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Ban NFTs!

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Comments (archived 2023-05-27 09:55; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ZETA 2022-01-27 04:26:41


fission 22 2021-12-23 11:59:49

I think their dumb but not ban able nor crypto. For one NFTs are no different than collectable playing cards part from the fact that they are digital, you can earn money for selling and buying playing cards so what’s wrong if it’s in a digital form. Second of all how is crypto any different than real world money? They both change in value and can both make money off of. You can trade (buy and sell) crypto as well as trade irl money from different countries to make money. Do some research into both and you’ll see but remember to keep an open mind bec if you go and research with the mantality of this is a scam wrong not going to value the information given.

I’ll leave on this note, we find art value bill so why not have it in a digital form. And when it comes to art being stolen it can’t bec there’s and open place where you can see who owns what, it’s called the block chain, research the block chain as well.

Dulcet Nuance 2022-02-01 21:37:04

Stealing art is bad, don't get me wrong, but NFTs as a whole are just like any other digital asset and I doubt they are gonna go away as long as there's profit to be made. I like the fact that cryptocurrency as a whole has the ability to be decentralized and therefore gives banks far less power and monopoly over everyone's money. There's already places (like China) that do ban cryptocurrency for that exact reason. In a capitalist society, it helps nobody to outright ban the purchase of things that don't have to necessarily cause harm. It makes far more sense to have them legal and well regulated. Like guns for example.

betelplayer 2021-12-21 20:18:17

idk what's more repetitive looking ,bullet trains or nfts!