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Satin Whale...Whalecome..978..Full Album......

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Comments (archived 2022-11-21 21:09; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-25 20:47:21

Wolfgang Hieronymi
Satin Whale was a German progressive rock band formed in the early 1970s. Their basic style combined elements of jazz fusion and symphonic rock music, with a prominent guitar, organ, flute and saxophone. The band's first album, Desert Places, was released in 1974 from then until 1979, and the band released a total of six albums. The last album, Don't Stop the Showiz in the 1980s, featured the addition of singer Barry Palmer's triumvirata and a more commercial, more rock-oriented sound. LAADISLAV&Z...

rafael braga 2021-08-25 21:00:39

Great sound and band ! 👏👏👏👏

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-25 20:48:07

Wolfgang Hieronymi
Satin Whale était un groupe de rock progressif allemand formé au début des années 1970. Leur style de base combinait des éléments de jazz fusion et de musique rock symphonique, avec une guitare, un orgue, une flûte et un saxophone proéminents. Le premier album du groupe, Desert Places, est sorti en 1974 jusqu’en 1979, et le groupe a sorti un total de six albums. Le dernier album, Don’t Stop the Showiz dans les années 1980, comprenait l’ajout du triumvirata du chanteur Barry Palmer et un son plus commercial et plus rock. LAADISLAV&Z...

ladislav zivanovic 2021-08-25 20:46:47

Wolfgang Hieronymi
Satin Whale bio je njemački progresivni rock bend osnovan početkom 70-ih. Njihov osnovni stil kombinirao je elemente jazz fuzije i simfonijske rock glazbe, s istaknutom gitarom, orguljama, flautom i saksofonom. Prvi album grupe, Desert Places, izašao je 1974. od tada do 1979. godine sastav je objavio ukupno šest albuma. Posljednji album, Don't Stop the Showiz 1980-ih, sadržavao je dodatak triumvirata pjevača Barryja Palmera i komercijalniji zvuk koji je više orijentiran na rock.LAADISLAV&Z...

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