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Captain Marryat &Captain Marryat....1974..Full Album......

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Comments (archived 2022-10-02 12:11; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-12 03:59:20

Un autre album ultra-rare trouvé dans le monde des blogs. J’ai repéré cela et j’ai pensé que j’avais lu la tache qui l’accompagne et il s’avère que ce type de groupe prog écossais a enregistré cet album un jour alors qu’il était dans le studio local pour enregistrer un single et enfin enregistrer cela. En privé, il a été mis en vente lors de leurs concerts, et seulement 250 ont été faites. Maintenant, cet album a disparu dans l’obscurité complète, connu seulement de ceux qui l’ont enregistré et de quelques-uns qui l’ont apporté. Il a récemment frappé le marché des collectionneurs, avec plusieurs exemplaires vendus sur e-bay pour plus de 3 000 euros. Cela a fait monter ma curiosité et j’ai dû entendre à quoi ressemblait un achat aussi coûteux. Évidemment, les collectionneurs n’achètent pas seulement pour le contenu musical, comme moi, mais la rareté du disque est le principal catalyseur du prix ainsi que de l’état, mais je suppose que la musique dans les objets de collection depuis cette croissance a eu un certain mérite. Heureusement, cet album est étonnamment bon et je l’apprécie vraiment pendant que je tape. Type prog étendu de confitures alimentées par l’orgue et le très bon travail de guitare et la section rythmique compétente font pour un album cool. Dance Of Thor est la meilleure chanson, mais il n’y a pas de chansons faibles sur l’ensemble de l’album. La voix est une faiblesse majeure pour moi. Mon score est de 3.5/5.............&Ladislav&Zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-12 03:57:51

Još jedan iznimno rijedak album pronađen u svijetu blogova. Uočio sam ovo i pomislio da sam pročitao mrlju koja je išla uz to i ispostavilo se da je taj škotski prog bend snimio ovaj album jednog dana dok je bio u lokalnom studiju kako bi snimio singl i konačno snimio ovo. Privatno je bio pritisnut na prodaju na njihovim koncertima, a napravljeno ih je samo 250. Sada je ovaj album nestao u potpunoj nejasnoći, poznat samo onima koji su ga snimili i nekolicini koji su ga donijeli. Nedavno se pojavila na kolekcionarskom tržištu, s nekoliko prodanih primjeraka na e-bayu za više od 3.000 eura. To mi je pokuhalo znatiželju i morao sam čuti kako zvuči tako skupa kupnja. Očito kolekcionari ne kupuju samo za glazbeni sadržaj, poput mene, već je rijetkost ploče glavni katalizator cijene i stanja, ali pretpostavljam da je glazba na kolekcionarskim predmetima od tog rasta imala neke zasluge. Srećom, ovaj album je iznenađujuće dobar i stvarno uživam u njemu dok tipkam. Prošireni Prog tip džemova pogonjen orguljama i vrlo dobar gitarski rad i kompetentna ritam sekcija čine cool album. Dance Of Thor je najbolja pjesma, ali na cijelom albumu nema slabih pjesama. Vokali su mi velika slabost. Moj rezultat je 3.5/5................&Ladislav&Zivanović...................

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-12 03:58:39

Another ultra-rare album found in the world of blogs. I spotted this and thought I'd read the stain that went with it and it turns out this Scottish prog band type recorded this album one day while he was in the local studio to record a single and finally record this. Privately, he was pressed for sale at their concerts, and only 250 were made. Now this album has disappeared into complete obscurity, known only to those who recorded it and to the few who brought it. It recently hit the collectors' market, with several copies sold on e-bay for more than 3,000 euros. It cooked up my curiosity and I had to hear what such an expensive purchase sounds like. Obviously collectors don't just buy for music content, like me, but the rarity of the record is the main catalyst for price as well as condition, but I suppose the music in collectibles since that growth has had some merit. Luckily, this album is surprisingly good and I really enjoy it as I type. Extended Prog type of jams powered by organ and very good guitar work and competent rhythm section make for a cool album. Dance Of Thor is the best song, but there are no weak songs on the whole album. Vocals are a major weakness for me. My score is 3.5/5.............&Ladislav&Zivanovic.............

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-12 04:01:09

Another ultra-rare album found in the world of blogs. I spotted this and thought I'd read the stain that went with it and it turns out this Scottish prog band type recorded this album one day while he was in the local studio to record a single and finally record this. Privately, he was pressed for sale at their concerts, and only 250 were made. Now this album has disappeared into complete obscurity, known only to those who recorded it and to the few who brought it. It recently hit the collectors' market, with several copies sold on e-bay for more than 3,000 euros. It cooked up my curiosity and I had to hear what such an expensive purchase sounds like. Obviously collectors don't just buy for music content, like me, but the rarity of the record is the main catalyst for price as well as condition, but I suppose the music in collectibles since that growth has had some merit. Luckily, this album is surprisingly good and I really enjoy it as I type. Extended Prog type of jams powered by organ and very good guitar work and competent rhythm section make for a cool album. Dance Of Thor is the best song, but there are no weak songs on the whole album. Vocals are a major weakness for me. My score is 3.5/5.............&Ladislav&Zivanovic.............