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Farm &The Innermost Limits..Of Pure Fun ..1968 Full Album...

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-05-10 17:59:57

Legendarna nezavisna snimka soundtracka klasičnog surf filma The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun iz1968. Soundtrack je napisala, izvela i producirala američka surferska grupa Farm.
Glavni gitarist Farma Denny Aaberg bio je strastveni surfer, a kasnije je postao poznati pisac surfanja;
film Velika srijeda (1978.) temelji se na njegovom romanu o njegovoj surferskoj mladosti. Ostali članovi Farme su basist Phill Pritchard, gitarist Ernie Knapp, koji su svirali s Beach Boysima 1980-ih i 90-ih, te braća Dragon Doug i Dennis (orgulje i bubnjevi na ovom soundtracku). Dennis također ima beach boys link, nakon što je učinio dobar posao za njih. Dennis je postao zaposleni producent surf soundtracka 1970-ih, rano je radio s Van Halenom i bio je član Surf Punksa. Dodatni glazbenik na ovom soundtracku je Daryl Dragon (kapetan u filmu "Captain & Tennille"), koji je surađivao s Dennisom Wilsonom. Daryl & Dennis Dragon producirali su oko 30 albuma u svom studiju u Malibuu.
Ovaj album je jedino izdanje ovog povijesnog surferskog kvintetaFilm je vrlo poznat i donio je "ulični" stil stvaranja epohe za surfanje filmovima sljedećih desetljeća, a još uvijek je dugogodišnji miljenik mnogih
ljudi. Fine soundtrack izvedbe Farma pomogle su u promicanju uličnog osjećaja filma. Nema Annette, nema Jan & Dean, nema zabave na plaži više. Ljudi su se složili da je soundtrack, jazz, blues & psychedelia temeljen na, bio potpuno ogroman i rodio novi stil surfanja. Trippy & maštoviti zvukovi dobro se slažu s atmosferom Greenough filma.
Soundtrack ima jaku reputaciju na temelju reakcije gledatelja.
Međutim, unatoč slavi od riječi do usta, postojanje originalnog soundtrack albuma bilo je poznato samo ozbiljnim kolekcionarima ploča ili surferima, jer je objavljen privatno (izvorni LP nema zasluge za izdavačku kuću ili adresu), sa samo 1000 prestišanih primjeraka. Distribucija je bila ograničena na zapadnu obalu SAD-a, uglavnom surf trgovine, s određenom distribucijom narudžbi pošte. Album je ilegalno izdan (s drugačijom naslovnicom) početkom 1970-ih u Australiji.
Iako je Greenough poznat po svom vrhunskom radu s podvodnim kamerama na Veliku srijedu i kasnijem surf klasiku Crystal Voyager , Innermost Limits of Pure Fun je ishodište njegovog rada....... neobična glazbena kemija postala je vidljiva na našem prvom džemu. Dennyjev kamp je bio orijentiran na blues. Mi Dragon boysi smo došli iz jazza. Neki od naših utjecaja bili su Les McCann, Martin Denny, Mose Allison, The Jazz Crusaders, Oscar Peterson i svidjela mi se većina bebop umjetnika na diskografskoj kući Blue Note. Kakva kombinacija! .... Počeli smo razrađivati aranžmane pjesama koje je Denny htio snimiti i postalo mi je očito da u to vrijeme radimo nešto vrlo glazbeno jedinstveno. Denny je smislio ime benda Farm na temelju raznolikosti glazbenih stilova koji se spajaju. Za njega je to predstavljalo različite usjeve koji rastu na istom polju. Trippy! (Dennis Dragon, iz linije bilješke)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-05-10 17:58:11

The legendary independent recording of the soundtrack of the classic surf movie The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun from 1968. The soundtrack was written, performed and produced by the American surf group Farm.
Farm lead guitarist Denny Aaberg was a passionate surfer and later became a famous surfing writer;
the film Holy Wednesday (1978) is based on his novel about his surfer youth. Other members of The Farm are bassist Phill Pritchard, guitarist Ernie Knapp, who played with the Beach Boys in the 1980s and 90s, and brothers Dragon Doug and Dennis (organ and drums on this soundtrack). Dennis also has a beach boys link, having done a good job for them. Dennis became a busy surf soundtrack producer in the 1970s, worked early with Van Halen and was a member of the Surf Punks. An additional musician on this soundtrack is Daryl Dragon (captain in the movie “Captain & Tennille”), who collaborated with Dennis Wilson. Daryl & Dennis Dragon have produced about 30 albums at their Malibu studio.
This album is the only release of this historical surfing quintet.
People. Farm’s fine soundtrack performances helped promote the film’s street feel. No Annette, no Jan & Dean, no beach fun anymore. People agreed that the soundtrack, jazz, blues & psychedelia based on, was completely huge and gave birth to a new style of surfing. Trippy & imaginative sounds go well with the atmosphere of Greenough film.
The soundtrack has a strong reputation based on viewer reaction.
However, despite word-of-mouth fame, the existence of the original soundtrack album was known only to serious record collectors or surfers, as it was released privately (the original LP has no credit for the record label or address), with only 1,000 prestigious copies. Distribution was limited to the west coast of the U.S., mostly surf shops, with some distribution of mail orders. The album was illegally released (with a different cover) in the early 1970s in Australia.
Although Greenough is known for his superb work with underwater cameras on Holy Wednesday and the later surf classic Crystal Voyager, Innermost Limits of Pure Fun is the starting point of his work ....... unusual musical chemistry became visible on our first jam. Denny’s camp was blues-oriented. We Dragon boys came from jazz. Some of our influences were Les McCann, Martin Denny, Mose Allison, The Jazz Crusaders, Oscar Peterson and I liked most of the bebop artists at Blue Note. What a combination! .... We started working out the arrangements of the songs that Denny wanted to record and it became obvious to me that we were doing something very musically unique at the time. Denny came up with the name of the band Farm based on the variety of musical styles that come together. For him, it represented different crops growing in the same field. Trippy! (Dennis Dragon, from the note line)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-05-10 17:54:04

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