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Grootna&Grootna...1971 FULL ALBUM Psychedelic Rock....

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Comments (archived 2022-10-04 06:43; 4 top, 5 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2022-01-10 16:16:39

Grootna was one of those soul-blues-rock bands that appeared after Janis Joplin, such as Cold Blood and Smith. On this, their only LP, all but one of them are sung by Annie Rizzo. Overall, I find the album a little too uneven to be a really pleasant listen; several highlights ("Going to Canada," "Blues young women") are scattered among other songs that range from pretty good ("Full-time Woman") to decent ("Waitin' for My Ship," "Customs") to semi-cringeworthy ("I'm Funky," "Road Fever," "Your Granny Loves You/I She It"). "I'm Funky," which begins the album, is really a bit funky but more bluesy, with a little Dr. John-style New Orleans gumbo mixed; Rizzo's vocals are reminiscent of the relatively restrained Aretha Franklin. The next song, "Road Fever," has a similar sound, but with male vocals, and feels a bit like Little Feat. It ends in soul-revue style, with instruments coming one by one. "Going to Canada" is my favorite song on the album; it has some evangelical and rural influences, and the vocalist is something like Janis Joplin, but with a little Maria Muldaur. The last A-side song, "Waitin' for My Ship," is a magnificent Van Morrison-style soul tune with a horn section. Page B starts with "That's What You Get," which has a chugging Memphis-soul rhythm and more Aretha-ish vocals. This is followed by "Full Time Woman," a rather touching ballad. The next song, a cover of Bessie Smith's "Young Woman's Blues," gets a treatment that's a lot of fun. "Customs" has something of a Memphis sound again and some Dylanesque lyrics. The last song, "Your Grandma Loves You/I She It", is a rather funny song with a horn section and a touch of Sly Stone-style funk.LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC.......

Susie Fairfield 2022-01-10 16:33:09

Ride on! GROOTNA!
Grootna was a group based in Berkeley, CA, formed in 1971 by singer Anna Rizzo, lead guitarist Vic Smith, pianist Richard Sussman, rhythm guitarist Slim Chance (a/k/a Austin DeLone), bassist Kelly Bryan, and drummer Dewey DaGrease (a/k/a Greg Dewey). The band acquired well-known San Francisco concert promoter Bill Graham as its manager and signed a contract with Columbia Records. Its self-titled debut album was produced by former Jefferson Airplane member Marty Balin and released in December 1971. It did not chart. Grootna continued to perform around the Bay Area into the summer of 1972, then broke up, after which former members joined with Balin in another short-lived band, Bodacious D.F.

Replies (1)
ladislav zivanovic 2022-01-21 09:58:27

Yes so., I know this information I have in the collection all thank you very much and welcome always!!!

ladislav zivanovic 2022-01-10 16:17:20

Grootna était l’un de ces groupes soul-blues-rock qui sont apparus après Janis Joplin, comme Cold Blood et Smith. Sur ce, leur seul LP, tous sauf un d’entre eux sont chantés par Annie Rizzo. Dans l’ensemble, je trouve l’album un peu trop inégal pour être une écoute vraiment agréable; plusieurs faits saillants (« Going to Canada », « Blues young women ») sont dispersés parmi d’autres chansons qui vont de assez bon (« Full-time Woman ») à décent (« Waitin' for My Ship », « Customs ») à semi-cringeworthy (« I’m Funky », « Road Fever », « Your Granny Loves You / I She It »). « I’m Funky », qui commence l’album, est vraiment un peu funky mais plus bluesy, avec un peu de gumbo de la Nouvelle-Orléans de style Dr. John mélangé; La voix de Rizzo rappelle celle d’Aretha Franklin, relativement sobre. La chanson suivante, « Road Fever », a un son similaire, mais avec une voix masculine, et se sent un peu comme Little Feat. Il se termine dans le style soul-revue, avec des instruments venant un par un. « Going to Canada » est ma chanson préférée sur l’album; il a quelques influences évangéliques et rurales, et la chanteuse est quelque chose comme Janis Joplin, mais avec un peu Maria Muldaur. La dernière chanson de la face A, « Waitin' for My Ship », est un magnifique air soul de style Van Morrison avec une section de cor. La page B commence par « That’s What You Get », qui a un rythme memphis-soul chugging et plus de voix Aretha-ish. Ceci est suivi par « Full Time Woman », une ballade plutôt touchante. La chanson suivante, une reprise de « Young Woman’s Blues » de Bessie Smith, reçoit un traitement qui est très amusant. « Customs » a quelque chose d’un son Memphis à nouveau et quelques paroles dylanesques. La dernière chanson, « Your Grandma Loves You/I She It », est une chanson plutôt drôle avec une section de cor et une touche de funk de style Sly Stone.LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC.......

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ladislav zivanovic 2022-01-10 16:16:15

Grootna je bila jedan od onih soul-blues-rock bendova koji su se pojavili nakon Janis Joplin, kao što su Cold Blood i Smith. Na ovom, njihovom jedinom LP-u, sve pjesme osim jedne pjeva Annie Rizzo. Sve u svemu, smatram da je album malo previše neujednačen da bi bio stvarno ugodno slušanje; nekoliko vrhunaca ("Odlazak u Kanadu", "Blues mlade žene") razasuti su među ostalim pjesmama koje se kreću od prilično dobre ("Žena s punim radnim vremenom") do pristojnih ("Waitin' for My Ship", "Customs") do polu-cringeworthy ("I'm Funky", "Road Fever", "Your Baka Loves You/I She It"). "I'm Funky", koji započinje album, doista je pomalo funky, ali više bluesy, s malo Dr. John-style New Orleans gumbo pomiješan; Rizzov vokal podsjeća na relativno suzdržanu Arethu Franklin. Sljedeća pjesma, "Road Fever", ima sličan zvuk, ali s muškim vokalom, i osjeća se pomalo kao Little Feat. Završava u soul-revue stilu, s instrumentima koji dolaze jedan po jedan. "Odlazak u Kanadu" je moja omiljena pjesma na albumu; ima neke evanđeoske i seoske utjecaje, a vokal je nešto poput Janis Joplin, ali s malo Marije Muldaur. Posljednja pjesma na strani A, "Waitin' for My Ship", je veličanstvena soul melodija u stilu Van Morrisona s dijelom roga. Strana B počinje s "That's What You Get", koja ima chugging Memphis-soul ritam i još Aretha-ish vokala. Nakon toga slijedi "Full Time Woman", prilično dirljiva balada. Sljedeća pjesma, obrada pjesme Bessie Smith "Young Woman's Blues", dobiva tretman koji je jako zabavan. "Customs" opet ima nešto od Memphis zvuka i malo Dylanesque stihova. Posljednja pjesma, "Your Baka Loves You/I She It", prilično je smiješna pjesma s dijelom s rogovima i dodirom funka u stilu Sly Stonea.LADISLAV&ZIVANOVIC…….