
But before in the video when rainbow dash was a wonderbolt he said Mum, Dad If he knew that 'rainbow blaze' was his true father why did rainbow say ⬆️ that
I wonder did rainbow dash know her mums secret......
Probably Rainbow's uncle who was the one that gave Rainbow a break from her "overly enthusiastic parents" and probably helped get her into Young Flyers and Junior Speedsters. Maybe he was an ex-wonderbolt and that's what made Rainbow want to be one too, to show her uncle how far she'd come from that little filly who had to deal with her parents constant cheering over everything she ever did, massive or insignificant. It is a shame we never got more on him but at least we'll always have fanfictions!
Could Rainbow Blaze be Dash's older brother but in away that Dash has no idea about considering Bo and Blaze's age doesn't seem to make them siblings alone with built in body. I don't mean to seem rude in away though Blaze gives me an older brother vibe. A vibe in which he knows Rainbow Dash is his little sister, though their parents don't want Dash to know about him for unknown reasons.
Though it's probably the brother theory but maybe he's the mom's ( I forget her name lol) ex husband? She could have possibly had rainbow when blaze was around?
Rainbow dash may have not remembered her fathers cutie mark fully and went with seemed right to her in the flashback accidentally getting confused with her uncles cutie mark
Mabey he was her brother but he went rogue like sunset once he discovered the human universe and left to live there and the reason why the rainbow family never speaks about him is because they thought he kidnapped sunset scince them disappearing at the same time
Brother? Nah, If he was her brother then she would have said something. Like Twilight talks about Shining Armor. Heck her parents would have said something too like 'Sorry hon your big bro couldn't be here. He's got exams to take.' So maybe an Uncle or cousin?
Or more likely, the resemblance is just a coincidence. There are people in real life that aren't even related that look like they could be.
I think he's most likely an older brother or older cousin. Given both Blaze and Dash's first names have Rainbow in them, it's safe to say the children in their family that looked like the two of them would share the same name so uncle is probably out. Brother is a bit more probable given how closely Blaze looks like Bow and Rainbow Dash, almost an exact younger copy of Bow Hothoof minus the cutie mark. The only problem I see with this is the lack of photos of Blaze in the Rainbow household, which makes me believe that he had a big falling out with the family while Dash was growing up or he never lived in that house because he was an older cousin.
I think they are both Rainbow’s fathers think about it we met Rainbow Blaze in the friendship games and Bow hothoof after Starlight reformed and as to your video about the 9th timeline they could be both Rainbow’s fathers.
i noticed something. Beaux IS the pony from the flash back because RainbowDash was a filly in the flash back and in the present time she was older and the pony from the flash back would've got older too because the got the same hair ,coat colour and eye colour too! 😎😏🐎🐴🎠
Or maybe.. Their siblings.. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN- They could be siblings, counting how they have different eyes but similar hair and skin color, this would make much more sense, counting most young kids take up after their older sibling.
me who straight up talk before the video pass 0:48 : "His Uncle/ Father Twin Brother"
me who just see the entire video : " RD bio single dad and lil RD got into an accident, RD got amnesia and bio dad oof. RD got raised by hin ncle and uncle wive. coat and eye color are from his bioi mother. ( i mean apple bloom have oramge eyes while her parent dont)
Blaze is rainbow dashes brother and he died which left the family heartbroken that why rainbow dash gets so much support from both her mom and dad cause they don’t want her to end up like her brother. That my guess
How to me it's getting a little bit confused but I'm still sure that's the uncle they must be brothers somehow or they must be switched like that's not it the people that think that is that's rainbow Dash's fire is actually uncle and the people that think that the uncle is the uncle is actually the dad it
I have the thought, that bo, is the father and rainbow blaze is the uncle, because the genes fit, he gets the athletic from rainbow blaze and like the other genes probably from bo, like the LOYALTY part of her! Bo, is very very loyal and also really like supportive, Theory 2. That rainbow blaze is rainbow dash brother!! Because what younger siblings wouldn’t wanna be like the older sibling? I mean I wanna be like my older sister! What do you think?
That could be his I mean her brother or a comedian or relative or that could be almost anything but the same father that’s impossible but maybe there’s a chance that something could’ve happened and if you’re sure it’s in a alternate universe OK try it but I’m pretty sure that it’s like a family member or something like that
I know that there brothers because the other one didn’t have a shirt so maybe the other is his brother and came to see if he will win maybe the dad could not come because he had work I think
That guy is probably rainbow dash's uncle because maybe her dad had a brother i mean, The hair ,The skin color, The eyes and even the cutie marks are both the same, Both had rainbows one athletic one bulk.
I think that blaze is the dad because look at rainbow dash and blaze cutie mark it looks the same. I think that rainbow dash mother cheated on Blaze and when rainbow was still a small pony,then went to bow because rainbow dash wouldn't remember her true dad blaze.
Maybe places is Rainbow Dash's older brother or something cuz he looks like Rainbow – is bad but they have different cutie mark so maybe he got the genetics from his father
heres my theory. rainbow dashes mother married blaze but had a divorce making blaze the true dad and beau a step dad. but it happend so long ago the mother felt bad so she married beau because he looks like blaze
Uhhhh i dont think so, i dont think the mom cheated lol. Just bc they dont gave similar cutie marks doesnt mean thats not her dad. I mean just look at pinkie pie and her family
Rainbow Blaze might be like Rainbow Dash's actual like Uncle or brother or whatever you want to call him but he's not really the same color is Rainbow – but maybe they might be her uncle uncle I figured out my own questions what is wrong okay
Mira el que viste tiene que ser el papa porque el otro tiene un acuiris y un himan de hierro y los ponis notienes dos quirimars solo para decorar el curimark
i think he is raimbow´s brother but he abandon he´s family so whit time raimbow´s parent told her to forget him so she started to STOP thinking about him , by the way i love your videos BYE.
I know this is just a theory, but it could be possible that Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's real father. Windy doesn't necessarily have to cheat on Bow for this theory to be true. It could be that Windy and Rainbow Blaze divorced and Windy took Rainbow Dash custody and moved on with Bow. Bow could simply be a father figure or step father, and Blaze being Dash's real father. Blaze is shown in Dash's life, which could show the bond the two had before the divorce. As for why Blaze was never mentioned by name, it may be because Dash has accepted Bow as her father and/or has forgotten about Blaze being her biological father, depending on when her parents had the divorce. If they divorced while Dash was at a young age, it would be possible for Dash to have forgotten about her biological father, which may have been Blaze.
The most likely explanation would be that Rainbow Blaze is Dash's uncle like CAN WE TAKE A SEC TO COMPARE BLAZE AND BOW'S SIMALARITIES!? Eye color:- check Mane color:-Check Body color:-CHECK!
So what would that mean Bow hothoof would be Rainbow – is Dad or uncle? I'm confused I'm only 10 and a half so don't try to give me some crazy analysis that I won't understand
He’s probably her real dad and then tthe mom got divorced and got with the dad rainbow knows as her dad now and she just spends time with her real dad. Also the dad from now might’ve dyed his hair with how much he supports her and there is hair dye cause the mare uses it
A start of ways Rainbow Dash‘s dad killed us went to the mirror poor drink the water so he made a twin or went into the water twinI didn’t make exactly what she looks like so yes that’s what I think what happened
But what if rainbow blade was rainbow Dash's brother it's possible because it could have been because he could be in college he could be living in a different state or he could have passed away
I knew he will say there brother bo and blaze I knew it he will say that but I think its rainbow might be blaze is brother but ran away or something I dont know tho
Maybe that's her brother or brother in-law or her cousin uncle I think the brother maybe her brother went into Manehattan or canterlot or maybe got married and went to there new like canterlot Manehattan and more
I dont think rainbow blaze is rainbows father i mean look at the orange in both of their hair or mane blaze has a lighter one and both rainbow dash and bowhot hoove or bow?? Nvm anyways their orange type are the same but i think rainbow blaze is rainbow dashs father i could be wrong but its my theory for today/night
Theory: Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's real dad and Bow Hot hoof could be Rainbow's stepdad because her parents divorced and Rainbow Blaze visits on important times.
In the past that i saw rainbow dash and blaze rainbow together someone make a meme of rainbow and blaze they eats blaze eats cereal and rainbow drinks milk
Good comment but I think that is rainbows real dad I mean rainbow is sort of skinny and the hair is more flat like rainbows straight that's just my opinion don't get angry
A Rainbow Dash and and her dad and the other pony answer your name I think they both when they saw the flashback I think that’s what it was can you get one and they both share their passion for athletic Ness he took her there to the questions your games
I think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's brother because rainbow blaze has the same eye color as bow hot hoof and they both have the same skin color as bow hot hoof and their cutie mark has rainbows on them and they both have rainbow hair.
I think Daring Do is Rainbow Dash's real mother and Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's real father. But Daring Do realized that if she where to raise Rainbow Dash it would put her in grave danger so she thought that if she gave her to Rainbow Blaze to give her to Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles Rainbow Dash would be safe. I think Windy and Bow are her aunt and uncle.
The other pony IS rainbows father. Look at his cutie mark, it shows a blue pegasus with a rainbow trail behind them. It looks like its rainbow dash. Sooo, i think the other pony is the TRUE father, and maybe rainbows "father" is his brother, and he got jelly, so maybe he tried to won wendy over so he could raise a kid of his own. Just a thought
What if rainbow blaze is actually a God uncle like how you have a God, mother, he could be a God, uncle, oh, no, a godfather or he could just be his, Grandpa, I don't know, maybe that how do you call me get Blaise Blaize had a problem, he couldn't take care of children, so he ran away, and who is now rainbow, Dash's father was actually his uncle, his Grandpa or his uncle, you like both, and he took care of him since he know his daughter was going to go tough time going with the break up and having a child, it could have been hard, but I'm pretty sure it's uncle because they kiss and like he'sso that technically means, yeah, felt there's my theory, and you have yours
the thing is, blaze looks more like bo than rainbow dash. My theory is that rainbow blaze could've been bo's cousin, but we dont like that. THE SPICY THEORY IS THAT: Bo had rainbow blaze before he married windy. He might have gotten a girl preggo before windy came in the picture. So my conspiracy is that rainbow blaze and rainbow dash are long lost siblings and that also explains why they had a bond. Windy isn't aware of this fact so she went on without knowing
Wait a minute rainbow dash and rainbow blaze have like the same name both start with rainbow take the rainbow away and tou have dash and blaze I think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash is dad
I think blaze is her brother that why we only see him two times cuz just think about it think about it hard but not to hard.. rainbow blaze and rainbow dash think about it
Maby windy was with rainbow blaze, had rainbow dash with him but somthing happened between their relationship? Like maby he uh, left/cheated so she decided to get with his brother as revenge so he left equstria or somthin- its a possibility cause like you mentioned rainbow looks more like rainbow blaze- plus they coincidently have the same first name? Ill probobly add more details later but rn its 11 pm so uh
I’ll look I looked it up and it said that rainbow I said that always is teacher teacher to have a win the game to help him win the game so that means that that guy that OK of meanness bad fat girl fatGuy is well – his dad daddy dad father father
or he could be a random pony with a rainbow main and tail or the cheating thing is most likely to me but idk but why is Scootiloo have diffrint parints then rainbow dash arein't they sisters
I think that boe and blaze are twins but to rainbow she sees him as like an older brother that may been in las pegasus? He does look like a party pony like pinkie or cheese sandwich!? Orrrrrr he could be spitfire's old student who didn't become a wonderbolt he loves flying
Nope Rainbow Dash's dad the skinny one yeah when they were at court he probably you know the thick one his brother probably stoled his own child from in a world without your mom and then she pretended she didn't even know him but I think they're skinny rainbow boy with actually skinny I mean they were look married and afterwards they got divorced and she married his brother and they never had nothing in common I don't know about the various and stuff but I think my dad was the skinniest anyone because body can't change but can you watch can not unless they did that would have been a weird because you never saw an employee's do it so I guess they're like in the same universe but maybe not technically cuz they never saw each other in person but I don't know something like like hate each other but the emotions to each other remember that my name is Pennywise would like the mom cheated on him the Rainbow – maybe. Maybe his brother or uncle whatever realize his parents were meant to be
Wait is cutie mark is a literal rainboom and rainbow dash made the rain boom would that mean thats her dad? The thing the drove her to cause the rain boom?
I think the producers simply messed up the animation and these two are the same person. As for the names, I think bow might be a nickname of some sort.
Btw I think ur theory makes sense and I believe it.
Yeah...somehow I doubt that. X'D Windy Whistles and Bo Hothoof for that matter don't really seem like the type of ponies who'd cheat - and I know looks can be deceiving, but nothing we've seen proves either of them, Windy Whistles, in particular, would ever do something like that. I think it's more likely that Rainbow Blaze is a relative or a sibling - or even just a mentor who happens to have rainbow colors in his mane. After all, there was a nurse pony who looks an awful lot like Diamond Tiara, and it turns out they don't have a connection that we know of.
It seems like the genetics in MLP:FiM is a lot more complicated than our world, as foals can not only look different from their parents, but sometimes they can even be different species from their parents (that is to say, two earth pony parents can end up with [a] unicorn/pegasus baby/ies). I know people like to make infidelity jokes, particularly with the Cakes, but ponies don't always match up with their parents to a T. Not to mention that Rainbow Dash shares the same body type as her mother, so maybe Windy Whistles was the athletic one of the two - or maybe Bow Hothoof's bulk is muscle. Cheating just seems like jumping the gun.
Or maybe Hothoof is infertile, and he chose his own brother to help sire Dash. There’s no downside to it; Dash would look like them both, she’d still be genetically related, and her health status would never be a mystery
Rainbow Blaze can be just young Bow Hothoof and Hasbro just forgot about his name and decided to redesign his cutiemark. Like.. Blaze is literally looks like young Bow
that's just a good looking Easter Egg that the producers put in tho
1 like
Lady Lilly2021-06-20 12:39:00 (edited 2021-06-20 12:41:20 )
I love drama lmao so here is my head Canon- I think she cheated, and she let rainbow spend time with him so she could be close to her father, whilst passing it off as spending time with and bonding with him as a uncle bc maybe he knew that she was his kid, but neither him or rainbows mom wanted to ruin the marriage bc it was a one time thing between them. So he could play a role in her life, but not as the father
since he looks like the dad and dash, maybe it's her brother
Peter Cullen2021-06-29 09:12:41 (edited 2021-06-29 09:13:46 )
I assume that the pony in the flashback is actually Rainbow Dash's dad but younger before the faded beard grew in on his chin and he used a make up and mane do over to be some pony else.
I think blaze is bo’s uncle or brother that took out rainbow dash to see the wonder bolts because her parents are over supportive and always cheering her on so they would use wonderbolts as an excuse to leave her parents
Possible it was a simple writing error... Or Bow HotHoof and Blaze are brothers. (Is it possible he had an accident and Bow and Windy took over as parents for Rainbow) But also take a look at their colors, they both have rainbow manes, light purple skin and yellow eyes. I think it's safe to assume that it was just a simple writing error and the writers re-made her dad's appearance, hence why they look so similar and Blaze only showed up once or twice. Also possible Rainbow Blaze was a brother that died (As I saw someone came up with that theory in the comments here), I think it's possible.
This isnt related to the video but it is related to mlp. So we have prince blueblood right? Celestia's and luna's nephew is prince blueblood so they have to have another sister/brother for a prince to be made! If it wasnt they're blood nephew then he wouldnt be royal Please make a video on this
Actually the pony from before is probably Rainbow Dash's brother I mean look at him he doesn't look as buff as her dad so it's got to be her brother I'm telling you right now this is her brother
Tell me crazy.... But what if Blaze and Bow are really brother and Blaze is really RD father but he died in an accident and so his brother Bow and his wife toke care about little RD? Or after the accident her mother felt in love with bow, since he was there for the family and than he adopted RD and became her new father.
I think the one with a jacket is the farther because back in a race rainbow dash lost but the parent cheer on and then someone next to her said your parents know you lost and who said that was the one that we thought it was
@ఌShinori Delfrimఌ oh shoot forgot and got mixed between them living in the clouds + meeting rainbowdash. I've only seen the episode once! So hope nobody hates me for the simple mix up!!!!! Surprised I wasn't corrected sooner tho :o lol
Dont complicate things. This is just a show. As far as i know the woman who was behind the creation of the show left and gave it up for some currupted person who changed and MESSED MLP UP!!!
I believe Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's true father and Bo Hothoof is his brother. She divorced Blaze and fell in love with Hothoof afterwards. I dunno, what's your opinion?
I think that Firefly and Rainbow Blaze are Rainbow Dash’s parents, but we’re given to Bow and Windy because hey couldn’t take care of her which is why they are so extra in supporting Rainbow
I think Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dashes uncle because of the cutie marks and they look so similar so she might have got the body type from he uncle because you get traits from your other family members not just your parents
I thin rainbow blaze is like a cousin, or uncle, there for dash will go to the race with him, and not whit her father, beacuse we know that dash's fathers where realy "extra" I don't think that blaze is dash's brother, beacause the fathers where realy focused on dash, there for I think she is a only child, and if blaze was indeed her brother dont u think dash or her father would mention him, just like fluttershy's brother.
Maybe Rainbow Blaze is a brother of Rainbow Dash. Because Rainbow Blaze is look like his dad and Rainbow Dash is like her mom. So a son has the same body color as their dad and daugther have the same body color as their mom. Maybe that makes sense's..
even if rainbow dashes farther was looks like blaise,,,rainbow dash is a girl! it doesn't have an a point!boys is way different than girls...forget that... SO...THAT DOESN'T DO WITH SOME BODY TYPES!!!
I think rainbow dash dad and rainbow blaze are brothers because there are some things you can see because rainbow dash dad and rainbow blaze do look the same because they are both purple and they both have the same eye color and i think that they are twins because sometimes twins look the same but sometimes twins do not look the same and rainbow dash dad and rainbow blaze both like flying and flying games and some how rainbow dash got the love of all flying games and the love of flying and some how rainbow dash got the fast flying from rainbow blaze
I actually googled it, and google says rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother. -_- I’m not gonna lie, kinda disappointing when the other possibilities are so much juicier.
I don't think both of them is the father cause in one of the videos scootloop his mother and father as you know scootloop and rainbow dash are sisters so you have the same father and mother
I think he is her big brother because if he is rainbow dash dad then why does he look like he is 15 yrs old Ha 15 year old dad Sad thing rainbow dash never got to see her brother then they could drag the awesomeness around all the time And plz give me 100 likes
Or rainbow blaze is the original father but rainbow dashes mom left him for his brother or some other pony that looks like him, taking rainbow dash with her and when he is seen with rainbow dash on his back it’s either him and her mom were still together or he was getting his time to hang out with his daughter(this sometimes happens since it was something I used to go though) so that’s a possibility and she could have been wanting to get with someone that looked like rainbow blaze so rainbow dash wouldn’t suspect anything and because she was young
I think Rainbow Blaze was just an original design for Rainbow Dash's father from earlier in the series, but when the writers had to come up with a design for Rainbow's parents for the episode, they forgot about him. Although I like the idea of Rainbow Blaze being an uncle, or maybe even a cousin or brother she lost touch with.
I heard soon after the episode came out that they just redesigned and revamped him for her parents actual introduction. Though i enjoy the uncle headcanon
Naaah it's great but what about if this is an offspring issue? Maybe Bow couldn't have kids with Windy so they used Blaze as the donner. Bow is the legal father, but Blaze is the biological one? I think it would bring in more representation to unfertile people, even if that's too adult for a kids show
Here's my theory: when Starlight and Twilight went time travelling, they messed up some stuff which caused Blaze to become Bow instead. Bam. Voila. life hack.
Theory: Rainbow Blaze was Rainbow Dash's Brother! One faithful day he tried to do the Sonic Rainboom but couldn't gain enough speed and control to maintain it and thus he unfortunately crashed and sadly he later died in the hospital due to his injuries! ⚰
So torn up by this Rainbow Dash was so determined to do something her brother failed to do as tribute for both him and their parents and would also explain why RD's parents grew so attached to her. They wanted her to succeeded where their son failed at and that's how she also got her Cutie Mark! 🌈
(NOT counting season 6's "Heart's Warming Tail!" Where Rainbow Blaze appeared again for that 1 minute! 🚫 but that could've also been his ghost! 👻)
My Theories Throughout The Video: 1. Rainbow Blaze Was RD's Original Father, But They Scrapped It/Forgotten About It And Made Bow.
2. Rainbow Blaze Was RD's Inspiration, It Was Just A Coincidence They Looked Similar
3. Rainbow Blaze Was RD's Uncle, They Just Didn't See Each other Often
4. What If Rainbow Blaze Was Rainbow Dash's Older Brother, But Something Might Of Happened To Him, Like Died Or Went Of To Collage, That Might Explain Why Rainbow Dash's Parents Are Very Clingy And Overprotective To Her Because After The Brother Left, It Left Them Sad, Rainbow Dash Might Of Not Remembered Her Older Brother Because Of How Young She Was People Think Her Age Is 15-17, So She Might Of Forgotten, But Then Considering Her Remembering Memories With Her Childhood Best Friend, Fluttershy, Maybe She Just Doesn't Talk About Her Brother As She Misses Him. That Can Also Explain Why There Are No Photos Of Rainbow Blaze Around The House, The Parents Took Them Down At The Thought Of Rainbow Blaze Leaving.
Mmm...Actually I think what happened is that Rainbow Whatever-His-Name-Is was originally going to be Rainbow’s dad, but then the team decided they wanted to change the character design for the sake of the episode when we finally meet Dash’s parents, and so he just became a side character.
I'd say there brothers I mean maybe since rainbow's parents were too supportive (like for example how the cheer for her for everything) Maybe she snuck away with good ol' uncle blaze to a wonderbolt show. Does that make sense?
Or Blaze could be Rainbow Dash's brother. I mean it would make sense right? Many siblings have strong bonds. And father and son genetics are very similar and looks. The only thing that can separate them us their cutie-marks. This us just one thing I had in mind. No need to agree with me
Rainbow blaze is the inspiration of rainbow dash.When rainbow dash was a filly She saw rainbow blade up in the clouds and She decided she wants to be like him.The reason why she was Standing up at rainbow blaze in the flashback was because she Couldn’t see but your theory may be right.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌👌
I honestly think that there is a good chance Rainbow's mom was in a divorce. And that she doesn't like talking about it. So, in that way if he was a flyer at all maybe that's the connection? idk just thinkin'
i agree that rainbow blaze is most likely rainbow dashes uncle. there's no way cheating was involved since it seems like rainbow took her mothers eyes and skin color, the hair coming from the dad. that and since it was stated in the other comments that rainbow dash looked up to rainbow blaze, there are many things where a child looks up to their uncle or aunt more.
blaze may be her real dad and the other one is grandpa and Blazes father.. the mother maybe died or left and Blaze couldn’t take care of Dash alone, so he left her at his parents house and they raised her since then
Rainbows older brother that died in the wonder bolt... that’s why rainbow was so determined to be a wonder bolt... that’s why her parents are soObsessed with her that’s why it took her so long to get into the academy... just maybe
I object. Windy is obviously RD’s second cousins aunts sister-in-law, and Rainbow Blaze is actually just someone who disguises as other ponies and is secretly an alicorn princess.
No one should forget the fact that both rainbow blaze and dash have a cloud and rainbow cutie mark expect that dash's rainbow goes in a zig zag pattern unlike blaze's that's straight
wait your true i been watching mine little pony for weeks and the mother of rian bow dash is cheating on him bec she thinks that the other guy is better and is going to give rian bow dash a better life .
Let's talk a bit about genetics. Genes can be dominant ( from parents to kids) or resesive ( from grandparentes to grandchildren), If they relly are brothers mabey Rainbow Dash enharited the athletic body from her grandparentes and Rainbow Blaze the same. My personal example : my, my mom's sister and my grandma have a flat feet, diferent from my mom's, my dad's and my granpa's
What if it’s rainbow dash’s. It brother?? Because if he visited for hear the warming then that’s probably why he came to ponyville, for Rainbowdash (unless he’s a student, u never know)
uh my I think blaze was rainbow's true inspiration NOT the wonderbolts and that blaze is rainbow's uncle and can you shout out me please I only started watching your show yesterday and I think your show is SUPER amazing trust me I am NOT lying when I say a show is amazing I DO NOT LIE. 😊
A cousin, or an uncle perhaps. O R a long lost b r o t h e r. If rainbow blaze was an inspiration to rainbow dash, little kids often are very impressionable and like to do what parents or older siblings do. Rainbow blazes cutie mark looks like he might be like an athletic pony and rainbow dash could've looked up to that but how would she be around him enough? An uncle would make sense but usually you're around your siblings more.
Maybe Blaze was Rainbow’s real father, but he was in more of a toxic relationship with Windy Whistles. It could have been a divorce type thing, where Rainbow went with her father some days, and with her mother others. So she could have been with her father which just so happened to be when the announcement was made. But when things got really bad between Windy Whistles and Rainbow Blaze, they finally ended their relationship, so Bow became her stepfather. But who knows?
Umm so i have a question Swatoons, Is scootiloo rainbow dashs sister? They have different parents and shes supposed to be her sister but there was this episode of mlp where scoots went to her house but she more so acted like a fan then really a sister.
What if rainbow blaze was Rainbows father but they got a divorce or just like left rainbow when she was young and then the other dude ( idk y I just forgot his name) is rainbows uncle and just stepped in on raising her or rainbows mom just has a type lol
and the mare standing next to rainbow when she bums out and fly back to her place maybe she went to thet place with her uncle and aunt{bows and rainbow blazes sister}????
Mario Torres2021-05-24 05:56:36 (edited 2021-05-24 05:59:49 )
Well this is just a theory, but there's another pony that looks exactly like Rainbow Dash and that is Daring Do known as A.K Yearling, RD and Daring look so much alike, ( the hair, the body, the eyes ( they both have pink eyes) ) so when we see blaze and bow they look alike too, (the eyes) so maybe that Rainbow and A.K are cousins ( bow being Rainbows father, and blaze being Daring do's father),but there is still one question, who is A.K mother? But that's just a theory. Anyway maybe bow and blaze are twins, because they look so much alike, and if they are siblings maybe Rainbow and Daring's confident personality comes from blaze.
What if he’s actually rainbow dash’s big brother? If you think about the main 6 has siblings and we haven’t seen rainbow dashes sibling at all whether it being a brother or sister. That’s probably how she got her passion of flying, from her brother since she looks up to him. I mean it is possible that he got his purple color from rainbow dashes father and they have similar cutie marks. Just Big Mac and Apple jack and just like twilight and shining armor.
Video request: Why is human Twilight an alicorn? Netflix posted new equestrian girls episodes named canterlot high tales, in the episode 1: dance magic, Twilight turns into human-pony which makes her have ears and ALICORN wings. So your telling me that if for example Applejack turns into an alicorn her human version will to? Or did human Twilight actually did something to earn those wings? Make this comment popular if you want to see why to
Yeah what have you been brother do you have two that have two that did you mean decide who to wait to get the pink bow forget to get them into our you or lie and you kind a love it I know love is important in a friendship butLove can you hang your feelings anymore that much like you broke up with someone you love you love you love you heart of the Man
If you really think about all these pony sleep around how many male ponies are there in Equestrian ? With the four lesbian pony scootaloo sisters , bonbon and Lyra i'm even questioning Rainbow Dash an Apple jack ? It wouldn't surprise me if Rainbow Dash mom was faithful?
hey! I am just so impressed how in every video you slowly put the puzzle pieces of the MLP world. So I have been watching the my little pony series (and equestria girls) very closely. and whenever there is a new video I swear I will put away anything I wanted to do and sit back and watch your video. I would kind of say I am your fan. I thought the only way I could reach was from the comments. so in MLP equestria girls the friendship games I wondered that is ms. Cinch ( the principal of crystal) prep could be an allicorn in another land maybe farther than equestria. since I could'nt figure much out on my own I thought I would ask you. Thanks!
I started laughing right before he laughed at 3:00 😂😂
Ben Berlin2021-05-19 12:43:49 (edited 2021-05-19 12:46:26 )
What about a stepdad sort of situation? Although uncle would also work.
And as far as the "cheating" scenario, I have read quite a few stories that suggest that Equestria has a skewed F to M population ratio meaning that they are less finicky about perfect monogamy. * Most likely and least fun explanation is corporate meddling or artist screw-up from Hasbro or DHX.
Hi Sawtooth Waves! I'm Sophia. On your other video, about Cozy Glow, maybe she could be the reason for the empty timeline that Twilight showed Starlight! I have many more theories I've spotted in mlp! I also think that in your other video, is the dream world real, the strings coming out of Luna's horn could be connected to the foreheads of the real ponies (who are sleeping). Is it okay if I put comments on your videos once in a while?
The sun and moon symbols on the tree of harmony match the cutie marks on luna and celestia, but there was a star on it as well. In the journal of the two sisters, once luna and celestia got their cutie marks, they asked starswirl about the star. starswirl clearly knew something, but he didn't tell them. And in the first episode of mlp, the prophecy read '' on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in nightmare moon's escape", and who do we know who has a star cutie mark, and used to be evil? Somepony who stripped a whole village of its cutie marks? Somepony who has a time travel spell? Come on, starlight could make the spell STARSWIRL couldn't. It makes sense that she must have tested the time travel spell before using it. And while she was testing it, she accidentally released nightmare moon.
I always thought rainbow blaze was her older brother who had a serious argument with rainbow's father (For unknown reasons) And left the nest. Which resulted in the breaking of their close bond and Rainbow blaze was left to only cheer his sister on from the sidelines. This is also why rainbows parents are always smothering her. They don't want to have a bad relationship and lose they're other kid
You know I just thought of something would Luna have become the princess of the sun and Celestia of the moon if they had raised the opposite things way back when? And like their colors match with what they raised does that mean anything?
The name "Rainbow Blaze" was never a canon name, it was just a placeholder name. The cutie mark I'll grant is suspicious. However, "Rainbow Blaze" was created to be a generic placeholder father figure for Rainbow Dash before they actually made the character. That same reasoning also applies to the cutie mark. It was just a placeholder cutie mark. I have heard the argument that Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's uncle though.
If I were to write a fanfic and make Rainbow Blaze and Bow Hothoof two different characters, I'd make Rainbow Blaze Rainbow Dash's older brother.
In any case, I still hold the position that "Rainbow Blaze" is just a placeholder design. After all, when we see the flashback in Parental Glideance, we see that Bow Hothoof did look more like the "Rainbow Blaze" design (kinda).
Can you do a deep dive on Thorax sometime? (I mean he is you're king) Thorax and Chrysalis are the changeling versions of alicorns. Thus far it seems all alicorns have an alter ego. Can you check that out PLZ?:)
i'd find it acaully really wholsom if he was her uncle and she got inspired by him to the point she maybe made her hair style like him and tried to look more like him?
Daniel Survivor2021-05-21 16:24:53 (edited 2021-05-21 16:25:01 )
2:11 But why? You didn't explain why. Also are you saying Boe Doesn't have athletic body? His body is very similar to Big Mac so I'd argue he's stronger
Hii Sawtooth!! I rewact your theory about Spike 6 years ago and i want to ask if Spike is somewhat the same as Sunshine Shimmer communication book. Like Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia Before Twilight come in?
If not a brother, maybe a cousin? I have six older cousins and four of them were adults with one of them already having a kid of their own when I was a kid myself. And I rarely got to see any of those cousins since, again as adults, they had lives of their own with some living far away from me and one being in the military.
So you know how earlier you said that celestia and luna were more magical than the other two and the was proven through the hair. Well after Night Mare Moon was transformed back into Luna her hair was straight.
Hey long time fan but did you know if you look at season one episode five it sounds a lot like Rainbow Dash saving ready later on piggy pie mix the perfect description of what Rainbow Dash did sealing the sonic rain boom
bo hothoof and this rainbow blayz character sure raise eyebrows. it would be so fun to speculate everything but we know nothing about rainbow blayz. it's so blurry cuz we only ever seen him to times in the show and just in the backround
Could you do a video on pony ages, because everyone- everyPONY is either old or young but never dead, do they not die? Just wandering! Anyway! I enjoyed this video I think the Unkle thing makes sense too!
hey Satwooth ya know what i think i think rainbow blaze was bow hothoof but the cutie mark was an error mistake and i think in season 7 he's just gotten old
Hey Sawtooth What's strange is that maybe his brother (or so I think) isn't related at all maybe they Just have the same looks! Its really an odd theory. Taking that maybe they are from different dimensions or there born with the same hair and different genes because other ponies have hair similar or is like theirs! And also with eye color and skin color! But that leads to maybe what if rainbow dash never existed or is different! What if Windy Whistle Doesn't exist ! And how could the two universes collide in a rip in time and space!🤔😦 OR there just changelings taking over again! XD Comment what you think if you like! (including you Sawtooth, if you want! Because I do theory's like you but not on youtube )
He could be Raindow's biological dad and/or uncle. For the dad part, he and Raindow's mother could have dated but broke up when Raindow was young and after the break up her mother started to date Rainbow Blaze's brother, who we now see as RD's dad
rainbow blaze could just be a fan that dyed his mane and really aspired to be like rainbow dash, even though she was younger than him. his cutie mark is a picture of rainbow dash performing a sonic rainboom, and cutie marks are a symbol of what that pony is passionate about.
Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow's brother. Let me explain. First, the color pallet. It's kind of like Bow and also the mom (kinda rusty I know). Next, why would Rainbow go into an event without a companion? I get it. Pinkie also is alone in one event but that was before she met the Cakes. So it makes sense that Blaze is Dash's brother, not uncle
Or Blaze and another mare had RainbowDash but her aunt and uncle, Bow and Windy have custody of her for whatever reason. Lots of kids who grow up in their parents' sibling's care rather than their own end up calling and thinking of them as their parents. It's possible Dash's bio parents are dead like AJ's or the mare decided not to be in her life to begin with and Blaze eventually either wasn't fit to be a parent or gave her up for some reason. Could also be that Blaze and unnamed mare wanted to be parents but decided they weren't ready, or one could have had a terminal illness and didn't want their daughter to grow up without parents or see them go through that. It's also possible that her aunt and uncle have custody of her because her bio parent(s) were abusive and that might be the reason she doesn't think of or call them her parents.
Idk of you’ve made a vid on this yet but…. We know how twilight got her wings, we know how the two sisters got there wings, flurry was born with them, but cadence? she’s been an alicorn since she was twilights foal sitter probably longer so how did cadence get her wings
Maybe that’s rainbowdash’s older cousin, or maybe older brother! Because, if rainbowdash is an adault already rainbow blaze should have the body type of rainbow dash’s dad. So that’s my theory! Thanks Sawtooth!
Heres my guess what if he was the first child of rainbows parents but something happened and he cut ties with them not wanting lose another child they become obsessively supported of rainbow dash but maybe he secretly watches over rainbow there's alot of holes in this theory xD
The wiki and merchandise describe Rainbow Blaze as being Rainbow Dash’s mentor who taught her everything she knows. He seems to be a scrapped version of her father, and now, they’re seemingly unrelated.
does anyone remember aria blaze from rainbow rocks from Equestria girls? in all of the show there has been no one that actually has the same surname, except mrs and mr. cake... i think that rainbow blaze i guess was a spy which was sent by aria! after the whole group lost their magic pedants, i've always wanted to know what they did... maybe she figured out a way to send a spy to Equestria. but, how did she find out that the portal was in the front schools lawn? she spied on twilight and figured out how to go there. she couldnt go there herself because then she would be back to her original form, as that dragon or something. it dosn't matter if she lost the pedant. she would still be in her real dragon thing form. so, she sent her brother, or the young canterlot high rainbow dash's dad with a fake name. she probably manipulated him somehow
Dude, why do I feel like I watched you 5 or so years ago? Edit: I scrolled to the bottom of your page,, lmao you are the same one!! I feel like you might've changed names tho, maybe character design slightly too?
I think rainbow blaze might be rainbow dashes older brother but he moved out when rainbow dash was a filly and it pretty well known I’m my little pony the older sisters is usually the ones taking care of the younger sisters and the younger sisters are more likely to look up to the siblings than they are to look up to the parents, I’m also guessing since that rainbow blaze moved out when rainbow was just a filly that also the reason why rainbows parents were overly supportive because she was the only child living there.
I think I like it you know that Rainbow dash Rainbow blaze look realated then what about Bow hot hoof is his brother instead? anyway this is making me crazy.. hahahaha
Let's say that Rainbow Blaze is her real father, that doesn't mean she cheated, she could've easily been dating Rainbow Blaze but then broke up and started dating Rainbow Dash's supposed dad, that would've made some really awkward family meetups then 👀
Mayby this explain rainbo factory;p Also...i don't think nothibg Afther season 1...cartoon statrt be trash If afther season 1...doing something good...afthe that shoot hersalfe foot
OOOOoooO I GOT A HOT TAKE, rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's disowned family member, brother or uncle, rainbows parents might have issue with him and might be why he doesn't show up again until dash is an adult because some family drama happed when she was a kid.
When I first watched the couple minutes of this video, I decided that Blaze use to be Windy's old husband, but then I realized that there's still the question of why Bow and Blaze look so alike. So I like it better that Blaze is Rainbow Dash's sporty, inspiring uncle but Bow and Blaze don't really have the best relationship and drifted apart - that's why Blaze isn't mentioned at all that much. And I like the fact that Bow and Windy were on their honeymoon or something and they left little Rainbow with Blaze for some time, that's why we see them both at the announcements. I think that's the best conclusion.
Another interesting video! Good job and continued like that! I love your theories even i don't understand all, because i'm french and i'm not specially good in english. But what i understand, your thoeries are very well thought out and very well introduce with a lot of arguments.😁👏👍
The theory of him being Rainbow's uncle sounds the most possible for me, and I do like the idea of him being Rainbow's inspiration for her athletisim, even if the first half is a joke it is interesting
Given that Rainbow Blaze and Bow Hothoof are only just different enough to establish that they're not the same pony, I don't think they're just any brothers; I think they're identical twins (one of whom gets more exercise than the other).
This would of course imply that if Windy cheated even a genetic test wouldn't be able to tell . . .
I think brother, it would make a lot of sense, since at the announcement they are together and as Rainbow Dash is Scootaloo’s inspiration. Rainbow Blitz could very easily be Rainbows. I just think that he is the brother of Dash which would make a lot of sense.
i think he's just Bow, the heartswarming episode happened before Bow's new design was showed, it was probably just a case of character redesign to make the character more fitting, you can't really imagine Bow Hothoof not looking like a buff fanatic papa and that's what they wanted to go for so they just scrapped that old model and made this new one; or probably forgot to use the old one for the flashbacks
Both rainbow and the athletic pony seem to have close relations but he could come into importance/announcement in gen 5. I know they are different ponies, but if gen 4 is still alive when gen 5 hits it is very possible he answers questions in place of rainbow dash (considering she became a part of the wonderbolts and probably travelled alot). Kinda like some of gen 4 episodes where the cutie mark crusaders go around and ask background characters about the main characters.
I'd say it's Hasbro initially made Rainbow Blaze as Rainbow Dashs father, but in later episodes they just FORGOT about Rainbow Blaze so they simply made another one. It saves matters that way, for them, I think.
Wait a second-look at blazes cutie mark. It looks a lot like future dash! A blue colored pony having a rainbow streak behind them as they fly. :Also how do you find things to theorize in the show?
I think he's rainbow's brother. That would explain why they're together all the time. And she may have got her passion for flying from her athletic older brother. Plus ( and this doesn't really have anything to do with the video ) another theory of mine is that when rainbows parents had rainbows older brother, they never really had time to play with him or give him attention. That resulted in 1. Rainbows parents being more supportive with her cuz they weren't with him. And 2. Rainbows brother always hanging out with rainbow so she dint go what he went through
well, there's possibility that Blaze was supposed to be Dash's dad in the original arc but was later change by the creator. This isn't the first time that this certain issue happened in the animation industry, for example, one of the main characters in ragrats (forgot the name) suppose to have a mom but was later change to have a deceased mom instead in later episodes, but for the purpose of the lore and to avoid confusion in this pony universe, let's just say that Blaze is Uncle l, Hothoof is Dad, and rainbow hair runs in the family. 😌👌
after watching this video i started to think about prince blood who is his family from the wiki it says that he is a disant nephew of princess sisters and is the cousin of princess cadence
What if Blaze was married to Windy but got divorced and married Bo? It might be more likely that it happened when Dash was to young to remember??? But Blaze was there during Hearths Warming to support his daughter without her realizing. Like Blaze is happy as long as he knows that he is supporting Dash without acknowledgement. Might be wrong, this is just a guest.
"We're talking about the wonderblot Rainbow Dash here and if I had to guess which one of these was her dad I'd guess the athletic body type" So it's going to be Bo. Blaze is lanky dude and Bo have strength and might of Big Mac with that body of his.
@Blue blurr My whole point was that the lean Rainbow stallions body type were not necessarily the one and only correct body type to have for a wonderbolt/Athlete. Notion seems to fatshame Bo even though his "fat" doesn't need to be fat at all.
Sawtooth Waves, what if rainbow Blaze was actually the real father and rainbow Blaze had a severe accident that he wasn't able to recover from and had passed away. But in reality, had decided to let the mother and another Pegasus raised her in his place. It would make a lot more sense because of the fact that we've seen that Applejack's parents were confirmed to be dead but were not talked about due to the fact that it was a show for little kids. Maybe Rainbow Dash's real father had passed away and we actually were not told or notified by this and his uncle stepped up to the plate and became the new father. Also, rainbow Blaze and the other Pegasus was actually twin brothers which are identical. But one of them actually let themselves go. It is not mentioned much, but we can tell that sometimes one of the twins actually managed to let themselves go and that's why they had different cutie marks from the past and the present.
Hey Sawtooth? I don't know if you take requests, but would you do a video on Rarity's parents? We see the other six's parents, but we never see hers. (pls like if you agree)
I feel like Blaze is Rainbow dashes older brother, I mean they look almost identical besides their colours! It would be odd if her uncle looked more like her then her own father
To be honest I don't like this theory much. No offence to you. Dashie's mom cheating just feels out of character for how much of a family mare she is. I think they're brothers because that'd just be super cool.
But what if it's not ANYWHERE related to Rainbow Dash? What if he's a creature in disguise, just like you? He might even be an unreformed changeling waiting to strike! You better keep an eye on him...😟
Sawtooth in your other video are there any other alicorn ...... I think that when unicorns become a alicorns in the future they get flowing mane ... celestia, luna and twilight where unicorns and then they became alicorn and they got flowing mane .. but cadence was a peagasas but she did not get flowing mane
If you want to go with the theory where Rainbow is actually Blaze's child, well maybe Bo was infertile and Bo's father acted as a doner. Commonly with couples like that, they look to family members or those who look similar to donate so that they can have a child.
I really still am confused if changelings are considered as Alicorns or not I mean they have wings and horns and they are also ponies yet they just have holes on their hooves but are the really Alicorns or are those just how they physically look like
If you want the truth I'm just going to say it like this. When it came to certain families to certain people to certain ponies Hasbro was very very lazy with its continuity
Theres something thats been bothering me , why hasn’t anyone mentioned to what happened to applejacks mother i mean i feel i don’t have the right to say it but all they did was show a backstory of how she raised a family but she isnt that old i feel like it doesn’t add up??
Maybe blaze an rainbows mom had a hookup an blaze wasn’t ready to be a father so his brother stood up an then rainbows mom an blazes brother fell in love an ya
Well he kind of has the same cutie mark but he's older than Rainbow Dash and he didn't change in those two videos he's the same size the same but I think it's a brother or yes it must be his brother and I mean it must be her brother he looks like Rainbow Dash's dad he has almost the same cutie mark As Rainbow – so yeah it has to be too brother
I just have one question that if both were rainbow dash's much farther than their the other phone me I had family and his wife name is bohat in so maybe bohot has been could be both so that could be the reason
I believe that blaze got trapped inside a Portal and and his brother raised rainbows dash as his own or her mom cheated her husband with blaze .there no telling what happened but I believe until less there a show about it it be cool there make a movie about rainbow dash past
Or maybe Beau was a fan of rainbow blaze and died his mane and skin to look like him or the other way around. THIS IS JUST A GUESS, I JAVE NO IDEA WHY THEY ARE IDENTICAL.... WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT IF RAINBOW’S DAD TIME TRAVELED? DUN DUN DUN. 2nd theory: what if rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes cousin, maybe her dad had a brother that had a son.
what if they are brothers but the other one that the shpow doesnt claim to be her fathyer is acually her father but thew shows raimbow father think hes the father but isnt
Ok maybe rainbow blaze is actually rainbow dashes' father but he was really busy with something so he told his brother to take care of rainbow dash and never tell him that that's his father!!!?
Hey listen,i wonder that at this point at the seasonsa ans everything,weve only seens girls as alicorns and princesses ruling but...... But but but but but cant the boys also turn into alicorns like no im not kidding im serioes can u please explain what that is becoz ive been watching mlp from the past 6 years and i only thought about this today
The real question is whether at the time the writers made him, he was supposed be her dad, but they left it open for if they changed their minds, which they did.
When Hasbro came out with the MLP trading cards, Rainbow Blaze had his own trading card. His title or role was listed as "Dashing Mentor", and he has a quote on the card saying, "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows!" While the card doesn't directly state Rainbow Blaze's relation to Rainbow Dash far as family, I think you were right that he's her athletic uncle who became her mentor.
In the episode when twilight gets into flashback, Luna's mane was similar to the one in the other episodes after Nightmare Moon, but when she transformed back to luna after nightmare moon's defeat, her mane was plain blue and not flowing dark blue
The usual notion(heh) accepted by the fandom depicts Blaze as Dash's brother/cousin. But then that begs the question, of where he disappeared to... I really wish he was explored as a character more!
I know that this is irrelevant to both the show lore and your theory, but I remember reading at some point that Mares will 'Cover' with multiple males in a herd in order to avoid subjecting their foals to random violence. The subject of horse infidelity will always make me think of it, can't say it's verified, but i've heard similar things about almost every socially complex animal. It's pretty well known that a whole lot of primates and birds do it that way.
I like the uncle idea. May I throw in another suggestion tho? I think he's her cousin. I grew up really close to my cousins (to the point of just calling them my brothers and sisters).
Have you every heard of bloodline traits? I'm pretty sure this "Rainbow Blitz" is either Rainbow Dashes Brother, Cousin or Uncle. As for their thrills for flying, they most like inherited it from maybe one of Rainbow Dash's earliest ancestors from either his father or mother side.
When you mentioned other ways Rainbow Blaze could be Dash’s bio father without the cheating I was surprised you didn’t bring up the possibility that maybe Bow was sterile. Think about it Bow and Windy try to have a foal but it never happened after a long time of heartbreaking failure they find out Bow can’t have kids. Blaze out of love and LOYALTY to his brother offered to be a donor since they look so similar and share the same DNA they won’t have to explain why there child looks nothing like there father or accusations of cheating like they might have had to deal with if they used a random donor from a fertility clinic. It would also explain how obsessive they are as parents if they spent years trying for a foal finally having one would would feel like a miracle. Also it could explain why RAINBOW Dash’s and RAINBOW Blaze’s names are so similar, she was named in honour of the stallion who made Bow and Windy’s dream of being parents a reality.
they could be twin brothers one cheering on the other and helping them train but the other pushing just that little bit further, therefor being slightly different physically.
Hey Sawtooth I was wondering about something and maybe it might make a good theory. Ok so I was watching old my little clips and I saw something when the main six and discord were fighting Sombra his cape flew up and you could see where his cutie marks should be but is wasn't there. Why doesn't Sombra have a cutie mark like every other pony.
2:22 As jarring as this sounds, this wouldn't be a stretch. After all, Jim Miller claimed on Twitter that Trixie was born out of a one-night stand and Jackpot (the magician from Grannies gone Wild) has no idea that he has a daughter. Maybe Rainbow Dash doesn't talk about him because she only met him once as Blaze wanted to meet his daughter just once.
Umm, you know they have reuse Designs in the show over the Time? It would be strange if RD and her Dad are the only with Rainbow colored Mane, I mean even the Rivers of the Pegasus are rainbow colored. This Pegasus is not Rainbows Dad, this Pegasus has the name "Rainbow Blaze" and he is described as "Mentor" of Rainbow Dash, who appears in the episodes Games Ponies Play and A Hearth's Warming Tail. You can get all Infos here: Often it just need some Research to get the Answer on this title: He is not releated with Rainbos Dash in any Way. I don't want to anger or offend you, but some of your Ideas are to much like Conspiracy Theories and many are very easy to explain through a little Research.
My head Cannon: blaze is Dash's dad, Bo is her stepdad, and he dyes his mane and tail to look like Dash. It also explains his over support as stepdads often go overboard to win over the kids.
Blaze is either Dash's uncle, big brother, or her favorite cousin she spends the most time with
If Blaze is her uncle, he probably takes care of Rainbow Dash when her parents are busy with errands
If he's her older brother, it would make the most sense that they were together during the equestria games(he would have also known about Dash being a wonderbolt way before their parents knew and kept it a secret from them)
And if Blaze is her cousin, they probably had a similar relationship Babs and Apple Bloom have, they might be each other's favorite cousin that have the same passion for flying, or Blaze shared his passion to Dash and then it became her passion as well
Here's an interesting Video Idea, trying to figure out what happened to Prince Blueblood, A Character that has been missing and forgotten since Season 4.
The theory of Windy cheating on Bow actually kinda makes sense. But genes are sometimes complicated. For example, my dad and my mom are shorter than the average (mom 5'1 or 156cm and dad 5'5 or 167cm), but I'm average height female (5'5 or 167cm). My dad's mother is shorter than average, like my dad. But my dad's father is taller than average and my dad's brother is average height (or a bit taller, idk). And that's why I'm average height as well. I still know, that my dad is my real father, because since I was a baby I have looked like a female copy of him, we both have thin, straight hair (my mom's is thick and curly), blueish gray eyes (my mom's are more greenish) etc. That's why I think, that one's body type can be different from their parents', and Rainbow's dad is her real father. Also she may have inherited the athletic body type from her mom instead of her dad
According to the wiki, Rainbow Blaze is RD's mentor, but was originally intended to be her father just like Firefly was going to be RD's mother. Obviously that didn't happen so maybe he's Bo's relative or maybe there's no blood connection and he's a friend of the family.
Well, looking at this genetically. It's possible to be a brother, father, or uncle, it does show he's related to rainbow dash. But I notice his hooves doesn't show like we see with her dad, maybe its a trait that can happen sometimes. Though he does look like in his 20s so its more towards him being a brother. But that leads to why they never brought him up, I wonder what happened?
What if Rainbow Blaze and Rainbow Dash are actually siblings?!
Think about it, he looked like Bo, but younger. Maybe Rainbow's birth parents had Rainbow Blaze around their teens maybe and Rainbow Dash came along later on!
Maybe Bow cloned himself (you know, maaaaagic) and this is how Blaze has appeared? But something was wrong, and Blaze is slimer than Bow and has other cutiemark :D
Ayo, my boi, Sawtooth, think you can make a video regarding Equestria's solar system and, assuming it even has one, how it would work when we've got horses controlling the friggin SUN. With gravitational forces and such, HOW???
I truly believe that Blaze is Rainbow's uncle. Maybe the reason why Rainbow wanted to become an athlete or were interested in being a Wonderbolt is because of Blaze. Sometimes, we idolised our other family members other than our own parents. If it is, it made sense why both of Rainbow's parents aren't athletic but somehow Rainbow is one. She most likely inspired by her uncle and her parents supported her dream. That's my theory anyway
I think he is Rainbowdash's older brother and maybe he was the first pony who was able to do the Sonic Rainboom so Dash got inspired by him to be a sport pony/wonder bolt.
My personal theory is "Blaze" IS Rainbow Dash's real dad, but... instead of cheating, it's far more tragic, and heartwarming.
Assuming Windy is Dash's real mom, which seems pretty likely, i presume she was with Stud and not Chunk originally... but something happoned, possibly a athletic accident, when Bluefast was still a filly, and Chunk just sort of naturally came in to fill the gap left by his dearly departed brother... may of started with just supporting his brothers Widow and daughter, but developed into actual feelings with Windy, who grew to appreciate and love the Chunky Boi,... and the fact he was unlikely to die in a crossfit accident.
While on the subject of Paternity... people like to make cheating jokes about Mr. and Mrs. Cake, given the formers reaction when explaining his offspring...
Why does it have to be malicious? Maybe Lank is just shooting blanks, and the two needed a Surrogate Father because they both wanted a full family, and the fact they came out non-earth Ponies just makes the fact he NEEDED a Surrogate to begin with a bit more out in the open, and as such... incredibly embarrassing...
As for why the two are a Uni and Pega, it makes a sort of sense that someone of a mixed heritage would be more open minded and available when it comes to the topic of "material" donations to a couple unable to sire a family on their own...
...I am just really tired of people trying to find Bad Relationship Drama where it does not need to be, specially when relationships like these are FAR more possible, fit the shows tone ALOT better, and frankly needs more understanding spread around.
I thinc they most likely have connection because the mane colours in all Ecuestria are so different, but 3 ponys with rainbow colour mane (i thinc rainbow is rare colour) that close it must have something ooooor it is just hasbro mistake. Maybe they had a different idea at first.
Mae Wensing2021-05-09 02:46:03 (edited 2021-05-09 02:53:05 )
I think if blaze isn’t an uncle of some sort or rainbow dash’s dad then I think that he may be an older brother that isn’t quite featured.
My reasons:
Rainbow Dash looks like her mom but with her dad’s hair Blaze looks like rainbow’s dad but with rainbow’s mom’s athletic build.
Blaze looks very very young to be a dad so I don’t think he is rainbow’s dad though it is still very well possible he could be an uncle as siblings can have HUGE age gaps.
a bond over races like that and standing on the back seems more like a sibling thing within the MLP series rather than a father daughter thing again within the MLP series. Sure rainbow’s parents are erratic about Rainbow’s accomplishments but that never necessarily meant they were always ecstatic to competitions in general that didn’t involve rainbow.
Even if blaze is not canonically Rainbow’s brother since he is absent during most family photos, family events, etc. I think it could be because he was off studying somewhere else like fluttershy’s brother. Maybe he cut ties with the parents like how rainbow did with her parents, BUT he and Rainbow keep in touch sometimes to talk but not very often.
Idk about you but I think it’s very well possible that rainbow Dash’s family just likes rainbow names Rainbow dash Rainbow blaze
I don’t think Thats just a coincidence since every pony in the show has a VERY unique name and it’s unlikely for two ponies to be around at the same time with very similar names.
Please make a video on how age works because sunset went into the portal before twilight was going to celestial's school (twilight got in when she was just a filly) yet they were both in the same grade at canterlot high. im so confused help.
He could be her uncle but he also could’ve been her brother and maybe that’s why the parents don’t talk about them yes he didn’t look different than when she was older but still he could be her brother that like left or something like that.
I know I'm late but here are my thoughts. Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dashe's dad but when he was much younger from before he met Rainbow's mother? His younger self traveled to the future with the help of another pony to see what his future looked like and then he decided to stay in the future and watch his daughter grow up. He took on the name of Rainbow Blaze so no one would catch on to him
Hey saw About Prince blueblood He's nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and the cousin of Princess Cadance This means luna and celestia have another sibling?
I think Rainbow blaze might be her secret brother and cuz they look vary similar and both love flying and there both Athletic idk if this is true or not but it’s just what I think
what if rainbow blaze was ranbows big brother it would meen they had a close relationship but when rainbow spent more time in ponyvill they driffted apart but kept in contact
Speaking of similar colors, the Pinkie Pie sisters have something of their parents (Maud has her mother's eyes, Limestone has her father's eyes, I don't know about Marble), but Pinkie ... has nothing from them.
Even if thats possible this is a kids show its likely impossible that they will add this concept "cheating" in a childrens show so the real choices will be more likely uncle or they just made a reboot of her father
I personally think that rainbow blaze and Bo are twins specifically fraternal twins and so although bow is Rainbow Dash‘s father she still got some genetics similar to Rainbow blaze.
Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash uncle b'cause look at his mane and colour of the skin. And look at his eye colour it is similar to Rainbow Dash's dad That is just my opinion.
One of the new eps of eq girls take them bake to the pony world again, you've made a vid on this but I've realized that the timeliness is messed up, twilight is already ruler of all equestria, with the wavy hair, in the ep she isn't, its either based father back in the timeliness or they just weren't thinking lol
This is an interesting idea, even fodder for a fan fic, but the biggest problem with this theory is all the ponies who are known to be related for a fact but don't look very similar to each other, the most obvious examples being Twilight and Shining Armour, Big Mac and his sisters, Pound and Pumpkin Cake, Pinkie and her sisters, or even the Princesses Celestia and Luna. We have also seen some related ponies who do look similar to each other, Flim and Flam, for example but there are enough different looking but related ponies to mandate caution in assuming that if they look and are coloured alike they must be related. And get away from colour and just go to looks and now you have questions about ponies like Rainbow Dash and Daring Do, or Twilight and Moon Dancer. Not saying it can't be, but if you are going to use this in a fiction of some sort you'll need more than just looks. Also, motivation, ie, what if Bo HotHoof is sterile and an arrangement was made where Windy had the brother's child, but it was to be her child and Bo's child to raise, the brother being a sort of surrogate father, perhaps? Might also explain why Rainbow appears to be an only child. Lol, let the head canon broadside begin... 😂
Rainbow Blaze could be one of two things, Rainbow Dash's true father and just her uncle. First one; Windy Whistle first dated Rainbow Blaze and when she found out that she was pregnant, he left her and Bow Hothoof took both inti his life and rised Rainbow Dash when she was born and Windy never spoke of Rainbow Blaze again. Two; Rainbow Blaze could just be Rainbow Dash's uncle from the start being Bow Hothoof's brother and the althatic gene could be passed through Bow to Rainbow since Bow could be a carrier of the gene. What do you think Sawtooth Waves? Does any of those theories work? Reply to me eather in the comments or a video directly to me.
Tow options 1 rabow blaze is rabow dash's older brother and 2 he might be her uncle and she never brought it up because no one ever asked edit to the 2nd one mabe she never said any thing because he hert her in some way
I agree that Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's Uncle and the reason her real parents weren't there was because Rainbow Blaze was watching over Rainbow Dash and saw the Cloudsdale Mayor was announcing the city that was going to host the Equestria Games while Bow Hothoof And Windy Whistles were at a party celebrating one of their wedding anniversaries and guess what, I stuck to that theory even before you made this video.
My theory is that rainbow dash and rainbow blaze are cousin. Maybe her grandpa had a brother and he had a son then he had a son so that makes sense seeing that blaze is years older than rainbow is understanding
Maybe he's rainbows original father like Like they broke up and then the mom found out she was having a baby then she had fallen for her past lovers older brother and raindows blood father was in her life but as a uncle to her and the step dad knew and didtn care
!theory! The Student Sixs May be Letting a new magic be made the magic of Connection and the Student Sixs May soon be „connecting“ all Spieces in the my Little Pony universe
I wanna say that Blaze and Windy Whistles could've dated they broke up and she went to Bowhoof but she didn't realize she could've been pregnant with her and Blaze's foal
It was to early for father day but if would be cool to do mother days wait we all ready did one but mother day is almost here i,m so happy I plane some things for my mom and me
What if blaze is rainbows true parent and he handed rainbow to bow and bow became rainbows babysitter because blaze had inportent job and he could not have time to look at rainbow so I think blaze is rainbows true parent
brother? that's a really interesting possibility! thank y'all for pointing it out! though i feel like a brother would be more likely to come up in conversation than an uncle 🤔
3560 likesReplies (358)
See my comment Right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
48 likesCousin is possible too
105 likesUncle make more Sences to me
51 likesProbably that's our father in the past
21 likesHe gained a little weight they look similar from the past to the Future
I think Rainbow Blaze might be Rainbow Dash’s older brother
38 likesOr maybe the writers just didn't think through when they had Rainbow Blaze
39 likes@Allie Soapway mayyybeee??? but they seem too similar for that. like, is there a whole extended family of rainbow dash clones lol
97 likes@Miniş Dünyası I agree. Rainbow Blaze can be that cool athletic older brother of Rainbow Dash
30 likes@Charles White Jr. cutie marks cannot change so thats debunked
17 likesI think he is her OLDER BROTHER too
20 likesMaybe just a Fan
4 likes@ᴅᴏʟᴏʀᴇs ᴍᴀᴅʀɪɢᴀʟ👂🏽 Doubt
7 likesOne that went to college but it could also come to the possibility that she doesn’t like speaking of him for some reason
5 likesWhat if instead of being her brother, uncle, or father (since she’s an only child) maybe he’s her older cousin? Maybe her dad does have a twin brother and Blaze is his son.
22 likesMaybe while her father was busy, her uncle would come over with his son and help foal-sit (or Blaze volunteered to do the foal-sitting himself). With that time together, he’d take her to sports shows and fangirl and bond together.
@Pastel Nut don’t get me wrong but he looks to be to young to be an uncle
5 likesBy the way it could be a scrapped idea
2 likes@Mika Mim My thoughts exactly, which is why I thought brother or cousin.
7 likesI love your channel
2 likes@Pastel Nut you could be on to something actully you might be 100% right
3 likesI don't think they are brothers 'cause Rainbow Dash's mother seems a bit young to already have an adult kid when Rainbow Dash was young... I think they are cousins, Rainbow Dash's father probably has an older brother, who would be Rainbow Blaze's father ^^
8 likesYou say brother would be more likely to come up in conversation. I'd like to point out shining armor and... fluttershy's brother who's name i'm forgetting, as evidence to the contrary. No mentions until they appeared.
9 likes@tommy flores His name is Zephyr Breeze.
4 likes@Mika Mim rainbow would have said somthing then
2 likesI like your idea but maybe rainbow blaze is rainbow dash’s brother. They look alike and they like flaying! It’s possible and we have seen it before so maybe 😁
3 likesIN a mlp book, a original comic says that a pony changed its cutiemark... What if that was younger.... YES
5 likes@Loren ...
1 like@Loren GENIUS
1 like@• Bethany • (the french one lol) rainbows mom is pretty young and cute your prob right
2 likes@LEGENDARYnoob As I said , HAS MAGIC TO EVERYTHING! Why not ?
1 likeI was thinking the same thing too, though we did have a sudden Shining Armor introduction too so /shrug?
1 like@LEGENDARYnoob and maybe he could Be like STARLIGHT and rob other cutiemark. BUT there is a mystery... How to put It?
1 like@Loren what if the music that comes out of nowhere is magic
1 likeWell if you think about it rainbow was the only one in the mane six not to have a blood sibling and who knows rainbow blaze might have had a falling out with the rainbow family its not hard to see that rainbows parents are a little over whelming and even though dashie could find a middle ground with the two some kids with parents that smutherong could distant them selfs to a point of never being around or in my opinion a more interesting explanation would be that blaze felt over shadowed by his yonger sibling maybe felt rainbow was favored over himself and took off as a result dashie may have never spoke about him in the same vain celestia never talked a bout luna because of guilt maybe talking about him gave her so much guilt she refused to maybe thats why when we meet her parents she gets so angry at her parents fbecause they were doing the same things that drove her brother off in the first place maybe thats why her parents became so abscessed with rainbow after the fall out and loss of blaze they clung to the one kid they had left
4 likes@tommy flores That's right.
1 like@Jasmine Sharrer Your A GENIUS
2 likes@Loren you need to be a unicorn to do that
1 like@LEGENDARYnoob :>
0 likesthinking secDats right@Loren And she can take away a cute mark idk if I saw her switch one
0 likes@Jasmine Sharrer Clones just started to get in the story. WHY not changelings or that mystery pool
0 likes@Loren but rainbow would have noticed tho
0 likes@Loren she would have said somthing
0 likesI like the idea of him being a brother but if he was wouldn’t he have to look a tad bit younger in the Equestria Games flashback like Dash for that to work? Or am I just overthinking it?
0 likes@SerenaMidori •-•
0 likesexplodes brainor maybe bliz is rainbow dash's real father but bow is her step father
2 likes@alolanraichu like I said they had it in mind then scrapped after the episode was published then used him as a background pony
1 like@plushie princess funtime lolbit But their too similar... But what if theres a bit of SoapOperas In there? Like , if her mother was cheating on blitz with his TWIN brother
1 like@Loren ....... or she could have been with blaze before she mee bow then left blaze for bow it makes scince (i can't spell sorry) that they would allow rainbow dash as a kid to go with blaze to cemormenys but when she got older her mom chooses bow over blaze and the one time blaze can see rainbow dash is at friendship day
0 likes@plushie princess funtime lolbit That's true! And don't worry if you can't spell fine ^-^ it is normal
0 likesI think I agree
0 likes@Charles White Jr. they have different cutie marks how are they the same pony!?
1 like@Pastel NutI get what your saying but it really never showed in mlp that Rainbow Dash is an only child and if Rainbows dad was busy and couldn’t take care of Rainbow then the mom would’ve kept that responsibility of taking care of her.
2 likes@Mika Mim I mean he doesn’t look that young my aunt is 14 so...
0 likes@• Bethany • (the french one lol) well Rainbow Blaze can be rainbows uncle
1 like@The Nameless Bean the mom seems to young to have a grown adult son while rainbows a foal though...
0 likes@Loren if this is the case... then why would rainbow’s father want to change his cutie mark in the first place? Rainbow dash’s dad and rainbow blaze have different names too, there’s a possibility he probably changed names but why?
1 like@Ryderboycolor9 or older brother
1 likeWhat if it's her Mother?
0 likesAnything could happen
@Isra Wakil But, what about his tallent? Maybe he got older and lose it, then decide to change his life! Have a wife, etc.
1 likeI also think blaze is rainbow's brother
0 likes@Loren Starlight stole cutie marks because she wanted everyone to be equal and it turned out that she secretly kept her cutie mark and didn’t change it so then why would rainbows dad change his?
1 like@Isra Wakil see my last comment up there ☝️
0 likes@Loren How do clones prove anything?
0 likes@The Robloxian Brony sameee
0 likes@Isra Wakil But... I just said that if he cl9ned itself, when he was young and the clone was being jealous that the original one got a cutiemark, than it got one different and then married Rainbow's mother? I GUESS nothing is sure, that clones dont get cutiemarks !
0 likes@Loren i do not think you can lose your talent if it’s your cutie marks talent
0 likesUncle?
1 likeI like you soo much. tho i think its uncle or bro
1 like@Loren I know I’m just telling my opinion
0 likes@Isra Wakil No I understand, sorry if i look rude. :(
0 likes@Charles White Jr. :> I agree! I just explained it , see my comments
0 likesLooks like a younger version of her dad to me at least...
0 likesWas just gonna comment this!
0 likesperhaps he’s estranged? maybe something happened between him and rainbow’s parents or something, and that led to their relationship being strained? and maybe they reconciled during hearthswarming? i dunno dnsnjsjs just a thought. i do like the idea of him being rainbow’s uncle, though
1 likeYou're not fooling anyone Sawtooth. NOT AT ALL!
0 likesI agree
0 likes@Izzy Gedeon THANK YOU
0 likesSaw the card game
1 likeCheck the card game there is more
1 likemaybe theyre both cousins
1 likeRainbow dash brother
2 likesDistant brother then?
0 likesi realized this too
0 likesHe is U N C L E .
0 likesDear sawtooth I am a fellow subscriber and I was thinking if most of Rainbow Dash‘s family has rainbow type cutie marks what if throughout time they were the people or ponies who done the sonic rainboom
0 likesmaybe they had a falling out and rd never wants to talk/think about him again
0 likesshe has no siblings, she’s an only child, but I definitely agree with the uncle theory!!!
0 likesBrother brother brother his her brother
0 likesRainbow Dash dad
0 likesBrother
0 likesI believe he’s rainbows brother
0 likes@Loren You do not look rude! And I appreciate you commenting your opinions
0 likes@Isra Wakil oh thank you from saying this! ^-^
0 likes@Loren hmmm... But if the original got a cutie mark would the clone get the same cutie mark at the same time? or would it be like how you said it...
0 likesI remember seeing blaze during his visit to ponyville and wondering who exactly he was. At first, I mistaked him for Bow, but then realized they were different ponies. The idea that he's the 'cool uncle' makes complete sense.
3 likesYes that is what I was gonna say. The mother is so skinny so it is possible rainbow blaze is her brother but got his mother’s skinny side
1 likeIf they get the same cutiemark, that means TTHATCLONES ARENT CLONES BUT LIKE DE SAME PONY Twice, dice etc.
1 like@Isra Wakil replying to you ☝️
0 likesI had the same thought
0 likesSawtooth waves I have a question can you do a video about Celestia nephew and who is the real dad. I thinking that that's Luna son but who is the father
1 likeHELLO WHY Do you Always Say the Word Syannax Wierdly?
1 likeOr big brother that will be possible?
1 likeHey sawtooth and others who see this a though I am very late but I hope u clear this out sawtooth but what ABOUT the one Pony who looks almost exactly like rainbow and that would be Daring Do! But what if the two father's took one child each that could be a connection but I wanted you to know any sorry my sentence is long but yeah anyway bye!
1 likeHey sawtooth and others who see this comment I'm late I know but I want sawtooth to think about how Daring Do fits into this story anyway I could be wrong for the fact that I'm a 9yr old but just wanted you to know!
1 likeI think brother because he just looks just like rainbow 's father
0 likesTwin
0 likes@Loren maybe but why would he be nearly grown when dashies a kid
0 likes@Isra Wakil I think Rainbow actually revealed that she was an only child to Scootaloo in the episode her parents were revealed.
0 likesBesides, it’d be kinda weird for her parents to centre their entire lives around being Rainbow Dash fans of she had other siblings. Don’t’cha think?
Nah I think uncle is more likely. He's more likely to look just like his brother because they share parents then a child with a new genetic added looking so much alike (except body shape).
1 likeThe first pic off rainbow blazes cutie mark looks like rainbow dash doing a sonic rainboom did rainbow blazes maby have a part in her destiny that what im wondering
0 likesUmm aging
0 likes@Stripes☆Studio That would make sense if he started her love of flying.
1 like@Pastel Nut yes, thanks. I have no idea why it slipped my mind.
2 likesThe other person could be her unlce or older cousin
0 likesOr the creators got lazy on his cutie Mark
What happened to Apple jack parents
1 likeAnd my other question is where rarity parents ?
Rarity and apple Jack are both in the big sister position but no parents ,
And I have a theory celestia calls luna sister not because there related but because there alicorns
I think it's her brother...?🤔😵
0 likes@Suprize Studios ACA Art Comics Animation applejacks parents are dead. Like its as canon as it can be without them saying the word "died" in a kids show. As for rarity's parents? Nopony knows.
1 likeI think he is his real Father because if you look very closely at his cute mark if I had to say he has a straight rainbow with exploding sonic rainboom that Rainbow Dash has Talk about it but this might be were her idea came from. Think about that SAWTOOTH all you need to do is proof that and you should make another video on that.
0 likesHe is her confirmed mentor (MLP TCG)
0 likes@tommy flores but hoa did Apple jacka parents die
0 likesWas it one of there Apple pie delivery
If we look at fluttershy and her brother. Fluttershy never mentioned him and we only got to see him a few times. Too bad the show ended so we may never know. But I see him as being a big brother maybe half brother?
0 likesthats why came down here to say
0 likesbut if they already told rainbow dash when she was a filly there would be no need to bring it up again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likes@ᴅᴏʟᴏʀᴇs ᴍᴀᴅʀɪɢᴀʟ👂🏽 maybe
0 likesI remember in CCG Rainbow Blaze is her mentor. His sub-title is "Dashing Mentor" and his flavor text is "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows!". This card was revealed in 2014, years before "Parental Glideance", so this is not retcon.
2 likes@VcSaJen wow your right
2 likesRyderboycolor9 maybe in starlight path and revealed it true cutie mark
0 likes@Suma Joseph maybe Suma
0 likesI am early
0 likesBrother will make more sense than uncle
0 likes@Charles White Jr. but the cutie marks are different?
0 likesI also thought that it was her brother
0 likesI’m gonna stick to cousin.
1 likeOlder brother maybe
0 likes@Rosella Could be a cousin or brother but not farther because they have different cutie marks ,and cutie marks can not change. When ponies get there cutie marks the are always going to have them and it can not change or disapear .:)
0 likesOr a cousin.
0 likesI thought he was rainbow's brother tbh
0 likesTwins maybe?
2 likes@Alex They could not be twins because he is older than rainbow dash. So maybe cousins or uncle or brother but not twins. :) Good night or day bye :)
0 likesHey stop chating i think that its that rainbow has 2 dads i saw it in the loud house lincon freind has 2 dads
1 likeBrother
I'm sorry but I might ruin this whole theory.
0 likesI know theorist think that theirs a meaning behind everything that's in a cartoon show, and sometimes their is. But I don't believe this is the case. Boe is in the newer seasons of mlp while rainbow blaze in the older seasons of mlp, so with that being said, I'm bout to ruin your theory and sorry. But most likely rainbow blaze is a early design of Boe, and Boe is just redesign version rainbow blaze. 9 times out of 10 they weren't satisfied with his design and name and change him completely. As an artist I understand not being satisfied with a character I draw and remake them.
So i think that rainbow blaze is an early design version of Boe that changed because they weren't satisfied. And even if rainbow blaze is in the newer seasons but obviously a background character(its been a long time since I watch mlp) they didnt exactly scrapped his design completely but use him as a background character with no meaning.
@Sawtooth Waves When Hasbro came out with the MLP trading cards, Rainbow Blaze had his own trading card. His title or role was listed as "Dashing Mentor", and he has a quote on the card saying, "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows!" While the card doesn't directly state Rainbow Blaze's relation to Rainbow Dash far as family, I think you were right that he's her athletic uncle who became her mentor.
1 likeHopefully rainbow blaze and rainbow dash are siblings
1 likeIt's her brother
0 likesIt's her brother
0 likes@alucard swords I agree
0 likesi was just about to say that it could be her brother then i saw this comment but anyway there isnt much proof to go off of but i think he could be
0 likes@-Crystal Moon- I agree
0 likesI meant her RD’s father could have a twin brother
0 likes@Alex maybe
0 likes@Rogelio Maranda yea maybe. :)
0 likesYeah, I was about to suggest that 😅
0 likesI will just looking for your channel I'm really happy to meet you bet you know that other girl and that neither girl the truth I saw one on poki channels that sold his mother cheating on rainbow dash is fatherdildar my friends and I saw it to this creepy and weird little bit scary I hate it but the scene that you think it's real father uncle I don't knowbut what is debit knowing brother but fight to the death in only one wins want that be creepy 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😰😨😨😨😨😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😰😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😨😰😓
1 likeYah
0 likeshow can he stay the same AGE! LOOK AT HIM! HE IS A CHANGLIG LIKE YOU SAID AT ONE POINT! ok, ok, but think he is not for a second showed up moons later and NOTHING CHANGED! who would be up to thing kind of age spell? why show up only 2 times? is it because he saw someone in cloud stale he liked and spends all his time with... ITS DISCORD! I saw him look diagonal at one point UP! he saw... FLUTTERSHY! he spends almost 24/7 with her! so I think its DISCORD!!!!!!!!
0 likesHii
1 likePossibly Twin 0-0
0 likesOmgggggggggggggg same
0 likesYeah, I don't think RD would just never talk about having a sibling
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves could they have been identical twins and just developed different body types and got different cutie marks?
0 likesHe could have been gone for awhile
0 likesHii
0 likesThe brother they don’t talk about lmao
1 likeSame as always ur thereys leave us speechless
0 likesCould he be Rainbow Dash's long lost brother? 😆 🤣
0 likesAhhh I was about to comment that!
0 likesHe is a brother ok
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves
0 likesWell sometimes animators have an original design for a character (in this case Blaze was the original design) but then end up not going with it. So they just put the characters original design in the background for a fun little Easter egg. An example of this world for “The Owl House” when you can see the original design for Amity Blight in the background of the first episode. Your theory seems more likely though.
0 likesWhat if he is Rainbow Dash's Big brother?
0 likesHey sawtooth waves do you know about new my little pony but it’s really different then A Questria
0 likesYeah he has the same color of Rainbow Dash's that I same skin color masane mein I think it's has to be the brother and they kind of have the same cutie mark
0 likesI was going to say that he might be a brother or perhaps even a cousin of some sort Uncle does seem like it be a highly likely possibility but I’m leaning more towards cousin or brother
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves he's her mentor and most likely uncle since she has bobs determination and his brothers love of sports and being better than his older brother hint him instilling that being the best is the best
0 likesbrother
0 likesYep, I think it's Rainbows brother because sometimes in genetics you might look more like your dad but have your mum's body type.
0 likesSo I think he's her brother because he looks like his dad but has his mum's skinny body.
Hey sawtooth remember the time when twilight and flutter shy was sent on a mission with the cutie map and they met two wars and then they fixed it well what about there cutie much then they were pretty dangerous so are deadly you no more it’s a good thing or a bad because I feel that it’s a bad day because their passion sensitive cutie mark is a chainsaw
0 likes@ThisPersonLovesChocolateMilk. Lmao, it stands out alright!
0 likesKidnap!
0 likesI think the pony on the flash backs is actually rainbow's older brother, his "skin" is kinda more light than rainbow's dad, what remind me of rainbow's mom that have light blue "skin", maybe he just look a ton lot more like his father
0 likesIt is she's Brother! Look on all of they eyes soooo mabye they dont like they son and never tell (Rainbowdash) <- idk if its right? Brw so Rainbowdash never know him oki i have no idea
0 likes@Miniş Dünyası yeah like Fluttershy and Zephyr
0 likes@kartoffel maybe he died
0 likesyeah! that was what i was thinking!
0 likesHow StarSwirl and the other pillars made Tree of Harmony with they magic? Unless they got it from someone in equestria or in some world 😏
0 likesIt could be that rainbow dash and blaze are siblings!??
0 likesAlways wondered what Hogwarts house the MIP characters would be in?
0 likes@Charles White Jr. lol
0 likes@Charles White Jr. they have different cutie marks
1 likeWow sawtooth waves you read my mind. I was thinking the same thing.
0 likesSawtooth Waves It’s true that the possibilities of Blaze being Dash’s brother is more than the possibilities of him being her uncle. However, him being her cousin is more likely. Because you see, than Dash would have mentioned the cool athletic brother at least once. Here’s what I think happened:
2 likes“Bow Hothufe was close to his big brother. His big brother got married and soon he had a child. He named him Rainbow Blaze. Bow became an uncle. His nephew was a lot like him. They were close. Very soon Bow got married and had a baby girl. She was a lot like Blaze so they named her Rainbow Dash. Blaze and Dash were very close. Dash saw how athletic he was and was inspired by him. Blaze’s biggest dream was to be a Wonderbolt. Dash wanted the same thing. To be a Wonderbolt. Those two did amazing things together. She learned a lot from him. But when Blaze tried to become a Wonderbolt he failed. In shame, he didn’t talk with her about it much. Dash tried to comfort him and encourage him to try again, but he was too depressed. He gave up his dream and went away to find a new career. Dash and Blaze drifted apart and soon lost touch. But Rainbow Dash was still determined to be a Wonderbolt. She worked hard and became an amazing flyer and soon a Wonderbolt. After a long time, Dash remembered her cool cousin, how he was her inspiration. She got in touch with him and told him how she became a Wonderbolt. Blaze was proud of his little cousin and decided that he will visit her in Heart’s Warming. They caught up and had a wonderful time.”
Of course that’s what I think. What do you think Sawtooth?
*fun fact: when I was typing “Sawtooth”, “Saw toothpaste” appeared. It was so funny 😂 *
@Rosella Omg that is a WONDERFUL theory and so touching and I love it
1 like@Lark Dash thanks 😊
1 like@Vibhavari Karthik haven’t you noticed their Cutie Mark?
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves HAVE AN IDEA: what if rainbow blaze is the true father but rainbow's mom divorced him and married his rainbow dash's other father? this is the most plausible theory if they are so alike yet we never see them together a lot?!
0 likesI Love your show its amazing I've watched for three years
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves I HAVE AN IDEA: what if rainbow blaze is the true father but rainbow's mom divorced him and married his rainbow dash's other father? this is the most plausible theory if they are so alike yet we never see them together a lot?
0 likes@Rosella You're welcome
0 likes@NUBIANNAVY um, isn’t that the same idea Sawtooth had?
0 likessometimes it's the simple answers that fit the best
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves Hello! I just wanted to tell you a thought I had about that theory you made of there being a secret alicorn and wanted to get your thoughts on it.
1 likeYou know, something I've always wondered was who the previous ruler of the Crystal Empire was before Sombra took it over. Perhaps that secret alicorn was it. We know there had already been (somewhat) mention before of a previous princess of the empire. There's also the fact that the picture shown for the love spell with said alicorn is similar to the one Cadence uses, therefore implying they potentially had the same powers.
Think about it. There has not been a rightful heir to the Crystal Empire throne until Cadence. And, we also know Sombra had taken over and inserted himself as king for a time before her. The show has made clear though that Sombra was not the rightful ruler however. This means there used to be another princess, but something happened to her. Did Sombra perhaps kill her? Or did something else happen? One can only wonder.
@Res Dent a thought? That’s a theory, an amazing one. And you know what? I think I just figured out how Sombra took over Crystal Empire. And it’s all thanks to your amazing theory. So here’s what I think happened:
0 likes“The Crystal Empire was ruled by a beautiful princess. A prince was in love with her. She wasn’t in love with him. She was too caught up in her responsibilities to fall in love with somepony. One day, the prince found a recipe for a love potion. So he made it and gave it to the princess. As soon as she drank it, the potion started working. But it turned out that it was a love POISON. She was so lost in his eyes that she forgot about her responsibilities. But the prince didn’t notice that. He was happily enjoying the the moment. In the mean time Sombra found the kingdom and was looking for a way to conquer it. It took him years to get their after getting defeated by Starswirl. Right after he was banished the two princess discovered the Crystal Empire. Starswirl turned their cousin into an alicorn to rule and protect Crystal Empire. But when Sombra arrived after years he could easily conquer the Empire because the princess was unable to fight. One of the royal guards informed the princess that a dark force is trying to take over the Empire. But because of the love poison she didn’t care. The prince finally realized his mistake but it was too late. Sombra killed them and took over the Empire.”
That’s how I think it happened. But I still wanna hear your ideas.
@Rosella This is a really good theory, and you've made a lot of good points. I can actually see this as a possibility of what happened. It does make me wonder then why it took a whole millennium for a new princess of the empire to appear. Why not sooner? Unless.....what if the previous princess was actually still alive.
0 likesWhen Twilight took over ruling Equestria for example, Celestia and Luna were still alive. They just simply retired. It would then mean that perhaps the reason why a rightful heir hadn't appeared sooner was because the previous princess was technically still alive. She may have simply gone into hiding when Sombra came and took over.
(I also realize some could argue that the reason a new ruler didn't show up for so long was because the empire had been banished for all that time. However, Cadence did become an Alicorn princess herself before the empire had returned. The same goes for Twilight, who was considered a princess of something else before taking the throne of Equestria.)
@Res Dent Twilight is still the princess of friendship even after taking over the throne. She ruled Equestria as the princess of friendship. Celestia and Luna ruled Equestria as the princesses of the day and night . And yes, it did take a long time for a new ruler for the Empire to be born but I think I know why. When Sombra was defeated by the two Sisters and he was banished to the shadows. But unfortunately, the Empire went with him. Now let’s say that a new heir to the Empire had bin born right after the current ruler died. Now the new heir would have to wait for years and years to figure out what her destiny is. Because her destiny is in the Empire and it doesn’t exist at the moment. I think that’s why Cadence was born so late. Because the Empire was late. And so that she wouldn’t have to wait for too long. Cadence was the princess of love and love is the main power of the Crystal Empire. She was meant to rule Crystal Empire as the princess of love.
0 likes@Rosella Good point. There's a lot of truth here in what you're saying.
0 likesRainbow dash could have gotten mixed up with a different child
0 likesIn episode bad seed when there new golden apple cart is ready than we will able to see rarity's dad sitting near the water
0 likesMaybe he died
0 likes@Vibhavari Karthik um, you should check my public reply to this (Sawtooth’s) comment. I have got a theory about Rainbow Blaze that fits perfectly with what we know about Dash and Blaze. Also I have got no idea what you’re sorry about. You did mean “sorry” with “srry”, didn’t you?
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves if you say Chloe glow I'm from the human world can you explain why there is a character a model that looks exactly like her but and brown hair and green skin
0 likesDo you have a sister if you do can you please show her
0 likesI think brother of rainbow dash
0 likesI thought that too! What if she has a brother?
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves do you want my little pony friendship is magic for the show to be back? I felt it ended too early along with equestria girls. What do you think?
0 likesHi
1 like@Charlie hello
0 likesI think it's rainbow dash dad twin?
0 likesthat's what I want to say
0 likesbrother
0 likesDisowned brother
0 likesThe first mins
0 likesMatpat is that u?
@sparkle's thing can I ask why you deleted all the videos that you have uploaded and changed your profile picture from Twilight to Iris from Lolirock? Wait, Iris from Lolirock? You know about Lolirock?
0 likesI think it good
1 likeMaybe the writers forgot rainbow blaze existed so they replaced him
2 likes@Yemisonic I am pretty sure not
0 likes@Yemisonic thought you might want to know that someone else has a similar theory.
0 likesޗެއިށްޖުޅ
0 likes@Charles White Jr. cant be, the cutie marks are different
0 likesThat the same thing that I was thinking!
0 likesHe could have gotten jealous of his younger sister and things could have become tense between the family and so he left without a word and maybe that’s why they don’t talk about him because it’s hard to talk about him
0 likesUhhh..... Hellooooo rainbow can be adopted
0 likesUncle!
0 likesHmmm I think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash brother to be honest
0 likesWhat if that's her brother maybe like Blaze is her brother right? I mean I can totally see that as Rainbow Dash older brother.
1 likeI vote for him to behis brother it sounds more simpler than complicated 😅
0 likesDiscord can still be the creation of Star Swirl we only SAW him after the pillars when to limbo because Star Swirl made sure that he did nothing wrong but when Star Swirl went to limbo there was a window of opportunity that he could take equestria into chaos . And I am your biggest fans i even watched your first video
0 likesThe uncle makes total sense. What if Rainbow Blaze was an athlete . And when rainbowdash was born he would came around to help out with her. And while watching rainbow he’d show her or watch a lot of the wonderboltz around her and when she got old enough he would come around and train her. But cause she was very young she couldn’t remember you help her.?
0 likesHmn maybe Rainbow Blaze is rainbow dashs brother because they have one of their mom and dads body color. Maybe it makes sense's to me...
2 likesI was thinking he was Rainbow Dashes brother!
0 likes@Miniş Dünyası Yep!
0 likesIdk he could be rainbow dash’s uncle in the past???
1 likeI was about to say it could just be his brother
0 likes@Miniş Dünyası I dont think so
0 likesit was said that he's her brother, sorry sawtooth
0 likesI wanted to say that but sigh this seems so hard to do
0 likesHey or she was dating blaze ho wich I don't know was her boyfriend I guess and one day she broke up with him to live a new life with rock hoof
0 likesI need to the show but can you get me in 2021
0 likes@Miniş Dünyası hmmmm
0 likesHe is rainbow Dash's brother
0 likesPlus, it states rainbow dash is an only child
0 likesShe could of had of him then when he found out he could of left them he comes in
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves or Beau might be Rainbow Dashes grandfather
0 likesmaybe its rainbow dashes brother or cousin because he looks a lot younger than bow it would be unlikely also because we havent seen any other siblings that are that far apart in age. i like to think that rainbow had an older brother but he is always away on flying sponsorships! rainbow dosent mention it because she hasent seen him in ages and he has no impact on her current life
0 likesHi 911
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is her uncle
0 likesAlso another idea could be that Blaze is a sperm donor? It could easily be that her father was infirtle so Blaze was willing to help his Brother and Sister in Law.
0 likesYes dah FUNCLE!
0 likesDiffrient cutie marks and maybeeeeee
0 likes@Allie Soapway yesss cousin
0 likesOr, H I S - U N C L E : )
0 likesI think they are both her dad but one of them is a redesign
0 likesMaybe rainbow dashes brother
0 likesProbably bow and windies son they had as young (human years 16) year olds ?
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves okay hear me out what if he came from the human world portal
0 likesRainbow blaze is rainbow dash’s MENTOR!
0 likesRainbow blaze is Rainbow Dash’s MENTOR!
0 likes@ThisPersonLovesChocolateMilk. ⁵⁵
0 likesYeah its her brother
0 likesBlaze can be rainbow dashes brother!
0 likes@ThisPersonLovesChocolateMilk. hu
0 likesThat's that one Rainbow – and that one is Rainbow – uncle
0 likesRainbow dash brother
0 likes@Charles White Jr. but the cutiemark
0 likesUmmm it could be her brother
1 likeNo actually siblings tend to fight and if it's bad enough they never talk or even mention the other trust me I'm a big sister and my little sister still hasn't forgiven me I have to introduce myself to her friends
1 likeIt could be a twin of him
0 likesHe does looks alot like him
And cutie marks would ofc be different as they could be identical twins and talents could be different
Yeh so thats what I think-
Dead uncle.
0 likesI still say dead uncle
0 likesMaybe hes her step dad
0 likesyou stole ma adea
0 likesapple jack lol
@Sawtooth Waves every single thing is a simple coincidence to mi of course
0 likesSame here!
0 likesThat pony is rainbow's brother/cousin idk
0 likesSimple answer. He's rainbow's uncle. Explains it all 😌
0 likesAaa
0 likesWhat what what is your common Rainbow Dash
0 likes@• Bethany • (the french one lol) but twilight's dad and mom look the same age and she has a big bro
0 likes(Ad. )
0 likesBow hot hoof is her father but the other pony might be her uncle and since the uncle's genetics are in the family tree or something
0 likes444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
0 likesI love your show so much🏋🏼♀️💞
0 likesIs Uncle or his brother
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves twighlight sparkle has a big brother (shining armor) so this new rainbow pony is most likely her big brother and mabe rainbow dash just likes her uncle more than her brother
0 likesMight be his brother that is a good choice Teja just
0 likesMaybe rainbow blaze is her long lost brother that their parents didnt support and he left because of the lack of support and now they have rainbow dash and to make up for the loss of their son are overly supportive in literally everything Dash says and does...what do you think sawtooth waves?
0 likesI think brother
0 likesI think maybe blaze is her brother
0 likesI love Luna
0 likesWell I think blaze is a time traveler and blaze is rambo dash in he fucher and something happened to his dad in the future and is waiting untill the bad thing happens he will wait and try to injoy seeing her dad
0 likesi agree
0 likesDont know how ture this is but i heard this
0 likesWhen you first see rainbow dash with rainbow blazes the original staff where going use him as rainbow dash original father and reveal him soon but after the episode of where scootaloo meet rainbow dash parents it was then to make rainbow blaze rainbow dash's older brother and to precent around the same time as we found out about flutter shy brother. they where planing to have an episode where rainbow dash older brother came home to visit with his own family. He was going to have a white mare as his wife, he was also going to have a daughter, she was going to have a rainbow main and tale like her father and white coat like her mother, but around the same time the original male staff or any one who was male working on my little pony shows where fired or let go and replace fir a all woman staff and since the male staff left so did the idea of her brother coming to visit
A brother
0 likes@ThisPersonLovesChocolateMilk. no
0 likesThey Are brothers!
0 likesOr the lost son 😟
1 likeI think that Rainbow blaze is the dad but had rainbow at a young age and was not able to take care of her so he past custody to his mom and dad
0 likeswell actually cousin makes more sense to me because i have a cousin who i look exactly like so it could be possible that that's dashy's cousin or somethin?
0 likesWhy are you writing your own comments
0 likesWhen you said hows this pony I said her siblings brother
0 likesI think uncle
0 likes@Charles White Jr. then why did the cutie mark change?
0 likesNo, Blaze is the FATHER!!!!!!!!! Thinking 'bout it, its Blaze. rainbow's mom is a cheat and Blaze is her dad. The first theory must be true. Her mom isn't truthful.......... Let's not leave the FACTS in the waiting room, people. LOL XD
0 likesI knew i was right
0 likesWhat happens if windy FIRST marred blaze first, then bow….. OR she cheated on blaze with bow then she marred bow , then she told rainbow dash that is his uncle
0 likesUncle, cousin, brother thats a possibility
0 likesI don't think the pony from the flashback is rainbow dash his brother I mean come on I know you said cutie mark couldn't change but I think that's Rainbow dash Uncle
0 likes@ThisPersonLovesChocolateMilk. ❤️
0 likesMaybe a old brother like a really old brother
0 likesmaby twins
0 likes@Gachagirl33 yes your right
0 likesElder brother W/ a rocky relationship.
0 likes@Charles White Jr. Did you not hear him say "But cutie marks don't change"?
0 likesOr brother.
0 likesOK I could be a cute me and brother
0 likesWe didn't meet fluttershys brother until his episode so it makes sense to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
0 likesSibling?
0 likesYeah
0 likesMaybe brother or cousin
0 likesmaybe Rainbow Dashs dad has a brother or maybe a cousin
0 likesHey sawtooth nice theory
0 likesrainbow dashs brother
0 likesWasn't it said that Rainbow dash doesn't have any siblings tho?
0 likesI honestly like the idea that he is her brother, cuz he didn't seem to age later on when he is seeing during hearts warming. And to me that's what makes the most sense since they look so similar and he's so much younger than Bue
0 likes@Charles White Jr. No the cutie mark is different.
0 likesYeah, but it's my little pony, the only time a brother is going to show up in a conversation is if is going to appear in the episode. I mean, we didn't even know Fluttershy had a brother until zephyr's episode.
0 likesor he cheated on her drama story
0 likesand i’m a alicorn pony name stardancer moonlight cutie mark: 💠
0 likesI think its her brother
0 likesmaybe a bit too much?
0 likesmaybe a bit too much?
0 likesand also why did she cheat?
0 likesyeah, blaze could just be Rainbow's older teenager brother when she was a filly
0 likesI say bow and blaze are gay
1 like@Clarise Johnson wow
0 likesInteresting that before the 2:34 mark I was already thinking something like "Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's father" although more like; what if Windy Whistles and Rainbow Blaze are Rainbow Dash's biological parents, but he left and Windy raised Rainbow Dash with Bo Hothoof? Since RD, RB, an BH all have rainbow-colored; manes, tails, and cutie marks it's likely that they're either related or similar
0 likes@Sawtooth Waves uh sawtooth only mane and tale and body color is the same about blaze and bow
0 likesHe's either her brother, uncle, or a simple base to represent Rainbows father before they actually full on made up his character. Like personality and stuff. So that's most likely her father but the starter base
2382 likesReplies (32)
or they were gay XDDDDDD
22 likesBrother lol
11 likesI thought it's his brother too
13 likes@Mariusz Zet How?
8 likesIt’s probably the latter, since they pretty much have the same colour palettes
23 likes@Macayle Angelina how what????
2 likesHow their gay? Fucking magically
He cant be her brother bcz rainbow dash said many time she was the only child
21 likesAnd that y she has Scootaloo as her little sister
@CrazyGreenFluff sorry idk y I wrote that I meant Scootaloo
0 likesI think uncle
0 likes@Mariusz Zet not against lgbtq+ so just have that clear, but i don't think it would be possible for a male pony to have a baby with another male pony
7 likes@『Smituna』 You can be gay and still have a child genius.
1 like@Mariusz Zet nah gay people can't have children
2 likes@Mikayla Guiang yeah... But were talking about genetics and pelt and hair color inheritance... You know how it goes... Gays can't have children naturally, they have to adopt... And Dash wouldn't have inherited their colors...
9 likes@Beatriz Xinyu Diaz Alvarez Being gay doesn't stop you from being fertile, genius.
3 likes@Mariusz Zet they are way too similar to not be related tbh (same skin, eye and mane) and Windy is definitely her mom because of her skin and eye color so I think that the gay theory is unlikely
2 likes@Mariusz Zet no dash has a mom
0 likesYou are are you real ayurville are you JNU tell me Angela Angela and and noun and very thought you have a YouTube channel Tom 2 have a YouTube channel what going on here😱😧😨😦😥
0 likes@Sithe Chouhan ….?
0 likes@Sithe Chouhan u drunk?
0 likesYeah
0 likesTotally possible he’s a donor father
0 likesAs brothers have very similar genetics
The third possibility is the most likely, they probably made him, decided he wasn't good enough, and redesigned him into a completely different character.
1 like@Blue waves🌊✨ y'all are really comparing gay humans to magical gay rainbow ponies who have magic in their world..... Pretty sure gay ponies could have a baby
0 likes@『Smituna』 y'all are really comparing gay humans to magical gay rainbow ponies who have magic in their world..... Pretty sure gay ponies could have a baby
0 likes@Beatriz Xinyu Diaz Alvarez y'all are really comparing gay humans to magical gay rainbow ponies who have magic their world.... Pretty sure gay ponies could have a baby
0 likes@Mariusz Zet they can't have children
0 likesOr hes like the younger version of her father
0 likesI like this response better
0 likesIt could also be an older cousin! When I was younger I had a lot of cousins who were full adults, so it’s not impossible!
0 likesher?
0 likes@JoeJoe Who Yes?
0 likes@Mikayla Guiang First just stop being rude ig your right but just try to sound nice-
0 likesGenes can just as easily skip a generation as it can be present in one.
170 likesRD's athletic build may have been the result of her inheriting a carried gene that either Bow or Windy passed on to her.
This Mystery Pegasus could be RD's uncle, which explains why he's a grown stallion even when RD was little. It would also explain why she was seen so much with him, as he was the only pony she knew that was interested in sports, therefore she would bond with him more closely over their favorite activity.
Every instance we saw her with this Pegasus could have simply been a day her parents were too busy to keep an eye on her, handing her off to her favorite uncle so he could babysit her. I mean, her baby pictures prove she was quite the handful even in her infancy, needing more hooves on deck to make sure she doesn't accidently injure herself.
Yeah I definitely think that he’s rainbows uncle. He looks really similar to her dad so I could even say twins. Maybe one just grew up with more of a passion for sport. The idea that rainbow was inspired by this is perfect too. I think that she was much closer with her uncle as a kid but only sees him on special occasions as an adult.
119 likesI like the idea of him being Rainbow's big brother. She'd get alot of inspiration from him, and they'd most likely spend time together. As for her bringing him up in conversation with the others, I don't think she actually would. We only discovered who Rainbow's parents were in that one episode, and as far as I can remember, they were never mentioned before. This brings the thought that Dash doesn't talk about her family much.
33 likesReplies (1)
This was overlooked far too much.
0 likesIn my verse Blaze is Rainbow's uncle who was a huge inspiration to RD. He used to travel around the world a lot so he wasn't around a lot.
23 likesI play one of the MLP games in the App Store. In the game you collect characters, for every character you collect it gives you a description or fact about the character and I have Rainbow Blaze.
2413 likesThis is what his description says: Rainbow Dash has always looked up to this gifted flier, ever since she was a filly, sometimes literally — he was up in the sky a lot back then!
Although this doesn’t exactly tell us how or if they are related, but it tells us that Rainbow Blaze is a good flyer and that Rainbow Dash looked up to him, making the possibility of him being the inspiration to Rainbow Dash very likely.
Replies (32)
Well spotted ♡
76 likesThat's the gameloft one, right?
82 likes@Bronwyn Knight it sure is 👍
32 likesI have the game but did not get rainbow blaze yet
22 likes@Stun Star Studio long
2 likesIt depends if the games are canon to the show
21 likesI play that game too, but how did you receive Blaze :O?
12 likesEdit: also my code is 8cef8b so friend me if you want :D
I haven't seen anything I am just new fan of my Little pony friendship is magicbut it's really weird because in the flashback rainbow dash is with him and what creepy stories think I saw that his mother cheating on rainbow dash is father I think I saw it on creepy channels are something 🤔🤔🤔
5 likesI don't know what you're talking about I just su the movie that you're talking about and on the three pichanur something I saw a video that showed me that rainbow dash is mother cheated on his father with is with his father 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
1 like@The Greeter they do, the game shows events that happen in the series and includes all ponies names
3 likesYour good
1 likeGoogle Play Store??
0 likes@ItsMeKristina hi I play that too so can u friend me pls?
0 likes@Sofia Kaur okayyy, my code is 8cef8d i think, but you can also tell me yours!!
0 likes@ItsMeKristina what’s the name of the game?
0 likesNeat.
1 like@McSenkel neat is the name?
0 likesLoved that game i had to delete it cuz i was running out of storagw
1 likeThat helps
0 likesOoh game lore. Great research! keep it up!
0 likesThe game sounds interesting. Can you please tell me it’s name?
0 likesI have downloaded the app
0 likesPlease someone tell me the name of the game
0 likes@Rosella It’s name is “My Little Pony: Magic Princess”. It should be in the App Store for apple and Samsung devices.
1 like@Stun Star Studio oh, thank you. I have been trying to get it’s name for a while. And I’ve finally got it.
0 likesMe to
0 likesI also saw something like that on a MLP trading card. It was called: Collectible Card Game.
1 likeMind blowing
0 likesThat’s a shame he wasn’t even named in show or given any lines
0 likesOhh I know what game you’re talking about I have it
0 likes@Stun Star Studio Yeah but there is problem with your theory. Don’t get me wrong it is a good theory but let’s look at the episodes he is in.(yes I know it is just a theory and you evidence to back up your theory but hear me out) why would a total stranger allow young Rainbow Dash to be on their body and in a hearts warming tail he is in that episode to and plus(yes I know some ponies from Ponyville are there to but still) why would the mane 6 allow a total stranger into their party the ponies that are there are either friends or family of the mane 6 it wouldn’t make any sense that they would allow a stranger into their party.
2 likesU u whats the name of the game???
0 likesI like how Sawtooth is making really mature theories over a kids show
8 likesHere’s another theorem. Perphaps this younger pony is simply a place holder for what we see now as rainbows father. We can see the mark on the younger one is obviously of rainbow dash. So perhaps this was a place holder to show that rainbow does have a father. I mean the art for the show has gotten more and more pronounced as the plot has thickened so it could be.
12 likesUncle seems likely. I know that I’ve looked up to my aunt a lot so the theory of rainbow looking up to dash works just fine.
0 likesI like the third option of Bryan dash as her father. More emotion if you watch the 4 volumes
0 likesBut what if’s her brother? Basically he’s her older brother but he went to college? It might be an idea that they threw in the trash and just reused his asset
1959 likesReplies (50)
Or her Uncle.
53 likesThat's what I was thinking
18 likesI agree. Both Blaze and Rainbow's dad have similarities. Most fathers have sons and/or daughters can have similar features from their parents.
66 likesTruuue.... it's a shame we didn't see him more then...
17 likes@N/A I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who got rainbow’s athletic side it’s a shame we never got any explanation about him
26 likesWhat if he is a changeling and a uncle of rainbow!
6 likes@Charlie that would make rainbow part changeling but we haven’t seen any signs in the show
12 likesOr maybe it’s her uncle, what if bow hothoof has a twin brother?
16 likesI know that Hasbro can be lazy sometimes and just reused or recycled some assets and made clone of ponies that are not changelings. But stil, this is Rainbow Dash's family members that we talked about here. All of the mane 6 family members have been shown throughout the series and each of them have speaking roles. So, why not include just one more pony? Heck, he doesn't even have an official name from Hasbro.
19 likesThat’s what I was thinking
1 like@Hiccy69 like I am saying they probably had the idea showed him in the flash back then scarped the idea and just used him as a random asset
7 likesThat’s probably true
1 likeMaybe they decided that Twilights brother drama was enough so introducing another older sibling when the CMC also exist would have been too much
6 likes@Acenice theory I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s actually the case
3 likesThat makes more sense then my teory. But it how do expland that we didin't get to know her brother? And she most be arond 9 years in that first clip, and her brother most have been like 13-15 years it's 9 years whituot Contact we know of. And they had to say at least his name, siblings are a inportent for ponys, so what els happend to him
5 likes@Karin Bergman like I said this could be scrapped idea they probably thought having an older sibling would cause to much drama in the show
4 likesWas just about to comment that
0 likes@Bien G-Fan i tink brother
1 likewell theres something to think about there if he was a older brother then woudnt the parents mention him like crazy like they do with dash? like they love there daughter to insane extents they would do the same with there son wouldnt they? also i feel like the reason they love rainbow so much is because shes the only child
2 likes✨horse collage✨🤌
3 likesYes but her parents didn't have any photos and memories of him in their house. So rainbow dash hasn't got a brother.
3 likes@Mika Mim except the part where rainbow is able to mimic twilight and the main six, changing her hair.
1 like@Charlie oh yes I completely forgot about that but she just changed her hair and attitude she didn’t actually gain their voice or looks
3 likes@Mika Mim you're right. But i like to Think Deaper.
1 like@Charles DeBack what episode
0 likes@Bien G-Fan true. :)
1 likeI don't think so. The show is seemingly implying Dash is an only child
1 like@ArtC-the-Brony But how do we know he could rainbow dashes long lost brother for all we know ? :)
1 likeI had the same thing in my mind glad you commented it. it could be true
1 like@akari thanks! Nice pfp by the way !
2 likesI was thinking the same thing!
0 likesYa
0 likesAgreed (same idea)
0 likesOk all the main six have siblings
1 likeI think that could also be true
0 likesThat’s what I thought to!
0 likesI dont what to choose i think both bc you know
0 likesI HAVE AN IDEA: what if rainbow blaze is the true father but rainbow's mom divorced him and married his rainbow dash's other father? this is the most plausible theory if they are so alike yet we never see them together a lot?!
2 likes@NUBIANNAVY They look to be very similar so it’s kinda weird I don’t think that they would look this similar and not be related
1 likeThat’s what I thought too
0 likesThat might be true
0 likesActually i came to the comments section to say this
0 likesThat what I was thinking
0 likesI kept repeating to myself the whole video it's her brother
0 likesHmm good idea. Maybe Rainbow Blaze is rainbow dash's brother, because a son is like their fathers and a daugther can be like their mothers. That make sense's now
0 likesI said that
0 likesOoooooooo yea
0 likesIt's not he's bro it's a different pony bc rainbow blaze bow different name so not bros so he's right
0 likesI like that idea and it makes more sense!
0 likesI was gonna say that
0 likesI never knew about the hearths warming apperance, so I always had the headcannon that RB was an older brother who died at some point which is why you only see him via flashback and Dash never talks about him
5 likesAs I enjoy watching mlp, these interesting videos are very fun!
0 likesI think it would be kinda dark to put affairs in a kids show, so I think he’s the uncle that,even though close to one of the parents just drifts apart over time
1 likeI think that maybe, even though they were close during her childhood,blaze either drifted apart or there was a massive fight that caused some pretty bad separating. I mean stuff like that happens albeit even with your own brother🤷♀️
I always thought he was Rainbow Dash's older brother, it would explain their close bond and why Dash is a tomboy
1 likeBeing Rainbow's uncle makes the most sense
3390 likesReplies (64)
What makes the most sense in rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother. Nobody thought of that?
110 likes@Sakura Plays I did
32 likesThat's my headcannon. My headcannon also has him being the older brother and that's why he gets the "Rainbow" name. A first-born, each generation privilege.
51 likesMost likely blaze is bo's twin
15 likesSounds about right
5 likes@Rehena Begum oh yeah
3 likestrue
4 likes@Rehena Begum if I was rainbow dash's dad I would be really offended lol
5 likesin my opinion, they both look the same age and in retrospect, fashion wise rainbow dash's mother looks older than rainbow blaze but you do you
3 likesYes it does
7 likesIndeed
2 likes@Sakura Plays For real, instead of him being her freaking uncle it makes more sense that he is her brother
3 likesYeah it really does
1 likeYup
1 likeMaybe but why we didin't see him in any episode ?
1 likeYep
0 likesHonestly yeah
0 likesMaybe
0 likes666 like lol
0 likesBut yea dose makes sense
0 likes@Sakura Plays i thought that
0 likesYeah also, with the comments I'm actually getting real confused
0 likesYeah kinda.
0 likes@Rehena Begum That makes no sense whatsoever, let's speak in logic of your weird pedophilic theory, why would Bow even be married to his son's significant other? That's disgusting
1 likeYeah rainbow uncle
2 likesMaybe he could be rainbow dash older brother
0 likesI would say father
0 likesOr bother
1 likeYEA
0 likesYes
0 likesOr rainbowdash older brother👍
0 likes@Sakura Plays .
0 likesI agree
0 likes@Sakura Plays i was about to comment that lol
0 likesYeah
0 likes@Sakura Plays that can be a possibility too. I thought about the same thing as you did
1 likeYeah
0 likes@Sakura Plays that makes the LEAST sense lol
0 likesYea I agree with you
0 likesMost likely
0 likesYesss
0 likes@Sakura Plays wouldn't rainbow dash mention her brother to her friends and mau see rainbow dash talking with him or something idk
1 likeTure
0 likes@Sakura Plays I did
0 likesBig brain
@Sakura Plays same
0 likesYaH
0 likesNo
0 likesYeah bc they look like brothers
0 likesYep
0 likesTrue
0 likesYea that make sense
0 likesI agree with you.
0 likesOk many bow is the uncle.
0 likesI think it bow brother because he look so same
1 like@Shamis Mohamed yeah i think that is more making sense
0 likesYeah I actually agree with you
0 likesIf it were her uncle, then I think that the show would introduce him as his uncle... I would thing that's its rainbow dash's brother, and he ran away. The parents forgot about him.. its a stretch but.. ya ;-;
0 likesYeah,Maybe Bow and rainbow blaze are Brothers or twins because thay have the same hair,their eye color and their body color
0 likesOr older cousin
0 likesTrue
1 likeAlso him being rainbow dash's brother makes even more sense
0 likes@シCʜᴇᴇsʏ Vɪʙᴇsシ or maybe he just go live alone
1 likeAgreed
0 likesI remember the cards mentioning that he was his mentor and taught her how to fly
2 likessimple - their parents just weren’t creative and had pretty tight genes, they look almost identical besides the eye color and fur color, both he shares with rainbows father.
1 likethey’re brother and sister, he was named first (“rainbow blaze”) and they named her something similar because they look nearly identical
I think he was the uncle! Great video by the way, I love your channel
1 likeOr maybe blaze is rainbow dashes much older brother, Like one of my friends who’s 14 has a brother in his late twenties/early 30s, we never talked that much, but that could be a similar situation to this.
3 likesMaybe it’s her older brother because he looks like rainbows father and the genes are so close. That makes it way more possible for it to be her older brother! And he didn’t live with the family because he was old enough to live alone.
1645 likesReplies (45)
Maybe he also ran away for some reason. It would explain why Rainbow got so upset about Tank hibernating. Since Tank reminded her of her brother.
141 likesThat’s what I also thought about it was most likely he had his own episode but got used for a random asset
36 likes@AdventureKitty101 yea that too
14 likesI also thought it was her older brother!
11 likesIf he was Dashie's brother, how could Hasbro just left him out? All the Mane 6 family members have already been shown throughout the series and each of them have speaking roles. Is it against some kind of animation rules to include just one more main casts' family members? Was it too much work for Hasbro? Think about it
22 likesokay that dose make sense but than why was he barley menchend so what if that is her older sellf from a difrent univers akting like a cousin
4 likesBut isn't dash a canonical only child?
8 likesGood theory, but I think that they don’t hang out that much. I think Rainbow remembers him but hasn’t mentioned him to her friends
8 likes@Hiccy69 Idea; Maybe he's a half sibling! People remarry all the time so maybe dash's dad had his brother with another parent. That may explain why we didn't see him, Hasbro didn't wanna explain that to a younger audience so they ignored it! There is always the possibility that it was an error with no explaination, but this is more fun.
26 likesYeah maybe cause they all have siblings but her so.... maybe
1 likeBut, doesn't it make them look lazy if they named both their children "Rainbow"?
4 likesI agree
0 likesThis would make more sense!😍 love this theory
0 likesYs i agree
0 likesHis cuteymark makes sense its like his mother and father's mixed
1 like@• Sakura • yes
0 likesI AGREE
0 likesthats what I thought, but wouldn't he have at least one feature from windy whistles?
1 likeIt makes more sense for him to be rainbows dads twin brother 😂
0 likesLike Fluttershy's brother
0 likes@Helena Krieger fluttershys father has green coat and pink hair. Her brother has green coat and BLONDE hair and different bodytype too so your comment doesnt make much sense
0 likesWhy did rainbowdash never mention him or why didnt his parent , maybe he did some thig wrong and his parents didnt want to mention him. So at the game rainbow dash sneaked of with her brother.
1 like@whitedeerthat Rainbow dash could have a brother like Fluttershy has a brother? What don't you understand?
0 likes@Ari .S it's possible
0 likesI think Rainbow would’ve mentioned that she had a brother at some point in the series so that seems unlikely.
1 likeOr a cousin?
0 likesThat’s what I thought aswell!
0 likesOr uncle
0 likesI was thinking that it was her older brother two
0 likesI thought rainbow was the only child?
0 likes@Little_lil_lee idk
0 likesYeah!
0 likesYeah and after there parents were really lonley and sad and had rainbowdash and were very excited and treated her the best
1 like@AdventureKitty101 Oh my gosh that is really emotional you're onto something
1 likeHer parents do look older than the other pony’s (still-living) parents
0 likesyea that's exactly what I was going to say
0 likesw@Hiccy69 Maybe they were close when she was a filly but they've grown apart?
0 likes@Pelorin I don’t think they ever said she was an only child in the show (but I don’t know)
1 likeHey good question
0 likesExplains how old her dad looks.
2 likes@Rosa Cat same
0 likesTaht was what I was thinking
0 likesyeah
0 likes@AdventureKitty101 uh rainbow dash knows she has an older brother
0 likes@whitedeer not a comment a reply
0 likesMy brother looks more like one of our uncles than he does our mother (who is said uncle's sister), and I look more like my Dad's side of the family than my brother does. Rainbow Dash can resemble her uncle more than her father fairly easily, without any ... issues. They're family.
0 likesNo need to start questioning things on this route without a lot more evidence than "she looks like her uncle."
Honestly, I think he'd actually be her brother. He looks a bit too young to be an uncle😅
0 likesI love how deep we get into my little pony I just finished season 9 I love this stuff I’m almost 17 loved it since I was like 8🤣
0 likesI think Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's older brother.
0 likesMe, who has divorced parents and a super caring step-father: they divorced and Rainbow Dash started to consider him her father
1085 likesSawtooth: SHE CHEATED
Replies (12)
They both have the rainbow mane though ... it seems like they’re both related to her so I kinda don’t think her mum married both of them
46 likesI don’t think she cheated either but it seems more likely
I think he’s probly her uncle or maybe cousin
21 likes@Me maybe Windy has a type?🤷🏽♀️
20 likesyeah your thing was my original idea aswell :3
4 likesLOL
0 likesBo and blaze are probably cousins or brothers and rainbow got her uncles hair
2 likesMaybe the 2 are just cousins
0 likesYeah I had the same theory
0 likesThat’s the better explanation for a kids show.
0 likesOr maybe Rainbow Dash was too young to remember that bo isn’t her actual dad??
0 likesFACTS!!!!!!!!!
0 likesBruh he can he be her older brother,or uncle he is really similar to hoothoof.
0 likesi have no evidence to support and it very well may be wrong, but my first thought was this:
0 likesthe athletic pony was dash's real father, but maybe he was too young to actually take responsibility for her, so the athletic pony's father must've covered up for him and took responsibility for rainbowdash.
this would make the older pony her grandfather and the younger to actually be her father. this would also explain the athleticism and why her "father" already seemed so old when dash was still so young.
my only issue with this theory is, why wouldn't they tell rainbow dash the truth after she's become an adult?
You talk about so many things that I’m pretty sure Hasbro never even thought of.
0 likesIn preview I read, The father remarried the aunt after his wife passed, maybe this is going on here too, but different, rainbow bio parents got divorced and the mother got with what we know as the father, and Blaze felt betrayed my his brother for marrying his ex-wife, so he never is brought up. Dash probably sees both of them as her father. Its a stretch but it is possible
0 likesMaybe the first one was originaly ment to be Rainbows father, but when there was a plot wich involves her parents, the writers probably forget about that and created a new father. Or in other words: bot charakters are the same person, but with a big redesign in between.
0 likesI would imagine Hasbro decided to officially debut Rainbow Dash's dad not thinking much about the flashback, saw the community reaction of all these theories, went "ah sht we messed up", then saw some convincing theories and casually decided to go alomg with it like that was the whole plan
485 likesReplies (2)
18 likesthough it does make sense..
If I made a story and it got popular and developed a fanbase
13 likesThis is EXACTLY what would happen to me-
Blaze being rainbows uncle would be perfect it is easy to asume rainbows inspiration comes from a close family member thus letting him play a big role in little rainbows life
0 likesI think it's maybe a possibility (and I know people have already said this but i don't care) that Blaze is Rainbow's older brother. Probably around the age equivalent to a teen in those flashbacks. This would explain a lot. The fact that he looks very similar to Bo but a lot younger looking, the fact that he appears in flashbacks, and that we don't see him much outside of flashbacks. He probably got a job somewhere else and isn't around much anymore. idk but this makes sense to me
0 likesI do belive he was just the first design for the father before being changed later on, since after the appearance of the real dad you dont really see him anymore
0 likesHeh...i don't wanna think about rainbow's mom cheating....I'd see her in a vastly different light lol.
0 likesBut i think atleast an uncle seems like the most logical option. Because it keeps things wholesome.
Not gonna lie, I like the uncle angle because he can have a big impact on Rainbow's life and inspire her without others questioning why she wouldn't talk about him much. If she had a strained relationship with her parents, that wouldn't mean she'd gravitate to her uncle, necessarily, but focus on being alone and with friends instead. Family second, basically.
682 likesReplies (7)
(It’s basically canon if you read his MLP wiki page!)
13 likesMaybe even an older brother in my opinion because like fluttershy’s brother he was not really mentioned till later in the series and was off studying. Like Blaze could be studying somewhere else. and not told his ans Rainbow Dash’s parents because he knows how they get.
11 likes@Tudor Aragorn of Greyscot a wiki page is not cannon sorry. A wiki can be altered, and unless told by the creators or canonically said within the show itself, it’s not cannon. Wiki pages for any fandom is run by fans, not creators. Sorry man
3 likesTrue! Blaze could easily just be Rainbow’s Uncle
3 likes@Victoria N. We will never know ?
1 like@Mae Wensing Guys, it's canon 🤣
0 likesA cannon is the thing that was used to shoot cannon balls
@I Eat Lemons. is it? Huh I thought it was cannon because cannon.. fannon.. welp thanks for correcting me!
0 likesI really thought when they said “The truth is…..” after that they would’ve said she’s adopted 😂 so yeah that’s my weird idea but no evidence lol
0 likesYes brother makes the most sense, they both look almost exactly the same from coat color to mane sooo
0 likesIf you look him up it says he is her “mentor” it has the quotations too
0 guess is still that Blaze is just the cool young jock uncle, who didn't quite qualify as a Wonderbolt but sublimated that into being a super-fan.
0 likesI think he's just the cool uncle who takes her everywhere cause her parents were busy lmao
0 likesI kinda like the idea of RB's mom with Blaze, and then RB finding out. A few episodes later on loyalty....
0 likesI think her father she is little look like before after that the father changes the cutie Mark when she's now grows
0 likesFrom my whole family, I'm most similar in appearance to my uncle, but from mother's side, not father's. So that means...
0 likesI think Rainbow Dash spent a lot of time with her uncle because her dad was always working. Which would explain Rainbow Dashes and Rainbow Blazes shared interests. Then when her uncle went to travel the World Rainbow Dash needed a new male role model. This is why her dad is so invested in her flying interests. He's just trying to make up for lost time
259 likesReplies (4)
I couldn’t have said it any better
11 likes@Benrisal and Pastel thx
6 likesThat sounds pretty passable and i like it, make alot of sense too cuz bow is the really over appreciable father. (This has nothing to do with anything, but i noticed a animation error with blaze 3:06 lol)
5 likes@Shona Dudley wow I totally missed that XD
3 likesYou make really good conspiracies.
0 likesI have a question for you to do a theory of: What did luna do for a 1000 years on the moon. Love ur videos
0 likesI’m taking the cheating route more personally
0 likesEither that or dad/stepdad
The writers that just wanted to make a kids show: ☹️
1 likeI like the idea of Blaze as her uncle. They probably are and were very close
662 likesReplies (5)
Are You From Equestria Unnoficial Fan Club?Can We Continue The RP With Rainy Skies Please?
4 likesYe
2 likesI thank blaze is brother
2 likes@Yağmur Gökçe Sure, just chat me
1 likeYeah
0 likesEven if he is her brother, dash nowadays seems so caught up in flying and taking care of ponyvilles clouds plus wonderbolts training as well, so of course she wouldn't bring it up
0 likesMaybe they're twins, making any DNA test (if they even have those in Equestria) be useless to verify the child's origins
0 likesbow could just be a step father and rainbow dash sometimes visits her real father time to time.
0 likesbut after a while she stopped seeing him
I needed this video thanks Sawtooth
0 likesHe looks pretty young so I kinda think he could be her older cousin.
246 likesReplies (11)
Or a brother perhaps.
11 likes@MidnightMuffin or a brother
2 likes@Shadowbonboi I just fucking said that.
1 like@Shadowbonboi or a brother
2 likes@MidnightMuffin or brother
2 likes@MidnightMuffin or a brother
3 likesYeah he looks around twighlights age but he can't be he looks the same age as windy whissles
0 likes@MidnightMuffin or a sister
1 like@ayn You know what? I'd accept that answer over the one from the spammers.
1 like@MidnightMuffin i srs feel bad for you
0 likes@exclusive khaii K
0 likesIt more likely just good old design retcons and then they just reused Rainbow Blaze’s model to save time. However, my headcanon is that Blaze and Bo are twins that look different body wise due to Blaze being more active than Bo since Bo had a kid and couldn’t exercise as often as Blaze could. Blaze would babysit Dash when Bo was busy, hence why we see him in the flashback.
0 likesI think he's definitely her brother the way they were interacting with Stephanie more of a sibling kind of interaction than uncle and niece kind of interaction plus also it's like sawtooth said the cutie Mark is completely different and also so is the eye color but surprisingly not the coat color it's definitely possible that Rainbow Blitz is Rainbow Dash's brother
0 likesit makes too much sense to me that he could either be young bow or could be dash's uncle. it also could be a less bulky bow. they do look exactly alike besides the stubble and body.
2 likesReplies (2)
They have completely different cutie marks
1 like@Kimber then that debugs my theory on the show. Just thinking after they showed off that pony. "Hey they should be the dad But they can't look too similar because then it'll just look like an error" and brother does make sense. I mean they look a lot alike but have different cutie marks so it makes sense.
0 likesI do believe that Blaze is Dash's uncle, but I also believe that his importance was of a caretaker for when Dash's real parents were away or busy. A babysitter of sorts.
0 likesHave anyone notice that when he introduces his alicorn paetrons there is always one liked he is anoyyed with
0 likesI feel like they just change their mood and the cutie marks change
0 likesDefinitly a Brother or Cousin that Rainbow Never talked about
0 likesHe could be her brother, that her parents never told her about
0 likesHasbro knew what they were doing.
717 likesMeanwhile Im still trying to figure out who spikes real father is.
Replies (19)
Aren't we all lol I still wanna know but I'm glad it wasn't that guy that pretended to be his dad
44 likesBut we have literally no evidence about Spike's real parents
23 likes@Shruti Bhakta that wasn't his real dad
14 likes@Shruti Bhakta not real one.
12 likes@Shruti Bhakta do you even watch mlp-
8 likesThe dragons we've seen look nothing like him so, we'd have to see a lot more dragon characters to figure that out
10 likes@Shruti Bhakta Well it turned out that he had no relation to Spike and lied to stay in the castle
4 likesAnd I'm still trying to figure out where Zuko's mom is.
4 likes@Blue Jay I still can't forgive Hasbro for NOT revealing Spike's parents. There's nothing wrong with searching for your biological parents. Just like Kung Fu Panda 3, you can love both your adoptive and biological families instead of choosing one or the other. Plus, it's sad that Spike considers the Mane 6 his "real family" when 98% of the time they ignore him, laugh at him, or use him as free labor.
15 likes@General Jimmies it’s told in a comic called “the search” it’s even possible to watch on YouTube
2 likes@General Jimmies Read the comics
0 likesI'm still trying to figure out what is Spitfire's nickname
2 likes@Shruti Bhakta father knows beast
0 likesI don't think his father is a dragon. He seems somewhat pony-ish sometimes. A changling maybe? He bonded with Thorax after all. Or maybe the Nameless One is his dad.
0 likes@RoseRise Gaming well its obvious he does bc hes knows abt the episode
0 likesYea
0 likes@General Jimmies Zuko’s mom? We’re talking about MLP here not “Avatar the last Airbender”
0 likesBy the way I am trying to figure out the same thing.
@Javier Febronio they don’t use Spike as free labor. It might seem that way but it’s not.
0 likesYep
0 likesI think he was just redesigned later in the show, resulting in hothoof
0 likesActually, in the MLP game, this character is just someone Rainbowdash looked up to
0 likesWell if you were right about the uncle theory, maybe Rainbow's dad couldn't have children so they came out with a solution that her uncle could donate some of his things (with both party's consent ofc) Because at least it's better than adopting a child with no blood relations. So having a child with some of your blood would be better? Maybe that could also explain why Rainbow was seen at the festival with him and why he looked so caring to her?
0 likesThe rainbow pattern is what I would go by. Rainbowdash has a different rainbow pattern than her buff father.
0 likesI think that maybe Blaze was Rainbow’s older brother. They bonded over athleticism and Rainbow probably looked up to him as a role model and stuff. But then he died idk.
223 likesReplies (3)
Thats a very good idea :0
4 likesI looked it up a few moments ago it says “Rainbow Blaze is a male Pegasus pony and "mentor" of Rainbow Dash who appears in the episodes Games Ponies Play and A Hearth's Warming Tail.” on google, so the possibility of an older sibling or uncle acting as a mentor is likely since some parents may not be able to mentor or teach well like others can
6 likesThats dark
1 likeSee that they have the same color pattern meaning they are brothers/related..
0 likesAnd rainbows dad's coat color is a darker-isher blue than the new dude..
And the mom is brighter I would think her dad that was introduced as her dad In The show is her dad.
i think that this is proof that Twilight and Starlight really did go into another universe after the time spell. In the first universe, the athletic rainbow dad was her true dad. The first clip is from before she has her cutie mark. The second is after the events of the time spell. But if that means the only difference between universes is that the muscular dad is Rainbow's dad instead of (what i will assume to be muscular dad's identical twin athletic dad), then the muscular rainbow dad's universe should also have a Twilight sparkle and Starlight. unless that universe's Twilight and Starlight got lost in the time spell. But under what universe would twilight be unable to convince Starlight of the power of friendship? Under that assumption, in muscilar rainbow dad universe, the Mane 6 have all the same cutie marks (so the rainboom must have happened), they all have the same elements of harmony(they were never surprised at twilights mention of using the elements), they defeated every villain before Starlight, but Twilight was never able to reform Starlight for some reason( never returned from the time loop). If they never returned from the time loop spell, but they didn't prevent the rainboom from happening, that tells me that in some iteration of Rainbow Dash's rainboom, Alternate Twilight and Alternate Starlight were both stuck in a resultant future universe where they're unable to return to the time loop from. The stopping condition of this recursive loop might even be a universe where magic doesn't exist anymore, which sounds surprisingly like the premise of G5 from what i've heard. But what connection is there to Athletic Rainbow Dad and Twilight being unable to reform Starlight in the time loop??
0 likesNaw i am pretty sure it is the same character but had a dufferent character design In the first season, just like In first season every unicorn had same colored Light Pink/lilac magic. It just got changed because the animation/design team made improvements
0 likesHer uncle theory makes sense, way more than the cheater theory
0 likesMy initial thought was that Bow and Blaze were twin brothers, due to them looking so similar.
357 likesReplies (11)
That’s what I think too
9 likesBlaze is a girl
4 likes@Rayanne Julien Rainbow blaze is a guy :) A male pegasus.
35 likes@Rayanne Julien There is a Blaze as well, a female pegasus that is a member of Wonderbolts, but they are not talking about her.
24 likes@Luna The light fury oh ok
3 likesThat was my thought at first too, but then I thought about it. They can't be twins. If they were twins they would be of a similar age, and we saw Blaze in modern times during the hearth's warming tail episode, he looked much younger than Bow. I'm more willing to believe he's Bow's younger brother, or maybe even Dash's brother
15 likes@Grace Notme Dash is an only child. He has to be her uncle! :D
9 likes@Luna The light fury are we sure shes an only child?
3 likes@iloveowls90 They didn't show any siblings in the show and her parents are obsessed with her and have no other pictures of any other child in the house. I think it was even mentioned somewhere about her.
15 likes@Luna The light fury or nephew
4 likesSame
0 likesMaybe a grandpa using an aging spell?
1 likewhat if he was her mentor. and she looked up to him. don't know if they're related but just an idea. tbh I wish they done more with him but oh well we got what we got.
0 likesI think that the Pony From The Flashback is her long lost brother.
0 likesWhat do you guys think?
Simple theory - He is the uncle
1 likeI think he's the cool uncle!
147 likesWe saw that RD's parents were really supportive of her and really cared about her, so maybe they wanted RD to be close to her family, so Rainbow Blaze used to take her to sports events, wonderbolts shows, races, and he even taught her some stuff he knew about flying, and that's what made RD fell in love with flying!
Awesome 👍
0 likesGenetics can go as far as 8 generations down for the decedent so dash could of had grandmas eye color instead of her parents and it would have been explainable with biology class
0 likesI thought it was as simple as him being Rainbow Dash's brother lol
0 likesImagine the mother of one of the main chracters cheating in a cartoon about magical ponies and friendship
0 likesDe los creadores de la familia Apple
0 likesViene la familia Rainbow.
I do see that Rainbow Blaze could be her uncle whom she bonds more with, kinda like how Miles Morales has Uncle Aaron and bonds more with him (random comparison but it came to mind when thinking about the relationships)
0 likesFuture Princess Twilight Sparkle: shoot i thought my coronation was the last problem
1 likeEdit: also i think Rainbow blaze is
Rainbow Dashes brother and Anbow hot hoof is her true father
See I think the original theory you said makes since especially if they was brothers even though I guess since its a child's show they wouldn't go that dark ....... Or would they
0 likesWhat if Rainbow's brother died so her parents felt more protective of her making sure no one hurts her and that is how her confidence level grew to almost arrogant?
512 likesReplies (18)
I like the way ya think
23 likesMaybe this is a stretch, but what if the reason why we didn't see dash's parents in flashbacks was because they were absent parents, and that's why we see dash with her brother, instead? I'm imagining that Rainbow Blaze likely died due to the parents carelessness thus they become overly involved and protective, but Dash has never known the full truth
57 likesIf Blaze died then how come we saw him at Heart’s Warming?
23 likes@Rosella oh shit
1 like@Juju OK. Just to be clear, was that “oh shit” was because my comment ruined your theory or was it because you were wrong?
5 likes@Rosella both. I kinda forgot about that lol
6 likes@Juju I was hoping for a straight answer but it’s ok
3 likes@Eikie K What’s so funny?
1 like@Eikie K sorry if I upset you I just wanted to know why you thought it was funny. And why would you want to know my real name?
1 like@Eikie K I suppose it was a bit funny. And the reason my name was familiar might be because in the show “Winx Club” there was a fairy named Bloom and my previous name was Crystal Heart. And when you said “whats the first letter” I think you meant that you wanted to know the first letter of my real name. It’s “J”.
1 like@Rosella Ummm Who?
1 like@Tigerpelt would you mind if you explained your question to me?
1 likeOop— maybe — it would be cool , but that’s quite a sketchy theory I feel like it’s on the edge of being too imaginative :]
0 likes@Rosella oh right
0 likes@Rosella
0 likesYou make it hard for people to like you.
@Juju Damn
0 likes@𝙽𝚘. ✍︎︎ true
0 likesI seriously don't remember posting this comment-
0 likesI think it's probably her brother. The insignia is almost the same and the character too. If you look closely, then Rainbow Dash's father and this pony have the same color eyes. Maybe it was her father in his youth? Although no, when Dash became older, this pony remained young. A good riddle from Hasbro Studios
0 likesI think that is her uncle because it just makes more sense than him being her father. Probably the cool uncle lmao
0 likesi think either brother or uncle makes the most sense, i don't think the writers of mlp are willing to talk about ponies cheating on other ponies
0 likesIf you go to Rainbow Blazes wiki, you can see a quote that says,
0 likes"Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows!" Which further proves this theory
According to the card game, Rainbow Blaze was Dash's mentor, and taught "everything she knows". I think that plus the resemblance to her dad, makes the uncle theory more plausible
87 likesReplies (3)
What card game?
0 likesYeah, What Mazha Ifran said
0 likes@Mazha Irfan The MLP Collectible Card Game (CCG)
0 likesUncle is the perfect fit👌😂
0 likesSometimes people can share characteristics of another family member other than the parents. If we assume the bg pony guy(I forgot his name) is an uncle, rainbow could’ve borrowed the athletic build from the said uncle.
0 likesI do really think this theory is very good tho, but I still think this two ponies are actually brothers, not just because they are pretty similar, but we can still see that Rainbow Blaze and Rainbow Dash didn’t had many moments together, while Rainbow’s actual father had many moments with her and he act like he IS her father, while this other pony might be just her uncle, cause as we haven’t seen him many times and he doesn’t look so much like her father, maybe is just Rainbow’s father twin bro. OOOR, maybe Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dashes BROTHER. He do really look like an older brother, and maybe that why he have the “Rainbow” name, just like his sister. Maybe he is her uncle or he is just her actual older brother. This two possibilities would make a lot of sense too.
0 likesI think he's Rainbow Dashs uncle.
0 likesShe could have her love for flying from her uncle, too.
A direction I dont think MLP writers would take but would be cool is if Rainbow Blaze was her father but when he was much younger (teenager and all that) and in his panicked state he asked his much older brother to take Rainbow and be her father (idk I think that would be cool)
0 likesI know I’m a little late to comment, but genetics can skip generations or for siblings to have different body types inherited from different sides of the family. It’s possible that Rainbow’s dad and Rainbow blaze are brothers, but if they’re brothers or relatives maybe RainbowBlaze inherited the more athletic body type while maybe Rainbow’s dad inherited a different body type from one of his parents. I don’t think we saw either of RainbowDash’s grandparents in the show, so this is a plausible theory.
1 likeIt makes sense that they would be Rainbows uncle but they might be brothers. They both have similar names, manes, and cutie marks.
0 likesI'm thinking Blaze is the father before more diverse Body shapes were in the show. And before a more solid cutie mark was decided? Since it's so much more similar to Dash's Mark, a Cloud and Rainbow.
0 likesI immediately thought he was Rainbows big brother. Point proven. I’m declaring to myself that he’s Rainbows brother
119 likesReplies (1)
It would make sense, cause we have shining armor and twilight, so it's possible
9 likesHe could even be Dash's bro
0 likesA brother from another mother😅? A one time hookup but never knew what came of afterwards🤷♀️
0 likesGonna take a wild guess and say he's her cousin who lives in Cloudsdale too
0 likesOr: there is a hole in the plot, and Hasbro didn't think through the end in this time
0 likesI think that he was probably supposed to actually be rainbow dash’s dad in the past but then they decided to just change up his whole design, including his cutie mark. I’m not really sure tho but, just a thought.
85 likesReplies (1)
This supports the fake theory. In the writer's world, they change things like this. The repercussions mean in the MLP universe Bow Hothoof becomes rainbows adopted/step father. I honestly like the idea. It makes things feel more realistic. Maybe Blaze was too young and Bow took on the role of father. That would also explain why he's so over-the-top with supporting Dash. Step fathers can tend to do that.
12 likesBo could be sterile. And blaze could have offered his ‘services’ as it were.
0 likesI think blaze is either her uncle that inspired her to become a wonderbolt or her older brother and still inspired
0 likesthis is magic of ✨redisigning qiuty marks✨
1 likealso they did that probably becouse it looked way too much like sonic boom
I had a feeling they would bring him up in one episode, but due to stupid show canseling they just had to cut him out. This would also fit why rainbow's parents never knew she became a wonderbolt, if she always hang out with her uncle
0 likesMaybe Blaze is just Rainbow's uncle and that he looks after her sometimes when her parents are busy or something.
61 likesHe could just as easily be her brother. It's possible that her parents had a kid- who looks very similar to his father- and it wasn't until he grew up that they decided to have another child. This is why he could be seen as an adult in the flashbacks. And with having an adult sibling, you're probably not going to see him as much. He's not her sibling whose a few years older than her, just chillin' at him. He's probably 2 decades- maybe more- older than her. He has a life, a job, maybe even a family. He can't just drop everything to go hang out with her and see her everyday, and seeing her would become increasingly difficult after she moved to another city entirely.
0 likesI agree he could be her uncle or her older brother but something happened to him, that they never mention him
0 likesI think its rainbows uncle, like her dads brother, and the first sighting of him was just him babysitting or something
1 likeI was about to say it was rainbow’s dad when he was younger but yeah,cutie marks do not match
0 likesI rewatched the episode last night where Celestia brings Discord to Ponyville to be reformed and I noticed that at the very end of the episode, he winks at Celestia. Earlier in the episode we learned that he could hear everything while in stone. I really think we need to revisit Discord’s role in Twilight becoming a Princess. I believe now more than ever that Celestia communicated with discord and convinced him that he was going to be the key to Twilight becoming the leader that could take her place. There are so many obvious moments where Discord tested Twilight and their friendship was the literal key to the chest from the tree of harmony. But I think it began long before any of us expected.
21 likesI’m not saying he didn’t truly need to be reformed, but what kept him in Ponyville in the first place? He could have run off the second he was free if all he truly cared about was bringing chaos. Fluttershy’s influence didn’t come in until later and while it may seem like the Mane 6 would be the obvious targets of his chaos..I think there is more to it.
Replies (2)
It’s true that he was testing Twilight but I don’t think Celestia had anything to do with it.
1 likei think his rainbow dash's father coz look at rainbow blazes' cutie mark.
0 likesi believe its her older brother or uncle its possible in some cases that the child doesn't look like the dad but another family member like my dad and his brother his brother looked like his grandpa while my dad his father and my half uncles don't really look like my half grandpa when it comes to the youngest he's the only one that sounds like he has a bit of helium affect constantly while being lighter haired while most of the rest has dark hair and it could be possible that rainbow dash looks more like her uncle because its one of those recessive traites of a athletic body type plus her father looks like a guy who would help her with strength training that would work on her body with help from her uncle or brother it just makes the most sence
1 likei feel like bo is actually rainbows big brother
1 likeEasy solution: it’s her cousin/uncle
0 likesnow we all know rainbow dash True father! Thanks to you🧢
0 likesI have another theory. It might sound crazy, but hear me out:
597 likes"Rainbow Blaze" was intended to be Dash's father, but when season 7 came about, the creators came up with a new character.
Replies (10)
I like to think that Bow Hothoof is just a redesign of Rainbow Blaze, because they have the same colours and character-of-the-day designs were more complex by season 7.
72 likesI think rainbow blase is rainbow's brother.
9 likesMaybeeee???
2 likesYour blowing my mind gali! XD
3 likes@Nitro Indigo except he appeared in the Hearth Warming tail and Bow didn't
1 likeHe definitely looks like Rainbow's cousin
1 like@Caleb Lardizabal hi bestie! tons of 20 year olds have newborn or 4-12 year old siblings.
0 likesIt would be that but..
1 likeHe appeared on the Christmas special again-
@Siionach You made a great point but a part of the reason I said he was her cousin that I for got to mention is not only because of the age but also because of how rarely we see him. (I edited my comment a bit BTW)
1 likeThat might be possible and its really common that creators forgot which characters is which or they forgot they already made RD father but completely forgot about it or they just forgot that RD actually have a older brother in my opinion bc I'm like that to wahahah there're to many characters so it can't be help 😂
1 likeI feel like he could be an older brother maybe Cousin
0 likesNo one:
0 likesNot even god:
2:48 windy: C R E E P Y S M I L E
Boh is rainbowdashes dad while the other pony is her brother. Makes perfect sense!
0 likesRainbow's uncle according to the CCG, and the Gameloft game
0 likesIn my theory: it could be rainbow Dash brother 🤔
0 likes2:55
0 likesI honestly just thought the video ended
Wow that's mind blowing.
0 likesSo her true father is her father, great thanks
0 likesI'm laughing at how there could be a dramatic fanfic of this.
67 likesReplies (1)
Yess especially how ironic it would be if Rainbow’s mom DID cheat it would be hilarious irony (Rainbow’s the element of loyalty)
5 likesI think who I know it is it is Rainbow Dash‘s twin cousin 🤔
1 likeif starlight created multiple timelines then rainbow blaze cold have been left in the first aka original timeline when bow first appeared
0 likesi always just thought that blaze was her uncle
0 likesI searched it up (I had a mix like about it) it says a Blaze was a mentor to rainbow for the wonderbolts
0 likesCould you maybe make a small theory what happened with Fluttershy after the bats episode?? She still had the sharp teeth, though I believe they disappeared in all the later episodes, isn't it kinda sus that they removed the detail that the creators added in that episode's ending in the first place? Maybe the bat's part is still with her
46 likesReplies (1)
3 likesThat would be a cool idea!
‘Who is this?’
1 likeMe: He's a pony.
It honestly looks like him but younger
0 likesHe definitely could be an older brother??
0 likesHe could be Rainbow Dash‘s older brother
0 likesWell it could be her brother. Just like flutter shys brother he could have moved out and lived on his on. And maybe rainbow dash could have be inspired by him since he looks more like an athlete. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want to fail as a wonder bolt,cause she doesn’t want to fail her older brother!
50 likesReplies (2)
Flutter shy is older than her brother I think
4 likes@Aleesha Needer Yeah she is older then him but that doesn’t mean they both can’t move out
5 likesRainbow Blaze just might be Rainbow Dash's brother or maybe even uncle or just somebody in her family you never know🤷🏼♀️
1 likeThis whole time I thought Rainbow Dash was a boy…MY LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1 likeWait dose this mean rainbow dash’s dad had a twin? wow
0 likesI'm the only that thinks that he could be the brother?
0 likesRainbow Blaze being Rainbow Dash’s uncle makes the most sense to me.
93 likesReplies (1)
I don't know
2 likesi have a feeling that he is the long lost child-
0 likesMaybe rds mom had dash with a crush on blaze but married her "dad"
0 likesI thought that the pegasus in the flashback was like the father when he was younger, and that the pegasus in present time with the fade beard is present time father of Rainbow dash. But i guess that the pegasus in the flashback is the uncle of rainbow dash, or even a brother of rainbow dash.
0 likesWell, this does make sense BUT
0 likesFun fact: horses actually mate with many other horses to confuse them when the baby is born to protect him/her from being attacked or killed by their father :D
“Make sense right?”
I kinda assumed Rainbow Blaze was either an Uncle or an Older Brother.
19 likesThe uncle thing makes more sense.
0 likesSpeaking of Dad who's yours who's King Of The Chase things
1 likeImagine rainbow watching this…
My personal head cannon goes like this: rainbow blaze is either dash's brother or older nephew somehow since he looked quite young compared to Bow but was never mentioned in a story by the creators of the show for some reason
0 likesI like the idea of him being that cool uncle who inspired rainbow dash to become who she is, and took her to events whenever her parents were busy. Since the colour schemes are pretty much the same between the two characters I could also imagine them as twins who don't look the same physically but colour scheme wise they're exactly the same.
20 likesReplies (2)
Samira Ross F. Domingo and my older sister name is shahira Ross Sam
0 likesMy oldest brother is Santa
0 likesho wait waitwaitwait. when did we got introduced to dashes parents? after season 5 and the timealtering with starlight? if so, your theory of an alternate timeline got just confirmed.
0 likescome to think of it, the timeline from where twilight comes from maybe had rainbowblaze as dashes father but in the now present timeline its a different father. i think , your thoughts about a ninth parallel universe are true and the timeline from which twilight , spike and starlight come from are now "abandoned" destined to fall under chrysalis´s control with the revengeattack. this is looking rather sinister indeed ...
Even though Rainbow Blaze being the uncle makes a lot of sense I really do think Rainbow Blaze is the brother of Rainbow Dash because first the dad and Blaze look so similar but their cutie marks are different and Blaze looks younger and that's probably the reason why and also of course Blaze would spend time with his sister and lastly no wonder Blaze looks so like his probably dad
0 likesReplies (1)
Blaze is Dash's mentor
0 likesThe could very easily be her uncle I mean come on sure they kind of look the same probably because it's a uncle
1 likeIf he’s her uncle, they are still genetically related, so the body type can still be given to Rainbow Dash. And it would make sense where she got her athleticism.
0 likesFantastic theory as always Sawtooth, however i often thought that maybe the stallion in the flashback actually could've been RD's brother, i mean i know it was never confirmed that RD had any siblings but that was just my guess or you never know, maybe RD has an uncle with a rainbow mane and tail...but like i said it's just a guess.
12 likesReplies (3)
very possible!! still weird that he wouldn't be brought up..
1 like@Sawtooth Waves to be fair we didnt know there were more than 2 princesses/alicorn until they randomly introduced cadence
1 like@Lesbian Goose We also didn't know that Fluttershy and Twilight had siblings until later in the show, or that Maud existed despite there being a flashback of Pinkie's family
1 likeI know this was one year ago, but i watched it when it came out.
0 likesBut, i think rainbow blaze is rainbow’s brother figure.
I think it is a good idea because rainbow dash looks like her mum and rainbow blasé looks like rainbow dashes dad.
1 likeFrom Tia-Louise Wardey
In Season 9, Quibble Pants and Rainbow Dash are having a conversation at some point. Quibble says something along the lines of: I mean, your dad was a pro sports man!
0 likesCould that mean something?
i was gonna say that was probably him when he was younger but i realized it was their cute marks that were different
0 likesIm happy that Sawtooth is one of few! MLP Youtube channels that are still active and alive.
186 likesEdit: since MLP ended :(
Replies (15)
That’s what I like best about him and his theories.
5 likes@Rosella what about silver quill
2 likes@Praise OSA-Ogunbor to be honest I’m kinda new to the MLP fandom. This show started when I was like 2 years old. I discovered the Equestria girl movies at the last months of 2019. I was little bit familiar with my little pony but was also shocked at how little the ponies were shown and how much humans were shown because I thought that was it. But then I downloaded Netflix at first months of 2020 and discovered the my little pony show. But I couldn’t finish watching all the episodes because I was interpreted by a long disconnection with the Wi-Fi network of my house. And then I forgot about the show. I found it again a few months after and started watching from the beginning. I liked it so much that I watched from season 1-9 twice. Of course I realized that season 9 wasn’t available at Netflix and had to watch it at YouTube when I finished watching it for the first time. That’s why when I finished watching it for the second time I was able to discover Sawtooth’s videos and I liked them. I watched all of his videos, even the ones he made 7 years ago. And until now I had no idea about silver quill. Thanks for telling me about him. His videos are great 😊
4 likesI was born when map was made :>
2 likes@ElegantNom (with Luna's Canterlot voice) THEN YOU ARE CONNECTED TO THE CUTIE MAP.
2 likes@ElegantNom and that means one more thing. I am older than you. Since I was born in 29th October 2009.
2 likes@Rosella that means we're the same age.
1 like@PixelCxndy wow, really? When is your Birthdate?
1 like@Rosella September 9th 2009
1 like@PixelCxndy seems like you can celebrate your birthday sooner than I can ☺️☺️☺️
1 likeMe too
1 like@Rosella no
0 likes@Rosella
1 likeKinda crazy to see how newer fans got into MLP!
MLP started when I was in the 3rd grade I believe, and now I’m in my second year of college. I’ve been here since the beginning of this generation and it’s always cool to see people get into it, no matter how late it was <3
@One jump man what do you mean?
1 like@Bashful Wolfo the way I discovered MLP was pretty crazy too. I found it and then lost it and then found it again. And at the end, it all worth it.😊😊😊
1 likeI think Bo's real child is Scootaloo!!!!!!!!! Same mother, different father
0 likesTwins is more see able in my eyes. Notice the same mane color, eye color and fur color.
0 likesNot related but when I first started watching the show I though RD was a boy. Now that I know abt transgender, I hc that she's a trans female
0 likesIt's his mentor that is what I think : )
0 likesFinally, a new video to make theories about. Now it’s theory time.
6 likesHmmmmmm.......What if Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash‘s cousin?
I believe that he is Dash‘s cousin.
Look I think he’s the brother🙊
0 likesOK here is my theory if blaze is really her uncle it would make sense for the first thing we see in this video just making sense because like it’s just an uncle taking their niece to a thing that they like because the parents are busy or just as a surprise makes sense now?? So in my family my brother has blonde hair like my Grandad and both of my parents have brown and black hair so maybe that kind of works with Rainbow Dash she has a little bit more jeans from the brother then the dad!! and here’s a guess I’m thinking her dad is older than blaze making sense in the differences and why Rainbow Dash‘s dad is so happy about her being so athletic unlike him it’s probably because he loved being a cheerleader for his little brother!! I just read some other comments and saw one that said they played a my little pony game and it comes with a description it said Rainbow Dash looked up to blaze so that would probably prove more of them being related and him being her uncle maybe she looks up to her uncle???
1 likeRainbow Blaze is Rainbow dashes mentor on the Rainbow Blaze card it specifically says "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flyer. I taught her everything she knows."
1 likeIt's her brother! I think 🤔
1 likeI just don't like how this episode had the audacity to claim that Scootaloo and RD's parents did nothing wrong. RD was in the right to scold her trashy parents.
14 likesScootaloo needs to learn about stranger dangers; and RD's parents should be in jail for trespassing, assault, arson with fireworks, and technically they kidnapped Scootaloo by bringing her into their home instead of taking her to the nearest police station.
Brothers? Yep ugh conspiracy more!? Windy cheated! Omg woah!
2 likesHonestly, i have no clue XD but If I was to choose one option that would be more likely it would be that he is either rainbow dashes brother or her uncle
0 likesIdk why I feel like he's her brother
0 likesthought he was his siblings since he seems like a having a cousin or big bro relationship with lil dash
1 likeI just assumed Rainbow blaze is still Rainbow Dash's dad, just over time the mlp staff changed his design for that moment he'll have a role in an episode🌈
15 likesThe element of UN LOYALTY
0 likesI think it’s her older brother because in the episode when we met her parents they have a lot of rooms for rainbow dash and one of them could have been blazes but blaze prob moved out when rainbow was really young that’s my theory 🥲👍
0 likesI think it's her big brother because of the bond of twilight and shinning armor
0 likesBut what if it's her brother?
0 likesI have a question.
4 likesIf it took twilight just one song to teach luster dawn friendship,
Why didn’t celestia do the same?
My Rainbow Blaze Theories:
1 like1. He was an early Design that got a Makeover
2. Rainbow Dash has an older Brother
Honestly I kinda like the April fools version
0 likesIdk
Blaze is the uncle. That’s my theory. (I posted this before I saw the video btw)
0 likesI just have a feeling it's Rainbow Dash's uncle
0 likesWait, why is everyone pranking me todayyyyyyyy DX
91 likesI was given oreos with toothpaste and now this! May Fools is real, guys.
Replies (3)
the weird thing is it happened twice
1 likeOreos with toothpaste 😂
3 likesAww, too bad ):
1 likeI'd imagine she's mis-remembering (rainbow was a filly after all, and kids forget stuff all the time) Like they are similar and the cutie marks are similar so maybe she just one day thought her dad looked like that and stuck with it till she saw her dad and was like, Oh yeah!
0 likesHe might actually be her uncle
0 likesI just thought Blaze was Dash's brother
0 likesI think he might be dash's big brother!
0 likesI think he's Rainbow Dash uncle. He may look like Rainbow's Dad but it's possible that they're twins. Same hair color, skin color, and eye color. And it's possible that both parents may be busy to take care of Rainbow Dash, so that's where the uncle comes in. He shows her the life of flying and how Rainbe fell in love of what she does because of him. Yeah sure, it's sad how the dude doesn't really show up (only like, twice.) But then we got the comics, they're related to the show so it's possible he can be around in the comics. Just like how Vynal Scratch got her cutie mark when she saw Shining Amor singing. Even her Dad was there. So it's possible that the uncle showed up in the comics or maybe someday the creators are going to create a comic about Rainbow Dash family, aunts/uncles/cousins/ and so on. I hope you read this Sawtooth and I hope you enjoyed my theory!!
13 likesWhat if blaze is dashes brother?that kinda adds why they spend time together
0 likesI think its her bro. She never said if she had a brother
0 likesWe wouldn't exactly know
How do you know hai name is rainbow blaze if he was never mentioned by name
0 likesIt's either her dad who somehow time traveled when he was a teenager or rainbow dash has a brother but they never brought it up
0 likesHe's the true father of RD but the later writers forgot he even existed and then decided to retcon things by creating an entirely new father for RD.
54 likesReplies (19)
If they forgot he existed, then why do Rainbow Blaze and Bow have the exact same colorscheme?
9 likes@Hepoxni bc they forgot about him lol and when they went to make a new father, they ended up making one similar to their original idea
2 likes@Rachel Brougher it's the exact same colorscheme though
0 likes@Hepoxni yes think about it. If you create a character and then completely forget you created them you would most likely come up with an idea very simulator to your first especially if you don’t even remember making a first
1 like@Hepoxni if the same people came up with the first as the second and then forget they even made a first, why wouldn’t they end up making the same pony again, they’re going through the exact same thought process
1 like@Rachel Brougher But the people working on the later seasons were different to those on the earlier ones. Clearly the writers just wanted to make their own father instead of using her actual one, while copying the colour scheme.
0 likes@Fixed Assets I mean we don't exactly know their thought process but idk about you but if it was my job to make her father, I would come up with something very similar as well. I mean she's a blue rainbow pony
0 likes@Fixed Assets so I do think he was kinda just forgotten about expecially if they didn't even work on the earlier seasons that he was even in
0 likesWho has the same colour except for his eyes. Coincidence?
0 likes@Phoenixflambe probably I mean if they forgot he even existed than why wouldn't they come up with a similar idea lol
0 likes@Rachel Brougher I totally understand and there is a possibility of it being true.
1 like@Rosella probably I mean if you had an idea for a character and Completely forgot about them, I would probably make a very similar character lol
0 likes@Rachel Brougher Yeah. And I know it’s possible because it happened to me more than once.
0 likes@Rosella haha yeah I feel like I've done the same thing
0 likes@Rachel Brougher really?
0 likes@Rosella yeah I can’t think of a specific example off the top of my head but I know I’ve done it and in the creators case would have probably done the same lol
0 likes@Rachel Brougher well I know what it feels like, I once painted a picture of a beautiful waterfall but I couldn’t finish it. I kept it aside with my colors thinking “I’ll finish it tomorrow” but I forgot about it. A month later, I wanted to draw a waterfall and the ideas I had was same as before. I realized it a day later when I found my old picture of the waterfall.
0 likes@Rosella omg haha that’s exactly what I think they did bc clearly it happens
0 likes@Rachel Brougher yeah.
0 likesWhat if he's rainbows brother and looks more like his dad
0 likesI haven't watch the full video yet but I'm pretty sure it's one of Rainbow cousin
0 likesblaze might have been her unmentioned big brother
0 likesjust call him an uncle or brother and cut it at that, jesus
0 likesI think Blaze is just Dash's elder cousin. Him and her father are extremely different age wise
8 likesI think he could possibly be a brother
0 likesSwoth waves do you know in my little pony in new genoration when we first saw sunnys father on his left side is the GROGARS BELL!!!!
0 likesHow did the sunnys father get won of the powarfulest artefacts
(Grogars) bell!!!????!?!!
I was like omg when he said that rainbows mom cheated I said omg i’ve never seen a video this dark and once it was done I was like what and then I saw more I was phew 😅
0 likesI just thought she has two biological fathers
0 likesWindy would never cheat, she is too fantastical
0 likesWhat about rainbows half brother? He looks a lot like bow, so maybe tue roles were reversed. Bow cheated on Wendy and thus we have Blaze
0 likesor it’s her run away brother that felt left out because of how much rainbows parents loved her
0 likesDon’t just equate body types to genetics because genetics really has nothing to do with it. Both my parents are very bulky individuals, while my body types is athletic/Twinkish.
0 likesRainbow Blaze could be her big brother. 🌈
0 likesIt was comfirmed in the wiki that this was Rainbow Dash’s mentor
0 likesIt has to be her big brother bc he was carrying her on his head druing the flashback
0 likesI think windy whistles has some explaining
0 likesHuh, seeing this video for the first time... Ironically this is my own *exact* conclusion as well. Rainbow Blaze is Dash's uncle, and possibly inspiration for flying. I have a headcanon that the Buccaneer Blaze that Dash wanted to use to impress the Wonderbolts was his creation.
8 likesI believe hes his bird hes her favorite brother
1 likeAt first i thought it was just rainbows dad but younger but i checked the cutie marks
1 likeMe: oh ok maybe its his dad brother or dads cousin or something🤷♀️
ok no one can convince me otherwise. so blaze is rainbows older brother who died tragically when she was little, causing her parents to be extra protective and encouraging. blaze inspired Rainbow Dash to make her want to be a wonderful and to be an athlete. she’s living in his memory. also when you look at how she treats scootaloo like a sister, she’s taking scootaloo as a little sister and rainbow once was and filling in that role and thats why her and scootaloo are so connected because they both lost family members. (i know scootaloo parents are alive but they’re not involved) also rainbows thing is loyalty and she’s loyal to her brother
0 likespersonally i like to think rainbow blaze is her older brother because rainbow dash has similar coat color that of windy whistles meanwhile rainbow blaze has the same coat color as bow hothoof 🤷♀️
0 likesa lot of people are saying he might be rainbows brother, but i disagree. everypony we've seen so far has colors from both their father and mother. uncle seems more likely to me
32 likesReplies (3)
They could have different mother's tho
5 likesI think they are more like twins
5 likes@Aleesha Needer no
0 likesI think that maybe rainbow was embarrassed about his parents like you see when you meet her parents. Blaze must be a different pony who is a role model.
0 likesBow: So you think Im fat??
0 likesLasers Grace is where all that shit fly teachersawtoothwaves
0 likesTbh. Uncle is the most probable answer. It just really seems like Rainbow is the only child/foal. But uncle would make quite a lot of sense.
0 likesI think the flashback pony (Rainbow Blaze) is probably just Rainbow Dash's uncle, Bow and Blaze look similar enough for the sibling connection
7 likesWhat if there twins, when they were younger she accidentally cheated but the older one aged a little faster
0 likesIt could be her older brother
0 likesWhat if Blaze is rainbow dash’s older brother?
0 likesI think they're twins and the genes of their body just got past
0 likesmy first guess was that he could be her older brother but never lived with the family because he's old enough to live alone
9 likesThe other from the from the flash back could be her brother
0 likesIs it possibility that rainbow blaze used to be a wonderbolt but got injured
1 likeDude, I was screaming "uncle" from the beginning of the video. Try to keep up.
0 likesI thought he was just a brother that he creators just didn't think hat he was an important character for the story and they just left him out :/
0 likesTheroey : He's Rainbow's Older lost brother and ignored him so they never told their daughter and rainbow snuck out to play with Blaze But never told her mom nor dad :/ Edit : I'm late :)
36 likescould be a twin brother, not just a regular brother..
0 likesSince you mentioned a multiverse and I see a lot of fanart, could it be possible that Rainbow Blaze is the gender-bend of Rainbow Dash? If you look across Youtube and Google, you'll see that Rainbow Blaze is the agreed-upon GB name. But, I could be wrong and just being a wild conspiracy theorist. Maybe he's her older brother that she looked up to???
0 likesRainbow dashes lost brother ? :0 maybe.
0 likesBut I do like the uncle theory the most
If Mrs.Cake can have two kids that are two separate races that she and Carrot are not, why not have Blaze be her dad?
0 likesIt's interesting that they rectoned Rainbow Blaze into an original pony that exact for the CM and body build, look exactly the same. If they hadn't showed him ever again we could just assume they're the same character.
But they did. So either an animator made a mistake, or the staff made an effort to show us these two are not the same character.
I always found it strange they felt the need to create an exact double for no reason other than because whatever they were thinking. I mean, they look just alike, why bother?
I noticed that, besides Fluttershy and Twilight's dad, every dad for the Mane6 are this exact big body build.
Yes Pinkie's dad isn't bulky either but he was already canon since S1. They chose not to recton him, but they did with Rainbow Dash's. I just can't understand, why?
I guess whoever created him just didn't like Rainbow Blaze.
Hmm, what if her “dad” is her step-dad, and bow knows it and so does rainbow but she she sees him as a real dad and rainbow blaze is her real dad that wants to spend time with her.
60 likesThe idea sounds weird and crazy tho it’s a possibility.
Replies (2)
yeah, I was thinking the same.
1 like@aj cool
1 likeHer brother that has never been mentioned in the show before till now???
0 likesthey can also be dopple gangers . They are someone who looks exactly like you but does'nt have any connection with you nor relations
0 likesOr you know he could just be her uncle
0 likesHe looks like a rainbow dash order brother 🤔
0 likesI’m just gonna settle with the two being brothers, maybe even deciding what design they wanted to choose it just seems more likely
3 likesWhat if rainbow bows dad name her after his brother bc he could looked up to him
0 likesRainbow's Uncle
1 likeWindy Whistles cheated on Bow hothoof with his brother, TRAITOR!
0:29 Soarin: well no but yes
1 likeI think he's her brother that moved out before she was born
0 likesThere's no doubt he's just one of those cool uncles that Dash looks up to. 😎
3 likesI just thought of something that would make your mind blow
0 likesolder brother could be too, maybe the family doesn't talk about him because he gave up being a wonderbolt for something different, and left home, so the family doesn't want to think about him.
0 likesWhat if blaze is her brother? Or is that able to be debunked
0 likesmy theory is that the creators are just running out of pony design ideas
1 likeLooking at how young RD is in the flashback that pony looks about the right age for how old her parents would've been when she was a filly
4 likesSomething I thought, the reason why all the times Blaze has been near Rainbow Dash but her parents were never there were maybe because, well, we know Rainbow was always embarrased by her parents always going too over the top when supporting her, meanwhile Blaze (who I'm just going to assume is her uncle), while he still clearly supported her, he didn't seem to go over the top like Rainbow's parents, so she would often go to events and stuff with Blaze only because he wasn't embarrassing for her like her parents would be.
0 likesI think they were twins and rainbow always mistaked her uncle with his dad .
0 likesHe might be rainbows big bro or bows twin brother
0 likesi always though he could had been a big brother and that he left at some point and thats why he was never mentioned-
8 likesthey might just be twin brothers, one being fatter than the other.
0 likesMe literally the entire video: He's her uncle. He's her uncle.......
0 likesBut then you said maybe the mother cheated on Bo.
And that gave me an idea: what if Blaze was the original farther, maybe Wendy started Dating Blaze, but before Dash was old enough to form memories, Wendy and Blaze broke up, and then Wendy started dating Bo.
2:26 Ohmygosh, i shoulda seen that coming
0 likesReplies (1)
3:03 thank goodness
0 likesHe can be his older brother
0 likesIn the official My Little Pony game, There is a Rainbow Blaze character you can obtain, His bio says “Rainbow Dash always looked up to this gifted flier, ever since she was a filly. Sometimes literally — he was up in the sky a lot back then!” Though vague, maybe this can contribute to this theory a little-
33 likes(EDIT: Also, In the My Little Pony official card game, It says that Blaze was a “mentor” of Dash, Still a small amount of information to work with, but hey, It’s something!)
Replies (1)
Humm i,m thinking about if that was her brother or he was adopted and its rainbow dash step brother
0 likesMy personal opinion is that he was The original design for Rainbow’s father and they changed it later 🤷
0 likesAre you sure he's her uncle and not maybe an older brother
0 likesMy immediate thought was brother but another juicy theory is that he is Rainbow Dash’s biological dad who adopted her out to Rainbow Dash’s parents. It could also be a situation where he is her dad and Bow is his dad. Bow could be Rainbow Dash’s grand father and Rainbow Blaze carries a recessive gene for pink eyes that Rainbow Dash’s mother also carried. It could of been a situation where her biological mother died during birth and he was just about to take off in his career so his parents agreed to raise Rainbow Dash as their own daughter instead of their grand child.
0 likesOkay, this is just wrong. I was raised in a family where I didn't look like my sibs. I was hammered by "jokes" from sibs I had any number of fathers other than theirs. Yeah, not funny, but it was constant. Wasn't until my dad's funeral seeing pics of him growing up that, it was clear I was the one kids who looked like him, not my mom. So, as someone who didn't enjoy that type of joke...a bit poor taste.
0 likesBesides, it was her imaginary big brother because being an only child was too much time with her attention focused parents. Duh.
Sawtooth Waves should explain what happened to Applejack's mom and dad.
12 likesReplies (2)
They died i think
0 likesOr just ran away
there's an entire episode for that.
0 likesthey died
There is nooo way they had a character cheat on their spouse in MLP, its a kids show!
0 likesme who thought he was Rainbow's cousin
0 likesIts more likely he’s his uncle. I mean- rainbows uncle looking after him or rainbows mom cheating and then lying sayings its bow hothoofs child
0 likesIt could be her long lost older brother but rainbow dash forgot about him
0 likesOff topic:I wonder if there are other dimensions we know that there are the human world but is that all? I mean there are other possibilities if you count limbo. Would love to see a video on this topic
3 likesCrack Theory: Wind Rider is Rainbow Dash's real father. He got rid of Spitfire so he could fly with his daughter for once, especially at such an important event, but was too sloppy, didn't anticipate Spitfire's mother showing up and underestimated the effect his ploy would have; thus, he bit the bullet and gave up his reputation for hers. He didn't spill the beans about their relationship and his real motivations because other ponies wouldn't see it that way and accuse the Wonderbolts of nepotism, also harming Dash's reputation so instead he went with whatever accusations they assigned him. Though he likely didn't expect to actually be pulled from the event.
0 likesAs for how Rarity got his motivations so wrong... well, even Sherlock Holmes has been wrong on at least one occasion despite following the evidence and logic perfectly, so it's no surprise an amateur such as herself flopped on this one.
It would also likely explain how she would be able to beat his long-distance flying record, being derived from his stock and all.
Now, is it crazy? Hell fucking yeah it is! But even so, while watching the episode I couldn't help but wonder, "but what if...?"
He has the same hair as dash so it would make sents for blaze to be the dad
0 likesCould be the brother cause he looks younger.
0 likesThere's also the possibility of both being her dad. Mr Athletic could be her biological dad, but he and her mom could've divorced when she was still a filly.
0 likesReplies (1)
I think that is Rainbow Dash is big bother
0 likes2:37
46 likesSawtoothy: No one was ever able to tell
Mr. cake: that makes sense, right?
Replies (2)
4 likesLol
2 likesHere's the most logical explanation,
Could they be siblings?
0 likesThey might be siblings but it could be just a random pony I mean they do make rainbows 🌈
0 likesIt could be her brother too
0 likesThe first thing that popped up in my head is that Blaze is Bow Hothoof's twin Brother and is Rainbow Dash's uncle
3 likesWait how would you know his name rainbow blaze if he was never even not once mentioned
0 likesI think it's her brother 😅
1 likeMaybe he is just his mentor?
0 likesI think he could be rainbows uncle or brother. I think this only because he looks a lot younger. I understand that the body can change but he also says the different body types
0 likesIdk but in the wiki of the character it said that hes her mentor, in his merchandise says "Dashing Mentor", probably hes her fly teacher?
13 likesReplies (3)
Wikipedia isn't a reliable source as people can change the information on there
1 like@Aleesha Needer Ik im just saying but I said that there is also merchandise of him so its a speculation
1 likeSo why does he have the same mane/tail colour?
1 likeI would say that’s his big brother, not his father
0 likesThey could be siblings aswell
0 likesI think he’s her older brother
0 likesI think he's probably a big brother.
0 likesI think he is her older brother that makes more sense
0 likesI think blaze could be her brother
0 likesI think that dashes grandparent passed on the genetic of athletic to dash and blaze
0 likesmaybe her husband can't have children so they ask for help on the pony version of the yellow page
0 likesThere might be a possibility that it's her brother, he looks like Bow cause of genes, he's never around cause he lives on his own
6 likesEdit: omc! Thank you so much for the heart!
Edit: omc = oh my Celestia for the non bronies and pegasisters out there
I think I think that she kind of cheated on me for a little bit and then she went back to her darkest secret and she just felt like getting rid of her secret and do not feel like telling Rainbow Dash of loyalty
0 likesOrrrrr let’s say that’s her brother 🤣🤣
0 likesI think he would be her brother
0 likesThere's a breach in the matrix
0 likes"Bulky" people can be athletic too, you know
5 likesI think he's from the different dimension
0 likesI mean I thought that was his brother because, he looks to young to be boe’s brother. Idk though.
0 likesI think rainbows mom (forgot her name) cheated with Rainbows dads brother.
0 likesScootaloo's parents were reveled and he is Rainbow Dash's brother
0 likesWhat if he is this universe’s stand-in for Rainbow Dash’s father in the other universe?
10 likesReplies (1)
The tail and hair
0 likesMy grandad just gave me a usb for a memory thing.. I still don't know what's on it
1 likeHe might be the secret brother of dashie
0 likesMaybe blaze is the brother?
0 likesMaybe he was her brother?
0 likesIs it just me or Rainbow Dash’s mother’s hair looks like bacon?
17 likesReplies (3)
Omg yes-
1 likeyes
1 likeGay bacon
0 likesI think they are brothers they're twins because they look exactly alike😃
0 likesI think he’s her older brother
0 likesI think rainbow blasé is rainbow dash’s big brother.
1 likeFrom Tia-Louise Warbey
4 likesThis kinda reminds me of my family, since I was adopted by my aunt
Rainbow Blaze might be Rainbows brother?
0 likesMaybe he is her brother 🤔
0 likesI think it's her uncle because they do look similar or maybe twin uncle and her dad and him just are better at different things and the dad is just bigger?
0 likesi think blaze would be her uncle
0 likesWell in one deviant art uses art of Rainbow Dash‘s family they reimagined Blaze as the older brother of Dash of course it’s just a head canon but a idea I love you so much I had written in as fact in my fanfiction
7 likesLe gasp what if they’re SIBLINGS!
0 likesBro childhood ruined in this video.
0 likesWhat’s worse I have a little sister is in love with this show. And watches it all the time.
Blaze be dashes cousin? I feel like he could be her cousin if not brother although in the flash backs he does act more like an older brother
0 likesMaybe separated siblings?
0 likesOh my God. More implied infidelity? That's so weird and I love it.
3 likesWhat if they were both just born with the same skin they're same rainbow hair rainbow —They both look similar There's 1 thing I have a notice about them Well well if That guy like the flying the other person on Rainbow — is a original dad Let you would love find now but what does he do now it's a different kind of rain but ash also loves to fly so what's this correct dad you might never know why I just call him a
1 likeI think he is a long lost big brother
0 likesTwins ,rainbow's uncle , rainbow's dad's twin who has a different body type , it's like getting her genes from an Uncle like apple bloom getting her eyes from granny smith
0 likesDefinitely her brother idk I'm just sticking with that the he's her brother.
0 likesI bet he's the brother
0 likesR u serious!? 😂 he is her step dad!
0 likesThe mom: 👁👄👁
1 likeI think Blaze is her brother. Since he's older he might be a half brother if hothoof already had a family before he met Windy Wistles and remarried (or something like that).
8 likesReplies (3)
Hot hoof is pretty old. It’s possible that he had a family before meeting Windy. Wow, I never thought of it that way.
2 likesYou mean half bro right
1 like@Me Yeah, I'll edit it
0 likesMaybe his brother?but a distant one cuz he is never talked about
0 likesHe could be Rainbows brother??
0 likesI think rainbow blade is Rainbow Dash's brother that moved
1 likeThere's one other thing it could have been. Rainbows father could have had problems haveing children and so rainbow blaze his brother offered to help. Just a possibility I thought of
0 likesWhat if he is her older brother in a different universe...?
6 likesBut her uncle in the original universe
I think you’re right
0 likesIt could be her big brother
0 likesThat is rainbow Dash's uncle they're the same and her relationship with her mom her cutie mark must be the same too in some way
0 likesThe mlp cards say that he is her mentor.
0 likes120 % Awesome 😎
3 likesMaybe they're twins
0 likesNvm you just said it-
Captions: So leave your thoughts in the car
0 likesher dads twin brother?
1 likeI think blaze is rainbows dash father🤔 I guess?
0 likesGreat theory!!!
7 likesMaybe a older sibling or even a cousin
0 likesMaybe he is the older brother
0 likesI searched rainbow blaze up
0 likesAnd it said he’s rainbow dash’s “Mentor”
This is a weird April fools day episode
0 likesSawtooth: Changeling shenanigans
3 likesMe: eyes sawtooth
Or maybe RainbowBlaze is Dash's older bro
0 likesThe uncel makes sense like there twins
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Dash's dad had an affair but stayed with the wifey, the other jilted mare never told him she got pregnant and that pony is the son/half brother to Dash that no one knows about? He was raised in some other town but visits Cloudsdale and Ponyville from time to time. You could make a whole episode based around a pony version of '23andMe' coming out, the Mane 6 taking the test for kicks, but holy hell, past dirty drama is revealed!! The old man has got some explaining to do... 🤣
0 likesThinking about this, ima say Brother. It makes more sense to me.. idk why it just does
0 likesThe other guy could be his brother u never just know
3 likeshe might be the brother than the other must be father
0 likesI just think that when ur a kid and when ur a grow up u don't see things the same way and since Rainbow was a little fella she juste might have a memory of her dad this way but he don't really looked the same as in reality
0 likesIt's funny that I realized that RainbowBlaze back then let RainbowDash on his back while they were at the announcement about the games.
0 likesI think he's rainbow father because they kinda have the same hair if you look closely his hair is more neat than hers but if his hair was more messy it would probably a exact replica of rainbow's hair
0 likesS - Sharp Mind
8 likesA - Awesome
W - Watches MLP Carefully
T- Terrific
O - Observant
O - Outstanding
T - Totally Mind Blowing
H - Hilarious
W - Wonderful
A - Amazing
V - Vibrant
E - Enthusiastic
S - Super Ultra Extreme awesomeazing
These are the some of the words to describe you with.
* I also wanted to ask\tell that in the first Equestria girls movie pony sunset shimmer’s magic’s colour was kind of turquoise and more like her eye colour, but then in spring break down and later movies when sunset was shown as a pony her magic’s colour was red. What do you think could be the reason behind this………….???
* Ohh and When is your Birthday???
Replies (5)
@Hana Malik Could be
1 likeHis birthday is March the 17th
1 like@Rosa Cat How did u know??
1 like@ThisPersonLovesChocolateMilk. I just google searched "Sawtooth Waves birthday"
1 like@Rosa Cat Thanks for telling
1 likeHe could be rainbow Dash's brother
0 likesThey could be twin brother’s and that’s his uncle?
0 likesIt could be rainbows older brother?
0 likesSo Who is Blaze's Wife?
27 likesBlaze is the real dad but Bo is just pretending with rainbow hair to make it llook like he's the father of Rainbowdash
0 likesCould always be a brother?
0 likesReplies (1)
Or cousin
0 likesmaybe the people forgot abot the design and made their own
0 likesThey might be cousins 🤷
0 likesIn the episode where we first see her with a stallion (as shown in the thumbnail) i thought that was her dad but in a future episode we find out that her father is more different
4 likesRainbows dash brother can make sense
0 likesI think that Blaze is Rainows brother
0 likesMaybe its her brother?
0 likesWait... To me that Rainbow blaze looks like a rain bow into the clouds like a sonic rainbow boom up maybe that's the destiny rainbow dash got from Rainbow blaze
0 likesJust 1 theory
I haven’t been on this account for a few months and now Sawtooth has the same sexuality as I :0
12 likesReplies (5)
3 likes@Coconut nonbinary :)
0 likes@Pink Addy's Tea Shoppe non-binary is not a sexuality
6 likesYes it is
0 likes@Pink Addy's Tea Shoppe that's a gender! Even tho it's also not a gender since you don't have to identify as he or she, just them...
3 likesI think thats bows brother or father?
0 likesMaybe he's juste her big bro
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is Rainbow Dash‘s older brother honestly. It makes sense I’m not gonna lie
0 likesSwatooth:then who is this
0 likesMe:her brother
Yes, another sawtooth video
13 likesReplies (2)
Yay and it’s Friday! Yayyy qqq
1 likeafter 2 weeks of waiting
1 likeMaybe he.could be her older brother.
0 likesrainbows dad is just older now
0 likesI always had thought that rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother
0 likesHer brother maybe. Her lost brother.
1 likeI sonic clicked real quick😂.
14 likesWhat if he is her older brother who left to work when rainbow was little and she didn’t remember him and her parents never brought him up
0 likesMaybe it's her brother lol
0 likesMaybe she got the brothers mixed up
0 likesMight be her brother doubt it though
0 likesi just got here from watching your 5year old The Pony I Wanna Be Remix. it’s great to see you’re still active even after so much passed time! That’s a sub!
4 likesThat pony might be rainbows big brother
0 likesHe could Rainbow dashes uncle
0 likesIt makes sense
everyones saying uncle or brother, that makes sense
0 likesI'd like to think he's Rainbow Dash's older brother since Rainbow is the only one out of the main six without a bio sibling
0 likes0:32 if you look you can see the cutie mark similarity between rainbow dash and rainbow blaze
3 likesI love your show I love you so so much Charlie and Belsford
0 likesI think Bo is her step father.
0 likesI think that he's Rainbows brother. Probably there to support his little sister.
0 likescould be Rainbow dash's brother
0 likesooOooOo~
15 likes(I legit left my homework to watch this 👀)
Replies (5)
get back to work!!!
10 likesSame dude
1 likeGet back to work or else you will end up like me
0 likesI did that Last to last week
1 like@Sawtooth Waves U replied 😮😮😮😮!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMC
0 likesconsidering the fact that they accidently put twilights cutie mark on fluttershy and pinkie once i wouldnt be surprised if this was an animation error but this is way more fun to think about 😂
0 likesTwin brother makes more sense
0 likesOr maybe they just changed their design
0 likesMaybe it's her brother
0 likesHe always make my day with these therey
4 likesMaybe they were siblings?
0 likesMaybe rainbows mom loves rainbowblazes brother and rainbow dash secretly misses him as her dad
0 likeswhat if blaze is the ignored child, like Sky Stinger, a brother that passed to live in the shadow, because the parents wanted a girl o for some reason become overbearing with dash
0 likesMaybe he's just her brother.
0 likesWhat baffles me is that his cutie mark lowkey looks like baby rainbow dash when she did the sonic rainboom for the first time-
3 likesI think that Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash’s uncle and mentor!
0 likesSome of your wording doesn't sit right with me. Whether they are blood related or not, Rainbow's dad is whoever decided to spend his life with her, care for her, and raised her. Blood does not = family.
0 likesi have one word on who i describe Blaze is.
0 likescousin
what if he is her brother
1 like0:08
3 likesCould be her brother.
Maybe a son?
0 likesThere cutie marks are looks like a Rainbow coming from a cloud
0 likesBow is Rambodashs step Dad
1 likeOr it could be her brother
0 likesUr videos are what I think about
3 likesHe might had ask glimmer to change cutie mark. Or limited behind the sky. Like ground pony got police and sky ponies have no rules. Or he travel in time too like in his could room could be a hidden time room. And only reason he he not I knew that dash was once in flying team he stuck time because time mechanics broke and to sad to make it fly again.
0 likesS I B L I N G S
0 likesor he was just her older brother?
0 likesnah .. the dev just decided to update him for a better contend...moody artist
0 likesYou almost got me tho 😂
4 likesEdit : omg thanks for the heart
What if it’s her older brother
0 likesMaybe he is her brother but he moved away
1 likeJust like Flatershy brother
What if rainbow blaze am I right?but anyway what if he's actually rainbow's brother?
0 likeshe looks like a brother
0 likesI'm gonna say that's Bow's younger brother or nephew, Rainbow Dash's uncle or cousin who was foalsitting her. Windy Whistles doesn't look like a cheater to me. Cupcake looks more like a cheater to me... Or a swinger since Carrot Cake tried to cover for her. I'd rather you theorize on who Cupcake cheated with.
3 likesReplies (2)
Yea so much for genetics
0 likesNeither of the cake twins look like Mrs. Cake though, however Pumpkin looks kind of like Mr. Cake.
0 likesWell now i think she is cheating on her uncle!
0 likesThe beard one is Rain bow dashes dad
0 likesOne of them’s the uncle
0 likesI think he is her older brother
0 likesMe: "Probably a relative of some kind."
29 likesThis guy: "ALTERNATE UNIVERSE"
Edit: as always happens when I comment on YouTube, some people are really stupid and don't understand my comment was a joke.
Replies (7)
He literally said that he threw that theory out of the window.
0 likes@Mikayla Guiang It was a joke...
0 likes@Marshmallow Mountains Except he never said it was an alternate universe.
0 likes@Mikayla Guiang It was obviously a JOKE based off of something he said around 0:50 or so. Are you OK? Do you know what a joke is? I thought it was funny he opened with an alternate timeline theory so I commented on it. It's fine if you don't think it's funny, but it just makes you look dumb and like the joke flew over your head when you (basically) go "ACTUALLY"
0 likes@Marshmallow Mountains I get it's a joke, genius. Calm the hell down. Nobody said it wasn't.
0 likes@Mikayla Guiang then why were you being so nitpicky?
0 likes@Wynona A. Because you can make better jokes by commenting on things that actually happened. Why make a joke about something that didn't happen?
0 likesHe could be her uncle
0 likesthe fact that they have the same eyes.
0 likesReplies (1)
maybe sibling?
0 likesI'm pretty sure the mum wouldn't cheat and it's just they divorced and the bulky whatever his name is is the step father
0 likesHer circuit father, what if rainbows parrot could have a child of their own so they asked Rainbow blaze (aka rainbow dash's uncle) to help
0 likesThat's my Theory
when youre so early it says no vieuws, 12 (not displayed) comments, and 55 likes. Makes sense
5 likesand I believe blaze is rainbow's brother, since he looks a lot younger than her dad
i think the other one is the uncle
0 likesi think rainbow blaze is twin of bow hothoof
1 likeWell blaze might be her brother
0 likesWell the pony that is seen twice in the show it's rainbow Dashs brother
0 likesNo views
11 likes4 likes
0 comment
1 comment in the comment section
Me who just want to learn about the father because I saw two different cutie marks in the show
Replies (1)
3 likesOr The Blaze guy is her older older brother
0 likesOr maybe his her brother or maybe its her step dad
1 likeI was confused with this when I saw the episodes
0 likesCould just be siblings
1 like1:46 yes het is rainbow dash,s uncle!!!!!😊😊😊🤞🤞🎉🎉🙌🙌
3 likesrainbow blaze might BE her older brother
0 likesI think the one pay is the real father but her mom and dad didn't get along so rainbow dash's mom married her current father
0 likesLong lost brother of rainbow dash !?
0 likesI call changeling shenanigans
1 like2:40 watch this with no context.
3 likesHe can be rainbow dash's real brother not like scootalloo who is adopted.
0 likesOr it is her big brother?
0 likesBow and blaze are brothers.
0 likesMaybe he is her genetic father because the father who raised her Cant have children and he was the one who was the closest to her raising fathers look.
0 likesi bet rainbowdash just had two dads who wanted a kid so meet with a women and rainbow just has both dnas XDDDD
3 likesThis is probably leaving Rainbow Dash’s brother so the other man would be Rainbow Dash is dead so yeah problem solved
0 likesThey could be twins??
0 likesI think it's her uncle because, the only reason her dad is built like that is because he has fast strength. You can tell cause his cutie mark an her dad will allow her uncle to take her places
0 likesMaybe he is his uncle
1 likeOr rainbows BROTHER??
4 likesBut before in the video when rainbow dash was a wonderbolt he said Mum, Dad
0 likesIf he knew that 'rainbow blaze' was his true father why did rainbow say ⬆️ that
I wonder did rainbow dash know her mums secret......
It’s her brother.
0 likesIt might be really his brother same eye color
0 likesIn all truth, the fake idea you made makes a whole more since-
0 likesTake your "im early" tickets here
47 likesReplies (11)
5 likesHell yes
3 likesHi
2 likesTaken
3 likesI'm early
2 likesThx
0 likesAdmit one, please :D
1 likeThank you!
0 likesNo one:
1 likeSawtooth: Bo can't be Rainbow Dash's dad because he's fat.
1 likeOh thanks!
1 likeAlmost didn't got one
0 likesI think it' her father,but they changed OC maybe It's her brother
0 likesRainbow Blaze is Rainbow's uncle
2 likesThey could be brothers
0 likes3:41
3 likesMlp: Equestria Games
Me: fRiEnDsHiP gAmEs
I think they are brother's actually I always forget
0 likestheory approved
0 likesi belive the uncle theory, it is possible
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is rainbows older brother?
0 likesProbably Rainbow's uncle who was the one that gave Rainbow a break from her "overly enthusiastic parents" and probably helped get her into Young Flyers and Junior Speedsters. Maybe he was an ex-wonderbolt and that's what made Rainbow want to be one too, to show her uncle how far she'd come from that little filly who had to deal with her parents constant cheering over everything she ever did, massive or insignificant. It is a shame we never got more on him but at least we'll always have fanfictions!
6 likesOr it can be a securit brother
0 likesI think rainbow glaze is her brother think of it their cutie marks look the same ,same hair,and close color
0 likesi can only think of blaze is the true father and the other guy is his step-dad
0 likesMaybe he’s her brother or something
0 likesI never noticed this
3 likesThey can be ferternal twins or cousins
0 likesMight be her big brother since he looks like her dad and rainbow has his moms coat but dads mane? Idk😅
0 likesI think rainbow dash has two dads
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is ranbowdashes farther but Mabye had passed away so his brother posed as rainbows farther
0 likesYES
3 likesRainbow blaze is rainbow's real daddy
0 likesi think rainbow blaze is young rainbows teenage brother
0 likesI think rainbow dash got adopted by bow and his wife
0 likesor the uncle can be her father but a young fathet
1 likeEARLY
9 likesReplies (2)
1 likeStop it.
2 likesOr it’s just the animators being lazy 💀💀
0 likesCould Rainbow Blaze be Dash's older brother but in away that Dash has no idea about considering Bo and Blaze's age doesn't seem to make them siblings alone with built in body. I don't mean to seem rude in away though Blaze gives me an older brother vibe. A vibe in which he knows Rainbow Dash is his little sister, though their parents don't want Dash to know about him for unknown reasons.
0 likesThough it's probably the brother theory but maybe he's the mom's ( I forget her name lol) ex husband? She could have possibly had rainbow when blaze was around?
0 likesHow about her older brother
0 likes3rd
3 likesAmazing theory😍
Rainbow dash may have not remembered her fathers cutie mark fully and went with seemed right to her in the flashback accidentally getting confused with her uncles cutie mark
0 likesHer older brother.
0 likesimpossible rainbow dash mom dosent look like the cheating type
0 likesblades got his dads body
and rainbow must got her grampas body shape
genes can hide
Maybe her dad died so without telling her her uncle took her dad's place
0 likesooooo early
4 likesI don't know if this is just a coincidence or what but did you see Blaze's cutie mark? It looked super close to Rainbow's...
0 likesMaybe “blaze” is rainbowdashs brother
0 likesMaybe blaze is rainbows older brother ?
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Dash has two dads
0 likesFirst
3 likesi think brother makes sense lol.
0 likesMabey he was her brother but he went rogue like sunset once he discovered the human universe and left to live there and the reason why the rainbow family never speaks about him is because they thought he kidnapped sunset scince them disappearing at the same time
0 likesOr he's her brother
0 likesListen I know there was no explanation and that rainbow dash is an only child but…
0 likesWhat if that guy is a cousin or a brother !? Of Rainbowdash!?
Oh he’s probably her big brother
0 likesrainbow blaze is connected
0 likesto rainbow dash cause there names start with rainbow
I think the pony is her brother
0 likesBrother? Nah, If he was her brother then she would have said something.
0 likesLike Twilight talks about Shining Armor. Heck her parents would have said something too like 'Sorry hon your big bro couldn't be here. He's got exams to take.'
So maybe an Uncle or cousin?
Or more likely, the resemblance is just a coincidence. There are people in real life that aren't even related that look like they could be.
Mabey Rainbow Blaze is her brother????? Tbh, i have no clue
1 likemaybe they're related
0 likesMaybe uncle because the dads look alike?
0 likesI looked it up and apparently rainbow blaze is a mentor to rainbow dash,what a surprise
0 likesI think he's most likely an older brother or older cousin. Given both Blaze and Dash's first names have Rainbow in them, it's safe to say the children in their family that looked like the two of them would share the same name so uncle is probably out. Brother is a bit more probable given how closely Blaze looks like Bow and Rainbow Dash, almost an exact younger copy of Bow Hothoof minus the cutie mark. The only problem I see with this is the lack of photos of Blaze in the Rainbow household, which makes me believe that he had a big falling out with the family while Dash was growing up or he never lived in that house because he was an older cousin.
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is Rainbow Dash‘s brother
0 likesSawtooth sawtooth sawtooth sawtooth…well
0 likesMost likely her uncle
0 likesI think they are both Rainbow’s fathers think about it we met Rainbow Blaze in the friendship games and Bow hothoof after Starlight reformed and as to your video about the 9th timeline they could be both Rainbow’s fathers.
0 likesI think that rainbow dash was adopted by bow
0 likesI think the other pony is rainbows brother or sibling
0 likesI think Rainbow blaze is rainbows big
0 likesbrother
Plot twist he's rainbow's older sibling
0 likesi noticed something. Beaux IS the pony from the flash back because RainbowDash was a filly in the flash back and in the present time she was older and the pony from the flash back would've got older too because the got the same hair ,coat colour and eye colour too! 😎😏🐎🐴🎠
0 likes3:34 rainbow dash is on his head, and he looks like he's in his 20s, he just might be rainbow dash's brother
0 likesOr maybe.. Their siblings.. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN- They could be siblings, counting how they have different eyes but similar hair and skin color, this would make much more sense, counting most young kids take up after their older sibling.
1 likeMaybe uncle or brother?
0 likesUncle, uncle makes more sense
0 likesHe's brother? 👁️👄👁️
0 likesHow do you know rainbow blaze is his name
0 likesme who straight up talk before the video pass 0:48 : "His Uncle/ Father Twin Brother"
0 likesme who just see the entire video : " RD bio single dad and lil RD got into an accident, RD got amnesia and bio dad oof. RD got raised by hin ncle and uncle wive. coat and eye color are from his bioi mother. ( i mean apple bloom have oramge eyes while her parent dont)
What happens when is Rainbow older brother
1 likeBlaze is rainbow dashes brother and he died which left the family heartbroken that why rainbow dash gets so much support from both her mom and dad cause they don’t want her to end up like her brother. That my guess
0 likesI think Rainbow blaze is Rainbow dashes father but in a different universe.
0 likesok thats her brother but i dont know why he was never talk about in the family or have a room
0 likesI think it’s her brother
0 likesI think blaze is his big brother
0 likesHow to me it's getting a little bit confused but I'm still sure that's the uncle they must be brothers somehow or they must be switched like that's not it the people that think that is that's rainbow Dash's fire is actually uncle and the people that think that the uncle is the uncle is actually the dad it
0 likesI have the thought, that bo, is the father and rainbow blaze is the uncle, because the genes fit, he gets the athletic from rainbow blaze and like the other genes probably from bo, like the LOYALTY part of her! Bo, is very very loyal and also really like supportive,
0 likesTheory 2. That rainbow blaze is rainbow dash brother!! Because what younger siblings wouldn’t wanna be like the older sibling? I mean I wanna be like my older sister! What do you think?
Well rainbow blaze could be her brother?
0 likesWell they have both rainbow hair with their dad and purple skin like her dad
0 likesPs how do you draw the mlp version of u do u like get an already existing character and altar it
0 likesmaybe Rainbow Dashs father had a brother
0 likesWhat if it's a whole brother yeah it could be her brother instead and she and the brother was hiding from her
0 likesWhat if it’s her big brother
0 likesI thought of the theory rainbow blaze is her older brother.
0 likesThat could be his I mean her brother or a comedian or relative or that could be almost anything but the same father that’s impossible but maybe there’s a chance that something could’ve happened and if you’re sure it’s in a alternate universe OK try it but I’m pretty sure that it’s like a family member or something like that
0 likesWhat if rainbow blaze was rainbow dash’s big brother
0 likesWhat if there brother and sister?
0 likesmaybe he's maybe he's her brother
0 likesQueen ocellus and king pharynx.
0 likesi think rainbows real dad is dead and told his brother to take care of his child and wife
0 likesI think it was just an inconsistentsy
0 likesThe fun uncle?
0 likesI think that the strange pony is just rainbow dashes brother
0 likesWait maybe rainbows mom divorced blaze and then married bo?
0 likeshe code be her big brother
0 likesRainbow's uncle or older brother
0 likesWhat if he help them have a kid
0 likesI think its her brother
0 likesThat guy is her idol....
0 likesHis uncle or older cousin.
0 likesYou. are. So. Smart🤗🤗
0 likesEither uncle or brother.
0 likesBruh the tea 🍵
0 likesI know that there brothers because the other one didn’t have a shirt so maybe the other is his brother and came to see if he will win maybe the dad could not come because he had work I think
0 likesI think he is her brother
0 likesOr they can be gay? Well because I heard that mlp stands for pride. look it up please 🙏
0 likesI think, if Rainbow Blaze IS Dashie's father, maybe he wasn't able to take care of her, so his brother and his sister in law ADOPTED her. Maybe.
0 likesThat’s his uncle you’re probably twins look exactly kinda like each other is just a cutie mark
0 likesTo me is her big brother
0 likesWhat if there just brothers then?😕
0 likesMaybe they arw brothers
0 likesProbably her brother moved houses
No the younger one is the brother and the older is the dad
0 likes*shoots the theory down with a gun.* that theory is considered completely lame and considered completely lazy as "hasbro" is basically. :/
1 likeIts probably him but grown up
0 likesThat guy is probably rainbow dash's uncle because maybe her dad had a brother i mean, The hair ,The skin color, The eyes and even the cutie marks are both the same, Both had rainbows one athletic one bulk.
0 likesSimple answer, he's rainbow dashes brother, or uncle
0 likesI think the other pony is rainbow dashes uncle or brother
0 likesYounger version?
0 likesI think he is Rainbow’s brother
1 likerainbow blaze must be rainbow's dad
0 likesWhat if rainbow blaze is rainbows true dad but then rainbow's mom broke up with him and got together with Bo
0 likesMaybe Blaze is the brother of rainbow dashes dad.
1 like"
0 likesstep dad"Rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's big brothers 🤣🏅👏🤜🤛
0 likesThere is 3 there's for me
0 likes1. Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow's brother
2. Windy wisles cheated on bold with his brother
3. Rainbow Blaze or rainbow dash is adopted?
maybe rainbow blade is a uncle??????????????
0 likesmaybe the other father that yo are talking about is the MLP's showed father's brother
0 likesI think he’s rainbow brother
0 likesDid you realise rainbow blaze has a sonic rainboom cutie mark maybe he created the super sonic rainbow legend
0 likesI tink its her brother
1 likeOr maybe for a n unknown reason, Bow is Rainbow Dash's grqndfather and the other is his son and he was in the obligation to hide the truth to Rainbow?
0 likesUnless it’s her brother
0 likesOr they broke up and she left him THEN got pregnant
0 likesMby he is her Brother, but he died? Then each of the mane 6 would have siblings (Apart from the fact that Scootaloo is Rainbow's foster Sister)
0 likesHis twin brother
0 likesI think that blaze is the dad because look at rainbow dash and blaze cutie mark it looks the same.
0 likesI think that rainbow dash mother cheated on Blaze and when rainbow was still a small pony,then went to bow because rainbow dash wouldn't remember her true dad blaze.
The other dad that’s sciny actually is rainbows reall dad
0 likesI thinking that's his twin brother
0 likesI think he is rainbow dash's teacher of flying
0 likesMaybe that’s Rainbow Dash father when he was younger and then he got older
0 likesMaybe her uncle or brother
0 likesrainbow dash's brother ran away when rainbow was not even born
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is rainbows brother
0 likesI think they are sister and brother
0 likesIt says on Google that rainbow blaze is supposed 2 be rainbow dash's mentor
0 likesUncle, or a continuity error.
0 likesWhatever the answer is rainbow blaze is my idea of rainbows father
0 likesSince Rainbow dash is literally an adult,Blaze is probably the same as bow,but he just grow up.The cutie mark thing is probably a error.
0 likesI think blaze is Rainbow Dash’s brother
0 likesBlaze is most likely rainbows dad
0 likesMaybe places is Rainbow Dash's older brother or something cuz he looks like Rainbow – is bad but they have different cutie mark so maybe he got the genetics from his father
0 likestiktok drama be like :
0 likesMaybe blaze is secretly rainbow dashes brother
1 likeWell since it’s a kid show probably there cousins
1 likeWhat if blaze was rainbows brother it makes seas he is young and so is rainbow dash
0 likesI think it's a brother like just BROTHER hahaha
0 likesMaybe blaze is rainbow dash's older cousin that's why he looks so young
0 likesUncle can be acceptable but father noo
0 likesOr its her Brother XD
0 likesMabye He is her bis Brother?
0 likesMaybe he's rainbow's brother
0 likesI think rainbow blazes is rainbow s bows brother
0 likesIt’s her big brother
1 likewhat if bow is a stepdad but rainbow dash real father is bow brother!!!
0 likesThey look like twins
0 likesRainbow blaze would definitely be uncle because I pretty sure a children’s TV would nit include cheating.
0 likesI think Rainbow blag was Rainbow das brother
0 likesIt's her uncle
0 likesMaybe that guy is her brother
0 likesMaybe a relative
0 likesWhat if they made a threeso-
0 likesheres my theory. rainbow dashes mother married blaze but had a divorce making blaze the true dad and beau a step dad. but it happend so long ago the mother felt bad so she married beau because he looks like blaze
0 likesIt's her mentor
1 likeIt's rainbow"s brother
0 likesI think the one with a good body is one of rainbow dash is brother
0 likesLove the gay vibes😎👌
0 likesRainbow blaze could be Rainbow dash's uncle, but her mothers athletic body could have passed down to Rainbow dash. That would make more sense.
0 likesThey can be brothers lul
0 likesRainbow Dash's equestria girl dad.
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's older brother or cousin
0 likesUhhhh i dont think so, i dont think the mom cheated lol. Just bc they dont gave similar cutie marks doesnt mean thats not her dad. I mean just look at pinkie pie and her family
0 likesMaybe her brother? Because he looks like rainbow dash dad I mean that would be awesome to have a athlete brother right?
0 likesi think he is rainbow dash's brother
0 likesHe might be her brother you know 😐😒
0 likesI'm not hating I'm just telling you
Maybe rainbow blaze WAS rainbows dad but he went to get milk and told his brother to raise her
0 likes💙WOAH💙
1 likeOr maybe rainbow dashs dad and mom couldnt have a child cause theirs something wrong with her dad and so blaze got involved? I really dunno...
0 likesI think he is rainbowdash's brother
0 likesRainbow Blaze might be like Rainbow Dash's actual like Uncle or brother or whatever you want to call him but he's not really the same color is Rainbow – but maybe they might be her uncle uncle I figured out my own questions what is wrong okay
0 likesi think he is the uncle
0 likesThe two are brothers
0 likesthere main is the same and there cutie marks or almost the same!
0 likesMira el que viste tiene que ser el papa porque el otro tiene un acuiris y un himan de hierro y los ponis notienes dos quirimars solo para decorar el curimark
0 likesBlaze Is The true father Because There Both very athletic And They're cutie marks are similar!👨👧👉👈
0 likesI think its her big buther that had moved
0 likesmaybe he is rainbows brother
0 likesthat night be her step father or her uncle
0 likesMaybe his brother
0 likesRainbow blaze could be her brother
0 likesI thought for a sec he gained weight-
0 likesMaybe blaze in rainbow dash's brother that matches a lot and clear the problem
0 likesWhy do I feel like rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother
0 likesi think thats just rds (rainbow dashes) big brother
0 likesrainbow blaze might be rainbow dashes big bro
0 likesI think he is rainbow dash’s brother
0 likesMabby rainbows mom was with blaze first then had rainbowdash, but they broke up so then rainbows mom got with rainbows "dad"
1 likeMaybe is her brother
0 likesme at 1:28 TWINS
0 likesi think he is raimbow´s brother but he abandon he´s family so whit time raimbow´s parent told her to forget him so she started to STOP thinking about him , by the way i love your videos BYE.
0 likesI think blaze is the father since his cutie mark is a sonic rainboom
0 likesThese videos kinda scare me for sum reason. Especially with da music
0 likesLOL! XD
0 likesOr blaze is rainbow dash's older brother but didn't really remember him
0 likesI look like my aunt but she not my mom same logic but dads side OKAY
1 likeEither uncle or brother
0 likesThere probably are brothers
0 likesMabe the young one is her uncle or brother
0 likesnever mind i gets it
0 likesI was thinking that they were Brothers to😀
0 likesMaybe is his brother
0 likesI know this is just a theory, but it could be possible that Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's real father. Windy doesn't necessarily have to cheat on Bow for this theory to be true. It could be that Windy and Rainbow Blaze divorced and Windy took Rainbow Dash custody and moved on with Bow. Bow could simply be a father figure or step father, and Blaze being Dash's real father. Blaze is shown in Dash's life, which could show the bond the two had before the divorce. As for why Blaze was never mentioned by name, it may be because Dash has accepted Bow as her father and/or has forgotten about Blaze being her biological father, depending on when her parents had the divorce. If they divorced while Dash was at a young age, it would be possible for Dash to have forgotten about her biological father, which may have been Blaze.
0 likesHe could be rainbow dashes brother
0 likesThe most likely explanation would be that Rainbow Blaze is Dash's uncle like CAN WE TAKE A SEC TO COMPARE BLAZE AND BOW'S SIMALARITIES!? Eye color:- check Mane color:-Check Body color:-CHECK!
0 likesMLP's Forgotten World later
0 likesBro i think he could be his brother cant he? Cause he looks lot like raimbow dash and her father so i think that he could? But if not let me know plz!
0 likesRainbow dash has a bro probs
0 likesMaybe they are twins
0 likesI think their siblings.
0 likesRainbows Big brother
1 likeThat’s her mentor
0 likesSW:if this is rainbow dash's dad then who is this?!
0 likesthats the funniest thing ive ever her pfffffffthahahahahhahahahaha
or could be her broter
0 likesRainbow blaze is most likely Rainbow dashes bro
0 likesGrogars bell ?!?!?!
0 likesAgreed
0 likesProbably her uncle
0 likesCan't he be the big brother of rainbodash and that he was kicked out by the family because he concidured his life with his passion of flying ? no
1 likeReplies (1)
Actually yeah
0 likesMaybe its rainbow Dash brother???
0 likesor it's rainbow's big brother
1 likeThat's supposed to be Rainbow dashes brother
0 likesSo what would that mean Bow hothoof would be Rainbow – is Dad or uncle? I'm confused I'm only 10 and a half so don't try to give me some crazy analysis that I won't understand
0 likesI think, tahat this next pony with raindbow main Is Dashes Brother from unknown earlier relation ship.
0 likesOr maybe Rainbow dash have her bodytype from her mother
0 likesPeople I'm having a vote here's the first one it's the one sawtooth and here's my theory rainbow dash has two dads
0 likesspoiler:
0 likesyou sure?
thats her uncle
I think that’s Rainbow Dash‘s brother
0 likesI think dash is rainbow's brother
0 likesa brother?
0 likesblaze is most likely rainbow dash's uncle
0 likesWell i geuss its his brother...
0 likesMini rainbow – is dad has a twin
0 likesI am rainbow dash’s true father… I AM..YOUR FATHER
0 likesPink rainbow blaze is rainbow dash
0 likesis father because like they have a similar name so there is names start with rainbow
What Blaise is her uncle
0 likesMaybe rainbow blaze was rainbow dash brother
0 likesRainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother but he did something that caused his parents to kick him out, so now he lives on the streets.
0 likesI think Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's genderswap version
1 likeIts either its rainbows brother or she just cheated and had rainbow then returned to bow then just took care of rainbow
0 likesBlaze is rainbow,s brother and I’m right because they are related
0 likesOlder brother?
0 likesI think that was rainbows dad but young
0 likesWhy is there a tinfoil background
0 likesSaw toot are kidding?
0 likesHe’s probably her real dad and then tthe mom got divorced and got with the dad rainbow knows as her dad now and she just spends time with her real dad. Also the dad from now might’ve dyed his hair with how much he supports her and there is hair dye cause the mare uses it
0 likesi think that blaze are rainbows brother
0 likesit's her uncell
1 likeCan you just ask her
0 likesA start of ways Rainbow Dash‘s dad killed us went to the mirror poor drink the water so he made a twin or went into the water twinI didn’t make exactly what she looks like so yes that’s what I think what happened
0 likesBut what if rainbow blade was rainbow Dash's brother it's possible because it could have been because he could be in college he could be living in a different state or he could have passed away
0 likesWHAT WOW
0 likesWhat if that bigger one is rainbow dashes dad but when he’s older I’m mean look at his eyes it has wrinkles
0 likesBROTHERS!
0 likesprobly her older brother that moved out before she was born so he isnt metiond in randows past to scootaloo
0 likesI think it's rainbow dashes big brother
0 likesIs it his brother or something
0 likesI think 2nd one is rainbow dash s uncle
0 likesİ think its her brother
0 likesHey couldn’t it just be that Rainbow Dash has an older brother or that he didn’t want a baby
0 likesor.... its her father itself.. but that picture is when rainbow was young so like her father had to be young too....😆
0 likesMaybe blaze is her uncle
0 likesI think rainbow blaze was it,anyways i think he is rainbow dashes brother that's what i think
0 likesThey could be siblings?
1 likeReplies (1)
Rainbow dash and the other one
0 likesI think he is Rambo dash bother! And he has been lost? Mack a part 2
0 likesOlder brother?
0 likesplas is her brother ?
0 likesWHAT!?
0 likesmaybe Bo is rainbow dashes grandfather and rainbow bliz is her father
0 likesI think blaze is Rainbow Dash's uncle
0 likesHow did that possible
0 likesOlder cousin?
1 likei just think that was rainbow dash brother
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is rainbowdashes brother
0 likesI think that it make sense that hes rainbow dashs uncle
0 likesThat’s not how life works I don’t look like a cheater
0 likesWhich one you think is better a b or c
0 likesThat is her brother
0 likes2:38
0 likesI don't think it's rainbow Dash's uncle I think it's rainbow Dash's cousin just think about it
0 likesMaybe he is rainbow dashs secret brother
0 likesI knew he will say there brother bo and blaze I knew it he will say that but I think its rainbow might be blaze is brother but ran away or something I dont know tho
0 likesI think that is rainbow Dass brother
0 likesOr is blaze a chaingling
0 likesGasp
0 likesOr he is her brother
0 likesMaybe that's her brother or brother in-law or her cousin uncle I think the brother maybe her brother went into Manehattan or canterlot or maybe got married and went to there new like canterlot Manehattan and more
0 likesmaybe that is rainbow's brother but her parents had major problem with him and poof no more bro for are rainbow
0 likes*talking about rainbow dash dad and all*
0 likesVid: *calling dash daughter and her*
Or brother?
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash big brother
0 likesthey could be cousins?
0 likesIt might be her brother
0 likesYeah probably a brother not father
0 likesThey were brothers
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is scudulues father
0 likesMaybe there are twins
0 likesOr blaze was her brother 😟😟😟
1 like?????????? How can he be his dad ??????????
1 likeMaybe rainbow blaze is rainbow's big brother
0 likesMaybe rainbow blaze is his true father but an accident happened to where she had to go to her fairy godfather
0 likesI allways thougt rainbow and blaze were siblings
0 likesI think the other guy is rainbow dashes elder brother
0 likesI think blaze is his father
0 likesI dont think rainbow blaze is rainbows father i mean look at the orange in both of their hair or mane blaze has a lighter one and both rainbow dash and bowhot hoove or bow?? Nvm anyways their orange type are the same but i think rainbow blaze is rainbow dashs father i could be wrong but its my theory for today/night
1 likeBrothers are not a good fit for this like ... 😕 idk
0 likesNa hes her uncle.
0 likesMaybe rainbow blase is rainbow dash older brother Maybe rainbow and blase are related.
0 likesHis father
0 likesTheory: Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's real dad and Bow Hot hoof could be Rainbow's stepdad because her parents divorced and Rainbow Blaze visits on important times.
0 likesI think That rainbow blaze is A younger version of rainbow dashes dad.
1 likeMaybe the ohter one is the uncel
0 likesThat's Rainbow Dash's uncle and that's what that one is Rainbow Dash's water when is Rainbow Dash's father
0 likesIn the past that i saw rainbow dash and blaze rainbow together someone make a meme of rainbow and blaze they eats blaze eats cereal and rainbow drinks milk
0 likesI think rainbowBlaze is rainbow dashes step dad
0 likesWait ,rainbow dash and dash .rainbow has the same NAME as dash .He is her dad
1 liketheir drug dealer
0 likesMaybe thats bo's his son or sumn I mean they look the same so? That's my opinion.
0 likesit couled be her brother lol👁👄👁
0 likesHey sawtooth I Said rainbow dash may have a brother
0 likesRainbow blade is her brother
0 likesMaybe that’s Rainbow Dash’s brother
0 likesCould be her Cousin but Rainbow Dash is the only child
0 likesGood comment but I think that is rainbows real dad I mean rainbow is sort of skinny and the hair is more flat like rainbows straight that's just my opinion don't get angry
0 likesBruh why do people always take a cartoon seriously 🙄🙄🙄🙄
1 likeNo it is his dad
0 likesMabay he is her uncle
0 likesA Rainbow Dash and and her dad and the other pony answer your name I think they both when they saw the flashback I think that’s what it was can you get one and they both share their passion for athletic Ness he took her there to the questions your games
0 likesYes did you think if he was her bro
0 likesyes for me I
0 likesthink brother
rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes older brother
1 likeWhat if rainbow blaze is her older brather
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's brother because rainbow blaze has the same eye color as bow hot hoof and they both have the same skin color as bow hot hoof and their cutie mark has rainbows on them and they both have rainbow hair.
0 likescould be brother
0 likesRainbows brother
0 likesProbably rainbow blaze is her uncle
0 likesRainbow blaze is Rainbow Dash's brother
0 likesI think Daring Do is Rainbow Dash's real mother and Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's real father. But Daring Do realized that if she where to raise Rainbow Dash it would put her in grave danger so she thought that if she gave her to Rainbow Blaze to give her to Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles Rainbow Dash would be safe. I think Windy and Bow are her aunt and uncle.
0 likesI think blaze is rainbow dash's brother
0 likesI think their brothers or something 🤔🤨🧐
0 likesHe could be her dad and the other guys is her stepdad, or that could be her cousin
0 likesHow wait WHAT
0 likesBig brother?
0 likesBig brother?
0 likesI think they are brothers
0 likesHmmmm... Brother?
0 likesOr they are brothers
0 likessometime to do with a divorce
0 likesOr his rainbows brother?....
0 likesWAIT!!!!!!! Both have diffrent skins rainbows mom and her have lite blue skin but both of the giys have lite/dark purple skin WHAT how is that posible
0 likesBlaz can be her onkel
0 likesDifferent cutie mark
0 likesLook at that manes
0 likesWhat if their brothers cause They Look the same but the coat colour is diffrent
0 likesOr rainbow Blaze can be rainbow dashes older brother
0 likesOoaaahh so dark
0 likesI think there siblings it makes sense big mack was a big part in Applejacks family why not rainbow blaze be a big brother to rainbow dashes family
0 likesYea I think is rainbows brother
0 likesSiblings???
0 likesThe other pony IS rainbows father. Look at his cutie mark, it shows a blue pegasus with a rainbow trail behind them. It looks like its rainbow dash. Sooo, i think the other pony is the TRUE father, and maybe rainbows "father" is his brother, and he got jelly, so maybe he tried to won wendy over so he could raise a kid of his own. Just a thought
0 likesRainbow DASH rainbow BLAZE
0 likesHer brother?maby
0 likesRainbow blaze is rainbow dashes long lost abandoned brother
0 likesUhm i think that they just redising him
0 likesAlso i just noticed that this video unploaded on my birthday lol😅
What if rainbow blaze is actually a God uncle like how you have a God, mother, he could be a God, uncle, oh, no, a godfather or he could just be his, Grandpa, I don't know, maybe that how do you call me get Blaise Blaize had a problem, he couldn't take care of children, so he ran away, and who is now rainbow, Dash's father was actually his uncle, his Grandpa or his uncle, you like both, and he took care of him since he know his daughter was going to go tough time going with the break up and having a child, it could have been hard, but I'm pretty sure it's uncle because they kiss and like he'sso that technically means, yeah, felt there's my theory, and you have yours
0 likesI would have think he is her original father... But whistle or blaze broke up or divorced then she moved on... But her uncle makes MORE sense
0 likesI think rainbow dash is father is Bow
0 likesSiblings.
0 likeswas rainbow blaze in the final eposode that 2022 mistery
0 likesrainbow blaze is rainbow dash's brother
0 likesUNCLE
0 likesOr maybe Beau is Rainbow Dashes grandfather
0 likesHer brother
0 likesI think that rainbow blaze is rainbow dash’s brother
0 likesi think that he is rainbow dashes brother
0 likesRainbow Blaze is her brother
0 likesFluttershy:stop your gonna scare angerl
0 likesthe thing is, blaze looks more like bo than rainbow dash. My theory is that rainbow blaze could've been bo's cousin, but we dont like that. THE SPICY THEORY IS THAT: Bo had rainbow blaze before he married windy. He might have gotten a girl preggo before windy came in the picture. So my conspiracy is that rainbow blaze and rainbow dash are long lost siblings and that also explains why they had a bond. Windy isn't aware of this fact so she went on without knowing
0 likesHis brother
0 likesWhat is blaz and random’s dad are a couple gust a mini theory
0 likesMaybe He is Rainbow Dash’s uncle
0 likesWhy does his cutie Mark look like rainbow dash's
0 likesMay by blaise is rainbows brother
0 likesRainbow blaze may be rainbow dashes brother
0 likesBrother !!!!
1 likeMaybe rainbow dash's brother
0 likesHer uncle?
0 likesReal rainbow Dash's dad
0 likesher son
0 likesHer brother
0 likesHer brother
0 likesI think bow or blaze is rainbow dush step dad🤔🤔🤔
0 likesMaybe it’s rainbow dashs brother
0 likesi think divorce just happened possibly between windy and blaze. but uncle could be a possibility. thonks
0 likesHer brother
0 likesMaybe, Rainbow Blaze is twin of Bow Hothoo??? I just know that and i'm just guess. And sure Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's uncle. Sorry if i wrong
0 likesTrue
0 likesWhat he is rainbow Dash's brother
1 likeIgnore what you saw in the cartoon. Some obscure fan theory is the real truth!
0 likesPossible brother
0 likesA brother and sister
0 likesher mentor
0 likesdad's bruther?
0 likesReplies (1)
what about his suster
0 likesReimbowdash is adoptet
0 likesHer brother ._.
0 likesTrue
0 likesWhat about rainbow blaze is rainbow dash’s brother
1 likeFace reveal
0 likesWhat if blase is rainbow dash's is his cousin
1 likeI love you
0 likesSister and Brother
0 likesYes I agree
0 likesWhat if rainbow blaze is not her dad. Her body type is like her mom
0 likesMabey he is the rainbow dash is secret brother
0 likesBrother Rainbow dash?
0 likeswhat if rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother but he came out as gay so his parents kicked him out 🤨🤔😮
0 likesIt just a brother or uncle
0 likeshm... what if windy met blaze and dated him then- had rainbow? And they broke up?? and then windy dated beau?
0 likesMany he is her brother
0 likesIts her brother its gata be
0 likesLol rip person that lied-
0 likesUmmm that is rainbows father bc of their cutemark
0 likesHahhaha i think that none smiling kne is the real rainbows father but he died so she went to the other boi
0 likesWait a minute rainbow dash and rainbow blaze have like the same name both start with rainbow take the rainbow away and tou have dash and blaze I think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash is dad
0 likesI think blaze is her brother that why we only see him two times cuz just think about it think about it hard but not to hard.. rainbow blaze and rainbow dash think about it
0 likesrainbow dash doesnt have a mother. just two divorced dads and a stepmother.
0 likesbrother, cousin ??
0 likesRainbow dash's brother
0 likesBrother-
0 likesBRUH 😦
0 likesIts probably that pony just grown up
0 likesReplies (1)
Oh nvm
0 likesThoery-rainbow blaze is bow hothoofs in descise
0 likesMabey the uncles body was just passed down to rainbow dash
0 likesWho are Rarity’s and Apple Jacks parents
0 likeswhat if hes her brother so like rainbow dash is more like her mom and rainbow blaze is more like his dad
0 likesMaby windy was with rainbow blaze, had rainbow dash with him but somthing happened between their relationship? Like maby he uh, left/cheated so she decided to get with his brother as revenge so he left equstria or somthin- its a possibility cause like you mentioned rainbow looks more like rainbow blaze- plus they coincidently have the same first name? Ill probobly add more details later but rn its 11 pm so uh
0 likesi tink Rainbow Belez is Rainbow Dase' s Bother?🤔🤨🤨🧐
0 likesTwin uncle
1 likeMeybe they divorced and have a new father
0 likesWhy is she looking at me
0 likesVery think it's rainbow dash brother
0 likesRainbow blaz Could be rainbow dash’s brother
0 likesI think that is rainbow dash uncle
0 likesHow about that pony is her big brother and his dad dont like him and kick him out?
0 likesI think he is rainbows I uncle or possibly brother
0 likesMaybe They are brother and sister Rainbow blaze my look more like his dad and then of his mom
0 likespinkie pie gasp and rarity sceam dose anyone have a fainting couch
0 likesReplies (1)
yeah I have a fainting couch. I can't tell you what it would say because it has fainted. and has not yet woken up.
0 likesPlot twist rainbows "parents" were actually crazy fans who told people that theyrr her parents
0 likesI thought it was rainbow dash uncle....
0 likesRainbow das brother?
0 likesI say her brother
0 likesHmmmmm I think that’s rainbow dash brother
0 likesTheir brothers
0 likesI’ll look I looked it up and it said that rainbow I said that always is teacher teacher to have a win the game to help him win the game so that means that that guy that OK of meanness bad fat girl fatGuy is well – his dad daddy dad father father
0 likesor he could be a random pony with a rainbow main and tail or the cheating thing is most likely to me but idk but why is Scootiloo have diffrint parints then rainbow dash arein't they sisters
0 likesWhat if Rainbow Dash‘s mom was married to rainbow blaze and they got divorced when Rainbow Dash was a tiny baby
0 likesSis and bro.
0 likesHe could be rainbow dashes brother and be he could be dead
0 likesI said blaze is her mother brother means rainbow dash Uncle
0 likesMaybe it is rainbow dash brother
0 likesMaybe rainbow blade is rainbow dash brother that die or moved somewhere far a way
0 likesI think that boe and blaze are twins but to rainbow she sees him as like an older brother that may been in las pegasus? He does look like a party pony like pinkie or cheese sandwich!? Orrrrrr he could be spitfire's old student who didn't become a wonderbolt he loves flying
0 likesBrother and sister
0 likesSoothooth i tink rombow blaze is the unkl of rombow dash
0 likeshis mom cheated.
0 likesNope Rainbow Dash's dad the skinny one yeah when they were at court he probably you know the thick one his brother probably stoled his own child from in a world without your mom and then she pretended she didn't even know him but I think they're skinny rainbow boy with actually skinny I mean they were look married and afterwards they got divorced and she married his brother and they never had nothing in common I don't know about the various and stuff but I think my dad was the skinniest anyone because body can't change but can you watch can not unless they did that would have been a weird because you never saw an employee's do it so I guess they're like in the same universe but maybe not technically cuz they never saw each other in person but I don't know something like like hate each other but the emotions to each other remember that my name is Pennywise would like the mom cheated on him the Rainbow – maybe. Maybe his brother or uncle whatever realize his parents were meant to be
0 likesBig brother
0 likesprob uncle 0:45
1 likeYes brother
0 likes🤔🙁wait a second see Rainbow Blaze and Rainbow dash look a ther cutie marks they look so similar 😐right
0 likesI just think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash brother
0 likesWait is cutie mark is a literal rainboom and rainbow dash made the rain boom would that mean thats her dad? The thing the drove her to cause the rain boom?
0 likesI'm confused
0 likeslol
0 likesMarch 24th? My birthday?
0 likesI think the time later because the brother and sister
0 likes🦄🦄♥️♥️onnnnn
0 likesWell ok
0 likesBig Brother
0 likesBig brother
0 likesrainbows cousin
0 likesMyabe there twins
0 likesits uncle
1 like🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄
0 likesBo is rainbow dashes uncle
0 likesMaybe.. I think it her bro nono maybe idk
1 likeHey it mite be that rainbows father is one and the other is rainbows uncle
0 likesI think the producers simply messed up the animation and these two are the same person. As for the names, I think bow might be a nickname of some sort.
2 likesBtw I think ur theory makes sense and I believe it.
Yeah...somehow I doubt that. X'D Windy Whistles and Bo Hothoof for that matter don't really seem like the type of ponies who'd cheat - and I know looks can be deceiving, but nothing we've seen proves either of them, Windy Whistles, in particular, would ever do something like that. I think it's more likely that Rainbow Blaze is a relative or a sibling - or even just a mentor who happens to have rainbow colors in his mane. After all, there was a nurse pony who looks an awful lot like Diamond Tiara, and it turns out they don't have a connection that we know of.
0 likesIt seems like the genetics in MLP:FiM is a lot more complicated than our world, as foals can not only look different from their parents, but sometimes they can even be different species from their parents (that is to say, two earth pony parents can end up with [a] unicorn/pegasus baby/ies). I know people like to make infidelity jokes, particularly with the Cakes, but ponies don't always match up with their parents to a T. Not to mention that Rainbow Dash shares the same body type as her mother, so maybe Windy Whistles was the athletic one of the two - or maybe Bow Hothoof's bulk is muscle. Cheating just seems like jumping the gun.
Or maybe Hothoof is infertile, and he chose his own brother to help sire Dash. There’s no downside to it; Dash would look like them both, she’d still be genetically related, and her health status would never be a mystery
0 likesHasbro just wanted to change his design but steal with maintaining a similar look.
0 likesThey just never planned that he would be featured again at the time.
This is all very very silly.
Rainbow Blaze can be just young Bow Hothoof and Hasbro just forgot about his name and decided to redesign his cutiemark. Like.. Blaze is literally looks like young Bow
0 likesthat's just a good looking Easter Egg that the producers put in tho
1 likeI love drama lmao so here is my head Canon- I think she cheated, and she let rainbow spend time with him so she could be close to her father, whilst passing it off as spending time with and bonding with him as a uncle bc maybe he knew that she was his kid, but neither him or rainbows mom wanted to ruin the marriage bc it was a one time thing between them. So he could play a role in her life, but not as the father
0 likesRainbow Dash could've indirectly inherited Rainbow Blaze's athletic body type, and then the rest of what you said in the 2nd half of the video.
0 likesThis may seem a bit late but it would make more sense for Rainbow Blaze to be either Dash's brother or uncle.
0 likesI feel that Bow Hothoof and Rainbow Blaze are twins that can be possible right?
0 likesBut what if that's her secret brother?
0 likesI watch your videos for a long time and when I heard this I thought maybe they are brother
1 likesince he looks like the dad and dash, maybe it's her brother
0 likesI assume that the pony in the flashback is actually Rainbow Dash's dad but younger before the faded beard grew in on his chin and he used a make up and mane do over to be some pony else.
0 likesId say rainbow blaze might be bow's twin.They seperated and kinda forgot about eachother.
0 likesOr ya know could just be her brother💁♀️
0 likesMaybe that unknown named Pegasus is a Rainbow Dashy ‘s brother. (My theory)
0 likesI think bow hot hoof could be rainbow dash's step dad
0 likesRainbow Blaze could be Dash’s older sibling
0 likesI always thought it was her brother
0 likesI think blaze is bo’s uncle or brother that took out rainbow dash to see the wonder bolts because her parents are over supportive and always cheering her on so they would use wonderbolts as an excuse to leave her parents
0 likesWhat if Rainbow Dash has TWO dad's?
0 likesI always thought its Dashes brother
0 likesI think dad as the main has similar shapes and the colours r in the same order ans red orange and yellow is on top and her “father has geen on top
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Blaze is Dash's older brother?
0 likesFor a second, I thought you hit the deep end-
0 likesI feel like rainbow blaze is her brother because it’s possible that he could get his looks from the dad
1 likeI am sure blaze is rainbow dash's uncle and when they hang out, that's how she got he passion for flying
1 likeThis is pretty smart tho
0 likesAnswer?: One night including fermented apples between Rainbow's mother and Rainbow Blaze. Enough said.
0 likesCant he be the big brother?
0 likesBlaze is her uncle "oh yeah"
0 likesBro it's probably a cousin or young uncle. I'm not gonna over think it 😆
0 likesI thought he’d be her brother
0 likesMaybe he's her older brother?
0 likesPossible it was a simple writing error... Or Bow HotHoof and Blaze are brothers. (Is it possible he had an accident and Bow and Windy took over as parents for Rainbow) But also take a look at their colors, they both have rainbow manes, light purple skin and yellow eyes. I think it's safe to assume that it was just a simple writing error and the writers re-made her dad's appearance, hence why they look so similar and Blaze only showed up once or twice. Also possible Rainbow Blaze was a brother that died (As I saw someone came up with that theory in the comments here), I think it's possible.
0 likesI think the younger pony that could possibly be rainbows dad maybe her brother
0 likes(whole comment was edited so what i say makes more sense)
0 likesIt would make more sense if he was RD's uncle than father LMAO
Maybe its her long lost big bro
1 likeThis could also mean uncle too right?
0 likesMy first thought was when you said that Bauxe may not be her uncle was surrogacy
0 likesThis isnt related to the video but it is related to mlp.
0 likesSo we have prince blueblood right? Celestia's and luna's nephew is prince blueblood so they have to have another sister/brother for a prince to be made!
If it wasnt they're blood nephew then he wouldnt be royal
Please make a video on this
Rainbow Blaze could be Rainbow's brother :>
0 likes00:00 if you keep it paused it's like filly rainbow dash is saying ''STOP''
0 likesMy money is on Blaze being an uncle.
0 likesOH! Or Bow is sterol and Blaze is a surrogate! Still an uncle but also surrogate, thoughts, too crazy?
I think rainbow blaze is Rainbow Dash‘s brother. 🤔
0 likesMby he is just rainbow's uncle. I mean almost everyone like their uncles
2 likesSawtooth: SHE CHEATED
0 likesMe: Blaze is boe's brother that's why they look so similar 😆 and he would take her to games because he loved athletics too
Actually the pony from before is probably Rainbow Dash's brother I mean look at him he doesn't look as buff as her dad so it's got to be her brother I'm telling you right now this is her brother
0 likesTell me crazy.... But what if Blaze and Bow are really brother and Blaze is really RD father but he died in an accident and so his brother Bow and his wife toke care about little RD? Or after the accident her mother felt in love with bow, since he was there for the family and than he adopted RD and became her new father.
0 likesYes. I have crazy toughts
Rainbow blaze could be her older Brother :o
1 likeCuz it’s with “rainbow
I think the one with a jacket is the farther because back in a race rainbow dash lost but the parent cheer on and then someone next to her said your parents know you lost and who said that was the one that we thought it was
0 likesWait wait what if that was Rainbow's brother!!!!!
1 likehe can be rainbow's big cousin brother or her uncle
0 likesOr he could be his brother
0 likesDid everyone forget that Rainbow does have a brother, Zephyr?
1 likeReplies (2)
No, that’s Fluttershy’s brother
0 likes@ఌShinori Delfrimఌ oh shoot forgot and got mixed between them living in the clouds + meeting rainbowdash. I've only seen the episode once! So hope nobody hates me for the simple mix up!!!!! Surprised I wasn't corrected sooner tho :o lol
0 likesMaybe the other rainbow haired pony we saw at the beginning is rainbowdashes big brother?!
1 likeThat is her long lost brother
0 likesSo the theory is correct!They are different people!
0 likesDont complicate things. This is just a show. As far as i know the woman who was behind the creation of the show left and gave it up for some currupted person who changed and MESSED MLP UP!!!
0 likesIts the mailman 😏
0 likesUncle or older brother seems likely
0 likesThe last theory is a typo I mean i think blaze is rainbows brother
0 likes@33 sec. Im not saying that his cutie mark looks like rainbowdash flying.. But if there is a full view of it that would make me feel better.
0 likesI think it's her brother
0 likesThey be added radome back ground characters not realizing what’s gonna go down in the YouTube community🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
0 likesWhat if it's his brother
0 likesI believe Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's true father and Bo Hothoof is his brother. She divorced Blaze and fell in love with Hothoof afterwards. I dunno, what's your opinion?
0 likesMaybe her brother?
0 likesI was thinking the same thing when i saa the title
0 likesOkay, simple, Bo and Blaze are identical twins and Bo just let himself go.
1 likeThat's not how the multiverse works
0 likesBlaze might be rd brother or blaze can be bohothoof brother
0 likesI think he's a brother
0 likesMaybe he's a cousin
0 likesO-owh... I though it was her brother... But i forgot that she doesnt have a brother😅
0 likesReasonable with that story and the uncle theory..,, Rainbows mom is badddd
0 likesBlaze's cutie mark looks like rainbow dash...
1 like0-o
Uncle makes most sense to me
0 likesI always thought brother cause when she rainbow she fall also this makes sense
0 likesI think blaze could be Rainbow Dash his brother
0 likesyea sawtooth is right that was rainbow dashs brother
0 likeswoah. So that means that different pony is RD's dad's twin cuz same mane color same flank color so that just thinking. MAYBE.
0 likesIt could be his step dad ourt uncle
0 likesRainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's older brother
0 likesWaitttttttt........look closely at his cutiemark in the flash back the cutie mark is different 😓
1 likeHe might 've rainbow big bro
0 likesCould be his uncle or somthin
0 likesI’m pretty sure it was just a change in design and yknow the creators are a little lazy, reusing old models and shit.
0 likesBut what if rainbow Blaze was Rainbow Dash's true father and the other family that we see adopted Rainbow Dash
0 likesMaybe her mom got Divorced and got married again when rainbow was a baby 🤔
0 likesRainbow blaze could be dashes brother
0 likesIdk....maybe her brother??
0 likesthey could be twins!🤨👉
0 likesТак как я плохо знаю английский я ничего не поняла
0 likesНо было интересно
Okay not try to kill the conspiracy theory but it can be a big brother
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is Rainbow dash's brother?
0 likesrambow blase is rambow 's brother
0 likesI agree with you rainbow Blaze is rainbow dashs true father
0 likesmaybe Bo is Rainbow Dash's step father
0 likesI think that rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's brother 🌈🦄
0 likesi thought it was polygamy
0 likesHe blaze is probably rainbows brother
0 likesPlot twist : is rainbow dash's long long longest long brother
0 likesjk
Wait what if it’s her. Brother
0 likesIt’s his brother
0 likesor it could be an editing mistake
0 likesBut true
They’re different
I think that Firefly and Rainbow Blaze are Rainbow Dash’s parents, but we’re given to Bow and Windy because hey couldn’t take care of her which is why they are so extra in supporting Rainbow
0 likesMe reading the Titel: :O 😱
1 likeI think rainbow flash is rainbow dash true father because their names all have rainbow, so I think rainbow flash is rainbow dash's true father.
0 likesMaybe her brother
0 likes2:20 adopted!
1 likeMaybe Rainbow Blaze is her big brother...
2 likesReplies (1)
Yeah but this theory is more suspenseful
2 likesMaybe it is the Same but older
0 likeswhat if that pony is rainbow dashs brother uncle or elder cousin
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's big brother.
0 likesProbably her uncle like this is a kids show so I don't think they would let the mom cheat (hopefully)
0 likesBrother of uncle from rainbow dash?
0 likesI think Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dashes uncle because of the cutie marks and they look so similar so she might have got the body type from he uncle because you get traits from your other family members not just your parents
0 likesI thin rainbow blaze is like a cousin, or uncle, there for dash will go to the race with him, and not whit her father, beacuse we know that dash's fathers where realy "extra"
0 likesI don't think that blaze is dash's brother, beacause the fathers where realy focused on dash, there for I think she is a only child, and if blaze was indeed her brother dont u think dash or her father would mention him, just like fluttershy's brother.
Or mabay rainbow blase is rainbow's big brother!
0 likesI think Blaze is rainbow's long lost brother? Because rainbow looks like her mom and Blaze look like rainbow's dad
0 likesPlot Twist:Its Her Uncle
0 likesBaby place is Rainbow Dash‘s big brother
0 likesIt’s Rainbow Dash a brother
0 likesI think her brother
0 likesOf course rainbow blazes rainbow dashes older brother! Jk. But as soon as this video started I was all like of course he's her brother
0 likesAre you sure because DNA it’s not just from your parents it is also from your family!!!!!
0 likesOr their just rein bow dash's uncle
0 likesUncle, older brother or couin...
0 likesya think its her brother
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Blaze are brother and sister
0 likesı agree on the uncle thıng
0 likesYo what if blaze is the dad cuz the other dad couldn't make kids?
1 likeMaybe Rainbow Blaze is a brother of Rainbow Dash. Because Rainbow Blaze is look like his dad and Rainbow Dash is like her mom. So a son has the same body color as their dad and daugther have the same body color as their mom. Maybe that makes sense's..
1 likeHa ha ha very funny 😑
0 likesHa ha ha very funny 😑
0 likesNot me I walk away hurt and betryaed
0 likesI think rainbow dashes mom Has Crush on the other rainbow dashes dad
0 likesShe is brother?
0 likeseven if rainbow dashes farther was looks like blaise,,,rainbow dash is a girl! it doesn't have an a point!boys is way different than girls...forget that...
0 likesStepchildren?
0 likesOreck B Rainbow Dash's older brother
0 likesHis brother
0 likesHer brother
0 likesI think it’s rainbows moms past or eithier it’s brother eithier one but most likely brother cause they can’t have the same mane as strangers…
0 likesOr is he her brother
0 likesMaybe that is rainbow dashes brother
0 likesso ive seen allmost every video on this page but i dont get it why dose he allways say syannax" so sadly
0 likesOr rainbow dash has a brother :v
0 likesThat’s prob just uncle
0 likesMaybe hes rainbow brother not the other pegasis
0 likesraknow blaze is rainbows..BROTHER :OOO Just saying possibilty
0 likesI say rainbow dash 's brother is rainbow blitz i search in google google always say truth
0 likesOr maybe siblings i dont know
0 likesHer uncle
0 likesI think rainbow Blazer that's a Rainbow Dash's like brother
0 likesI fink that is her uncle
0 likesBobo is rainbodash's uncle
0 likesOrr its her brother
0 likesI think rainbow dash dad and rainbow blaze are brothers because there are some things you can see because rainbow dash dad and rainbow blaze do look the same because they are both purple and they both have the same eye color and i think that they are twins because sometimes twins look the same but sometimes twins do not look the same and rainbow dash dad and rainbow blaze both like flying and flying games and some how rainbow dash got the love of all flying games and the love of flying and some how rainbow dash got the fast flying from rainbow blaze
0 likesI think rainbow blez is rainbow dash brother
0 likesbruh they brothers i mean like brothers don't have same cutie marks-_-
0 likesRainbow blaze and rainbow dash could be brother and sister
0 likesHi I just want you know that this is my last
0 likesOkay even though it has been an awesome day of my life in the pony
I actually googled it, and google says rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother. -_- I’m not gonna lie, kinda disappointing when the other possibilities are so much juicier.
0 likesMaybe rainbow blaze is rainbow dachem uncle
0 likesWhat is Bo blaze is Rainbow Dash’s true father but there was an accident so Rainbow Dash’s father could’ve been a fairy god father
0 likesThat could be rainbow dashes brother
0 likesReplies (1)
Because there family resemblance is the same the brother could just look more like the dad
0 likesThere siblings
0 likesOr that's rainbow Dash brotherr
0 likesI don't think both of them is the father cause in one of the videos scootloop his mother and father as you know scootloop and rainbow dash are sisters so you have the same father and mother
0 likesYou spoil fun
0 likesYeaaaa I go by uncle
0 likesI may not I may will but I’m not going to lie😭
0 likesRainbow blaze is rainbow dash brother
0 likesMaybe brother
0 likesMaybe he rainbow dash brother
0 likesOh I forgot to do one more part of my for that message because she was your mother episodes she worked for the Questria game
0 likesMaybe brother
0 likesit s looks like a edit mistake
0 likesDo a thiory on pinkiepie are pinkies parents her real parents
0 likesya raninbows uncle
0 likesI think that blaze is rainbow dashes brother not bo brother
0 likesMaybe brother
0 likesWhoe that crazy yo
0 likesMaybe twins
0 likesOk I am not saying that she cheated BUT what about divorce 🤔🤔🤔
0 likesI think he is her big brother because if he is rainbow dash dad then why does he look like he is 15 yrs old
0 likesHa 15 year old dad
Sad thing rainbow dash never got to see her brother then they could drag the awesomeness around all the time
And plz give me 100 likes
Viņš ir viņa tētis.
0 likesUncle or brother
0 likesI think bo it is she's uncle and I think rainbow Dash's mom like her uncle that's why she stayed with him like more than a year???
0 likesTwins?
0 likesOr rainbow blaze is the original father but rainbow dashes mom left him for his brother or some other pony that looks like him, taking rainbow dash with her and when he is seen with rainbow dash on his back it’s either him and her mom were still together or he was getting his time to hang out with his daughter(this sometimes happens since it was something I used to go though) so that’s a possibility and she could have been wanting to get with someone that looked like rainbow blaze so rainbow dash wouldn’t suspect anything and because she was young
0 likesWindy had happy fun time with more than one stallion... You go mare!
0 likesHonestly him being her uncle reminds me a lot of my relationship with my uncle when I was a kid
0 likesI think Rainbow Blaze was just an original design for Rainbow Dash's father from earlier in the series, but when the writers had to come up with a design for Rainbow's parents for the episode, they forgot about him. Although I like the idea of Rainbow Blaze being an uncle, or maybe even a cousin or brother she lost touch with.
0 likesI asked Big Jim Miller on twitter about Rainbow Blaze, and he's basically just a place holder until they had a real design for her parents.
1 likeI heard soon after the episode came out that they just redesigned and revamped him for her parents actual introduction. Though i enjoy the uncle headcanon
0 likesNaaah it's great but what about if this is an offspring issue? Maybe Bow couldn't have kids with Windy so they used Blaze as the donner. Bow is the legal father, but Blaze is the biological one? I think it would bring in more representation to unfertile people, even if that's too adult for a kids show
0 likesHere's my theory: when Starlight and Twilight went time travelling, they messed up some stuff which caused Blaze to become Bow instead. Bam. Voila. life hack.
0 likesReplies (1)
YEESSS! That's very interesting!
0 likesHasbro: Decides to change the design a tad
1 likeSawtooth: 0.0
No hate bro I love your vids lol
Theory: Rainbow Blaze was Rainbow Dash's Brother! One faithful day he tried to do the Sonic Rainboom but couldn't gain enough speed and control to maintain it and thus he unfortunately crashed and sadly he later died in the hospital due to his injuries! ⚰
0 likesSo torn up by this Rainbow Dash was so determined to do something her brother failed to do as tribute for both him and their parents and would also explain why RD's parents grew so attached to her. They wanted her to succeeded where their son failed at and that's how she also got her Cutie Mark! 🌈
(NOT counting season 6's "Heart's Warming Tail!" Where Rainbow Blaze appeared again for that 1 minute! 🚫 but that could've also been his ghost! 👻)
the mlp wiki page states rainbow blaze as her "mentor". but that just gives us more questions than answers.
0 likesI think he is her brother. With the way he looks. His main & tail looks exactly that same as rainbow Dashes
0 likeslol the moment he said brother I connected all the dots in my head
0 likesMy Theories Throughout The Video:
0 likes1. Rainbow Blaze Was RD's Original Father, But They Scrapped It/Forgotten About It And Made Bow.
2. Rainbow Blaze Was RD's Inspiration, It Was Just A Coincidence They Looked Similar
3. Rainbow Blaze Was RD's Uncle, They Just Didn't See Each other Often
4. What If Rainbow Blaze Was Rainbow Dash's Older Brother, But Something Might Of Happened To Him, Like Died Or Went Of To Collage, That Might Explain Why Rainbow Dash's Parents Are Very Clingy And Overprotective To Her Because After The Brother Left, It Left Them Sad, Rainbow Dash Might Of Not Remembered Her Older Brother Because Of How Young She Was People Think Her Age Is 15-17, So She Might Of Forgotten, But Then Considering Her Remembering Memories With Her Childhood Best Friend, Fluttershy, Maybe She Just Doesn't Talk About Her Brother As She Misses Him. That Can Also Explain Why There Are No Photos Of Rainbow Blaze Around The House, The Parents Took Them Down At The Thought Of Rainbow Blaze Leaving.
Mmm...Actually I think what happened is that Rainbow Whatever-His-Name-Is was originally going to be Rainbow’s dad, but then the team decided they wanted to change the character design for the sake of the episode when we finally meet Dash’s parents, and so he just became a side character.
0 likesActually cutie marks can change over time because when Granny Smith was young go she had a different cutie mark then what her cutie mark is now
0 likesRainbow's "uncle" can ask his bro to adopt his daughter
0 likesI'd say there brothers I mean maybe since rainbow's parents were too supportive (like for example how the cheer for her for everything) Maybe she snuck away with good ol' uncle blaze to a wonderbolt show. Does that make sense?
0 likesWhat about the Sonic rainboom, that’s how Rainbowdash found her love for flying.
0 likesI look a lot like my Nephew, even more than his Father.
0 likesReplies (1)
Some people do...
0 likesBow can be rainbow dash’s dad bc he’s older and the other one can be his brother
Or Blaze could be Rainbow Dash's brother. I mean it would make sense right? Many siblings have strong bonds. And father and son genetics are very similar and looks. The only thing that can separate them us their cutie-marks. This us just one thing I had in mind. No need to agree with me
0 likesThe intire time I'm mentaly screaming that he could be Rainbows older brother
0 likesAn older brother to dash... Could be. They are similar too
0 likesShe must have a brother!
0 likesSecretly her brother 😂😂
1 likeHe probably her uncle that lives in ponyville and left to interpretation for the fandom to add on
0 likeswhat if hes her cousin? I mean he could just be visting from another pegaus city
1 likeHe May have been her orangish inspiration
0 likesMe: I thought it was the most iconic g1 Pegasus firefly
I think the animators just redesigned him
0 likesTheory:RainbowBlaze could be Rainbowdash's uncle? :/
0 likesBlaise seems younger than rainbows father
0 likesI thought they would be identical twins with different bodies type & different cutie marks
1 likeI'd like to think it's her cousin or brother
0 likesI think Rainbow Blaze is her uncle and bonded with Rainbow Dash over time while Bow worked
0 likesIt could be rainbows brother I'm telling ya he could be her older brother as he looks like a younger version of bow
0 likesOr maybe he is just her uncle? That make sense, don't you think?
0 likesMaybe it was just an old design and its actually not that deep (And maybe they liked both designs?)
0 likeswhat you call " rainbow dashes true dad " might be rainbows brother.
0 likesMaybe Bow and Blaze are twins?
0 likesI think the pony from the flashback is her uncle
0 likesRainbow blaze is the inspiration of rainbow dash.When rainbow dash was a filly She saw rainbow blade up in the clouds and She decided she wants to be like him.The reason why she was Standing up at rainbow blaze in the flashback was because she
0 likesCouldn’t see but your theory may be right.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👌👌
Rainbow Blaze might be Rainbow Dash's older brother.
0 likesI think he might be rainbows older brother cause tbh he doesn't look dad or uncle material😅🧐😜
1 likeI honestly think that there is a good chance Rainbow's mom was in a divorce. And that she doesn't like talking about it. So, in that way if he was a flyer at all maybe that's the connection? idk just thinkin'
0 likesWhat if that’s his uncle?
1 likeMaybe he's his twin brother.
0 likesi agree that rainbow blaze is most likely rainbow dashes uncle. there's no way cheating was involved since it seems like rainbow took her mothers eyes and skin color, the hair coming from the dad. that and since it was stated in the other comments that rainbow dash looked up to rainbow blaze, there are many things where a child looks up to their uncle or aunt more.
0 likesWhat if Rainbow's mom cheated?-
0 likesEdit - oh-
Dude the guy is definitely an uncle, or cousin
0 likesMaybe Blaze is her bro? Her cousin? Idk I'm just randomly guessing 😣😬
0 likesCould be her big brother
1 like“Yay Multiverse!
1 likeMegologavia intensifies
I watch your vids!! Etherway this is her small sister
0 likesWhat if he is rainbows older brother but we didn't ever hear about it?
0 likesi always just thought he was rainbows brother- .-.
0 likesI bet RB is RD's uncle
0 likesMaybe rainbow has a stepfather? :^ I dunno?
0 likesOne is the father And One is the brother
0 likesI totally think that ur theory is cool but what if that's just her dad's twin brother
0 likesI think the makers made a mistake that’s all
1 likeI like the uncle thing
0 likesHe could be her brother
0 likesBodies only change if you let yourself go lol. My ex is a BIG example, no pun intended!
0 likesI think you’re right… with eve
0 likesRainbows uncle makes more sense
0 likesblaze may be her real dad and the other one is grandpa and Blazes father.. the mother maybe died or left and Blaze couldn’t take care of Dash alone, so he left her at his parents house and they raised her since then
0 likesYeah but it makes since and making Rainbow the loyalty element and her mom cheated a slap to the face
0 likesrainbow blaze is bows younger bro that is why he was with rainbow dash at the competitions
0 likesRainbow Blaze us Rainbow Dash's son from the future! Yeah that's probably not it...Or is it?
0 likesMaybe rainbows brother? I don’t really know-
1 likeThat guy can be family. But not the dad, the uncle. Family is more than a mom, a dad, and the kids.
0 likesI think this is her older brother that was not talked about
0 likesRainbows older brother that died in the wonder bolt... that’s why rainbow was so determined to be a wonder bolt... that’s why her parents are soObsessed with her that’s why it took her so long to get into the academy... just maybe
1 likeI think it's her brother?
0 likesMaybe Bow is his stepfather
0 likesTo me I think rainbow blaze is rainbow Dash's brother who died of something
0 likesWhat if he is his big Brother? I mean we didnt even know that Twilight have a big Brother soo
0 likesI object. Windy is obviously RD’s second cousins aunts sister-in-law, and Rainbow Blaze is actually just someone who disguises as other ponies and is secretly an alicorn princess.
0 likesDad from the past
0 likesHe should be rainbow brother
0 likesHe can be rainbow's brother??
0 likesOr
They are brothers??
What if rainbow dash has a secret brother.
1 likeNo one should forget the fact that both rainbow blaze and dash have a cloud and rainbow cutie mark expect that dash's rainbow goes in a zig zag pattern unlike blaze's that's straight
0 likesWait what if the dad was twins
0 likesthe in the fron looks the same not like that from her original dad i mean rainbow blaze looks more like dash
0 likesMaybe that's her uncle
0 likeswait your true i been watching mine little pony for weeks and the mother of rian bow dash is cheating on him bec she thinks that the other guy is better and is going to give rian bow dash a better life .
0 likes.... or it’s just her brother and her dad
1 likeI was just going to say he’s her brother
0 likesIt must be her brother
0 likesHow do you know this?
0 likesidk man it looks like his dad put on some weight over the years?????
1 likeorr they just changed his design?? just like they did with princess luna
0 likesor what if that's rainbow dashe's older brother?
0 likesWAIT A MINUTE, YOU ARE A CHANGLING?!?!?!?!?!?!?
0 likesOr he can be her brother
0 likesRainbow blaze could be rainbows older brother
0 likesIf rainbow blaze WERE rainbow's inspiration, that would make sense with his cutie mark (either destroying a cloud, or a sonic rainboom)
0 likesIf I had tbh they look same lol
0 likes... rainbow dash needs to know and react to this plz
0 likesLet's talk a bit about genetics. Genes can be dominant ( from parents to kids) or resesive ( from grandparentes to grandchildren), If they relly are brothers mabey Rainbow Dash enharited the athletic body from her grandparentes and Rainbow Blaze the same. My personal example : my, my mom's sister and my grandma have a flat feet, diferent from my mom's, my dad's and my granpa's
0 likesI think rainbow blaze died and hothoof became rainbows step father
0 likesI think the aflethic one is dad mother uncle
0 likesRainbow blaze is prob a older brother.
0 likesmaybe he is her dad/ stepdad/uncle/or long lost brother/ Idk 🤔🤨😕😸😺😹😅😂🤣😆😊😁
0 likesI think Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's Bother
0 likesI thought he'srainbow's brother
0 likesOr it's her brother
0 likesI think he’s rainbow’s cousin
0 likesWell suspicious do you have rainbow just had to put him in the first one later
0 likesIs he rainbow’s dads cousin..?
0 likesWhat if it’s rainbow dash’s. It brother?? Because if he visited for hear the warming then that’s probably why he came to ponyville, for Rainbowdash (unless he’s a student, u never know)
0 likesuh my I think blaze was rainbow's true inspiration NOT the wonderbolts and that blaze is rainbow's uncle and can you shout out me please I only started watching your show yesterday and I think your show is SUPER amazing trust me I am NOT lying when I say a show is amazing I DO NOT LIE. 😊
0 likesrainbow Blaze could be rainbow Dash's brother?
0 likesI bet he’s rainbow dashes older brother
0 likesSoo true
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is her brother
0 likescould be a brother to rainbow dash
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes big brother but maybe he got adopted by some other family
1 likeBrother is a better possibility tho
0 likesUp down up down EEeè OOòø E o That's HoW you Do It
0 likesrainbow blaze's cutie mark looks like it could be rainbowdash when she did the sonic rainboom
0 likesI was thinking brother? I dont know but mabe uncle?
1 likeI think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash 's brother
1 likeWhat if rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes older brother
0 likesThe uncel makes more sence
0 likesI still think there bothers and sisters I was thinking that before I watched this video
0 likesHer brother?
0 likesunless rainbow blaze is a ex?
0 likesThey have same hair
0 likesBlaze/rainbow dash
It could be that rainbow blaze is dashies uncle and biological father by way of sperm donor as in dashies dad is sterile
0 likesA cousin, or an uncle perhaps. O R a long lost b r o t h e r. If rainbow blaze was an inspiration to rainbow dash, little kids often are very impressionable and like to do what parents or older siblings do. Rainbow blazes cutie mark looks like he might be like an athletic pony and rainbow dash could've looked up to that but how would she be around him enough? An uncle would make sense but usually you're around your siblings more.
0 likesHe is her brother
0 likesHi! I am your new follower…
0 likesMaybe Blaze was Rainbow’s real father, but he was in more of a toxic relationship with Windy Whistles. It could have been a divorce type thing, where Rainbow went with her father some days, and with her mother others. So she could have been with her father which just so happened to be when the announcement was made. But when things got really bad between Windy Whistles and Rainbow Blaze, they finally ended their relationship, so Bow became her stepfather. But who knows?
0 likesI think the other skinny one ( not to be rude-) is also her dad but painted his cutie mark as in rainbow dash racing
0 likesBut what if bow was his thecar
0 likesPlot twist: Rainbow Blaze IS ACTUALLY RD’s BROTHER! like look how similar their cutie marks areee
0 likesUmm so i have a question Swatoons, Is scootiloo rainbow dashs sister? They have different parents and shes supposed to be her sister but there was this episode of mlp where scoots went to her house but she more so acted like a fan then really a sister.
0 likesWhat if rainbow blaze was Rainbows father but they got a divorce or just like left rainbow when she was young and then the other dude ( idk y I just forgot his name) is rainbows uncle and just stepped in on raising her or rainbows mom just has a type lol
0 likesIts her brother
0 likesBarbecue he is her brother??
0 likeswhich episode was rainbow blaze seen
0 likesand the mare standing next to rainbow when she bums out and fly back to her place maybe she went to thet place with her uncle and aunt{bows and rainbow blazes sister}????
0 likesI think blaze is rainbows bro
0 likesrainbow was on him
0 likesRainbow dashes big brother maybe?
0 likesWhat if there brothers
0 likesMaybe it's rainbow blaze
0 likesmaybe actully that there brothers
0 likesWell this is just a theory, but there's another pony that looks exactly like Rainbow Dash and that is Daring Do known as A.K Yearling, RD and Daring look so much alike, ( the hair, the body, the eyes ( they both have pink eyes) ) so when we see blaze and bow they look alike too, (the eyes) so maybe that Rainbow and A.K are cousins ( bow being Rainbows father, and blaze being Daring do's father),but there is still one question, who is A.K mother? But that's just a theory. Anyway maybe bow and blaze are twins, because they look so much alike, and if they are siblings maybe Rainbow and Daring's confident personality comes from blaze.
0 likesIts her brother duh
0 likesI don't think it's that deep. Most likely just her uncle or someone on her dad's side of the family. 🌈
2 likesWhat if rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother
0 likesyap he is
0 likesWhat happen Rainbow Dash have two brothers and the first one dies and the second one for replacements what are you think that
0 likesthat other poney that looks like rain bow dashess father is his uncle
0 likesHer brother
0 likesTalk about overthinking
0 likesWhat if he’s actually rainbow dash’s big brother? If you think about the main 6 has siblings and we haven’t seen rainbow dashes sibling at all whether it being a brother or sister. That’s probably how she got her passion of flying, from her brother since she looks up to him. I mean it is possible that he got his purple color from rainbow dashes father and they have similar cutie marks. Just Big Mac and Apple jack and just like twilight and shining armor.
0 likesOr his uncle?
0 likesReplies (1)
Yeah uncle makes more sence
0 likesOr blaze could be rainbow dashes brother
0 likesi think they are broteres
0 likesWhat if is her big brother ¿
0 likesMaybe rainbow blaze is rainbow dash brother
1 likeuncle blaze
1 likeTwin brother
0 likesWho is his aunt
0 likesuncle is good
0 likesM'y théorie IS taht je IS his Uncle but rainbow call him dad or Brother and rainbow call him dad :3
0 likeseverything
0 likesI dont wacht my little pony but still some Times like 89/100 yeah like that
0 likesVideo request: Why is human Twilight an alicorn? Netflix posted new equestrian girls episodes named canterlot high tales, in the episode 1: dance magic, Twilight turns into human-pony which makes her have ears and ALICORN wings. So your telling me that if for example Applejack turns into an alicorn her human version will to? Or did human Twilight actually did something to earn those wings? Make this comment popular if you want to see why to
0 likesUncle or brother
0 likesYeah what have you been brother do you have two that have two that did you mean decide who to wait to get the pink bow forget to get them into our you or lie and you kind a love it I know love is important in a friendship butLove can you hang your feelings anymore that much like you broke up with someone you love you love you love you heart of the Man
0 likesMentor
0 likesBrother?
0 likesRainbow dashs brother
0 likesEs zinu.🙂😀✋
0 likesI think he's her boyfriend 🤫🤫🤫🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
0 likesPress down there and it show you all the words I type
0 likesIs it to boring for him to be her brother
0 likesBrother?
0 likesNaby is rainbowdash brother
0 likesbrother?
0 likesIf you really think about all these pony sleep around how many male ponies are there in Equestrian ? With the four lesbian pony scootaloo sisters , bonbon and Lyra i'm even questioning Rainbow Dash an Apple jack ? It wouldn't surprise me if Rainbow Dash mom was faithful?
0 likesRedesign.
0 likesA and B
0 likesOh so cool now... wa
0 likesor got remarried
0 likesLol
0 likesMaybe rainbow blaze is rainbow Dash's Big brother
0 likesEewwwwwwww…. The ad I just saw with Coke with coffee that’s disgusting who want infused coffee coke and not the bad stuff just a normal drink 😅
0 likesMaybe rainbow's father is just gay for the other pony so they both are rainbow's father and the mom is secret actor
0 likesWhat if rainbow blaze is rainbow dash’s brother. But if he was shouldn’t he be mentioned more?????????????????????? 🧐🤨🤯…
0 likesIf rainbow blaze is rainbow dash big brother
0 likesBeeeeg brother
0 likesWhy do you need to make dis more complicated than just the other rainbow pony what if the uncle was just bringing rainbow dash on a Field trip
0 likeshey! I am just so impressed how in every video you slowly put the puzzle pieces of the MLP world. So I have been watching the my little pony series (and equestria girls) very closely. and whenever there is a new video I swear I will put away anything I wanted to do and sit back and watch your video. I would kind of say I am your fan. I thought the only way I could reach was from the comments. so in MLP equestria girls the friendship games I wondered that is ms. Cinch ( the principal of crystal) prep could be an allicorn in another land maybe farther than equestria. since I could'nt figure much out on my own I thought I would ask you. Thanks!
0 likesI started laughing right before he laughed at 3:00 😂😂
2 likesWhat about a stepdad sort of situation? Although uncle would also work.
0 likesAnd as far as the "cheating" scenario, I have read quite a few stories that suggest that Equestria has a skewed F to M population ratio meaning that they are less finicky about perfect monogamy.
Most likely and least fun explanation is corporate meddling or artist screw-up from Hasbro or DHX.
Hi Sawtooth Waves! I'm Sophia. On your other video, about Cozy Glow, maybe she could be the reason for the empty timeline that Twilight showed Starlight! I have many more theories I've spotted in mlp! I also think that in your other video, is the dream world real, the strings coming out of Luna's horn could be connected to the foreheads of the real ponies (who are sleeping). Is it okay if I put comments on your videos once in a while?
1 likeI have a crazy theory:
0 likesThe sun and moon symbols on the tree of harmony match the cutie marks on luna and celestia, but there was a star on it as well. In the journal of the two sisters, once luna and celestia got their cutie marks, they asked starswirl about the star. starswirl clearly knew something, but he didn't tell them. And in the first episode of mlp, the prophecy read '' on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in nightmare moon's escape", and who do we know who has a star cutie mark, and used to be evil? Somepony who stripped a whole village of its cutie marks? Somepony who has a time travel spell? Come on, starlight could make the spell STARSWIRL couldn't. It makes sense that she must have tested the time travel spell before using it. And while she was testing it, she accidentally released nightmare moon.
I always thought rainbow blaze was her older brother who had a serious argument with rainbow's father (For unknown reasons) And left the nest. Which resulted in the breaking of their close bond and Rainbow blaze was left to only cheer his sister on from the sidelines. This is also why rainbows parents are always smothering her. They don't want to have a bad relationship and lose they're other kid
1 like(The theory is not very well researched tho..)
You know I just thought of something would Luna have become the princess of the sun and Celestia of the moon if they had raised the opposite things way back when? And like their colors match with what they raised does that mean anything?
0 likesThe name "Rainbow Blaze" was never a canon name, it was just a placeholder name. The cutie mark I'll grant is suspicious. However, "Rainbow Blaze" was created to be a generic placeholder father figure for Rainbow Dash before they actually made the character. That same reasoning also applies to the cutie mark. It was just a placeholder cutie mark. I have heard the argument that Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's uncle though.
0 likesIf I were to write a fanfic and make Rainbow Blaze and Bow Hothoof two different characters, I'd make Rainbow Blaze Rainbow Dash's older brother.
In any case, I still hold the position that "Rainbow Blaze" is just a placeholder design. After all, when we see the flashback in Parental Glideance, we see that Bow Hothoof did look more like the "Rainbow Blaze" design (kinda).
Can you do a deep dive on Thorax sometime? (I mean he is you're king) Thorax and Chrysalis are the changeling versions of alicorns. Thus far it seems all alicorns have an alter ego. Can you check that out PLZ?:)
0 likesi'd find it acaully really wholsom if he was her uncle and she got inspired by him to the point she maybe made her hair style like him and tried to look more like him?
0 likes2:11 But why?
1 likeYou didn't explain why.
Also are you saying Boe Doesn't have athletic body? His body is very similar to Big Mac so I'd argue he's stronger
I think I'll just stick with the uncle idea.
0 likesHii Sawtooth!! I rewact your theory about Spike 6 years ago and i want to ask if Spike is somewhat the same as Sunshine Shimmer communication book. Like Sunset Shimmer and Princess Celestia Before Twilight come in?
0 likesWhy does Sci-Twi have wings if she’s a unicorn in the pony work?
2 likesReplies (1)
Yeah I always wonder that.
0 likesI always assumed he was her brother.
0 likesIf not a brother, maybe a cousin? I have six older cousins and four of them were adults with one of them already having a kid of their own when I was a kid myself. And I rarely got to see any of those cousins since, again as adults, they had lives of their own with some living far away from me and one being in the military.
0 likesMaybe her father tried a different mane-style and also gained a few quids.
0 likesSawtooth waves I think we should talk about why baby flurry heart looks like Starlight glimmer?
0 likesI don’t know who’s Dad that is but I really like your videos and my sister thinks you guys are very very very awesome
0 likesI had just assumed he was an older brother.
0 likesBeing rainbows uncle is the most possible but he could also be her brother
0 likescan you do a theory on the sirens ?
0 likesSo you know how earlier you said that celestia and luna were more magical than the other two and the was proven through the hair. Well after Night Mare Moon was transformed back into Luna her hair was straight.
0 likesReplies (1)
And Mistmane's hair also moves
0 likesHey long time fan but did you know if you look at season one episode five it sounds a lot like Rainbow Dash saving ready later on piggy pie mix the perfect description of what Rainbow Dash did sealing the sonic rain boom
0 likesOr the show writers forgot they made her dad already and made another character
0 likesBow cant have kids so his brother offered to donate so Dash would still be related to Bow even if a little farther away genetically.
0 likesFor me, i think he could be her cousin
0 likesPlot twist: he’s not related to RD he’s just some random pony that just so happens to be there
0 likesthat cant be her dad but there is a chance it could be a uncle, cousin, or a brother
0 likesbo hothoof and this rainbow blayz character sure raise eyebrows. it would be so fun to speculate everything but we know nothing about rainbow blayz. it's so blurry cuz we only ever seen him to times in the show and just in the backround
0 likesCould be her brother because his coat looks slightly bluer than rainbow's dad's
0 likesPlease just make MLP gen 4 it still has so much more to unwind
0 likesI'd go with "big brother" for my answer.
0 likesCould you do a video on pony ages, because everyone- everyPONY is either old or young but never dead, do they not die? Just wandering! Anyway! I enjoyed this video I think the Unkle thing makes sense too!
0 likesHey @Sawtooth Waves I Was Wondering For Your 400k Subs Special Maybe Could You Take About Bronies In General Please?
0 likesI think that The rainbow maned male pegasus from the flashback is to be Rainbow Dash's uncle or older brother.
0 likesThat pony seemed like a teenager or a young adult so maybe her brother?
0 likesOh come on... I thought it was just a slight redesign 😣
0 likesI think I found either celestias mother ,second identical sister or something else in equestria girls
0 likesIt has to be blaze bc rainbow dashes hair is exactly the same as blazes as in like he has red orange and yellow but bow or whatever has all colours 🤔
1 likehey Satwooth ya know what i think i think rainbow blaze was bow hothoof but the cutie mark was an error mistake and i think in season 7 he's just gotten old
0 likesIs it possible you could make a video about that magic mirrior in equestria girls or sunset book ?
0 likesHey Sawtooth
0 likesWhat's strange is that maybe his brother (or so I think) isn't related at all maybe they Just have the same looks! Its really an odd theory. Taking that maybe they are from different dimensions or there born with the same hair and different genes because other ponies have hair similar or is like theirs! And also with eye color and skin color! But that leads to maybe what if rainbow dash never existed or is different! What if Windy Whistle Doesn't exist ! And how could the two universes collide in a rip in time and space!🤔😦 OR there just changelings taking over again! XD
Comment what you think if you like! (including you Sawtooth, if you want! Because I do theory's like you but not on youtube )
it could be her secret brother
0 likesThe 🌈 blaze twins maybe a great uncle to the rainbow dash. And how it is connected
0 likesHe could be Raindow's biological dad and/or uncle. For the dad part, he and Raindow's mother could have dated but broke up when Raindow was young and after the break up her mother started to date Rainbow Blaze's brother, who we now see as RD's dad
0 likesMabye this pony in the flashback is her uncle?🤔
0 likes😭when you said they cheated i started laughing so hard
0 likesHmm it's his uncle only i think 🤔 , i subscribed your channel just now 😁
0 likesNormal people: yeah he was just her uncle probably
0 likesOver thinking conspiracy theories:
That could have been her brother
0 likesHe could be her bigger brother.
0 likesPlease make a G5 video!
1 likeMaybe hasbro forgot. They do that with other things. Continuity errors and stuff
0 likesguys can an earth pony be an alicorn?
0 likesrainbow blaze could just be a fan that dyed his mane and really aspired to be like rainbow dash, even though she was younger than him. his cutie mark is a picture of rainbow dash performing a sonic rainboom, and cutie marks are a symbol of what that pony is passionate about.
0 likesI honestly think that is rainbow dash’s big brother. Oh btw thanks for this theory it helped me with my mlp gacha AU.
0 likesRainbow Blaze is Rainbow's brother. Let me explain. First, the color pallet. It's kind of like Bow and also the mom (kinda rusty I know). Next, why would Rainbow go into an event without a companion? I get it. Pinkie also is alone in one event but that was before she met the Cakes. So it makes sense that Blaze is Dash's brother, not uncle
0 likesuncle yea. I think Dash's dad was military by the hair cut style so uncle stepped in to fill male role
0 likesOr Blaze and another mare had RainbowDash but her aunt and uncle, Bow and Windy have custody of her for whatever reason. Lots of kids who grow up in their parents' sibling's care rather than their own end up calling and thinking of them as their parents.
0 likesIt's possible Dash's bio parents are dead like AJ's or the mare decided not to be in her life to begin with and Blaze eventually either wasn't fit to be a parent or gave her up for some reason.
Could also be that Blaze and unnamed mare wanted to be parents but decided they weren't ready, or one could have had a terminal illness and didn't want their daughter to grow up without parents or see them go through that.
It's also possible that her aunt and uncle have custody of her because her bio parent(s) were abusive and that might be the reason she doesn't think of or call them her parents.
2 likesThe EYE!
Idk of you’ve made a vid on this yet but…. We know how twilight got her wings, we know how the two sisters got there wings, flurry was born with them, but cadence? she’s been an alicorn since she was twilights foal sitter probably longer so how did cadence get her wings
0 likesMaybe that’s rainbowdash’s older cousin, or maybe older brother! Because, if rainbowdash is an adault already rainbow blaze should have the body type of rainbow dash’s dad. So that’s my theory! Thanks Sawtooth!
0 likesWell look at his cutie mark kinda looks like a sonic rainboom so i dont know but maybe they do have a really good bond.
0 likesHeres my guess what if he was the first child of rainbows parents but something happened and he cut ties with them not wanting lose another child they become obsessively supported of rainbow dash but maybe he secretly watches over rainbow there's alot of holes in this theory xD
0 likesOr he's Dashies brother-
0 likesOr he could be the old father
0 likesMe: its rainbow big bro
0 likesHim: its her uncle
he could be a changeling
0 likesThe wiki and merchandise describe Rainbow Blaze as being Rainbow Dash’s mentor who taught her everything she knows. He seems to be a scrapped version of her father, and now, they’re seemingly unrelated.
0 likesMake a video on what happened to princess Cadance after the coronation of twillight and where is she now?
0 likesI still think it's her brother
0 likesSo hold on sec!!🖐🏻 did Windy wishels cheated this whole years!?!? O_o😱😵
1 likeCouldn't he be rainbow's brother?
0 likesIt could be her brother
0 likesIt could be her brother
0 likesI think he is her brother
1 likeOkay so what if he’s rainbowdashe’s brother?
0 likesWindy whistles: cheats on rainbows dad
1 likeRainbow: the element of loyalty
Me: ironic
Omg lol that part of the vid had me laughing 😂😂😂
Replies (1)
In the mean time I was shocked.
0 likesTbh I kinda thought he was her brother
0 likesI think Rainbow Blaze is a Rare type of Blaze that you can get Rainbow Blaze Rods to craft Rainbow Eyes of Ponies to Defeat the Nightmare Dragon.
0 likesWait a second... How do Equestrian Ponies Reproduce?!
Maybe it's her uncle?
0 likesWhat if he’s her dads brother (rainbows uncle) or it’s her(rainbows) brother
0 likesI think Blaze is her older brother.
0 likesMaybe you can be Rainbow Dash’s brother
0 likesI like the other version of rainbow dash as rainbow blitz
0 likesits like rainbow blaze😆
come on it could be rainbow dashes long lost brother
0 likesDash's mother could have left blaze with rainbow and went to Bow to raise Dash
0 likescould be her brother
0 likesThey could be twins
0 likesMaybe it's her brother
0 likesI truly click the screen in the prank HAHAHAHAH
0 likesIf he was rainbow dash brother he must be shown in the show when rainbow dash family was introducud
0 likesMaybe he’s rainbows brother?
0 likesWhat is going to be your next video?
1 likedoes anyone remember aria blaze from rainbow rocks from Equestria girls? in all of the show there has been no one that actually has the same surname, except mrs and mr. cake... i think that rainbow blaze i guess was a spy which was sent by aria! after the whole group lost their magic pedants, i've always wanted to know what they did... maybe she figured out a way to send a spy to Equestria. but, how did she find out that the portal was in the front schools lawn? she spied on twilight and figured out how to go there. she couldnt go there herself because then she would be back to her original form, as that dragon or something. it dosn't matter if she lost the pedant. she would still be in her real dragon thing form. so, she sent her brother, or the young canterlot high rainbow dash's dad with a fake name. she probably manipulated him somehow
0 likesSawtooth waves Can You Make A Video Called is Starlight Glimmer Twilight Sparkles Sister? Please
0 likesor maybe blaze could be rainbow's brother
0 likesBrother?
0 likesUncle is kinda-
Or the father which is now is her step father
0 likesYou should do a video on Earth purple pants and daring do are siblings
0 likesI mean... my uncle, sister and I went to the football stadium together sooo...
0 likesI think you should be rainbow – is uncle because his cutie mark is very different than the other foreign
0 likesI think Blaise is a brother of Rainbow Dash, maybe ...
0 likesAT FIRST I HATED THE IDEA of the not rainbow dash father but I love the uncle one ! sorry cap )
0 likesMaybe he is his brother
0 likesDude, why do I feel like I watched you 5 or so years ago?
1 likeEdit: I scrolled to the bottom of your page,, lmao you are the same one!! I feel like you might've changed names tho, maybe character design slightly too?
Replies (2)
Yes! They used to be called The Brony Notion.
1 like@charmtapioca Ahhh yes! I remember now! Thanks for clarifying
0 likesHm.. what if Sunset shimmer and Starlight GLIMMER become alicorns-
0 likesMe:
0 likesRainbows brother/ halfbrother
Hasbro always wrong
0 likesSometimes I forget rainbow dash is a girl
0 likesI think more that rainbow blaze or how he is called is her big brother
1 likeI have a question can males be alicorns(did I spell that right grammar police don't come at me)I know random question but I'm curious
0 likesWhat if rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother but he isn't talked about much because he lives far away? Or he could be her uncle.
1 likeRainbow Uncle 🌈
0 likesthat is funny for me.. hahahaha
0 likesrainbow has an older brother
0 likesmaybe he is rainbow dashs uncle?
0 likesDo theory on human sunset shimmer
0 likeswhat happen to the past crystal empire queen?
0 likesI think maybe older brother
0 likesOr he was the brother that mak s more sense
0 likesOr maybe he’s the brother of rainbow dash
0 likesIt looks like a yunger virgen of her father?
1 likeWhat’s your MBTI type?
0 likesi think that blaze is rainbow brother because i saw a video and it true
0 likesI think that blaze is rainbow's brother
0 likesOk so I think he is rainbow dash’s brother
0 likesWhat if their brothers
0 likesYEAY💖💖
1 likemy first thought was Uncle duh also STOP!! messing with my head all the time
0 likesIts big brother-
1 likeStep dad?
0 likesIt could be her brother but he died
0 likesThe other one with a rainbow and wings is rainbow dash uncle maybe
0 likesLol. Her brother?
0 likesThey can be the same
0 likesI think old brother!
0 likesmaybe that other pegasus who looks like rainbow dash is her brother or cousin
0 likesI see movie I don’t know she’s a brother
0 likesWow
0 likesLook at the eye color
0 likesI think rainbow blaze might be rainbow dashes older brother but he moved out when rainbow dash was a filly and it pretty well known I’m my little pony the older sisters is usually the ones taking care of the younger sisters and the younger sisters are more likely to look up to the siblings than they are to look up to the parents, I’m also guessing since that rainbow blaze moved out when rainbow was just a filly that also the reason why rainbows parents were overly supportive because she was the only child living there.
0 likesMaybe that her dad put a bit not old TwT
1 likeI think I like it you know that Rainbow dash Rainbow blaze look realated then what about Bow hot hoof is his brother instead? anyway this is making me crazy.. hahahaha
0 likesRainbow blaze’s cutie mark looks like rainbow dash zooming right before a sonic rain boom
0 likesThat pony is some other pony
0 likesquit ruining my life
0 likesan uncle?
0 likesor maybe thats raimbowdashes brother
0 likesI was thinking older brother.
0 likesRainbow blaze and bow are twins
1 likeWhat if it's her brother or something. 0-0 idk
0 likesI just debunked your pinkie has chaos magic theory three words, cheese sandwich Sense
0 likesI think he is her brother
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesWhat if blaze was e
1 likeRainbow bother
Maybe Rainbow Blaze is her uncle and Rainbolt is her dad because I think her uncle have to watch her and the parents do their thing
1 likeSaw tooth I think that rainbowdash has a brother one of them looks yonger
0 likesOr her uncle
0 likesMAybe they grow up beard and haircut
0 likesWant to Rainbow Blazeis Rainbow Dash‘s older brother
0 likesIi think think rainbow blaze is the real father because look he has the same hair to rainbow dash
1 likeWhat if it’s her cousin?v
0 likeswaıt WHAT!?! an aprıl fools vıdıo!?! are you CRAZY?!?
0 likesi think that's agood point
0 likesNot the same cutie mark
0 likesUncle or older brother
0 likesWhy do You think that rainbow blaze has a connection to rainbow dash
0 likesIt her brother idk?!?!
0 likesNop it's probably uncle😑
0 likesOr Rainbow Dash brother
0 likesLet's say that Rainbow Blaze is her real father, that doesn't mean she cheated, she could've easily been dating Rainbow Blaze but then broke up and started dating Rainbow Dash's supposed dad, that would've made some really awkward family meetups then 👀
0 likesPlot twist blaze is rainbows brother. BOOM.
0 likesGeneration five is here on my little pony do you want to check it out
0 likesYou yes blaze super flyer
0 likesMaybe uncle
0 likesWho is Blaze
0 likesRainbow blazs is rainbow dash uncle and brother rainbow dash dad is solved YAY
0 likesNo no no no no no no stop he isn't her dad k !
0 likes+he is just a pony
ither he is her uncle or brother
0 likesthats weird
0 likesrainbow blaz rainbow dash broter
0 likesYess suspiciouse
0 likesBut then scodaloo could have a cousin uncle ya maybe I am worng I fee like
0 likesScodaloo has a cousin uncle
There brothers
0 likesmay be bow merdered blaze
0 likesSawtooth Waves How my supposed to know the difference I’m just 6
0 likesI was thinking that to
0 likesTwin?
0 likesgoogle said that rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's cousin but idk if its true
0 likeshe mit by her bether
0 likesMayby this explain rainbo factory;p
0 likesAlso...i don't think nothibg
Afther season 1...cartoon statrt be trash
If afther season 1...doing something good...afthe that shoot hersalfe foot
T.v. brother of rainbow dash
0 likesAdoptionnnnnn
0 likesWhat is this is his BROTHEr
0 likesSAwthoot saying it wenn i nodice
He has to be coes they both have yellow eyes
OOOOoooO I GOT A HOT TAKE, rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's disowned family member, brother or uncle, rainbows parents might have issue with him and might be why he doesn't show up again until dash is an adult because some family drama happed when she was a kid.
0 likesuncle maybe
0 likesWhen I first watched the couple minutes of this video, I decided that Blaze use to be Windy's old husband, but then I realized that there's still the question of why Bow and Blaze look so alike. So I like it better that Blaze is Rainbow Dash's sporty, inspiring uncle but Bow and Blaze don't really have the best relationship and drifted apart - that's why Blaze isn't mentioned at all that much. And I like the fact that Bow and Windy were on their honeymoon or something and they left little Rainbow with Blaze for some time, that's why we see them both at the announcements. I think that's the best conclusion.
1 likeAnother interesting video! Good job and continued like that! I love your theories even i don't understand all, because i'm french and i'm not specially good in english. But what i understand, your thoeries are very well thought out and very well introduce with a lot of arguments.😁👏👍
0 likesThe theory of him being Rainbow's uncle sounds the most possible for me, and I do like the idea of him being Rainbow's inspiration for her athletisim, even if the first half is a joke it is interesting
0 likesGiven that Rainbow Blaze and Bow Hothoof are only just different enough to establish that they're not the same pony, I don't think they're just any brothers; I think they're identical twins (one of whom gets more exercise than the other).
0 likesThis would of course imply that if Windy cheated even a genetic test wouldn't be able to tell . . .
I think brother, it would make a lot of sense, since at the announcement they are together and as Rainbow Dash is Scootaloo’s inspiration. Rainbow Blitz could very easily be Rainbows. I just think that he is the brother of Dash which would make a lot of sense.
0 likesi think he's just Bow, the heartswarming episode happened before Bow's new design was showed, it was probably just a case of character redesign to make the character more fitting, you can't really imagine Bow Hothoof not looking like a buff fanatic papa and that's what they wanted to go for so they just scrapped that old model and made this new one; or probably forgot to use the old one for the flashbacks
0 likesI would say that is her old brother. you know, that cool brother that everyone would like to be! But I think it also works being her cool uncle :)
0 likesHonestly, the uncle thing seems to make the most sense.
0 likesBoth rainbow and the athletic pony seem to have close relations but he could come into importance/announcement in gen 5. I know they are different ponies, but if gen 4 is still alive when gen 5 hits it is very possible he answers questions in place of rainbow dash (considering she became a part of the wonderbolts and probably travelled alot). Kinda like some of gen 4 episodes where the cutie mark crusaders go around and ask background characters about the main characters.
0 likesMy theory before it was revealed that she was an only child was that it was her brother lol
2 likesI like the idea of him being her real father better ✨w✨
0 likesI'd say it's Hasbro initially made Rainbow Blaze as Rainbow Dashs father, but in later episodes they just FORGOT about Rainbow Blaze so they simply made another one. It saves matters that way, for them, I think.
1 likeWhen I saw bow hothoof for the first time I knew the flashback Rainbows dad is actually her uncle.
1 likeHis card in the card game (remember that?) only said he was a "dashing mentor" so...maybe uncle or even cousin.
0 likesWait a second-look at blazes cutie mark. It looks a lot like future dash! A blue colored pony having a rainbow streak behind them as they fly. :Also how do you find things to theorize in the show?
0 likesI think he's rainbow's brother. That would explain why they're together all the time. And she may have got her passion for flying from her athletic older brother. Plus ( and this doesn't really have anything to do with the video ) another theory of mine is that when rainbows parents had rainbows older brother, they never really had time to play with him or give him attention. That resulted in 1. Rainbows parents being more supportive with her cuz they weren't with him. And 2. Rainbows brother always hanging out with rainbow so she dint go what he went through
0 likesIt cracks me up to see a (probably) grown man go so deep into MY LITTLE PONY conspiracy theories...?
0 likeswell, there's possibility that Blaze was supposed to be Dash's dad in the original arc but was later change by the creator. This isn't the first time that this certain issue happened in the animation industry, for example, one of the main characters in ragrats (forgot the name) suppose to have a mom but was later change to have a deceased mom instead in later episodes, but for the purpose of the lore and to avoid confusion in this pony universe, let's just say that Blaze is Uncle l, Hothoof is Dad, and rainbow hair runs in the family. 😌👌
0 likesMaybe they're both twins, but both are different, with different interests, and with their body types, maybe Rainbows father just gained a dad bod
0 likesafter watching this video i started to think about prince blood who is his family from the wiki it says that he is a disant nephew of princess sisters and is the cousin of princess cadence
1 likeWhat if Blaze was married to Windy but got divorced and married Bo? It might be more likely that it happened when Dash was to young to remember??? But Blaze was there during Hearths Warming to support his daughter without her realizing. Like Blaze is happy as long as he knows that he is supporting Dash without acknowledgement. Might be wrong, this is just a guest.
0 likesI habitually like your theories but at this point that's just the show writers that modified the pony lmao
0 likes"We're talking about the wonderblot Rainbow Dash here and if I had to guess which one of these was her dad I'd guess the athletic body type"
0 likesSo it's going to be Bo. Blaze is lanky dude and Bo have strength and might of Big Mac with that body of his.
Replies (2)
Ever seen the body of a marathon runner? There are Many different body shapes And types in sport
1 like@Blue blurr My whole point was that the lean Rainbow stallions body type were not necessarily the one and only correct body type to have for a wonderbolt/Athlete. Notion seems to fatshame Bo even though his "fat" doesn't need to be fat at all.
0 likesBlaze kinda looks like Rainbow's older brother, if I'm being perfectly honest:/
0 likesor it was just a redesign and the orginal design was reverted to a background character
2 likesWhat if hypothetically the other pony is now hothoof’s brother
0 likesOr maybe that’s just the younger version of her father
0 likesI love your videos
0 likesI always thought rainbow blaze was rainbow dash's uncle. I think he was a big supporter of Dash without being over baring.
0 likesSawtooth Waves, what if rainbow Blaze was actually the real father and rainbow Blaze had a severe accident that he wasn't able to recover from and had passed away. But in reality, had decided to let the mother and another Pegasus raised her in his place. It would make a lot more sense because of the fact that we've seen that Applejack's parents were confirmed to be dead but were not talked about due to the fact that it was a show for little kids. Maybe Rainbow Dash's real father had passed away and we actually were not told or notified by this and his uncle stepped up to the plate and became the new father. Also, rainbow Blaze and the other Pegasus was actually twin brothers which are identical. But one of them actually let themselves go. It is not mentioned much, but we can tell that sometimes one of the twins actually managed to let themselves go and that's why they had different cutie marks from the past and the present.
0 likesI feel like he would be her brother
0 likesHasbro: makes character similar to Rainbow Dash in the backstage just......for.....sidekicks...or.......FUN..? Nopony knows bout' that)
This guy is probably a relative of Dash's father.
0 likesRainbow dash be like:dad am I adopted
0 likesHer dad:yes
Rainbow dash:oh
They had us in the first half not gonna lie
0 likesHe could be rainbow dash’s brother that was never revealed
0 likesI wanna be an a
1 likeALL-i-horn UwU in patreon but N O M O N E Y !!!!!
Blaze definitely is a key part in rainbow story though because they’re cutie marks are so similar
0 likesWhat if Bow Hot Hoof and Rainbow Blaze are twin brothers?
0 likesI wanna know the real story of spikes parents can you make a theory video about it
0 likesHey Sawtooth? I don't know if you take requests, but would you do a video on Rarity's parents? We see the other six's parents, but we never see hers. (pls like if you agree)
0 likesI feel like Blaze is Rainbow dashes older brother, I mean they look almost identical besides their colours! It would be odd if her uncle looked more like her then her own father
0 likesThat could be his brother.
1 likeWhat if blaze is dash’s older brother, her parents look old enough
0 likesI was gonna say RB is Bow’s twin brother
0 likesHe could be Rainbow Dash‘s brother
0 likesBlaze might also be Rainbow's brother
0 likesHow do we know table is blazes kid, couldn't she just be spending time with her uncle in the flashback?
0 likesPlot twist : That pony is a relative or that pony is just a random character
0 likesTo be honest I don't like this theory much. No offence to you. Dashie's mom cheating just feels out of character for how much of a family mare she is. I think they're brothers because that'd just be super cool.
0 likesBut what if it's not ANYWHERE related to Rainbow Dash? What if he's a creature in disguise, just like you? He might even be an unreformed changeling waiting to strike! You better keep an eye on him...😟
0 likesSawtooth in your other video are there any other alicorn ...... I think that when unicorns become a alicorns in the future they get flowing mane ... celestia, luna and twilight where unicorns and then they became alicorn and they got flowing mane .. but cadence was a peagasas but she did not get flowing mane
0 likesMaybe it’s be RainbowDash’s long lost brother 😜😜
0 likesHe must be the Brother
1 likeMaybe the flash back was her brother?
0 likesWell, I still think Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's uncle.
0 likesThey can be twins or brothers.
0 likesIf you want to go with the theory where Rainbow is actually Blaze's child, well maybe Bo was infertile and Bo's father acted as a doner. Commonly with couples like that, they look to family members or those who look similar to donate so that they can have a child.
0 likesThe Stranger Pony could be the Brother
0 likesWell I believe he is his Uncle uwu
0 likesI really still am confused if changelings are considered as Alicorns or not I mean they have wings and horns and they are also ponies yet they just have holes on their hooves but are the really Alicorns or are those just how they physically look like
0 likesDo one about how Fluttershy and the ponies that held the Twilight banners when she became a princess look alike?
0 likesMoże to starszy brat lub wujek xD
0 likesMe with my idiotic mind:
0 likesMaybe blaze is her brother?
It’s just a kids series......all of us r making a huge deal out of it 😂
0 likesRainbow blazes cutie mark is a rain boom! That's so cool
1 likeI just can't believe that this year My Little Pony celebrating its 35th Anniversary
0 likesOr maybe they just changed the cutie mark design? 👁️👄👁️
0 likesI still think Rainbow blaze and firefly are her real parents. Try to change my mind.... YOU CANT!!!
0 likesNew theory stigion is an allicorn just look at his shadow form thing
0 likesIts probably the hair because they are the same type of hair but different colour
0 likesHe might be her cousin ?
1 likeIf you want the truth I'm just going to say it like this. When it came to certain families to certain people to certain ponies Hasbro was very very lazy with its continuity
0 likesIs there proof that windy whistle cheeted on bo hothuff
0 likesAfter the intro: Her uncle?
0 likesMaybe they are identical twins? XD
0 likesMaybe it's an uncle?
0 likesCan I ask you a question see. At flurry hart cristing ad the end it looks like some one is flying to the Crystal emperor
0 likesRainbow Blaze could be her biological father, while the other one is his step father.
0 likesYou think looking alike makes them related?....
0 likesU should see the ponies in the baground lmaooo
I was genuinely fooled-
0 likesWhy are the ppl in the thumbnails generally looking like they're in shock nowadays xD
0 likesWhat about hasbro redesigning the old character-
0 likesHe's pinkie pie in a suit going time travelling
0 likesHey sawtooth waves have you ever wondered why some peope in equstra aren't in the human world like sunset shimmer
0 likesMaybe the second pony is rainbows brother
0 likesPls make a human version of you?🙃
0 likeswait wheat if their just brothers?
0 likesThey could be siblings
0 likesThen... wHo iS tHiS
0 likesMe: :O. ITS CELIESTIA
My friends: :O h o w
Me: *cricket noises*
Wait can’t he be rainbow dash’s brother?
0 likesRd's Older brother.
0 likesThe mom cheated on her husband!!
1 likeNocturna package but that's just what I heard he was called
0 likesmaybe her brother?
0 likesI believe it's Rainbow Blitz
0 likesMabye he could be a brother or uncle of rainbow dash
0 likesYo, I think that's her uncle man, like twins?
0 likesMaybe her brother? XD
0 likesI was thinking he is her brother
0 likesI think it's her cousin
0 likesIt might be rain bow dash his big brother .
0 likesWhy not her brother ?
0 likesMaybe its Rainbows Grandfather
0 likesmaybe he is her brother
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash’s brother who never returned
0 likesA simple word.
I think it's more likely that blaze is her dad. Not sure tho...
0 likesApril Fools, are not in May, they are only in April 1st.
0 likesMabye the pony in the flash back is rainbow dash's brother.
0 likesor is her big brother?
0 likesTheres something thats been bothering me , why hasn’t anyone mentioned to what happened to applejacks mother i mean i feel i don’t have the right to say it but all they did was show a backstory of how she raised a family but she isnt that old i feel like it doesn’t add up??
0 likesThink it's his brother
0 likesMaybe blaze an rainbows mom had a hookup an blaze wasn’t ready to be a father so his brother stood up an then rainbows mom an blazes brother fell in love an ya
0 likesah yes april fools xd
0 likesIs chrysalis reformed now or did she get her revenge
0 likesWut if it rainbow brother? A brother rainbow did not know a twin or some like that. I like the idea!
1 likeIt's her brother or uncle
0 likesI think blaze is her dad
0 likesWhat if rainbow blaze is rainbow dash brother?
0 likesTwin brothers maybe?
0 likesunless rainbow blaze is rainbow dashs secretly unknown brother
0 likeswhat if he is rainbows bro
0 likesHer older brother
0 likesMaybe her brother
0 likesHer brother?
0 likesRainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's god father
0 likesNgl I just assumed rainbow blaze was her brother
0 likesThis is her Brother xd
0 likesWow
0 likesMaybe he is her father but he couldn't raise her or had to leave for some reason? But Bo raised his brothers child knowingly??
0 likesokay I know I'm late for this but, can Rainbow blaze can he be a big brother but then again they never say Rainbow dash had a big brother.
0 likesWell he kind of has the same cutie mark but he's older than Rainbow Dash and he didn't change in those two videos he's the same size the same but I think it's a brother or yes it must be his brother and I mean it must be her brother he looks like Rainbow Dash's dad he has almost the same cutie mark As Rainbow – so yeah it has to be too brother
0 likesMaybe her bro?
0 likescheck rainbow dash's and blaze's genetics and see
0 likesIt could be her cousin or windy whistles ex
0 likesYes i think it's rainbow dash brother
0 likesapril fool in may nice XD
0 likesOh fuck mind blown!
0 likesMany rainbow dashs. Dad. Twin. Brother
0 likesWow i didnt even notice
0 likesMaybe brothers or twins
0 likesBut. What I think is rainbow dash could be adopted
0 likesI think rainbow dash is adopted
0 likesshe cheated i am sooooooo mad bec rainbow is my fav pony
1 likeReplies (1)
i knnowwwwww
0 likesUm I think the easiest way is to see both of there cutie mark if it’s the same as rainbows dash cutie mark
0 likesis rainbow dash's dad becuse i see him in some video thet it sees the mane six's past!!! ok thet's it for now.
0 likesWhat is it Rainbow Dash‘s brother
0 likesmmmmaybe he is an uncle.....or a brother????????????????
0 likesBo is her granpa
0 likesFace reveal
0 likesUncle🤣
0 likesCould her brother idk
0 likesI just have one question that if both were rainbow dash's much farther than their the other phone me I had family and his wife name is bohat in so maybe bohot has been could be both so that could be the reason
0 likesSiblings?
0 likesRainbow blaze is Rainbow Dash her father but He have to give her to Bo
0 likesDo you mean ranbow blitz
0 likesIt could be rainbows uncle or mabey she was married to blaze but the got a divorce
0 likesThey are literally brothers. This video is wrong
0 likesMany rainbow blaz e might be her brother
0 likesPossibly admitted
0 likesPlease can you be her brother to
0 likesOr just a normal person
0 likesHis hair
0 likesYou are goood
0 likesI believe that blaze got trapped inside a Portal and and his brother raised rainbows dash as his own or her mom cheated her husband with blaze .there no telling what happened but I believe until less there a show about it it be cool there make a movie about rainbow dash past
0 likesMothers day: March 22nd 2021
2 likesReplies (2)
i am very confused
2 likes@Sawtooth Waves Me two I thought it was the 22nd this year but it was last year this year the 22nd of March was a Monday so ignore me
1 likeWhat is Rainbow Dash has a trans father
0 likesOr maybe Beau was a fan of rainbow blaze and died his mane and skin to look like him or the other way around. THIS IS JUST A GUESS, I JAVE NO IDEA WHY THEY ARE IDENTICAL.... WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT IF RAINBOW’S DAD TIME TRAVELED? DUN DUN DUN. 2nd theory: what if rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes cousin, maybe her dad had a brother that had a son.
0 likesI think that he is rainbowdash big brother
0 likeswhat if they are brothers but the other one that the shpow doesnt claim to be her fathyer is acually her father but thew shows raimbow father think hes the father but isnt
0 likesReplies (1)
love the theorei thats exacly what i thought i just typed this befor i wached it all lol
0 likesAnd the kind a spiky hair
0 likesMore
0 likesSiblings
0 likesMaybe Rainbow blaze is Rainbow dashs brother but then he died or something
0 likesA brother maby
0 likesi am sorry but you should focus on your music more your theories are not sooo good
0 likesWhy would you do that
0 likesOk maybe rainbow blaze is actually rainbow dashes' father but he was really busy with something so he told his brother to take care of rainbow dash and never tell him that that's his father!!!?
0 likesHey listen,i wonder that at this point at the seasonsa ans everything,weve only seens girls as alicorns and princesses ruling but...... But but but but but cant the boys also turn into alicorns like no im not kidding im serioes can u please explain what that is becoz ive been watching mlp from the past 6 years and i only thought about this today
0 likesOr bow is ranebo dpolder bruther
0 likesIt mite be her uncle
0 likesLike what you said
0 likesI think Uncle
0 likesКлас
1 likeCan't u post something creative?!
0 likesWhen are you changing
0 likesMy theory is rainbow blaze is rainbow dash inspiration or rainbow blaze is rainbows uncle or might be rainbows father
0 likesReplies (2)
I mean rainbows
0 likesBrother
0 likes??? Baby that's the song called but I don't know but he's dead
0 likesRainbow Dash and Rainbow Blaze's cutie marks are little same
0 likesMaiby that's her brother rainbow dashs brother
0 likesMaybe he is rainbow dash cosin
0 likesI thinnk that he its rainbow ’s big broter
0 likesBrothers
2 likescoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo000000000000000000000000oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllll
0 likesCutie mark
0 likesHow do you look so closely into this? That's so amazing!😉
0 likesLoving the flower sawtooth 🥰
0 likesThe real question is whether at the time the writers made him, he was supposed be her dad, but they left it open for if they changed their minds, which they did.
2 likesWhen Hasbro came out with the MLP trading cards, Rainbow Blaze had his own trading card. His title or role was listed as "Dashing Mentor", and he has a quote on the card saying, "Of course Rainbow Dash is a good flier. I taught her everything she knows!" While the card doesn't directly state Rainbow Blaze's relation to Rainbow Dash far as family, I think you were right that he's her athletic uncle who became her mentor.
1 likeIn the episode when twilight gets into flashback, Luna's mane was similar to the one in the other episodes after Nightmare Moon, but when she transformed back to luna after nightmare moon's defeat, her mane was plain blue and not flowing dark blue
2 likesThe usual notion(heh) accepted by the fandom depicts Blaze as Dash's brother/cousin. But then that begs the question, of where he disappeared to... I really wish he was explored as a character more!
0 likes😂I highly doubt the writers would EVER write that at all.🤣
0 likesI know that this is irrelevant to both the show lore and your theory, but I remember reading at some point that Mares will 'Cover' with multiple males in a herd in order to avoid subjecting their foals to random violence.
0 likesThe subject of horse infidelity will always make me think of it, can't say it's verified, but i've heard similar things about almost every socially complex animal.
It's pretty well known that a whole lot of primates and birds do it that way.
I like the uncle idea. May I throw in another suggestion tho? I think he's her cousin. I grew up really close to my cousins (to the point of just calling them my brothers and sisters).
1 likeYou really had me fooled there. But seriously, that theory actually is pretty good lol
0 likesHave you every heard of bloodline traits? I'm pretty sure this "Rainbow Blitz" is either Rainbow Dashes Brother, Cousin or Uncle. As for their thrills for flying, they most like inherited it from maybe one of Rainbow Dash's earliest ancestors from either his father or mother side.
0 likesWhen you mentioned other ways Rainbow Blaze could be Dash’s bio father without the cheating I was surprised you didn’t bring up the possibility that maybe Bow was sterile. Think about it Bow and Windy try to have a foal but it never happened after a long time of heartbreaking failure they find out Bow can’t have kids. Blaze out of love and LOYALTY to his brother offered to be a donor since they look so similar and share the same DNA they won’t have to explain why there child looks nothing like there father or accusations of cheating like they might have had to deal with if they used a random donor from a fertility clinic.
0 likesIt would also explain how obsessive they are as parents if they spent years trying for a foal finally having one would would feel like a miracle.
Also it could explain why RAINBOW Dash’s and RAINBOW Blaze’s names are so similar, she was named in honour of the stallion who made Bow and Windy’s dream of being parents a reality.
they could be twin brothers one cheering on the other and helping them train but the other pushing just that little bit further, therefor being slightly different physically.
0 likesthis dude really be celebrating holidays a month late. hearts and hooves in march and april fools in may
0 likesI mean
0 likesBlaze could be Rainbow's uncle, I am the inspiration of my nephews and it happens often when the uncles are close to the kids, problem solved✨
Hey Sawtooth I was wondering about something and maybe it might make a good theory. Ok so I was watching old my little clips and I saw something when the main six and discord were fighting Sombra his cape flew up and you could see where his cutie marks should be but is wasn't there. Why doesn't Sombra have a cutie mark like every other pony.
0 likesThe thumbnails are getting amazing
0 likesAnd seriously it could be so true that I definitely didn't expect that it would be an April Fools Day...
0 likes2:22 As jarring as this sounds, this wouldn't be a stretch. After all, Jim Miller claimed on Twitter that Trixie was born out of a one-night stand and Jackpot (the magician from Grannies gone Wild) has no idea that he has a daughter. Maybe Rainbow Dash doesn't talk about him because she only met him once as Blaze wanted to meet his daughter just once.
0 likesUmm, you know they have reuse Designs in the show over the Time?
0 likesIt would be strange if RD and her Dad are the only with Rainbow colored Mane, I mean even the Rivers of the Pegasus are rainbow colored.
This Pegasus is not Rainbows Dad, this Pegasus has the name "Rainbow Blaze" and he is described as "Mentor" of Rainbow Dash, who appears in the episodes Games Ponies Play and A Hearth's Warming Tail.
You can get all Infos here:
Often it just need some Research to get the Answer on this title: He is not releated with Rainbos Dash in any Way.
I don't want to anger or offend you, but some of your Ideas are to much like Conspiracy Theories and many are very easy to explain through a little Research.
My head Cannon: blaze is Dash's dad, Bo is her stepdad, and he dyes his mane and tail to look like Dash. It also explains his over support as stepdads often go overboard to win over the kids.
0 likesI have three guesses
1 likeBlaze is either Dash's uncle, big brother, or her favorite cousin she spends the most time with
If Blaze is her uncle, he probably takes care of Rainbow Dash when her parents are busy with errands
If he's her older brother, it would make the most sense that they were together during the equestria games(he would have also known about Dash being a wonderbolt way before their parents knew and kept it a secret from them)
And if Blaze is her cousin, they probably had a similar relationship Babs and Apple Bloom have, they might be each other's favorite cousin that have the same passion for flying, or Blaze shared his passion to Dash and then it became her passion as well
Somehow, the cute ponies become creepier if they are looking at you to ominous music.
0 likesHere's an interesting Video Idea, trying to figure out what happened to Prince Blueblood, A Character that has been missing and forgotten since Season 4.
0 likesThe theory of Windy cheating on Bow actually kinda makes sense. But genes are sometimes complicated.
0 likesFor example, my dad and my mom are shorter than the average (mom 5'1 or 156cm and dad 5'5 or 167cm), but I'm average height female (5'5 or 167cm). My dad's mother is shorter than average, like my dad. But my dad's father is taller than average and my dad's brother is average height (or a bit taller, idk). And that's why I'm average height as well. I still know, that my dad is my real father, because since I was a baby I have looked like a female copy of him, we both have thin, straight hair (my mom's is thick and curly), blueish gray eyes (my mom's are more greenish) etc.
That's why I think, that one's body type can be different from their parents', and Rainbow's dad is her real father. Also she may have inherited the athletic body type from her mom instead of her dad
I'm thinking he's either her uncle or cousin. Could also be a sibling with a large age gap.
0 likesAccording to the wiki, Rainbow Blaze is RD's mentor, but was originally intended to be her father just like Firefly was going to be RD's mother. Obviously that didn't happen so maybe he's Bo's relative or maybe there's no blood connection and he's a friend of the family.
0 likesNext video: Aliens builded Equestria and genetically engineered alicorns.
0 likesThese aliens are: Discord, Grougar, Storm King, Sirens, Windigos, Tirek, Sphinx,etc.
Disguised aliens who run really Equestria: Derpy, Lyra, Cozy Glow, DJ-PON3 (Vinyl Scrach).
Do you have any actual in show evidence for this though?
0 likesWell, looking at this genetically. It's possible to be a brother, father, or uncle, it does show he's related to rainbow dash. But I notice his hooves doesn't show like we see with her dad, maybe its a trait that can happen sometimes. Though he does look like in his 20s so its more towards him being a brother. But that leads to why they never brought him up, I wonder what happened?
0 likesSawtooth:who is he?
0 likesMe:maybe her uncle?
Sawtooth:maybe her uncle?
Me:I am a genius
it was her father's right, then this dowry might have been the beta version
0 likesWhat if Rainbow Blaze and Rainbow Dash are actually siblings?!
1 likeThink about it, he looked like Bo, but younger. Maybe Rainbow's birth parents had Rainbow Blaze around their teens maybe and Rainbow Dash came along later on!
Maybe Bow cloned himself (you know, maaaaagic) and this is how Blaze has appeared? But something was wrong, and Blaze is slimer than Bow and has other cutiemark :D
0 likes"If Bow Hothoof is Rainbow Dash's dad, then who is this?"
0 likesMe: A pony who coincidentally looks like Rainbow's dad-
i have a question,why does the human world use technology like phones but the pony world does not?
1 likeAyo, my boi, Sawtooth, think you can make a video regarding Equestria's solar system and, assuming it even has one, how it would work when we've got horses controlling the friggin SUN. With gravitational forces and such, HOW???
0 likesCould’ve sworn it was said that he’s her mentor or something
0 likesI'd say the one without a beard is a big brother
0 likesNot to discourage your Theory, though it was good, I think he could be her brother.
0 likesI truly believe that Blaze is Rainbow's uncle. Maybe the reason why Rainbow wanted to become an athlete or were interested in being a Wonderbolt is because of Blaze. Sometimes, we idolised our other family members other than our own parents. If it is, it made sense why both of Rainbow's parents aren't athletic but somehow Rainbow is one. She most likely inspired by her uncle and her parents supported her dream. That's my theory anyway
0 likesAwesome and cool!
0 likesI think he is Rainbowdash's older brother and maybe he was the first pony who was able to do the Sonic Rainboom so Dash got inspired by him to be a sport pony/wonder bolt.
0 likesI’ve always considered Blaze to be her uncle not her dad.
0 likesCould that pony be Rainbow Dash secret brother? 🤔 I do believe that pony is Dash’s uncle.
0 likesCould be a brother, but it's weird since I don't remember her talking about any bros 🤔🐦
0 likesI think he looks too young to be her uncle maybe he's her cousin or a relative but I don't think it's her uncle or brother
1 likeI think you can very well be her uncle
1 likeMy personal theory is "Blaze" IS Rainbow Dash's real dad, but... instead of cheating, it's far more tragic, and heartwarming.
0 likesAssuming Windy is Dash's real mom, which seems pretty likely, i presume she was with Stud and not Chunk originally... but something happoned, possibly a athletic accident, when Bluefast was still a filly, and Chunk just sort of naturally came in to fill the gap left by his dearly departed brother... may of started with just supporting his brothers Widow and daughter, but developed into actual feelings with Windy, who grew to appreciate and love the Chunky Boi,... and the fact he was unlikely to die in a crossfit accident.
While on the subject of Paternity... people like to make cheating jokes about Mr. and Mrs. Cake, given the formers reaction when explaining his offspring...
Why does it have to be malicious? Maybe Lank is just shooting blanks, and the two needed a Surrogate Father because they both wanted a full family, and the fact they came out non-earth Ponies just makes the fact he NEEDED a Surrogate to begin with a bit more out in the open, and as such... incredibly embarrassing...
As for why the two are a Uni and Pega, it makes a sort of sense that someone of a mixed heritage would be more open minded and available when it comes to the topic of "material" donations to a couple unable to sire a family on their own...
...I am just really tired of people trying to find Bad Relationship Drama where it does not need to be, specially when relationships like these are FAR more possible, fit the shows tone ALOT better, and frankly needs more understanding spread around.
That theory makes sense to me.
0 likesWhen you said they are not the same pony because they don’t have the same cutie Mark what if the creators just changed it to fit the name?
1 likeI think Rainbow Blaze was Bo’s old rival. There. I said it. Sue me.
0 likesMaybe he is her big brother, like twilight and shinning armor 🤔
0 likesHere's a question: Why does Human Twilight gain wings when she pony's up on the Equestria Girls
0 likesWell, Rainbow Blaze is actually RD's cousin.
0 likesJust like Stun Star Studio said, Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's mentor when she was a filly.
0 likesCan’t it be just as likely that Blaze could be Rainbow’s brother?
0 likesDid anyone else consider that Rainbow Blaze might by Dash's older brother?
0 likesI don't like hearing my name in this, I keep thinking I'm being called my someone
0 likesI thinc they most likely have connection because the mane colours in all Ecuestria are so different, but 3 ponys with rainbow colour mane (i thinc rainbow is rare colour) that close it must have something ooooor it is just hasbro mistake. Maybe they had a different idea at first.
0 likesThe other one in right could be his brother
0 likesI just assumed they were twin brothers lol
0 likesI think if blaze isn’t an uncle of some sort or rainbow dash’s dad then I think that he may be an older brother that isn’t quite featured.
0 likesMy reasons:
Rainbow Dash looks like her mom but with her dad’s hair
Blaze looks like rainbow’s dad but with rainbow’s mom’s athletic build.
Blaze looks very very young to be a dad so I don’t think he is rainbow’s dad though it is still very well possible he could be an uncle as siblings can have HUGE age gaps.
a bond over races like that and standing on the back seems more like a sibling thing within the MLP series rather than a father daughter thing again within the MLP series.
Sure rainbow’s parents are erratic about Rainbow’s accomplishments but that never necessarily meant they were always ecstatic to competitions in general that didn’t involve rainbow.
Even if blaze is not canonically Rainbow’s brother since he is absent during most family photos, family events, etc. I think it could be because he was off studying somewhere else like fluttershy’s brother. Maybe he cut ties with the parents like how rainbow did with her parents, BUT he and Rainbow keep in touch sometimes to talk but not very often.
Idk about you but I think it’s very well possible that rainbow Dash’s family just likes rainbow names
Rainbow dash
Rainbow blaze
I don’t think Thats just a coincidence since every pony in the show has a VERY unique name and it’s unlikely for two ponies to be around at the same time with very similar names.
Please make a video on how age works because sunset went into the portal before twilight was going to celestial's school (twilight got in when she was just a filly) yet they were both in the same grade at canterlot high. im so confused help.
0 likesWhat if Blaze is Rainbow's brother? :o
0 likesHe could be her uncle but he also could’ve been her brother and maybe that’s why the parents don’t talk about them yes he didn’t look different than when she was older but still he could be her brother that like left or something like that.
0 likesI know I'm late but here are my thoughts. Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dashe's dad but when he was much younger from before he met Rainbow's mother? His younger self traveled to the future with the help of another pony to see what his future looked like and then he decided to stay in the future and watch his daughter grow up. He took on the name of Rainbow Blaze so no one would catch on to him
0 likesHey saw
1 likeAbout Prince blueblood
He's nephew of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and the cousin of Princess Cadance
This means luna and celestia have another sibling?
Can't they be their cousin or somthing? Ya know, uncle, brothers, brothers from far away
0 likesY'all are saying it could be her brother but it was stated in the show rainbow dash had no siblings.
0 likesI think Rainbow blaze might be her secret brother and cuz they look vary similar and both love flying and there both Athletic idk if this is true or not but it’s just what I think
0 likesok but the flower in ur mane is so cute
0 likesI think they both can be twins I like that theory about that are brothers
0 likesYou make everything so complicated, its rainbow dash brother
0 likeswhat if rainbow blaze was ranbows big brother
0 likesit would meen they had a close relationship but when rainbow spent more time in ponyvill they driffted apart but kept in contact
Its probably Dash's uncle
1 likehe could be her big brother
0 likesrainbow has a long lost brother
0 likesMaybe he in the flashback is her brother or uncle or cousin
0 likesSpeaking of similar colors, the Pinkie Pie sisters have something of their parents (Maud has her mother's eyes, Limestone has her father's eyes, I don't know about Marble), but Pinkie ... has nothing from them.
1 likeReplies (1)
Insert "is Pinkie Pie adopted?!" theories here!
1 likeThis doesn’t go with the video but what if
1 likeSpike from the pony world came into the human
World in Friendship games
maybe he's her uncle
0 likesedit: he said maybe he's her uncle wow i predicted it
edit x2:im sorry if it seems like i'm bragging
Even if thats possible this is a kids show its likely impossible that they will add this concept "cheating" in a childrens show so the real choices will be more likely uncle or they just made a reboot of her father
0 likesBlaze is Rainbowdash's Big brother or maybe even Uncle
0 likeswhat if blaze is rainbow dashes brother who was never mentioned? I mean look how long it took for fluttershy to reveal she had a brother
0 likesI just thought it was a brother.. Welp okay then
0 likesI have 3 theories:
0 likes1. Father and son
2. They are brothers/cousins
3. Uncle and nephew
It could be her brother
0 likesWhat if he is raindrops big brother
1 likeHe can bring her brother?
0 likeswhat if one of the sirens the one that looks like starlight is starlights past self
0 likesIt could be his uncle?
0 likesWhy not an older realitive, like a younger uncle or much older brother or step brother
0 likesI personally think that rainbow blaze and Bo are twins specifically fraternal twins and so although bow is Rainbow Dash‘s father she still got some genetics similar to Rainbow blaze.
0 likesIt might be her brother
0 likes2:56
0 likesMe - wait a minute
(From Zoe) What I Think Is That Hot Hoof Bow`s???,,,,,,Wife CHEETED On RAINBOW BLAZE!!!!!*Gasp!*
0 likesWhat if instead of being rainbow's dad's brother what if he is rainbow's brother???
1 likeI like this one
0 likesRainbows brother can be that pony
0 likeshe can be her brother
0 likesRainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash uncle b'cause look at his mane and colour of the skin. And look at his eye colour it is similar to Rainbow Dash's dad
0 likesThat is just my opinion.
One of the new eps of eq girls take them bake to the pony world again, you've made a vid on this but I've realized that the timeliness is messed up, twilight is already ruler of all equestria, with the wavy hair, in the ep she isn't, its either based father back in the timeliness or they just weren't thinking lol
0 likesWhat about Rainbow Blaze being Rainbow Dash's Cousin Brother ??
0 likesRainbow Brite could be Rainbow Dash Big Brother or Rainbow Dash cousin
0 likeshe can be rainbow dash's brother .
0 likesIt could be younger version if rainbow father?
0 likesIt's def her brother
1 likeMaybe he is her brother?twin?
0 likesThe creators forgot about Rainbow Blaze.
0 likesI mean Will you have a kid the kid will walk like you so maybe that could be her brother
0 likesWhat episode was that?
0 likesThis is an interesting idea, even fodder for a fan fic, but the biggest problem with this theory is all the ponies who are known to be related for a fact but don't look very similar to each other, the most obvious examples being Twilight and Shining Armour, Big Mac and his sisters, Pound and Pumpkin Cake, Pinkie and her sisters, or even the Princesses Celestia and Luna. We have also seen some related ponies who do look similar to each other, Flim and Flam, for example but there are enough different looking but related ponies to mandate caution in assuming that if they look and are coloured alike they must be related. And get away from colour and just go to looks and now you have questions about ponies like Rainbow Dash and Daring Do, or Twilight and Moon Dancer. Not saying it can't be, but if you are going to use this in a fiction of some sort you'll need more than just looks. Also, motivation, ie, what if Bo HotHoof is sterile and an arrangement was made where Windy had the brother's child, but it was to be her child and Bo's child to raise, the brother being a sort of surrogate father, perhaps? Might also explain why Rainbow appears to be an only child. Lol, let the head canon broadside begin... 😂
0 likesWhen is this is Blaze is her brother🤣
0 likesI love rainbow dash she my favorite I feel blaze is rainbow dash dad
0 likesWhat if it is rainbow uncle in the flash bag
0 likesRainbow Blaze could be one of two things, Rainbow Dash's true father and just her uncle. First one; Windy Whistle first dated Rainbow Blaze and when she found out that she was pregnant, he left her and Bow Hothoof took both inti his life and rised Rainbow Dash when she was born and Windy never spoke of Rainbow Blaze again. Two; Rainbow Blaze could just be Rainbow Dash's uncle from the start being Bow Hothoof's brother and the althatic gene could be passed through Bow to Rainbow since Bow could be a carrier of the gene. What do you think Sawtooth Waves? Does any of those theories work? Reply to me eather in the comments or a video directly to me.
0 likesTow options 1 rabow blaze is rabow dash's older brother and 2 he might be her uncle and she never brought it up because no one ever asked
0 likesedit to the 2nd one mabe she never said any thing because he hert her in some way
1 likeReplies (1)
0 likesI think it’s her uncle and she went with him to event when possible because her parents embarrassed her
0 likesI like yo flower Sawtooth-
2 likesReplies (1)
No I meant....I love yo flower but- ye
1 likeI agree that Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's Uncle and the reason her real parents weren't there was because Rainbow Blaze was watching over Rainbow Dash and saw the Cloudsdale Mayor was announcing the city that was going to host the Equestria Games while Bow Hothoof And Windy Whistles were at a party celebrating one of their wedding anniversaries and guess what, I stuck to that theory even before you made this video.
0 likes✨Brother✨
0 likesMaybe Ray Robles is Rainbow Dash's brother cuz they look alike
0 likesMaybe he is not any of those maybe he’s a citizen
0 likesan unknown big brother
0 likesIs Chrysalis the only girl changling?
0 likesMaybe hes a brother
0 likesmaybe he is rainbow dash's uncle?
0 likesSecret brother????
0 likeswhat if rainbow dash and rainbow blaze are siblings
0 likesMaybe rainbow Blaze is her brother
0 likesWhat if Rainbow blaze is rainbow dash ‘s brother
0 likesIt maybe that's her uncle
0 likesrainbow blaze might be rainbow dash's brother!!!!!!!
0 likesActually....Her father looks like her grandfather, so it could be that Rainbow was raised by her grandfather and grandmother
0 likesYou can talk to Lauren Faust about your theory
0 likesMay be older brother
0 likeswindy may have cheated
0 likesMaybe blaze is rainbow's brother and they forgot about him because he went messing. And they don't want to remember him because that makes them sad
0 likesIt’s obvious. This is Rainbow Dash‘s cousin.
0 likesMaybe his uncle
0 likesWell if he is her brother
0 likesI think. He is her uncle
0 likesMy theory is that rainbow dash and rainbow blaze are cousin. Maybe her grandpa had a brother and he had a son then he had a son so that makes sense seeing that blaze is years older than rainbow is understanding
0 likesTwin brother?
1 likeNo late. You already made me think the blaze was the father and mama rainbow cheated
0 likesMaybe he's rainbows original father like
0 likesLike they broke up and then the mom found out she was having a baby then she had fallen for her past lovers older brother and raindows blood father was in her life but as a uncle to her and the step dad knew and didtn care
Maybe he is rainbowdash's brother
0 likesI think rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's brother
0 likesI was gonna say that maybe that’s Rainbow Dash his older brother to
0 likes!theory! The Student Sixs May be Letting a new magic be made the magic of Connection and the Student Sixs May soon be „connecting“ all Spieces in the my Little Pony universe
0 likesI know this is Not Connected to the vid
He's probably just a nother random pony
0 likeswhat if rainbow blaze is rainbow dash's brother or cousin
0 likesProbs Rainbow’s uncle
0 likesMaybe its her brother or friend or cusin
0 likesMaybe Rainbow Blaze is Rainbow Dash's Bro?
0 likesBlaze and Bow can be dad and son. Right?
Replies (3)
It could be younger version of rainbow dash father
0 likesWell, they don't have a same cutie mark
0 likes@윤선화 ok
0 likesI think is her uncle
0 likes" then who is this ?!"
0 likesUhhhh animation error duhhhhh
That is Rainbow Dash's uncle
0 likesThat was a very short vid. Awww come on
0 likesHe is rainbow dash uncle lol
0 likesBruh its may you missed April fools
0 likesI thought I was ràinbow inspiration crying
0 likesMaybe rainbow blaze is Rainbow Dashes brother
0 likesMaybe it's rainbow blitz
0 likesI think Blaze is her uncl
0 likesI wanna say that Blaze and Windy Whistles could've dated they broke up and she went to Bowhoof but she didn't realize she could've been pregnant with her and Blaze's foal
0 likesI know who that that is Rainbow dash's brother
0 likesThey maybe areTWIN BRODERS den den den.
0 likesBaze is. Dad
1 likeI tingk hes rainbow dashes brother ?😊
0 likesMaybe rainbow blaze is rainbow dashes brother
0 likesMaybe rainbow dash has to daddy's,
1 likeim thinking that rainbow blaze is rainbow dashs brother
0 likesWell the parents love rainbow dash they could of made like rainbow dash wigs
1 likeReplies (1)
Or maybe blaze is rainbow dashes brother because the parents love rainbow dash since their other son has grown up
1 likeProble a brother
1 likeBrother or cousin
0 likesMaybe there was a divorce
0 likesLarun faust make books!?
0 likesIt was to early for father day but if would be cool to do mother days wait we all ready did one but mother day is almost here i,m so happy I plane some things for my mom and me
0 likesUncle twins duh
0 likesOmg is it, really you
0 likesUncle?
0 likesi think brother
0 likesI didn’t even know
0 likesMerch?
0 likesRainbow dash cousin or uncle
0 likesThere brothers
0 likesWhat if blaze is rainbows true parent and he handed rainbow to bow and bow became rainbows babysitter because blaze had inportent job and he could not have time to look at rainbow so I think blaze is rainbows true parent
0 likesReplies (4)
But I am not sure just look at blaze face in the video he looks sad
0 likesAnd bow looks happy
0 likesMaby bow steal rainbow dash and yeah haha that is not it
0 likesI was just pranking
0 likesHow sakshi rainbow dash's brother
0 likesAm I do you like a brother that never got showed
0 likesHe isn’t.
0 likesMaybe Is rainbow big brother i think
0 likesMy thinking is their both rainbows dad and their actually gay
0 likesthat is obviously brothers its rainbow dash`s dad little brother
0 likeswell.......
0 likesThe only thing that is true is that pink eye lady pony IS Rainbow dashes mom.