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Bobby&McFerrin...Full Concert .........+

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Comments (archived 2022-10-04 03:04; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-05 23:50:34

Dear people I have re-set this, just for one reason because I love and respect this man.., and also to the search for my friends and the overall audience so you know..,Thank you to everyone who supports me in this what I do and I AM HERE OUT OF LOVE FOR MUSIC AND PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT IN TASTE AND QUALITY OF MUSICAL MOMENT.... Thank you to everyone who is on my channel and he no matter who comes or will come a big thank you with God's Blessing on all of us... Doro come and thank you very much.. End of story... Ladislav&Z.......Canada!!!

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-05 23:55:08

+Biografija///+Rođen 11. ožujka 1950. u New Yorku, New York, SAD
Ime rođenja Robert Keith McFerrin Jr. Bobby McFerrin rođen je 11. ožujka 1950. u New Yorku, New York, SAD kao Robert Keith McFerrin Jr. U braku je s Debbie Green od 18. listopada 1975. godine. Imaju troje djece. Debbie Green (18. listopada 1975. - danas) / 3 djece/Žig Trivijalnost (7)
Ima vokalni raspon od četiri oktave.
Sin opernog pjevača Roberta McFerrina .
Njegova pjesma "Don't Worry Be Happy" otišla je na broj 1 na američkim top listama u rujnu 1988. Zatim je osvojio Grammy za "najboljeg muškog pop vokala", "Najbolju pjesmu" i "Album godine". Na njegovu žalost i bez dopuštenja, "Ne brini se budi sretan" korišten je u kampanji za reizbor Georgea Busha.
Njegova pjesma "Don't Worry, Be Happy" bila je prva "a capella" pjesma na vrhu top ljestvica
Gostovao je u mnogim orkestrima i zborovima diljem zemlje, ali je imao svoje prvo iskustvo dirigirajući koncertnim sastavom u Stevens Pointu u Wisconsinu gdje je dirigirao Ansamblima vjetra iz srednje škole UW-Stevens Point i Stevens Point Area.
Njegova skladba "23. psalam (posvećen mojoj majci)" usvojena je kao himna Unitarno-univerzalističke udruge, a pojavljuje se u njihovoj dopunskoj himni "Singing the Journey" (Himna # 1038).
Otac Madison McFerrin, Jevon McFerrin i Taylor McFerrin. (1)
Poznat po svojim vokalnim udaraljkama i a cappella pjevanju///+LADISLAV&Z... ....KANADA!!!

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-05 23:53:32

+Biography///+Born March 11, 1950 in New York City, New York, USA
Birth Name Robert Keith McFerrin Jr.Bobby McFerrin was born on March 11, 1950 in New York City, New York, USA as Robert Keith McFerrin Jr. He has been married to Debbie Green since October 18, 1975. They have three children.Debbie Green (18 October 1975 - present) / 3 children/Trade Mark Trivia (7)
Has a four-octave vocal range.
Son of opera singer Robert McFerrin .
His song, "Don't Worry Be Happy," went to #1 on the U.S. charts September of 1988. He then won the Grammy for "best Male Pop Vocalist," "Best Song," and "Record of the Year." To his dismay and without permission, "Don't Worry Be Happy" was used in George Bush's reelection campaign.
His "Don't Worry, Be Happy" was the first "a capella" song to top the charts
Has guest conducted many orchestras and choirs across the country but had his first experience conducting a concert band in Stevens Point, Wisconsin where he conducted the Wind Ensembles from UW-Stevens Point and Stevens Point Area Senior High School.
His composition "The 23rd Psalm (Dedicated to My Mother)" was adopted as a hymn by the Unitarian-Universalist Association, and appears in their supplemental hymnal "Singing the Journey" (Hymn # 1038).
Father of Madison McFerrin, Jevon McFerrin and Taylor McFerrin.(1)
Known for his vocal percussion and a cappella singing///+/ / + LADISLAV &Z ... ....CANADA!!!

ladislav zivanovic 2021-12-05 23:56:02

+Biographie////+Né le 11 mars 1950 à New York, New York, États-Unis
Le nom de naissance Robert Keith McFerrin Jr. Bobby McFerrin est né le 11 mars 1950 à New York, New York, États-Unis sous le nom de Robert Keith McFerrin Jr. Il est marié à Debbie Green depuis le 18 octobre 1975. Ils ont trois enfants. Debbie Green (18 octobre 1975 - présent) / 3 enfants/Žig Trivia (7)
Il a une gamme vocale de quatre octaves.
Fils du chanteur d’opéra Robert McFerrin .
Sa chanson « Don’t Worry Be Happy » est devenue numéro 1 dans les charts américains en septembre 1988. Il a ensuite remporté un Grammy pour « Meilleur chanteur pop masculin », « Meilleure chanson » et « Album de l’année ». Malheureusement pour lui et sans permission, « Ne vous inquiétez pas, soyez heureux » a été utilisé dans la campagne de réélection de George Bush.
Sa chanson « Don’t Worry, Be Happy » a été la première chanson « a capella » à être en tête des charts
Il s’est produit dans de nombreux orchestres et chœurs à travers le pays, mais a eu sa première expérience à la direction d’un orchestre de concert à Stevens Point dans le Wisconsin où il a dirigé des ensembles à vent de l’école secondaire UW-Stevens Point et de la région de Stevens Point.
Sa composition « Le 23ème Psaume (dédié à ma mère) » a été adoptée comme hymne par l’Association unitarno-universaliste, et apparaît dans leur hymne supplémentaire « Chanter le voyage ».
Père Madison McFerrin, Jevon McFerrin et Taylor McFerrin. (1)
Connu pour ses percussions vocales et son chant a cappella / / / + LADISLAV &Z ... .... CANADA!!!