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NON-BLIND Reaction/Review: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

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Comments (archived 2024-03-07 06:58; 37 top, 44 total comments)

@ponybroiguess384 2022-07-25 16:05:20

You really thought I’d upload one movie at a time? With lord of the rings? Hell nah. Now I just need my eyes to recover from Return of the King.

Replies (2)
@ernstfriedricheckhoff4652 2022-07-25 23:24:03

You can do the next one with said eyes closed. A real blind reaction.

@tseglun584 2022-07-25 16:12:31

Speaking of kings, you dropped this 👑

@tseglun584 2022-07-25 16:34:34

The LoTR books was largely considered to be a very serious challenge to properly make a film adaptation of, and many directors avoided the project because of it. It's truly amazing how well this trilogy turned out, not only for its time, but also for how well it still holds up

@equinoxomega3600 2022-07-25 16:21:11

I remember watching all three of them in the cinema, when they came out and the last one during my military service while on a deployment as recreational activity after duty (which means that the military paid the ticket for me).

@scribblez984 2022-07-25 16:09:41

ur literally my favorite youtuber

@SpacialRend7 2022-07-25 17:17:02

This film series is legendary! I remember starting out with Fellowship of the Ring on vhs and then experiencing the Two Towers and Return of the King on the big screen. Thanks for revisiting the Lord of the Rings films, man! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on each of the.🙂

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@winter2716 2022-07-30 03:16:59 (edited 2022-08-02 06:02:24 )

If this were two months earlier, it would have been blind for me. But alas, after putting it off for years, I finally watched the trilogy back in early June.

That being said, I’m still looking forward to watching your reactions! This will be only my second time seeing these movies, so I’m sure your commentary will help me notice details I missed the first time around.

@cloudyheather3770 2022-07-25 16:35:19

So excited to watch these with you!! I watched Hobbit a few years ago, but never got around to watch LOTR

@vman7310 2022-07-25 16:37:23

I remember going on a Lord of the Rings binge including the hobbit movies with my brother on a big flat screen we got on a Black Friday. These are some of my favorite fantasy movies of all time so it will be nice to revisit them.

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@robertdona8076 2022-07-26 23:46:54

Fun fact : Actor Christopher Lee wasn't called to play Saruman, he all but begged to play the role.
Behind the scenes he said he knew there was going to be a movie based on the books one day so he prepared for years for this role by reading all the books.

P.S. he even spoke Black Speech fluently during an interview.

@lyra6096 2022-07-26 07:22:10

I did need an excuse to rewatch the entire trilogy so REALLY I appreciate this!

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@winter2716 2022-08-02 06:01:54

Okay, it took me four nights, but I finally finished! Because you watched the extended editions, it actually was partially blind for me (I only saw the theatrical versions back in June)!

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@twilightsparkle8305 2022-07-26 03:25:59

My favorite movie series. Ur a legend

@coitusergosum2447 2022-07-25 21:23:44 (edited 2022-07-25 21:29:19 )

Even though this isn't a blind reaction for you, it's great! I never had an opportunity to just sit down and watch these movies to their fullest, since I've caught glimpses on TV and clips from social media.

It's a neat little change, now that I'm the one that's mostly watching blind this time, and I'm sure a few other viewers too

So yeah! Can't wait to jump in right after I post this

@overlordsalem2706 2022-07-25 21:28:09 (edited 2022-07-25 21:28:19 )

Funny thing I just realized, I have seen these movies many times but I have never seen the extended versions. So this is kind of a first for me

Replies (1)
@winter2716 2022-08-02 06:04:51


@asiaceasar9635 2022-07-26 00:49:32

Fun Fact: When Aragon (I think that's his name) was kicking the last helmet it was a real one instead of a prop and he broke his toes or toe, so when he screamed, he was in real pain.

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Replies (2)
@free2sigh197 2022-09-15 09:56:11

@@winter2716 wuz in the second one (two towers) as the trio wuz after the uruks and finaly found them burned to death by the rohirrim.

@winter2716 2022-08-02 06:11:15

Which movie was this?

@free2sigh197 2022-09-13 05:51:15

"Rohan. Home of the ponybros."

Just couldn't resist 😁✨

@TheBlackQueen 2023-04-07 02:24:15

This will be my first Blind watch of this series. I only know of the bits and scenes I've seen in passing but I don't know anything apart from those

@twilightsparkle8305 2022-07-29 01:24:38

when Sam walked into the lake to go with Froto he stepped on a broken bottle and fucked up his foot real bad. Id really recommend watching the behind the scenes!

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@andrewvaldez8866 2022-07-25 16:28:05

Absolutely amazing as usual I don’t know if you would want to but I’d highly highly recommend watching or reacting to the lord of the rings behind the scenes they are probably the best behind the scenes I’ve seen just like the movies

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@albedo5455 2022-07-25 22:41:02

Imagine if someone combined the ending of LOTR and "Let The Magic of Friendship Grow". I think Ponybro might go into a coma lol.

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@CartoonFestival22 2022-07-26 13:06:42

I never watched lord of the rings.. well there's a first time for everything

@ernstfriedricheckhoff4652 2022-07-26 01:06:10

You seem like an elf fan. Personally, I always preferred the dwarves.

@coitusergosum2447 2022-07-28 11:36:16

Finally finished the last reaction. Apparently, MEGA doesn't let you play beyond a certain "data limit", so I had to switch to the Bitchute version of the 3rd movie not even half way through.

On a lighter note, I teared up a lot. Partially because of the speeches, and mainly because it's a chain reaction from seeing you cry.

Thanks for uploading this!

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Replies (1)
@winter2716 2022-08-02 06:07:42

I had the same problem with Mega. Luckily, the Bitchute quality didn’t seem all that bad.

@chrisprata4936 2022-08-10 12:54:55

You should do “The Hobbit” trilogy next

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@BaileeFerguson82 2022-07-26 21:57:35 (edited 2022-07-26 22:05:38 )

If you have enough time it would be awesome to see you do a reaction to the High School Musical trilogy, the Descendants trilogy, the Disney Zombies trilogy and the show Stranger Things that is if you've seen them already 😊

@Nechay. 2022-07-25 16:45:26

Waiting Hobbit from you)

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@zharziss 2022-07-25 16:42:58

I had nothing to do today anyway!

@masterfire416 2022-07-25 17:15:41

Haven’t started watching yet, so not sure if you say this or not, but are you going to do The Hobbit movies as well?

Replies (1)
@ponybroiguess384 2022-07-25 21:02:08

As of right now I don’t think so, but who knows, I might eventually.

@mapleleafforever109 2022-07-25 16:25:59

Awesome, can't wait to watch. Could you please react to Phineas and Ferb. And maybe Prince of Egypt and Brother Bear?

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@robertdona8076 2022-07-25 19:46:14

To this day the special effects are superior to most films now. I loved watching behind the scenes for these films, because of how crazy and new these techniques were back then; they basically paved the way for most companies that create movie effects now.

@stamefox1222 2022-08-13 04:01:42

I know I’m late, but awesome reaction

@skittles6412 2022-07-27 01:59:20

I am, a mad man.

@free2sigh197 2022-07-26 10:29:10

Gooosh those shudders from back then in thu early 2000s 🥲☺️☺️✨
Still feels thu same no matter how often I rewatch those movies! Already knew ya're some man of culture, but just listen to your talk in thu intro make it clear, ya're THU man of culture 😁☺️✨

Btw: maybe just me, but ya kinda look like Merry Brandybock those days - well.. just thu face 'f course but looks very similar to me 🤔😉✨

@overlordsalem2706 2022-07-25 21:16:03

Everything about these films are spectacular. The actors, costumes, the long sweeping shots of New Zealand to both digital and practical effects.
Its a shame that they went so CGI heavy in the Hobbit movies.

@zachgaxiola5187 2022-12-24 21:33:33

The bitchute links got blocked due to copyright and I can't watch them on mega either, darn shame

@coltonmyers4945 2022-07-27 03:35:01

Have you seen Stranger things?
And will you be reacting to rings of power when it comes out?

@twilightsparkle8305 2022-07-26 03:25:45
