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Electric&Moon..Theory Of Mind..Full Album...

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Comments (archived 2022-10-02 20:51; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-13 01:03:47

.......Psychedelic, always transforming Rorschach-test
For those unfamiliar with Electric Moon, they are the German trio founded in 2009 by bassist and painter Komet Lulu, prominent sulatron label boss, guitarist and acid-kraut practitioner Sula Bassana and drummer Pablo Carneval. Carneval was later replaced by Marcus Schnitzler. Although Sula has had a long career in various psych bands, Electric Moon is the latest outlet for its chatter. Electric Moon forms a united front of modern and underground psychedelic bands along with Ufomammut, Yuri Gagarin, Øresund Space Collective and Baby Woodrose.The electric Sound of Moon is, on "Budei uma" as well as on their tracks, in a state of flow. Getting up and running through a mass of colorful currents, the hours of trio dynamics are as sharp as their music. Lulu's thick bass lines along with Schnitzler's vigour drumming of sleep are a strict and powerful foundation for building works on the lumberjack guitar, effects, synthesizers and compartments. The band's coolest album with radiant rays and shines with a glow that few can make the mantras of groovy bass that is a sea trans or wash of effects. ... just as quickly as the tracks escalate and intensify, just as quickly the distraught will dissipate into vivid fumes of sound effects,"Although Sula's frequent musical distraught onstage workouts can turn out to be abrasive, they are always timed to follow the flow of music, causing what might otherwise be a caustic mindmelter to look almost meditative and hypnotizing. And just as quickly as the tracks escalate and intensify, just as quickly the distraught will disperse into vivid fumes of sound effects, once again leaving Lula and Schnitzler to fend for themselves (a job they are more than capable of). The German group is far-reaching in scope and they were apparently born out of a longing for the lost times of Krautrock. Their style of rock psychedelic acid is almost spiritual in capacity, and the scope of their traces makes them almost like small rituals in themselves. The four songs on "Theory of mind" were recorded live and as such have that natural dynamic that only live recordings have. This is definitely a way to experience a band like Electric Moon if you don't get to see them live. They are called "real psychedelic experience", and these are not just empty words. "Theory of mind" determines their identity as an inductor of psychedelic phenomena.ladislav&zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-13 01:02:41

...Psychedelic, always transforming Rorschach-test
For those unfamiliar with Electric Moon, they are the German trio founded in 2009 by bassist and painter Komet Lulu, prominent sulatron label boss, guitarist and acid-kraut practitioner Sula Bassana and drummer Pablo Carneval. Carneval was later replaced by Marcus Schnitzler. Although Sula has had a long career in various psych bands, Electric Moon is the latest outlet for its chatter. Electric Moon forms a united front of modern and underground psychedelic bands along with Ufomammut, Yuri Gagarin, Øresund Space Collective and Baby Woodrose.The electric Sound of Moon is, on "Budei uma" as well as on their tracks, in a state of flow. Getting up and running through a mass of colorful currents, the hours of trio dynamics are as sharp as their music. Lulu's thick bass lines along with Schnitzler's vigour drumming of sleep are a strict and powerful foundation for building works on the lumberjack guitar, effects, synthesizers and compartments. The band's coolest album with radiant rays and shines with a glow that few can make the mantras of groovy bass that is a sea trans or wash of effects. ... just as quickly as the tracks escalate and intensify, just as quickly the distraught will dissipate into vivid fumes of sound effects,"Although Sula's frequent musical distraught onstage workouts can turn out to be abrasive, they are always timed to follow the flow of music, causing what might otherwise be a caustic mindmelter to look almost meditative and hypnotizing. And just as quickly as the tracks escalate and intensify, just as quickly the distraught will disperse into vivid fumes of sound effects, once again leaving Lula and Schnitzler to fend for themselves (a job they are more than capable of). The German group is far-reaching in scope and they were apparently born out of a longing for the lost times of Krautrock. Their style of rock psychedelic acid is almost spiritual in capacity, and the scope of their traces makes them almost like small rituals in themselves. The four songs on "Theory of mind" were recorded live and as such have that natural dynamic that only live recordings have. This is definitely a way to experience a band like Electric Moon if you don't get to see them live. They are called "real psychedelic experience", and these are not just empty words. "Theory of mind" determines their identity as an inductor of psychedelic phenomena.ladislav&zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-13 01:01:01

.......Psihodelični, uvijek transformirajući Rorschach-test
Za one koji nisu upoznati s Electric Moonom, oni su njemački trio koji su 2009. godine osnovali basist i slikar Komet Lulu, istaknuti šef diskografske kuće Sulatron, gitarist i praktičar acid-švaba Sula Bassana i bubnjar Pablo Carneval. Carnevala je kasnije zamijenio Marcus Schnitzler. Iako je Sula imao dugu karijeru u raznim psych bendovima, Electric Moon je najnoviji izlaz za svoje brbljanje. Electric Moon tvori ujedinjenu frontu modernih i podzemnih psihodeličnih bendova zajedno s Ufomammutom, Yurijem Gagarinom, Øresund Space Collectiveom i Baby Woodroseom.Električni Zvuk Moona je, na "Budei uma" kao i na njihovom zapisima, u stanjug toka. Ustanjući se i izmičući kroz masu šarenih struja, satia dinamika trojca oštra je kao i njihova glazba. Luluove debele bas linije zajedno sa Schnitzlerovimvigim bubnjanjem sna stroge i snažne temelje za izgradnju radova na drvosječa gitare, efekata, sintisajzera i pretinci. Najhani album grupe zračiskim zrakama i sjaji sjajem koji malo tko može napraviti mantrama groovy basa koji je morski trans ialnih pranjem efekata."... jednako brzo kao što tragovi eskaliraju i pojačavaju se, jednako brzo će se izbezumljeni raspršiti u živopisne pare zvučnih efekata,"Iako Sulini česti glazbeni izbezumljeni treninzi na pozornici mogu ispasti abrazivni, uvijek su tempirani da prate tijek glazbe, uzrokujući da ono što bi inače mogao biti kaustična mindmelterica izgleda gotovo meditativno i hipnotizirajuće. I jednako brzo kao što tragovi eskaliraju i pojačavaju se, jednako brzo će se izbezumljeni raspršiti u živopisne pare zvučnih efekata, još jednom ostavljajući Lulu i Schnitzler da se brinu za sebe (posao za koji su više nego sposobni).Njemačka skupina dalekosežna je u svom opsegu i očito su rođeni iz čežnje za izgubljenim vremenima Krautrocka. Njihov stil stijene psihodelične kiseline gotovo je duhovnog kapaciteta, a opseg njihovih tragova čini ih gotovo poput malih rituala u sebi. Četiri pjesme na "Teoriji uma" snimljene su uživo i kao takve imaju onu prirodnu dinamiku koju imaju samo snimke uživo. Ovo je definitivno način da doživite bend poput Electric Moona ako ih nemate priliku vidjeti uživo. Nazivaju se "pravim psihodeličnim iskustvom", a to nisu samo prazne riječi. "Teorija uma" određuje njihov identitet kao induktora psihodeličnih pojava.ladislav&zivanovic………….

ladislav zivanovic 2022-02-13 01:06:44

.......Psychédélique, toujours transformant Rorschach-test
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas Electric Moon, il s’agit du trio allemand fondé en 2009 par le bassiste et peintre Komet Lulu, l’éminent patron du label sulatron, guitariste et praticien du kraut acide Sula Bassana et le batteur Pablo Carneval. Carneval fut plus tard remplacé par Marcus Schnitzler. Bien que Sula ait eu une longue carrière dans divers groupes de psych, Electric Moon est le dernier exutoire pour ses bavardages. Electric Moon forme un front uni de groupes psychédéliques modernes et underground avec Ufomammut, Yuri Gagarin, Øresund Space Collective et Baby Woodrose.The son électrique de la lune est, sur « Budei uma » ainsi que sur leurs pistes, dans un état de flux. Se mettre en marche à travers une masse de courants colorés, les heures de dynamique de trio sont aussi nettes que leur musique. Les lignes de basse épaisses de Lulu ainsi que la vigueur de Schnitzler tambouriner de sommeil sont une base stricte et puissante pour la construction de travaux sur la guitare bûcheron, effets, synthétiseurs et compartiments. L’album le plus cool du groupe avec des rayons rayons rayonnants et brille avec une lueur que peu peuvent faire les mantras de basse groovy qui est un sea trans ou lavage d’effets. ... tout aussi rapidement que les pistes s’intensifient et s’intensifient, tout aussi rapidement la désemparée se dissipera en fumées vives d’effets sonores,"Bien que les séances d’entraînement musicales désemparées fréquentes de Sula sur scène peuvent s’avérer abrasifs, ils sont toujours chronométrés pour suivre le flux de la musique, provoquant ce qui pourrait autrement être une fonderie d’esprit caustique à regarder presque méditatif et hypnotisant. Et tout aussi rapidement que les pistes s’intensifient et s’intensifient, tout aussi rapidement le désemparé se dispersera dans des fumées vives d’effets sonores, laissant une fois de plus Lula et Schnitzler à se débrouiller par eux-mêmes (un travail dont ils sont plus que capables). Le groupe allemand a une portée considérable et ils sont apparemment nés d’un désir pour les temps perdus de Krautrock. Leur style d’acide psychédélique rock est presque spirituel dans la capacité, et la portée de leurs traces les rend presque comme de petits rituels en eux-mêmes. Les quatre chansons sur « Theory of mind » ont été enregistrées en direct et en tant que telles ont cette dynamique naturelle que seuls les enregistrements en direct ont. C’est certainement une façon de faire l’expérience d’un groupe comme Electric Moon si vous n’avez pas l’air de les voir en direct. Ils sont appelés « véritable expérience psychédélique », et ce ne sont pas seulement des mots vides. « Théorie de l’esprit » détermine leur identité en tant qu’inducteur de phénomènes psychédéliques.ladislav&zivanovic.............