"The Stars will aid in her escape". Twilight Sparkle has a cutie mark that looks like stars. She helped Princess Luna 'escape' her destiny of being Nightmare Moon. Thus Twilight aided in the escape of Princess Luna from her destiny of being Nightmare Moon. But she didn't do it alone. She had help from her friends and the other elements of harmony. So the stars, and the elements assisting the stars, (which could just be thought of as more stars) helped turn Princess Luna back into her original form.
Theory!!! Twilight's cutie mark IS the Stars. Therefore she's the stars. Nm is the prison,not the prisoner. The prophecy was never about NM's return, it was about luna's redemption
Here's a theory. Luna like Twilight Sparkle also had her own Mane 6 team. If the 5 stars on Twilight's Cutie Mark are her 5 friends. Then the stars who aid Luna are her friends, who due political and/or development issue, were never shown in full mare forms.
I would agree with you exepct for the fact that her cutie mark has 6 stars on them, the book only shows 4 stars ading her escape. That being said, not to mention she found out about it in a book; and there was another book following this theory. So if Twilight did help Luna escape, she would surely know about it. I think she can be the star princess, I just dont think she helped Luna escape.
Based on "Twilight's Kingdom" it looks like Celestia has a prophetic dreaming ability of some sort, so I would guess that she made the prophecy herself. It would also neatly explain why Celestia did not try to stop Nightmare Moon on her own, as she already knew that Twilight and co would handle it.
Personally, as a bit of random speculation, I think we may be reading the prophecy wrong.
"Her escape" may not refer to Nightmare Moon's return, but Luna's escape from her Nightmare Moon form.
"...And she will bring about night eternal" miiiiight actually mean "Luna will stay Luna and continue to raise the moon for Equestria for all eternity."
With these interpretations the prophecy could mean that Twilight and her friends (the stars) bring about the Luna's escape from Nightmare Moon, and Luna then rules alongside Celestial for all eternity.
I don't know, maybe I'm grasping at straws here. xD
+Psyanari SaysThings Was going to mention that; however, I don't believe we're wrong to try and interpret both sides. Double readings and meanings are a classic part of any prophecy. Usually with the first interpretation being apparent from the start (the one covered in this video), and an alternative at the end (the one you brought up).
How Luna actually escaped her prison is a worthy subject of speculation, and I'm inclined to agree that the Elements either resolve an issue or delay it.
But the stars could be talking about Twi's cutie mark, which we've learned before represents her and her friends.
So "the stars" would be the elements of harmony. And just like how discord needed a little push with the disharmony the cmcs caused, Luna needed a little push of extra magic to escape the moon. And since friendship is magic, Luna was able to escape after Twilight became friends with everyone.
Though this theory is proven false if you think about the season finale with starlight glimmer causing them to never become friends, yet Luna still escapes the moon.
In the intro to 'Mare in the Moon', it says that the 2 royal sisters 'maintained balance & harmony for all the different kinds of ponies'. When Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon, & was banished to the Moon by Celestia using the Elements of Harmony, that balance was disrupted. Nightmare Moon wasn't the prisoner, she WAS the prison (of Luna). 'The Stars will aid in her escape' refers to Luna being released from the prison of Nightmare Moon, aided by Twilight Sparkle (stars cutiemark) making true friendships, thus unlocking the full powers of the Elements of Harmony. This restored balance & harmony to Equestria, & the Elements bonded to their new guardians, the mane 6.
I like the way you think and Id like to add on to your theory "the stars" could refer to twilights cutie mark and how its stars and she aided in lunas escape from nightmare moon
@Hector A. Hernandez I think that her cutie mark represents her being the big shiny purple star and the smaller white ones representing her friends.Also,there are five smaller stars for her other five friends.HOW?I mean like she bears the most powerful element of harmony,the element of magic. (Plus even though the physical elements are gone,the mane6 and there personalities still represent the element they used to bear once).And she is the only alicorn from the mane six and the ONLY ALICORN RULER from her friends after srason 9. (I don't mean to say that she rules equestria alone.She still rules it with her friends.) But she is still an alicorn,"Making her a big star among her friends".I think that is what her cutie mark represents and means...
I think people are onto something with the third sister. For one thing, Prince Blueblood. In the episode Ticket Master, Rarity said that Blueblood was Celestia's nephew. But he isnt Luna's son, so who's son is he? Possibly the son of the third sister? And his cutie mark does make sense. If you look at it, it's two stars. Maybe it resembles one star being the princess of stars, and the other one being her spoiled son. It's just a theory. Also on the topic of cutie marks, you did point out in the video that Luna's cutie mark has no stars on it and only a moon. It probably is a giveaway that she only raises the moon. It also makes sense that the elements effects may wear off after around a thousand years, but after re-watching your video, i remembered when you said that the crusaders argument may have just been the last push. Maybe a third sister tried to release Luna from the moon and that had also been the last push to free her, as she may have been about to be freed anyways, like what happened to discord. I know my babbling might not make any sense but its all I can figure. I would be interested to hear more of your thoughts on this topic.
@***** Suggestion: they wrote Blueblood in as a character before thinking about the implications to the lore. Also, maybe he was adopted into the Royal Sisters' "family" as he had some lineage with the royal unicorns who ruled Unicornia and held power in Equestria in its pre-alicorn days.
Let me clear stuff up. +Marvel Fan I don't think he can raise the stars since he is just a unicorn, but I do think that since his cutie mark has two stars it could be a symbol of his connection to his mom even after she seemed to disappear. +janaya vinters I'm not sure they would but it would be interesting to see how it all fits. +BioniclesaurKing4t2 I guess that could be possible but you just forgot all the points I just made. I do think he could be important to the story even though we only see him twice. But I think your theory has a few rough spots. He wouldn't be counted as royalty if he was just plain related to ponies who ruled a thousand years ago. Others would think that a thousand years of generations with non royal blood wouldn't make him a technical royal prince unless he was related to the princesses directly. I'm sure that if that were the case, after a thousand years there would be other ponies to claim to be related to olden royalty and claiming to be considered princesses. But we only see Blueblood. I hope this clears stuff up.
@LPS Sue Perhaps the royal unicorn family retained the "royal unicorn family" title, remaining in a position of distinction within the elite of Canterlot during those thousand+ years, just not having much political power with Celestia ruling things, more sort of "ceremonially royal". Also, yes, we only see Blueblood, but there may be others we haven't seen yet.
Or maybe he's Celestia's distant descendant and she tells everyone to call her his aunt instead of great, great, great, ect. grandma because it makes her feel old.
@Banchoking Unicorns moving the sun and moon drain them of their magic; alicorns moving them get rejuvenated. It's all due to the difference between the "flavors" of unicorn and alicorn magic, though the Sisters' talents do admittedly involve those objects in particular.
@BioniclesaurKing4t2 I dont think that would be the case. What i said is that over thousands of years the line of the royal unicorns probably got very big and the likely hood that, that being the case, we only see that Blueblood is considered a prince. Think about it. If the descendants of the royal unicorns all called themselves royals thousands of years later, the probabiity of there only being one descenant in all of Equestria is extremely unlikely. In a more likely case, Blublood is a nephew of Celestia and the descendants of the royal unicorns are now regular unicorns, just with possibly enhanced magic ability. Possibly those descendants could be part of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I think it would be a more likely case.
@janaya vinters Yeah, but it probably wasn't any of those unicorns' talent either.
I think the only reason Celestia and Luna can raise the sun and moon is because it's their talent, rather than being more powerful or skilled then normal.
I think its lunas and celestias magic ( talent , wich is raising the sun and moon ) in Season 4 the last episode they all gave their power to twilight and she could raise the sun and moon beacuse she had so much magic , and disint rarity mention that it was her brother or grandson or whatever .. But think about it, it cannot be her GRAND SON , if it was would'nt Celestia have a kid and mention it? So it problaly their little brother that was born like 500 years after nightmare moon and everything. I dont know, just guessing
@GabbiGamerz Umm. I dont know how to respond to that. Is her nephew which is the hole point of this conversation. It means Celestia has another sister.
@VD Craft I guess that makes sense, but it still doesn't explain anything with how the stars are moved. It could be possible, just, im afraid, not completely likely.
Luna's old original Cutie Mark resembles Twilight's CM.
I think that the issue is that, there're ponies older than Celestia and Luna. Because there was a Twilight before Sunrise/Daybreak (Day Breaker?). It's presumed that 'Ancient Twilight' might've played a part on the 'current incidents.
That actually makes so much sense! The third sister may have kept herself hidden until she sat am opportunity to release the sister she missed so much.
Plus, if there were three, it would have probably caused tension when Celestia banished Nightmare Moon. After all, she would have had to choose sides and that could have probably resulted in a three-way battle instead of a simple two-way one.
Y'know, I actually have a different theory. Magic works on a strange system of checks and balances, but the reason it's strange is because the effect can come BEFORE the cause. "The stars will aid in her escape" may actually have to do more with Twilight, whose cutie mark is the "Symbol of Magic" otherwise a six-point star. The theory here is that the cause was in fact, (remember this strange cause-effect thing I was talking about) Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six becoming heir to the Elements of harmony. In otherwords, Celestia was about to lose her connection with the Elements, so the elements had to focus on connecting to a new heir, instead of keeping their magic in place. Basically, Luna had already lost her connection to the elements when they were used on her, and Celestia was about to lose hers, this caused the spell on Nightmare Moon to fail (cast by one magical anchor, Celestia, and therefore the weaker) and the spell on Discord to begin to fall apart (Cast by two anchors,Luna and Celestia) Yes this theory is self perpetuating, (The spell broke on Nightmare Moon, causing Twilight to become Heir to the elements, causing the spell to break on Nightmare Moon) But that's the thing, Magic sometimes, no, often IS self perpetuating, why else would magic (in it's purest form) be considered "all powerful" It makes itself stronger in order to allow itself to become even stronger.
I heard another great head cannon. I don't know who thought of this but it's really good. The prophecy wasn't about nightmare moon it was about Luna. Luna was trapped in Nightmare Moon, and stars were Twilight. Twilight's cutie mark is stars and if the stars aided in her escape it could mean Twilight helped save Princess Luna with the elements.
In Twilight's Kingdom, it seems that Magic cannot be destroyed. Perhaps Celestia stripped Luna of her powers and stored them in the stars. Luna slowly retrieved her magic from stars as the stars moved around. The celestial bodies seem to not move unless they are being acted upon by magic; however, they may be able to move on their own if they have magic stored in them. Clouds normally do not move and require a pegasus's aid, but in the everfree forest, they seem to move by themselves.
Or Celestia held the magic and that's why she could raise the sun and the moon, and every time Celestia raised the moon, Luna got a bit of her magic back.
I think "The stars will aid in her escape" uses the stars as a reference to Twilight, in a previous video you made, you pointed out that Twilight is most likely the balance between the sun and the moon. Stars come out at night and so does the moon, but the sun is a star, so stars are the balance beetween sun and moon. So anyway, I think Clover the Clever (future Twilight who time traveled to the past) wrote the book to warn about what she was going to do.
I thought the episode 'Princess Twilight' made it pretty clear why all the elements' spells were suddenly wearing off at about the same time (and even why Celestia chose to release discord and try and reform him, she may have realised the elements were weakening and the seal wouldnt last much longer, ironicaly making the threat of sealing him away if he misbehaves a bluff).
My theory is that the stars have something to do with twilight and the 'escape' refers to freeing Luna from the nightmare forces control.
Very interesting, as usual. I like the theory of a third sister. We've got the three basic astral signs: Sun, Moon and Stars. Granted that Planets could be one, I highly doubt it. The fact is, if such a sister of Stars existed, where would she live? Or, would it even BE a sister? It could be a boy, that would explain why it's the 'Castle of the two SISTERS' and 'Journal of the two SISTERS' get my point? In addition, perhaps Celestia and Luna didn't know this sibling existed, because maybe their parents wanted them seperate...perhaps this sister if met the other two could plunge the world into a war? Think about it, Nightmare Moon's banishment only happened because of the STARS, so, I theorize that one could link the Stars to Nightmare Moon. Hence, maybe this sister would extract Nightmare Moon and make her a seperate entity, as well as extract the bad Discord, bring back Chrysalis(who in the end would turn good), resurrect Sombra from the dead, awaken Plunderseeds EVERYWHERE, free Tirek, find Scorpan and make him help, and so forth. It would be one HUGE war of good vs evil
In addition, what if the Elements of Disharmony were introduced. The Disharmony ones would perhaps feed off of Chaos and Disharmony, aka, Discord. Perhaps Discord made them as a way to help him in case he was defeated. It could be theorized that the Elements Of Harmony(EoH) and the Elements Of Disharmony(EoD) would, or could, cancel each other out. In a further idea, perhaps in the end, the villains would reform(except Tirek, he sucks), and join peacefully in Equestrian Society.
Theory The profecy could be about Luna’s redemption from being nightmare moon The aid in her escape could mean that she could’ve been the spell wearing off as you said in the video BUT now there are 4 princesses and twilight could’ve represented the fourth star that would help Luna’s escape. Celestia Luna cadence and twilight. 4 princesses 4 stars. And when she gets banished into the moon look at the unicorn face. It looks like a shocked face that’s scared. Luna couldve been up there being scared of what would happen when she came back. Now if you watch the perfect pair when buttercup and bright mac are getting married look at the sky and you’ll see the mare in the moon. No stars are around it yet because they could’ve been too far away. When twilight looks thru the windows the stars are slowly coming to the moon and when before nmm makes her first appearance the stars are moving faster. Could it be the time that affects her escape
I believe it was Celestia all along. Perhaps Celestia represents the stars. The sun is a star after all. And as it shows in season 4's first episode, the day represented the day she had to lock her own sister away, which she is very upset about and wanted the day to remembered as the rebirth of her sister. Perhaps she planned to release her that day, and she sent twilight to ponyville to meet her five friends, and for them to use the magic of friendship to change Nightmare Moon after she released her from her prison. I believe Celestia is the only pony powerful enough to break her from her chains after all.
+Mr.chang cooler i agree with you, unless nm can/could have done something from the moon to set her free tia would be the only one to set her free (i have another idea but i'm to lazy to type it :/)
Now about this theory: It seems pretty legit to me. Maybe later, in another episode, you could go over prophesies and lore written down in Equestria. Like who exacly is writing them down or coming up with them. It's just a suggestion, and there may not be much to work with right now, but it'd still be cool for a later time. :) Keep on rocking, bro.
That’s an interesting hypothesis, but it doesn’t really hold water if you look behind the scenes. Out of the four characters you mentioned, only two were canon by Magical Mystery Cure , which was originally written to be the series finale.
@not aku you know twilight and sunset are literally the elements of magice (twilight is original and sunset is human) also there is minus generosity , honesty, laughter kindness and loyalty. Your statement is so wrong it's like U have never watched mlp
Finally I find someone who agrees with my 1000 year timeframe headcannon. As with the prophecy, I like to think that celestia knew about the thousand year limit, and the stars were used more as a celestial clock. Easier to keep track of time across a millennia that way.
The recently released 'Journal of the Two Sisters' book may have answered this.
Starswirl once tried to teach Luna a spell to move the stars. She learned how to cast it but even alicorns don't have enough magic to actually make it work.
She may have been storing up her magic for the thousand years she was trapped so that she could use the stars to escape.
Another possibility is that Starswirl knowing such a spell, the fact that he invented time travel, and was friendly with Luna means he may have gone to the time of the first episode and released her himself, then gone back to his own time and wrote the prophecy.
He did say that a unicorn couldn't cast the spell (and Luna proved that alicorns can't either) but there are ways of increasing a unicorn's power, such as the alicorn amulet.
I agree with the thought on them having a lost father, though I think it's more of a lost sister. I have my own little thoughts on it, but it is nice to take into consideration of other people.
The Sun and the Moon are controlled by the princesses. But, maybe the Stars are too far away to be controlled. It’s either: 1. They have their own magic and move by themselves or 2. They don’t have magic and still move they move by themselves. I’m gonna go option Nr.1. Because it matches perfectly with my theory. My theory is: The Stars come together with the Moon on the longest day once every thousand years. And when they come together, the Moon glows as the Stars lend their magic to the Moon. The day Nightmare Moon was banished was the longest day. And the only way for her to escape on her own was to use the magic from of the Stars she will get on the longest day after a thousand years. Celestia knew that and wrote that in the book of prophecies. Twilight got a copy of the same book and found that prophecy. And That’s how she knew about it. Of course, that’s my theory. If you have a better one, give me a reply about it
I love how Bronies can have friendly arguments and conflicting theories without hate. It's so much more fun to have a non-hostile argument while accepting and reflecting on both sides' points instead of throwing insults and trying to seem more intelligent. Little to no groups are able to do the same.
I've always figured that since Luna was the Princess of the Night and the stars were her creations, that they naturally came to her aide when they felt that she was returning. It could be that as Nightmare Moon she couldn't control the night sky like she would normally do because that part of her was born purely from the darkness. Maybe being trapped on the moon made Nightmare Moon lose a lot of her dark powers like how being imprisoned in Tartars weakened Tirek. Luna on the other hoof is technically the true "mother" of the night sky and when the imposing darkness in her heart dissipated just enough with the passage of time, the strongest, brightest stars of the sky flew in to free her and give her a path to follow home. After all the second she was freed from being Nightmare Moon all she wanted was to be with her sister again.
Great point! To be honest, I thought it was Discord that caused the CMC to fight, as they seemed strangely out of character if I remember correctly. But now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense that Discord would be feeding off chaos from the ponies to gain power, almost like in season 4 when Tirek steals magic.
I once read a theory that said that Celestia and Luna actually represent the Day and Night; the Sun and Moon being the most prevalent features of this. As 'ruler of the night' Luna (and thus Nightmare Moon) would have a connection with the stars and that particular arrangement of stars gave Nightmare the power boost needed to break the seal. (This could work either with or without the 1000 year theory) There is a comic strip on DeviantArt (which has also been turned into an animation on YouTube) called 'Luna's Cutie Mark' which also shows Luna as having power over the stars. If you haven't seen it before, I suggest you do, it's... sweet.
(I also remember another theory that says Twilight ended up absorbing some of Luna's power over the stars in the second episode - meaning that Twilights cutie mark represents not only magic and friendship but also the stars - which may be a reason why the power gap between Celestia and Luna seems so big because some of her own power ended up boosting Twilight's) But that's a whole other theory.
Mysticism often places emphasis on stellar alignment, pretty much any fiction with magic will have powers enhanced by aligning of planets or stars or arrival of comets or whatever. I had always assumed that the alignment of the stars merely boosted NightmareMoon's power and allowed her to break the spell on her own. If the solstice also boosts power then it makes sense to think that she needed both to coincide, that the stars may have aligned on other years but never on the solstice and alone they were not enough. As to Celestia making that day longer, it may be that the magic boosting effect is not because of the solstice, but rather the other way around- she makes that day longer because for whatever unrelated reason, magic is stronger then. I just had another idea- maybe there are mystical energies inherently linked to day and night that flow back and forth like a magic tide, and the summer/winter solstices are when the flow changes, when one sister is the strongest and the other is weakest. That would be backwards though, the longest day being Celestia's strongest. If that were the case Luna's escape would have to be on the longest night. I always thought it should be, right from day one when I watched that episode I felt it would make more sense if Luna escaped on the longest night. (I actually remembered it backwards for a while, I thought it was the longest night.) Maybe the star alignment affects the flow in some way, interrupting Celestia's power and shifting it all to Luna despite happening on Celestia's day. If all of Celestia's power was shifted to Luna but Luna was unaffected then she would have all the power normally shared between the two. I think I'm moving away from analysis and towards making shit up though.
I like to think that Twilight Sparkle is the stars. Luna was imprisoned in the moon and it was known by Celestia that the spell to banish her would only last 1000 years. I'm not saying Twilight let her loose, I'm saying the spell had a time limit. When Nightmare Moon came back, it would explain why the day was long. A day doesn't only mean the part when it's sunny. A day is used to described 24 hours, including night time. So when Nightmare Moon made the spell, night kept on going, making it the longest day. Besides, Luna did want ponies to stay awake at night in the first place, so I think her night became daytime and Celestia's day would be night when everyone should sleep, so they'd show love to her beautiful night. I know that Nightmare Moon did a spell for eternal night before anyone corrects me, but maybe this was just a way to punish ponies for loving the daytime so much more and she would eventually bring back day once ponies would play at night and sleep at day. How else would plants and such grow? I mean, Celestia did take care of Luna's job for thousand years, who says Luna can't do Celestia's? Anyway, so that is my opinion what the longest day of a thousand years mean. Then the stars will aid in her escape. I think the stars meant that Twilight will let Luna escape Nightmare Moon's control by using the magic of friendship through elements of harmony. After all, Twilight does have stars for a cutie mark. And once Luna was reformed, it broke the spell of eternal night, allowing Celestia to escape and bring back day.
This is just my opinion, so I don't mean to offend. I just like the idea. :)
The Journal of the Two Sisters does in fact say that Star Swirl mastered time travel. Perhaps he was the one to write the guide on the elements of harmony? It does confirm he went into the future, and he wouldn't let Celestia and Luna know about their future until it happened. So maybe he knew about Nightmare Moon and all the things to come? It would make sense that he had "prophecized" this.
It had never really occurred to me about this part of the philosophy. But now that you mention it maybe the "stars aiding in her escape" is metaphorical of Twilight since her Cutie Mark is a Star (I know it represents magic but its still the shape) . And the 5 stars surrounding her Cutie Mark represent the rest of the mane 6. Perhaps the "stars aiding in her escape" is symbolic of the fact the mane 6 helped Luna escape the shell of Nightmare Moon and helped her once again become Luna :)
I'd imagine that when the prophecy stated that "the stars would aid in her escape," it meant that Celestia would aid in the escape of Nightmare Moon. Granted, she didn't want to bring Nightmare Moon herself back, but rather, she wanted to bring back Luna. The sun is a star, right? Wouldn't that mean that Celestia can control the stars too (I mean she can control the moon as well)? Maybe that's why the prophecy knew details all the way down to how many stars would aid, because Celestia is the one who put them there. She imprisoned her sister, so she was planning to get her out anyway. I bet she used the Elements because that way, she would know how long she'd have to wait until she'd get her sister back. Maybe she also planned for Twilight and her friends to become the new Element bearer so she could be reunited with her dear sister again. I don't know, that's my outlook on it.
I like your theory about the elements magic wearing off but I believe that I might have a better theory. I believe that after a thousand years of Luna (easier to write then Nightmare Moon) chipping away at the elements magic until it could stand no further and gave up, she used the stars as her key to her jail cell and left the moon. Or to mix the 2 theories, perhaps the spell sent her to the moon and only paralyzed her from using her magic. And eventually the spell wore off and she had just enough magic by herself with the boost of magic from the summer solstice for her to get the stars to her and use it as her key off the moon
In the first episode that Trixie was introduced, it showed Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. Constellations. Constellations are stars. I've always considered the stars as their own sort of entities. Or, if you want to look at it a different way; I've always made the connection of Twilight being the stars to Celestia's sun and Luna's moon.Which is partly why I anticipated Alicorn Twilight coming since the end of season 2. It was Twilight's destiny to bring Luna back and connect with the elements of harmony.
I actually think that Celestia knew when she banished her sister to the moon that it would only last 1000 years. The elements could have been angry with her for using them on her own (which is why she was never able to use them again after banishing Luna. So I feel like the elements of harmony themselves took pity on Luna and freed her after the time was up. Celestia probably wrote the prophecy herself because she knew exactly what was going to happen. Which was why she was so adamant of taking on a student with high magic ability, so that her student could bear the elements with her friends. It could even have to do with the coincidence that Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle's names mean "the time between night and day" and were both Celestia's students. Celestia may have known (perhaps been told by the elements) that she needed someone who can unite day and night. Celestia failed with Sunset, and thus had to find a new student to bear the elements. Over all this would mean Celestia's plan was a complete gamble, but I feel like Celestia would have been content if her last hope (Twilight) failed. She would have to face the wrath of her sister which I'm sure she felt she deserved, and would be banished to the sun (Faust said she was sent to the sun when Luna returned) for Luna's reign.
Well, I already sort of worked it out - Luna/Nightmare Moon is connected to night and moon (therefore stars) so maybe there was so much magic she could get the stars to get her out "the stars will AID her escape" aid = help (doesnt it?) so, that is my theory.
I love all your videos and theories! Im aa big fan of MLP and all your videos make sense to me and help me understand more. Although I have my own opinions I'd love to share them but for this video I 100% agree :D
I think Twilight's cutie mark (stars) could mean something.
Her cutie mark is one big star surrounded by five others (representing her and her five friends), but there were FOUR stars involved in Nightmare Moon's escape. However, they could still be related. Take away Twilight's big pink star, and you've got five. One too many. Take away one more, and you've got four stars, like you need.
But who else would you take away? Rarity, because she and Twilight were both unicorns at the time? Maybe. What reason would there be to take away somepony else? Or would you not take away Twilight? Would you take the two pegasi (Dash and Flutters) or the earth ponies (AJ and Pinkie) instead? Or two ponies of different tribes, like a unicorn and a pegasi, or an earth pony and a unicorn, and so on?
And how would Twilight help Nightmare Moon escape? Being the only pony who thought she'd come back?
IDK. Just something I thought of that makes zero sense :P
+ChocohalicPegasus I think you're very close... but not quite correct about the Rarity part. Before I go on, I would just like to say this is my own idea, and if someone else has already said it, I'm very sorry.
Continuing on. I have a theory that Twilight IS the 'stars' that will aid the Mare in the Moon from her escape. (Like you said) But in metaphorical terms. Twilight freed Luna (I'm talking about good Luna now, not Nightmare Moon) from her evil, jealous self, and Luna can be related as the Mare in the Moon.
As for the sister theory, Twilight is a Alicorn now, making her a princess. Plus, Princess Celestia and Twilight have always been close.
And for the timeline, Twilight hadn't found her friends before the time she released Luna, and this affects her magic because... (wait for it)... FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!
As for who wrote the prophecy... Star Swirl the bearded? No idea.
If this actually makes sense... someone tell me? Most of my theories don't actually make sense, so I would be happy to know if someone read through this without any confusion :-)
I think that the stars have some sort of spirit in them, like a Dryad, just in the stars and that the four star spirits were close with Luna (knowing that the stars would probably be lonely, along with Luna, so they became friends) so, when the timing was right (as in they all surrounded the moon) they combined their power and released Luna from her imprisonment in the moon. This might not make much sense but it might be true.
I have a small question. Go back to the first episode of season 1. When twilight is walking in the canterlot library, she walks past a giant hourglass. If you look through it, one of the large pony head pedestal has the face of nightmare moon. As soon as she passes it though, the face is gone. This could be a symbol of her traveling through time. I was just wondering if you noticed this as well. It would be great if you could look into this factor in a future video cause I'm still a little confused why they would put an Easter egg like that in the first episode.
New theory: Twilight was the one that released NMM. Hear me out: Twilight's cutie mark represents stars in general, regardless of the Element of Magic. This can be backed up in a couple of episodes where Twilight has a Telescope pointed up at the night sky (this is further compounded in a fan project (turnabout storm), but that's irrelevent for this theory). Twilight being the new bearer of Harmony is a night owl, someone who's more active at night and would sleep late into the day (not unlike most night owls in OUR world), would prefer the night over the day to some extent and due to latent magical potent slowly moved the stars into position to release NMM. The Element of Magic, having been lost for centuries (as far as we know), would want to restore one of its former wielders... but how? Maybe help the new destined wielder in a subtle fashion (i.e. the latent magic moving the stars), and upon learning the value of friendship as a concept, revealed itself to its new bearer to give the other elements a boost and together, heal the former bearer to her rightful position as Princess of the Night (the good that the night brings). Just something to think about... Later, RDF2
@Anna Baker I never said it was a conscious effort. The Element of Magic (the physical form of it) had been missing for centuries. Thus, from it's hiding place, it probably could sense Twilight (given that she was its future bearer) and used her night outings watching the moon and stars and using that as a visual for moving the stars. Latent magical potential means what's inside that hasn't been discovered yet. And NMM being released was the key to restoring Luna, the FORMER bearer of the Elements alongside Tia. Sometimes you have to let evil think its winning before defeating them utterly. Just saiyan... Later, RDF2
that one guy2017-06-25 23:41:08 (edited 2017-06-25 23:44:20 )
Twilight's cutie mark is a star, and she helped Luna return to her true self! Like Psyanari SaysThings said, maybe the prophecy means to help Luna escape from her form as Nightmare moon, and Twilight Sparkle - the "stars" - did just that!
Theory: On the night Nightmare was banished, Luna might have gone missing, and stopped raising the moon so she could gain power to overthrow Celestia. The day lasted longer than the others, and that would also explain why in the Season 4 beginner Celestia was talking about how she saw the Summer Sun Celebration!
I think you should do the next video on Tirek. If you listened closely to Tirek's story, it said that Tirek's brother became a friend of a unicorn wizard which looked exactly like Star Swirl the Bearded.
I think a better explanation would be that Luna/Nightmare Moon somehow created a plan to free herself from the moon when she was imprisioned. Since she controlled the moon, she probably could control the stars as well, so its possible that she used her magic on the stars around her to help break free from the moon. Any ponies that studied stars would notice the formation and wrote it as a prediction. At least that's how I believe.
I think I figured it out! Maybe, like you said, future Twilight wrote the book and was Clover the Clever like you mentioned in your last video. Besides, who would know more about stars than the Princess of Magic with a star cutie mark? :3
Something I noticed and thst i found pretty curious is how they got to use the elements of harmony 6 exact times to save equestria. 1.- We have discord stonned for the first time 2.- We get nightmare moon banished 3.- We reforming Nightmare moon 4.- Re-sntonning discord 5.- Releasing discord 6.- Giving the elements back to the Tree of Harmony another thing that im unsure about is King Sombra's sealment (or whatever that is), did they use the elements of harmony?
Actually, there are other theories of the "Star God" as I call him/her. 1) If you watch "The Best Night Ever in season 1, it shows that Princess Celestia has a nephew, so there is that which means that either Luna has a son, or there is another brother/sister that bears the child. 2) The one who controlled the stars to help Nightmare Moon is Princess Luna's good side trying to get her out so that she could apologize to Celestia for her bad intents. Lastly, it might also be that Discord COUGH Star Swirl COUGH might want Nightmare Moon help him get out of the prison of stone and destroy Celestia. So the candidates are: Father or mother of Celestia's nephew, Luna's good side, or Discord/STAR Swirl. Please take these theories into consideration. Thank You. BRO-HOOF!
I think Blueblood is her ADOPTED Nephew, a hold over of the Equestrian royalty beofre the sisters. Remember Equestria existed before the sisters known appearance.
That time travel spell could only be used once. --Anyway, Ancient Greek astronomers were able to predict the movements of planets in night sky pretty far into the future. Since the show is loosely based on Greek myth, it stands to reason the same methods of calculations were used. By the way, the word planet means 'wandering star' in Ancient Greek.
The stars were real "stars", not some symbology stuff. We've seen them approaching the Moon in S1E1 right after the unicorn head pattern of craters disappeared from it. But there's one more thing: these stars were MOVING! I think this is important. What "stars" are moving on our night sky? The planets, or "planetes" what the ancient Greeks have called them, to mean "the travellers" or "the wanderers". The "wandering stars", because they "wander" over the night sky instead of being attached to a fixed position. So I think the legend could be related to some special configuration of planets around the planet where the ponies live on. Using celestial (huh..) bodies to mark up important events in history and prophecies is very common and useful pattern, since calendars can change, they can be corrupted (ever heard of the Phantom Time Hypothesis?), but one cannot easily change the celestial mechanics. Also, certain configurations of celestial bodies (which are MASSIVE bodies after all) can produce unusual gravitational fluctuations. And who knows if Magic isn't one of these force fields of Nature too? There are so many correlations with magical rituals and astronomical events that the connection is evident.
There's one more thing that can possibly connect with that: Have you noticed that a similar configuration of "moving stars" has been used in "Equestria Girls" movie to turn the portal between the worlds on and off? What if there is a similar portal located on the Moon, which activates every 1000 years (how many moons would that be?...) when the "stars" (=planets) are perfectly aligned, making a gravitational vortex or something which opens that portal? Nightmare Moon could then use such a portal when it has opened when the stars aligned.
(Fun fact: listen to the song during the end credits in "Rainbow Rocks". There's another reference to these "stars aligning" thingy.)
I actually happen to like the idea of a father figure and or third sister myself. :3 also, i believe it was actually starswirled who wrong that prophecy... or perhaps Celestia herself.
'The stars aid her in her escape' might refer to Twilight and her friends freeing Luna of Nightmare Moon and 'Night eternal' refers to Luna never becoming Nightmare Moon again.
"The stars will aid in her escape " The sun is a star which is made of gas just like the rest of the stars but the suns of different dimensions.so equestria is one of the four main dimensions. 1)equestria 2)human/pony 3)us 4)unknown Celestia somehow is able to actually control the other suns but remains in equestria ,needing a home. Those four stars are the ones who aid in her escape and Luna was released on the sun celebration which uses a lot of magic since it's some how special.
Personal head canon: 1) I believe that the four stars are the past generations of My Little Pony blessing the new G4 ponies. (Yes even the 3.5 gen.) The past generation are helping start the new G4 MLP with good luck and a good story. Something like that.
Personal head canon 2) The Doctor and TARDIS split up into different personalities. ( The Doctor, Time Turner, Discord Whooves and Star Swirl the Bearded) The power that it took to split up the Doctor, also shook the spell that held Nightmare Moon. Splitting Nightmare Moon her from the moon, and also half splitting Nightmare Moon from Princess Luna as well. The mane six just completed the split with the Elements of Harmony.
The magic of the elements could last longer because their are 1 bearer for each one so the bond between the bearers is bigger so the magic could and should last longer.
I think the "stars" are the stars on twilight's cutie mark. there are 6 stars on her cutie mark, the 5 around the center one represent the other elements/charactors and the center representing her. the maine 6 being the "stars" helped her escape the imprisonment of her jelousy that created nightmare moon in the first place. :P
The elements don’t have time limits on the spells, in return to harmony part1 celestial and Luna say that the reason he broke out was because there not connected to the elements anymore
What if Twilight is supposed to be the "stars?" Not only is her going to Ponyville and meeting the others what may have triggered a small but efficient enough amount of magic to help her get out, but Twilight also aided in Luna's escape from Nightmare Moon or the darkness that made her Nightmare Moon. What I mean when I said that Twilight meeting the others triggered a small amount of magic is that maybe it was destiny, and the"spark" that Twilight felt when she unlocked her element was slowly coming to the surface or was formed when she met the others and was fully noticed by Twilight when she saw them come to her aid in the ruins. This is only an idea, so if you can disprove it, please be respectful.😊
Wouldn't it be a thought that instead of actual star aiding in Nightmare moons escape.Rather the twinkle or how the element of magic is shaped as a star.A thought could be that instead of the writers wanted to say that it was Twilight who the phrophacy was talking about.Her cutie mark is a star,so is the spark and the element of harmony.I think that the last line wasn't talking about the escape of Nightmare moon rather the escape of Luna from her prision within herself
I just had a thought. Let's go to a different theory (it was either by ConspiraPon3, TBN, or Canned Cream), in which the villains came back opposite to the chronological order in which they were originally defeated, i.e. Nightmare moon being the first villain we see defeated, and she was the most recent (that we know of) villain who was banished originally. A third sister, you say? The most recent villain we've seen defeated (reformed) was Starlight. Sound familiar? My theory is that Starlight is the third sister, but she was banished to the stars because she was the first to rebel. The reason we don't see her defeating any of the villains is because she was the first to be banished. She helped Luna escape, perhaps with a vengeance towards Celestia and not to Luna (maybe they understood eachother?). Eventually, whatever star Starlight was banished to died out and so did she. I think she was reincarnated in Starlight, and the reason she (Starlight) is so good at magic is because she still harbors Alicorn magic. Obviously, there are plenty of holes in this theory, even if we ignore the chronological error, but still.
Another possibility that would fix the chronological issue with the previous theory is that Starlight isn't the princess of stars, but instead the student of the princess of stars. We never really learn how Starlight gains her extensive magical knowledge, but it was made clear that Starlight did not go to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. It would make sense if she gained that knowledge from a powerful pony, say, a vengeful Alicorn? The princess of stars could've taught Starlight dark magic and, knowing Starlights loathing of Celestia from "taking" Sunburst away from her, she could've manipulated her into, say, stealing the cutiemarks of an entire village.
"The stars will aid her escape" could mean the mane six because Twilight's cutie mark is six stars and the man six did help Luna escape from Nightmare Moon
Maybe, instead of a third sister, Celestia and Luna have a long lost younger brother. And being a god of the stars, he tended to look up to Luna more than he did Celestia. And what if he chose 4 large and powerful stars to release his sister, thus bringing her back as Nightmare Moon for re Mane 6 to reform her back into the older sister he loved and remembered dearly. I will be posting a fan fiction about this soon so try looking me up.
Could be much simpler than everyone is saying. In the world of Equestria, it's no stretch to imagine that the stars are sapient beings. Since they only get to shine at night, they had a common interest with Nightmare Moon in bringing about night eternal. That's why they helped her to escape.
I acually have a theory myself: Look up a picture of celestia and luna's dad. look at his cutie mark. it's stars. so he felt bad for luna and wanted to get her out of the moon by using his magic. Sounds crazy but I think it's true.
Well if we observe the episode where we met Ursa Minor actual stars make up the body of the creature. My theory is that other constellations such as Sirius and Cancer even added in her escape. Oh and your use of Sherlock footage made me subscribe.
@sonicfan967 I don't think the 1000 years is exact, cause you're right, he would have come first. It's after around 1000 years, the magic starts to wear down. Two years difference is still pretty close!
@The Brony Notion i think its not that the element effects wear off, its that when the mane 6 became connected to the elements, celestia and luna lost their connection, which broke the spells keeping nightmare moon and discord banished. also (hypothetically) if they used the elements on sombra and tirek it would explain them coming back too
@The Derptor actually no they defeated tirek before sombra, sombra before discord, they found the elements around the time discord was in rule and used it on him and then celestia used it on luna after she became nightmare moon
I believe that the banishment of nightmare wore off faster is because both that celestia didn't put all of her heart and soul into it and the fact that there was less harmony between the elements, with discord there were luna and celestia, two sisters with a powerful bond so the effect was a bit longer because there were more ponies to have harmony between the elements
I think that “the stars will aid in her escape” means that its Luna’s escape from Nightmare Moon not Nightmare Moon’s escape from the moon. I think this because if you watch Lullaby for a princess you will see that Luna is giving in to NM. I also think that NM was a shadow creature from the everfree forest. thats why NM can turn into smoke and go faster than any other pony. thats my opinion
I think Star Swirld The Bearded wrote it because in "The Journal Of The Two Sisters" he could time travel and sometimes he would come back and have seen bad things in the future. So maybe he cast a spell to free Luna and then already know that she would turn good again because of the Mane six!!!!!!!
I think I know what it means. Twilight's cutie mark are stars, and together with her friends, she defeated Nightmare Moon, aiding her escape from evil.
Let´s see... I think I´ll talk about the Elements. And yes, I think that their effects actually wear out. But, does that happen naturally, or an alteration of some kind is needed? Let´s see. First of all, I want you to imagine that the magic of the Elements is not supposed to disappear, alright? If things had gone according to the nature of the Elements, Discord would have been imprisoned forever, since the original bearers of the Elements (Celestia and Luna) are immortal and therefore the link they maintained with the Elements wouldn´t have never been broken. However, once Celestia used them against Nightmare Moon, the connection was broken, making the prisons perishable. That is why Luna was able to escape and so Discord. According to Celestia: "I thought the spell we cast would keep him contained forever, but since Luna and I are no longer connected to The Elements, the spell has been broken." "And "You six showed the full potential of the Elements by harnessing the magic of your friendship to beat a mighty foe. Although Luna and I once wielded the Elements, it is you who now control their power, and it is you who must defeat Discord!" Why wouldn´t Celestia use the Elements against NM again, especially when she said that she had "seen the sighs"? Because she couldn´t do it anymore. That power needed to be activated and she was no longer able to do so. Then is when the mane six make their entrance. Since they are together until our days, the Elements magic won´t wore out. At least, until they die. From them on their power will grow weaker from year to year. And now I have another theory. Imagine that all I said is wrong. What if the Tree of Harmony is what maintains the imprisonments and not the Elements? What if the Elements are its source of energy? It is quite a coincidence that the Tree required the Elements a thousand years later as well. Perhaps it neglected its prisoners captivity because it needed the little magic it still possessed in order to survive without the Elements until it couldn´t take their absence anymore. That is why the Elements now sustain the Tree and can´t be removed. Those are my two theories.
I think the sentence "the stars will aid in her escape" means that when the picture on the moon disappears, the stars will aline a path down to equestria
My theory is that this phrase doesn't refer to Nightmare Moon, but rather, Luna. The 'stars' are Twilight and her friends. If you look at Twilight's cutie mark, you can see that they are six stars, the big pink one in the center and five little white ones surrounding it. These represent Twilight and her friends, as well as Twilight's magical ability.
Now think back to the second part of the premiere of the show. Who releases Luna from the grip of Nightmare Moon? Twilight and her friends, along with the Elements of Harmony. I also think that Celestia was the one who wrote the prophecy. She would've banished her sister and then a couple of years later, she realized that the power of the Elements of Harmony would soon fade and Nightmare Moon would be released, giving a chance for somebody to free Luna. So, she made sure that the prophecy she had written would be in that book that Twilight read in the very first episode, sending Twilight and her friends through everything that happened in that two-parter.
I think it was also that when twilight went to ponyville, she was the "star" to end the spell. The stars aligned when twilight went to ponyville. Coincidence?
Well, i know this may be a lousy theory, but what if it was the orphans that Luna rescued in Children of the Night? She said she was going to put them into "a garden of shadows" which couldve possibly symbolized the night sky, since it being so dark. Maybe the orphans somehow became her adopted children and became the stars in the night, or more rather, ponies that could be on the stars. We did see them walking in the sky in the vid. Maybe they finally had enough power to release and rescue their "mother" from the moon. I know it is a lousy theory since the vid was created after the first season, so it would be just utter coincidence. But still, its a theory.
I am not sure, but from what I can remember, it was not that the magic of the elements wore off after 1000 years, but in S2 E1&2, celestia talked about how when the elements were "transferred" to Twilight and her friends, the magic had wore off since celestia was the one to turn him to stone in the first place. Any one to support me? Not to be rude or anything. :) Just trying to clarify. :)
In the theory with Flurry, you said they maybe come from another land, so maybe they have a sister back home, called Stella (Stars on Latin means Stella) who came to Equestria to Help her older sister to escape, and Celestia know that it maybe took a thousand years for her younger sister to come, there Becuse Stella was maybe only a filly
no, Discord got loose because the sister were nolonger bound to the elements thus why it was weakening. they banish Discord long before Luna went NMM. Celestia using the elements alone ensured it only be temporary. as for the stars, well before the season 4 ending many fans guess that Twilight would be Alicorn of the Stars since her name.
THE STARS WILL AID IN HER ESCAPE means that when Luna was banished to the moon, she ripped a hole in space, and when she returned, her magic undid the curse, meaning that the hole was never made.
I actually think this might have to do with Twilight's Cutie Mark, it's decorated in a collection of stars. What if it meant that Twi would aid in Luna's escape from Nightmare Moon's grasp by using the elements?
Maybe she can draw magic from the stars and it took Luna 1000 years to build up enough magic to escape. A third sister doesn't make sense because when someone is in control of the elements they cannot be used unless they are given up, the weilders die or someone who is better fit comes a long and news flash celestia used so much magic that the elements shattered so...
I think the Prophecy is mostly falls or wide for interpretation, It could mean that Celestia intetionaly made it last 1000 of years because of a propehcy she saw about A star/Twilight, Aid into her escape/Freeing her sister from Evil, Bring about Nightime Eternal/Bring about the real Night since Nightime since Luna was gone was done by Celestia. Celestia couldn't free Luna from her Evil because she didn't know she was possess while Twilight due to her loyalty to Celestia couldn't believe Luna was actualy realy Evil so insead of trying to panish her she tried to reason her.
Which makes me think that maybe those Stained Glasses aren't made but are prophetic which is where Celestia knew the prophecy that Twilight would save Luna. Instead of made after events.
When you started talking about the whole moving the sun and moon thing I just remembered that maybe celestial doesn't move the sun but she actually moves the earth but from everyone's point of view it looks likes she's moving the sun, I mean, her mane isn't exactly the colour of the sun like lunas is like the night is it? Her mane reminds me more of the earths colours manely the green and blue.
Ok you don't
I know this doesn't support her cutiemark but it's just a thought.
Maybe the Time Limit of the Elements' power is linked into Twilight's destiny and therefore her cutie mark. Maybe every millennium there is a pony born to create the "spark" that completes the combination of the Elements.
My head canon that I just made up 2 minutes ago: Celestial wrote the book + put it in Twi's library so she would find out in time to save the world. She knew how many stars because THERE WERE FOUR SISTERS!!! They died in the ancient battle between the stars and the lights (inside joke about the stars and lights) and are now stars. They used to share the burden of lifting the stars(the battle was AFTER Luna got her cutie mark), which was passed to Luna when they died. They hadn't known the "evil" Luna, and wanted to help her out of the moon. They decided to do it on the longest day so it would be least likely for anyone to notice stars moving (what with all the partying and all). OMG RANDOM THOUGHT IN MY HEAD!!!!!!! Starswirl the bearded was their father!!!!
For me , I don't think that Twilight has ANYTHING to do with ( the stars will aid in her escape ) because : Imagine if CELESTIA was banished by Luna , what will aid in her escape ?? rays of the sun maybe ?? And that will happen in the longest night in a thousand years ?? I don't think that the elements of harmony's effect on something is temporary as mentioned in this video , because every time a elements of harmony spell is broken SOMETHING happens 1 - the stars helped Luna escape ( stars are sometimes the symbol of the night , and that's what Luna wanted and she was banished for it . 2 - when the cutie mark crusaders fought near Discord's statue , they caused chaos , and that what Discord wanted and he was banished for it
So my theory is an elements of harmony spell is only broken when the opposite thing happens ( the opposite for what the elements were used for )
But while Luna was in the moon, even the first scene in the pilot episode says that “Luna didn’t want to make the moon go down”, so while she was in the moon, how the heck did Celestia raise the sun if Luna wasn’t there to lower the moon? Maybe she was planning that all along..?
Isn't Prince Blueblood Princess Celestia's nephew? So wouldn't that mean that his mother would have to be one of Celestia and Luna's siblings? Or a better explanation for that would be that he was adopted.
Knowing how Hasbro normally solves problems like this it probably was Star Swirl the Bearded. Wich actually could make sense since he invented time spells.
Eternal Night is as off-balance as Eternal Day. Night also comes after Twilight was ended by (Sonata?) Dusk.
But considering many of the ponies had nighttime related names (Luna, Starlight Glimmer), night isn't so bad. Nevertheless, here're the order of events: Sunset, Twilight, Dusk, Night, Dawn, Twilight, Daybreak, Day.
Considering on how Princess Kaguya-ish Twilight Sparkle is, it's possible after Dusk ended Twilight, Twilight will become Shining Night, the direct meaning of Kaguya (輝夜).
Wait a minute, is that a plot for Equestria Girls?
Anyway. The SN code is problematic though. So at the current being, I think this might took place outside My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (FiM or FM or MF).
As for Luna. Kaguya, a Moon Princess 'banished' to Earth. Sounds familiar?
I heard somewhere that the stars in the prophesy refered to Twilight herself, mainly the stars on her cutie mark. But I dont really remember how the theory went.
@Dylan Long when it says the stars will aid in her escape i don't think it meant NMM i think it's talking about twilight realizing her potential and after finding the remaining elements and using the elements of harmony to free luna
so basically i think it was just foreshadowing NMM's eventual defeat
Luna is the ruler of the night, not just the moon. Seeing how she goes into dreams, and she has mentioned ruling the night before, it was even in the intro of the first episode, this being true, she also used the powers in her stars to boost her out to escape. Twilight doesn't rule the stars, she is the princess of FRIENDSHIP.
I think there IS evidence that there might be a third sister: Rarity wanted to go to the Grand Galloping Gala to meet Celestia's NEPHEW. Luna has no children. then again, if there was a third sister, there was a strange reason for her child, Blueblood i think it was, to not be an alicorn after cadence's child was. It could be that Blueblood's father wasn't a powerful unicorn like Shining Armor. Shining Armor's high magical ability could be the difference in all this. Darned conspiracy theories!
Kinda ironic for it to be the summer solstice vs the winter solstice, though. Cadence is dawn colored. Then there’s Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and Starlight Glimmer...three unicorns incredibly gifted in magic, two directly mentored by Celestia, one mentored by Twilight (Celestia’s protege) Suns are technically stars. Twilight became a princess (and Starlight seems to be well on her way) Sunset, Twilight, Midnight, Aurora, Dawn, Sunrise. Idk, I’d say that perhaps there’s going to be a “fourth unicorn” OR a “fourth alicorn” (doubtful about it being Flurrieheart. Her name’s ominous, her magic’s incredibly chaotic, and she’s still an infant) I dunno if MLP really thought that far ahead, but I’d look into those ponies as “Star Candidates”
I think queen crysalis is the star princess so here's the story once there were 4 princess celestia, Luna, staria , and Belle years past and Belle went missing. staria blamed her self and the stars so she told luman (her father) about how she felt he said "it's not your fault" staria got angry and killed her father then she used her magic and erased all trase of stars putting holes in her skin and hair and turning her hair turquoise and skin black as night without stars then she ran away and took the star people (like crystal ponys) and turned them like her and she made her own castle no one would recognize her knew form
Not quite related to the main topic... but does anyone realize that Discord should have returned before Nightmare Moon. Like, Celestia and Luna turned him to stone for a thousand years, and perhaps a few years later Tia banished NM to the moon, but NM comes back first and then a year later Discord is freed that first time.
It's very similar with all the other main villains. Sombra - turned to shadow by the sisters (if I remember correctly), returns after Discord and NM (Though perhaps it make sense that he is after Discord due to Discord being the reason the sisters are in Equestria anyway). Tirek - I believe he was defeated before the previous three and came back after them. The only villain that seems to be consistent with the supposed time-line is Chrysalis and the changelings, who (again, if I remember correctly) were never missing for a thousand years and came back during "Canterlot Wedding".
I may have been the only one to notice this but it may make a good video debunking and decomposing the writers's wonky cannon time-line.
In my opinion, I think that the stars are the mane 6 (it's probably a metaphor in the prophecy). and since twilight has stars in her cutie mark and she is the leader, she is the big star and the mane 6 are the smaller ones.
Theory:twilight might have been the 3rd sister it shows her cutie mark name and her acting and twilight was stuck in the stars for 800 years instead of 1000 and she was banned in the stars from becoming midnight sparkle like the human realm(I think) she had a change of heart and the MOON had aided in her escape and twilight was always a princess and was just banned before her wings sprouted and celesta had to do a spell to get her wings.this makes a lot of sense saying that twilight has a lot in common with the princesses
Everyone... think about this!... isn't 3 supposed to be a lucky or.. special number? and I think that Brony Notion was going somewhere with the "maybe the stars are a long lost sister that felt bad for Luna and let her out".. and Celestia raises the sun.. Luna raises the moon... BUT she has no stars on her cutie mark.. so.. who puts the stars out? Maybe Twilight is the long lost sister... since she's the element of magic and stars are sometimes compared with magic... Maybe Twilight was the lost sister.. since it seemed in the first episode, Twilight seemed a bit lost and she still seems a bit lost around some of her friends... Maybe (if Twilight was around then, not saying she was) When Celestia banished Luna.. Twilight went with her.. an sacrificed her self in doing so... and since 'Twilight' is compared with stars as well.. (stars raising a bit before the moon) Maybe back before Luna's banishment.. Twilight was the middle sister... (sun set, TWILIGHT, night) this is my crap theory so dun judge me... it's like past midnight right now! if you like this theory then tell me! Thank you!
I think that the princesses did it. After The Crystalling we found out that there were now 5 alicorns in equestria and so I think that sometime when flurry heart is older that all the princesses (except Luna) went back in time to free Luna and that eventually led to twilight becoming a princess so she could free Luna. It's a paradox but we saw a paradox in Its About Time
Star swirled the bearded was famous for time traveling spells so much so they have an entire library wing when dedicated to him with time spell so star swirled could have traveled forward in time or if the star swirled = discord theory is true discord could have traveled back (I guess the discord thing could right even if he isn't star swirled)
I think that it was either Princess Celestia that created (spoke and or wrote) the prophecy of Nightmare Moon's return, or, if he was still around at the time Starswirl the Bearded. IF. But for all we know, it could have been some other pony we know nothing about who was around at the time and had a talent for prophesying or something.
Although, Celestia DID say "...but since Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements, the spell has been broken." So that kinda breaks your theory of the spell fading off after a thousand years. :/ But who knows? I might be wrong.
My theory: Nightmare Moon is the prison, and the stars refer to Twilight finding the Element of Magic and aiding Luna in her escape from Nightmare Moon.
"We've got the princess of the sun, the princess of the moon..." Me: "... the princess of love, the princess of friendship and the princess of... MERCHANDISE"
Actually, you talk about the sun "rotating" around the World of equestria? tho that implies that it is a spherical object (actualy and shape) but her talent is to "raise" and "lower" the sun, if it were orbiting something, it would never rise or lower in a real sense only from your point of view, which talents in equestria are meant to be universal, so instead her talent, aswell as luna's, would be "orbitting" and not "raising and lowering". Also, they only do these twice a cycle each, if it were orbiting it would have to be done constantly. and if you ask, well how does the sun and the moon get to the other side when it rises? well.. magic :/
@The Brony Notion From my speculation of the wording, equestria would be a flat world, but maybe like minecraft where there isn't and end, but terrain is built up of time creating more and more land, the sun and moon would most likely have a point were they begin to touch the ground and go into some form of alternate universe when they are lowered, considering the stars can help the moon in NM escape, this means there must a plane were all the stars hover in the upper space, like an asteroid belt, but over a flat plain.
I would totally agree because when Twilight and Cadance went to get this giant flower to "heal" Discord, Discord said that it was on the other side of equestria and if the world was round there will be no "other side".
@***** My theory is that the sun and moon are artificial. Something happened to the real ones and they were replaced by spells very high up in the sky that serve the same function as the real ones.
The artificial sun acts like a sunlamp, making artificial sunlight. The artificial moon is acts as a gravity well which shifts the tides.
When the princesses raise and lower them they aren't pushing them, they are recharging the spells. Once to make it across one side of the world, and a second time to make sure it gets around the other side.
I threw in my theory that the pony world may actually be heliocentric like Earth and that Celestia controls the planets orbit while Luna controls the moons orbit.
What if all of Equestria has day at the same time. There's nothing to suggest that Equestria is on a planet of its own. For all we know, Equestria is just one side of a non-rotating planet, and the sisters are only responsible for Equestria. Maybe the other side of the planet is where Zecora is from?
@Amalrose Vayalinkal I figure that Equestria is covered by a dome. The sun and moon are artificial and Celestia and Luna are just recharging them. Ponies seem to be control freaks (Winter Wrap-up) so it would fit.
@Banchoking I'm pretty sure that this theory has one major fault. Where the hell is all that power coming from?
It seems as though Luna does not have enough power to recharge a sun. Her cutiemark is that of the moon. The moon is considered a smaller and less powerful entity (for the duration of my arguement).This could be summed up as "She doesn't recharge the sun because she isn't powerful enough but she CAN recharge the moon". The moon would have to be a MUCH lesser light using less power yet have enough power to heat up Equestria so it doesn't freeze overnight.
Celestia is Luna's elder sibling by a few years if even that. They're in the same age group and live close to as long as eachother. If this is true there is reason to believe that they would have close to the same amount of power or varied only a bit.. How then, would Celestia have enough power to power the sun? The sun of our solar system is an entity so vast and powerful it gives off enough heat and energy to provide Earth with warmth so we don't freeze. It also gives light energy so we can grow food and such.
How the hell does she do this with something that's artificial and with her level of power?
@Alice Lo That was actually explained in the "Journal of the Two Sisters" book. Normally it took eight unicorns a day plus Starswirl to raise and lower both the sun and moon and the eight lost their magic permanently after. However, when the same spell is cast with Alicorn magic, it RECHARGES the caster, effectively multiplying the power they give and sending it back.
As long as Alicorn magic is used in the spell (which can be learned by unicorns) the spell multiplies any magic you put into it. Kind of like recharging the battery on the car by leaving it running after just barely getting enough of a spark to start the engine.
" The sun of our solar system is an entity so vast and powerful it gives off enough heat and energy to provide Earth with warmth so we don't freeze."
Well I imagine Equestria's "sun" to be little more than a giant sun lamp.
@Alice Lo I think that their sun is a spell suspended very high up in the air, but isn't in space. Remember Rarity's wings bursting into flame when she got too close?
@Banchoking They didn't burst into flame. They disintegrated. They were made out of dew and Rarity was supposed to keep them directed away from the sun.
i have a feeling that celestia felt bad and thought 1000 years was pretty much how long she could last keeping her sister on the moon, the stars being the means of escape, or a key of some sorts
If Celestia can raise and lower the moon for a thousand years, all they would need is another Alacorn to control the stars, even ifs it's not the special talent.
actully there is evidence of a third sister, in the journal of the two sisters luna says that she can only control the moon.also one of the marks on the tree of harmony is a star and the other two are luna and celestias marks.last twighlight could be the star princess, she does do time travel.
Some even speculate that Twilight herself caused the return of NMM.
Look at her cutie mark and tell me that the main satr was originally her destined cutie mark, the fifth white star was her, and the other four are the ones that released NMM
you say that the "stars" could have been her old father or whatever relative, but do you think it could have been twilight? since she is the princess of friendship (not yet here of course) but destiny has a funny hand in all of this i think. what do you think?
I think that celestia made that day the longest, each year, was because she wanted a reminder of what she had done to her sister so that she'd never make that same mistake again.
actually, there is evidence. If you look at Prince Blueblood, Rarity refers to him as Celestia's nephew. This either means that Blueblood is the son of Luna, or there is a long lost sister.
I'd just love it if they made an alicorn responsible for stars, but not a princess, but a prince. The oldest one for example, but not present in Equestira because of, for example, a fight they had... and as a good older brother he helped his sister in escaping the moon so she can be happy again. And he'd live in a land of alicorns now or something like it... oh, maybe because Luna and Celestia were BANISHED from the country and decided to take care of other kinds of ponies? That would be a real twist :D
I think the stars that aided in "her" escape are the ones on Twilight's butt. It's a double meaning prophecy like all the good ones. Twilight Sparkle's magic surge was necessary to wake up Nightmare Moon so she could work herself free, and Twilight Sparkle and the other elements represented on her butt were what were need to let Luna escape Nightmare Moon.
I have watched a Pegasus movie on YouTube and he was talking about Luna and Celestia, and Pegasus had a theory that Luna's father controlled the stars and released Nightmare Moon. And that he sometimes controlled Meteors. -Kitsu
What I was thinking was, Twilight's the princess of the stars, I mean just look at her cutie mark. And "The star will aid in her escape", Twi was rejecting friendship even more that episode than ever before, just like Luna had no friends when she was turned to Nightmare Moon. I don't know, it's probably just silly sounding.
my idea who wrote that book: celestia herself. she knew someday there will be somepony to understand that this isnt just a book, but a warning. when twilight told celestia that nightmare moon will return, celestia said what she said to test if twilight really believes that or just thinks that and quits when celestia tells her its not true. celestia knew all along and just wanted to make sure she is not doing the same mistake she did when sunset shimmer was her student.
If it's not a sister maybe its a brother? Like a younger brother who didn't understand what Luna was doing was wrong? Thinking Luna only wanted longer 'play time' as he probably would have said. And in the end he only wanted to help since the night was his time too? Yeah I like that 😊
Here's what the stars will aid in her escape means: when twilight said "the stars will aid in her escape" she meant the stars will help in her escape! -here's what aid means: aid means help if ur not feeling good or there's somthing wrong which in this case the thing wrong is that luna's imprisoned in the moon so the stars aid in her escape as in the stars help in her escape
The stars will aid in her ascape . I think it means Celestia will aid once nightmare moon esapes and forms into Luna because Celestia is Spanish for sun and the sun is a star.
Maybe the writers came up with it without giving much thought to where it came from, and then again without really thinking about it, the animators drew four stars to aid in the escape. Sorry, I'm a bit cynical... Whenever there's something that really cannot be explained I put it down to writers' underthinking.
As for who wrote it no idea. But I have a theor as to why the days are long and short.
Before Luna was banished they could have had equal day and nights. But after she was banished Celestia made the days shift more like our world. That way ponies would actually spend more time out during the night. Just an idea though.
I think that it means Celestia aided in luna's escape. The sun is a star. Celestia's cutie mark is the sun- a star. Why would she set up the school for the gifted unicorns? To find a unicorn powerful enough to take as her student. Why would she need a student? To groom to become the new bearer of the elements of harmony. Why did she send Twi to Ponyville? To make friends, with whom she knew could also become the bearers; that without Twi learning friendship, she couldn't. Celestia couldn't reform her sister, because she had become unable to with the elements, that she used to banish Luna, so she set up Twi for it, and assisted in Nightmare Moon's escape, so the Mane 6 could use the elements, when Celestia couldn't, and do it for her.
2:49 It was obviously either Luna or Celestia-'What we saw was no dream, but a vision'-Princess Luna. Also Luna saw into the future in forr whom the sweetie belle toils.
My opinion: I think the star contains power and in tellls the years, if you think well it might say that Night-Mare (the mare of the nights or the mare of the nightmares)(lel) Moon controled the stars that had been used for years and helps her to take of the moon.
if you join the 4 stars together it appears to look like a rectangle more like a cage that nightmare moon was stuck in for 1000 years. Then 1000 years later the cage disappears which let's her free...
Princess Celestia does not represent three of the elements that is why I think it lasted only a thousand years. It's probably going to last forever when the 6 turn him to stone because they represent all the elements.
Celestia wants to make day longer to release her sister, Luna! Also the stars are Luna's friends (see below).
At 0:01 in the Book, there are FOUR Stars. In 2:39, there's one more star that doesn't shine. It got edited in or out? Plot related (e.g. 'magical book') or series development related?
Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark is indeed a Big Star (that could be a stand-in for the Moon) surrounded by Five Stars.
The differences is that, Luna's just a single star, while Twilight's seems to potray an eclipse. With Twilight looking like the stereotypical Princess Kaguya (think Touhou), it's suffice to say that Twilight also represents the Moon. Like Moon Dancer!
It's possible Luna like Twilight, also had her own Mane 6 team. So the Stars are like Twilight's 5 friends in the Mane 6, freeing their old friend/Leader.
However it's possible due to either political and/or budget reasons, Luna's friends/stars were never shown. So they're only represented by stars.
Nevertheless, if something happened to Twilight that caused her to be locked for 1000 years, the other Mane 6 probably would've sworn to release her. So the 'Stars' probably would've been the ones who wrote Prophecy.
I think it has something to do with Twilight's cutie mark. 6 stars. Luna being set free. Luna even said it her self that she missed Clestia. Maybe she wanted out of the prison she made for her self.
What if the stars that will aid in her escape are the elements of harmony? like with discord, once Luna and Celestia lost the connection to the elements, Discord returned but only after the princesses lost the connection to the elements. Luna was banished to the moon but got out after princesses Celestia was trapped in the sun( I asume she was in the sun because when the sun came up princess Celestia popped up out of nowhere ) so there was none to have the elements so nothing was holding the spell that sent Luna to the moon. SOOOO YEA. idk if that's what it is but what the heck :) BTW I love your channel and the theories you make XP
Stars... They have a ton of energy... So if you can get 4 stars... You can get Beck from the moon! Maybe she managed to pull stars to her and used their magic (this is Equestria, of course they are made of magic) to do teleport
the ponies worried about their crops dying out cause there was no sun, but moon light is just reflected sunlight. meaning that plants can grow in moonlight. (just something i wanted to say)
So many comments I don't want to read them all. So here are my thoughts, interesting as The Brony Notion put it, we know that the reason for Luna's escape was the magic of the Elements wore off, the stars are always in the night's sky and there during the day when the sun is up, but no one sees them as the sun is brighter then the stars itself. So with that said there is no third sister who raises the stars The Brony Notion did. Cadence was adopted into the royal family as a princess even though she was a unicorn at birth according to the book mentioned in another video. Although some argue she was a pegasus pony. So may be Prince Blueblood was adopted into the royal family as well? When the elements were found in the ancient ruins of the castle of the two sisters, they were found to be stone which further proves the magic release on Luna. As with Discord's release, that was done because the two princesses no longer controlled the elements of harmony, Twilight and her friends now hold the key to its magic, so the Cutie Mark Crusaders little spaz was what ignites Discord's release. Remember what Princess Celestia told the mane six right before Discord interrupts her? And those are my thoughts on this matter.
What actually annoys me is in a further episode (can't remember what it's called, the one where the princesses go missing cause discord's seeds ruined the tree of harmony, blah blah blah) celestia said something along the lines of "for my subjects the celebration has been about the defeat of NMM" BUT EVERYONE THOUGHT SHE WAS A MYTH SO HOW DOES THAT WORK?! Also in Luna Eclipse, why is their a statue of NMM, everyone thought she was a lie so again, HOW DOES IT WORK?!
My theory is: Twilight Sparkle is the stars. Nightmare Moon was not the prisoner. She was the prison. The prophecy was never about her return. All along, it was about Twilight Sparkle and your friends bringing forth Luna's redemption.
When the stars went to the center it kinda reminds me of when the stars moved in Equestria Girls closeing and opening the portal so maybe there's a portal from the moon, sun, and Equestria/earth.
There is a third sister and she was the forgotten sister because to the ponies thought stars were less important so she ran away into the stars but she kept watch over equestria when luna was banished she sympathized with luna of being forgotten and unloved the third sister decided she would aid luna's escape but only when she was powerful enough eventually the third sister warned celestia but as a threat to equestria. When luna returned the third sister was not yet powerful enough to leave the stars to rule with her sisters once again.
So maybe the stars aren't a third princess but an assistant of the two sisters. Like spike is for twilight. Perhaps the assistant had loyalty to luna and was captured in the magic while trying to reach luna and as a consequence was sent to the moon as well but they actually were banished to the stars seeing as the moon is the main celestial body of the night and the stars are there as a compliment or "assistant to the moon." So of the assistant of the two princesses was banished with luna and then it would make sense that her assistant would aid in her escape. Now why didn't her assistant come back with her? Maybe they gave up all the magic within them to help luna. I think it's established that all creatures in equestria contain magic within them. So what happens if that magic is lost? Perhaps the creature dies. Essentially Luna's loyal assistant was banished to the stars and 1000 years later "sold their soul" so to speak in order to give luna the last boost of magic she needed to escape the moon.
My theory "The Stars will aid in her Escape" Stars=Twighlight Sparkle Why I say this? Twighlight would not stop trying to figure out how to stop the internal night from happening, she was helping Nightmare Moon all along. I don't have evidence to back it up, but to me, It makes sense
... I know I have weird theory's but I personally think chrysalis is/was the third sister, she became evil after the great alicorn war with the draconicus's. (And the four stars represent the four alicorns at the time.)
Maybe they live on a flat planet like when people thought our planet was flat. this could be why when both Luna and Celestia were captured and taken to the tree of harmony, both the sun and moon showed up in the sky at the same time.
Perhaps your idol StarSwirl wrote the prophecy. It might not be accurate but in The Journal of The Two Sisters Celestia and Luna mention that StarSwirl went into the future with his time scrolls and prepared for everything that was going to happen in the years to come, there was also some murmurings of StarSwirl knowing who Twilight was in the future so perhaps he wrote the prophecy for Twilight to guide her on her destiny
i guess your mostly right but with nightmare moons releasing i guess you are right with that too cause i think its not traditional for stars to make nightmare moon to be released wow you have very good questions and good answers but i also can top on them lol
This is from a different video of Bronx notion's " how long is 100 moons". If the three stars line up after 1000 years and if when the stars line up in equestria girls, the portal will be closed for 100 moons, does that mean 100 moons is 1000 years?
This is my fanfic of the matter goes, after the solstice, celestia AND Luna realize that the events of twilight befriending the other 5 is because of the return of nightmare moon, so celestia ( I believe celestia would be sent back because the sun is a star) is sent back in time using the time travel spell to warn celestia beforehand of instead of banishing nightmare forever, as she originally intended, she does it so it's only temporary to secure the later events of future, or modern day equestria. since celestia knew the time travel spell she teaches it to past celestia so the future goes as planned, and modern celestia returns to her time. Then again this is just a fanfic I came up with as chart it down. Nice vids tho! Keep up the good work!
There IS in fact an alicorn who coulf fit the idea of Princess of the Stars. They have a star for a cutie mark and have affected celestial bodies. Maybe they coukd be, I don't know, Princess...Twilight, or something along those lines?
thinks that star swirl could have something to do with this for one, he could have helped luna become nightmare moon (stars will aid part) and made sure the spell wasn't permanent (banish moon part) When cellie asked about this star swirl revealed the truth, and so cellie was ready for the return
I think Luna still changes the stars when she's on the moon and she had to wait 1000 years cause that is the longest day of the year and the bannishment has happened before so the book could show it and anyway Luna new that training would take a while so she waited until a time when ponies gather. And I think it has to do with twilight ASWELL so Twilight helped Celestia by moving the moon and Luna moved the stars and so one
"The stars will aid in (her) escape" Stars = Twilight + main 6, releasing Luna (her) from being Nightmare Moon. Celestia you troll you knew this was the plan all along. xD I'm actually a little surprised you didn't see this yourself. I mean your previous videos even point out how Twilight's cutie mark has 5 star that are her friends.
Aww... I got excited when you brought up the Elements... You were just talking about the possibility of another alicorn, then you brought up the history of the Elements... and then you blew it... sigh...
Even though twilight sparkle is the princess of friendship maybe since she has something to do with star swirl a bearded star swirl the bearded is the stars Twilight sparkle is related to star swirl a bearded she’s connected to the stars to
I think it means by the stars the spots on the moon shaping a pony and her escape means the escape of nightmare moon from the moon and luna escaping from her nightmare format
A third sister (or a brother) is canon. Think about it Prince BlueBlood is related to the sisters (celestias nephew) his parent is related to the sisters
I have a question that I would love if someone would answer. And if you ever get around to reading this, please do an analysis video on this. So, I have been wondering, why does everybody's name go with their cutie mark? Are the parents psychic or do they just a thought at what their child's talent and Destiny will be. Someone please answer, this has been bothering me for a while
I think I know who wrote the prophecy. It may be twilight herself as when she became an Alicorn she prob knew some better time spells to travel back or even to the future without making an imbalance.
I think they got the number of stars right in the book because Luna and celestea New that the elements of harmony will wear off at around 1000 years that is why they called in the main six that's my theory you might have a different one that's just my opinion please don't yell at me if I am wrong.
What if the third sibling is Starswirl, and he ran away, because he never got his wings, and he " unleashed" nightmare moon for revenge, and then saw the error of his ways a nd became a good guy, and then possibly got grumpy for some reason, and was grumpy, until he met twilight . That kind of does make sense.
It was planed by celestia Facts 1.-she is not confortable to banish her sister 2.- she control the sun ( she appears when the sun rises, and sun is mentioned in the profecía) 3.-she said to twilight Not to worry 4.-If the stars are not controled for any pony that means that follow the same rules as the everfree forrest ( act like our stars)
what if discord`s imprisonment was weakened after a thousand years and the fight may have completed his escape of the stone prison. And luna did get jealous of her sister and turned into nightmare moon, but from a thousand years later on the longest day is when of course celestia uses a lot of power to raise the sun for the longest day, and maybe nightmare moon had this one spell with her and could only work on one day that day and tries to take over equestria, but her plan backfired because she didn't know about the new elements of harmony and turned back into luna. and the sisters are united once more. just thinking
I think that there's no third sister, I mean, look at Luna's mane. Aren't those stars? Also, the Prince Blueblood should be a distant relative from Celestia. He's not an alicorn too, so I don't think he has the power to bring up the stars. Maybe the stars in mlp universe are magical spheres that are controled by Celestia and Luna's parents. I believe that there's an "allmighty alicorn God cutie mark creator", father of Celestia and Luna. These last two are the oldest creatures in all mlp universe (u no say) appart from Chrysalis)) , but also the first ones who got cutie marks, thanks to their father. This God just gives cutie marks to earth, pegasus and unicorn type ponies. Why? because Celestia and Luna started the procreation of the ponie species. How? once upon a time, Sombra was kind and loved the princesses. But the time passed, and Sombra became ambitious for the power of the sisters, and standed against them. Celestia and Luna asked for help to their father, and he granted them the power to defeat Sombra. Once this happened, the sisters had their cutie marks as a gift from the God. The sisters ruled the most powerful kindom in all mlp universe: Equestria. That's why every villan wants to rule it. Queen Chrysalis is this God's wife, wich also turned ambitious for the power. As punishment, the God turned her into a pegacorn.
I interpreted the prophecy as if the stars were referring to twilight and her friends releasing Luna from nightmare moon..... Idk, it was just a thought....
I have a theroy about luna haveing a aprentis or adopted daughter or a adopted sister that used the stars to make constelations and when luna was banished she sent her self to the stars forever so she may aid in her escape and sending her self away was the only way to set her free
We don't know that discord was released after 1000 years. I always thought that there was a ton of time between discord turning to stone and Nightmare moon being banished.
@The Brony Notion well if you look at trixies cutie mark ,yes I know shes not an alicorn , but it is a cape with a wand , from what ive seen the cape has very small little stars on it . The wand has a star on the end of it aswell , however stars are seen as magical to some people , trixie is a magician , although a unicorn. If stars are magical and trixie is (calls herself )a magician she would most likely be associated with stars , her cape and hat have stars on them too . But you could say thats just a fasion choice. And its blatently obvious thats she is veerry jealous of (princess) twilight. Now, unicorns do not harness enough magical power to rise the sun and moon in large groups so how could trixie in any way move the stars to aid nightmare moons escape ? Another question, why would trixie be an alicorn princess?? :/ maybe she used the alicorn amulet to do so , but the amulet wasnt intoduced until after the pilot episode when princess luna returned home, although it could be possible. OR maybe it was another unicorn from trixies family , when trixie did not fully understand magic, before twilight became an alicorn I noticed that she was a teenie tini bit taller than trixie , indicating that she is older than her . If it was another member of trixies family they would've been amazingly strong at magic , inspiring trixie to take on being a magician , but this would mean trixie would've been a very late bloomer , the reason she wears a cape. However, in the show there is no indication of trixie having any relation or home at all . Well I havent seen every single episode of mlp fim so I may be wrong , BUT there is no reason to get in a hissy fit . After being defeated by twilight in a magic battle , or when ever it happened , she is shown falling over while running away , (at this point I would a picture up) if you look closely at her flank there is no cutie mark...but why? Well @The Brony Notion thats up to you to figure out and make a video about it , no hint intended peace!
I think Twilight couldn't be this pony who write the prophecy, because simply the consequence couldn't precede the cause. I think this was someone who know how the Elements of Harmony works and propably know something about magical functions of star in Equestria... or just somepony, who enumerate, that this star position will be in this day in which spell of the Elements of Harmony loss its power. Who is this pony? I don't know, but there definitely could be one pony about which existence we don't know at all(for example in season one we don;t know about Sunset Shimmer, which doesn't mean she didn't exist in this time), especially when we said about pony, who lived about 1000 years ago.
EHEM Being a scientific geek, The sun is a star, and Luna controls the stars AND night. So should Luna be older/more powerful than Celestia? Hasbro dun goofed.
Twilight's Cutimark looks like five smal and one big star. Can Twilight be one of the stars that sett Luna free? Maby one of the things that made her escape was that Twilight belived in her escape?
It was probably a reference to sailor moon with luna being sailor moon and the 4 stars being sailor star maker,fighter,healer and princess kakyu and sailor moon's cat is called luna
The Stars aiding in her escape are the stars on Twilights cutie mark. Not necessarily Nightmare Moon's escape from the moon, but Luna's escape from the prison of Nightmare Moon. Just pointing that out as an idea.
I think it is their mother because if you look at her cutie mark it has stars and a circle that means that she is in charge of the stars in the solar system so it must be the mom helping the daughter get out and the dad who was it who is also the stars in the night sky because the parents died and they are in their places where they take care and they helped her get out
if Celestia and Luna had a brother then why was it called castle of the three siblings or castle of the three alicorns? because there mother did not want the existence of star swirl to be an alicorn, she hide his wings under a cape and instead of being the only male alicorn turned him into the most powerful UNICORN she thought that if word got out that he was a alicorn that they would department on herself and her son, worried she frantically told the public that his wings were but a trick of the eye from when the doctor saw him, since she was an alicorn they believed her not unaware of her fearful lies.
According to your third sister and cutie mark theory, I started to think about Twilight as the third sister, or actually not really. But just think, Twilight's cutie mark has a big star surrounded by five other stars. Yes- stars. Sun, Moon Stars. This might not make any sense, but I'll explain it through. Four stars helped Nightmare Moon escape, so she can rule Equestria and make the other ponies adore her. But in Luna Eclipsed, Luna came out again, with her slightly threatening attitude, but Twilight helped her become friendlier, and help others accept her. I believe that you had been seeing a connection here. Also, four stars surrounding the moon, and five stars surrounding a big star. A connection. A big one. But here's the thing: only for stars helped NMM escape, but Twilight has got five surrounding. So maybe it wasn't actually Twilight, but that third sister. And maybe it's not the term third sister, it could be first. This sister might have been born before Celestia and Luna did. And as her family has all been royal, this whole family might have been needed for everything. Her Mom with the sun, dad with moon, and mysterious third sister with the stars. But then Tia and Luna came around, and everything changed. Their parents and their older sister of the stars passed away and were forgotten, and the trust of Equestria was all put in the two sisters. But the sister came back to help her younger sister Luna escape. And those four stars were her soul, creaking NMM out. Back to Twilight, she might have had a forgotten relation to the two sisters' family, so Mysterious Star Sister was probably Twilight's ancestor. Being this, she had the same passion for Luna, and helped her "break out".
Thanks! I just use whatever pops up into my mind. Theories that might just be true scare me... Plus I'm 10 and how on Equestria could I have ever thought of that XD
If Discord was turned to stone before Nightmare Moon was banished then he would have escaped before Nightmare Moon returned therefore it most likely was the chaos of the cutie mark crusaders that released Discord.
Does the princess of the stars have to be a sister to the other princesses? Why not an alicorn who felt sad for luna and freed her but she was not in any shape or form related to luna or celestia. also, maybe it's not just celestia thats getting weaker but the elements themselves and by getting weaker they are affecting celestia and possibly luna as well.
In season one episode 23 on twilights part of telling her cutie mark story Derpy shows up in there, does this mean that Derpy can time travel? Or is it for the sake of our entertainment?
Another fact that has nothing to do with the video is that in Journal of the Two Sisters it says that Starswirled saw Twighlights cutie mark and his eyes twinkled leading me to think Starswirled meets Twighlight at some time.
(you guy will know what i am talking about if you read nightmare rarity) #1 the stars are the nightmares that took over luna and rarity/the most powerful stars that have been taken over by the nightmares to help her escape from her lunar prison. #2 prince blue blood is an adopted unicorn they took him in kind of like candence with out the turning into the alicorn thing and becomeing a offical prince (alicorn prince).
Also, there wouldnt be a princess of the stars because princess of the stars is Twilight. When she became a princess, she apeared from a star, and her cutie mark is a star.
Why stars? I mean couldn't it be another shape. I mean could twilight be the Third princess? I mean in season 4 she made a star between dawn and dusk, and it was the color of her magic. These are the princesses: The princess of the sun The princess of the moon The princess of love The princess of friendship or (stars} The daughter of the princess of love Stars : Twilight Sparkle Starswirl the Bearded Sunset Shimmer Starlight Glimmer Elements: Loyalty Laughter Generosity Honesty Magic Forgiveness Friendship
wait about the weather, if pegasus move the clouds in ponyville to create weather then what about all the other places like manehatten. Also does Clestias sunrise actually effect everyone and the whole world or only ponyville
Omg me and my friend were thinking "The sisters had a older sister named dawn thinking she was the princess of the sun they named her that but when they had a foal they noticed the mess up they named her celestia witch should of been dawns name and the three kinds of ponies were also like the three sisters" maybe... well idk
The stars will aid in her escape. What is a sparkle in the twilight? Well technically it would be planets since they become visible before the stars... BUT! Twilies cutiemark is a star, with 5 other stars being her friends. Maybe "her" referred to Luna? Luna escaping from the clutches of Nightmare Moon
Maybe when celestia banished NM she used stars to form some type of special prism\square barrier around the moon to stop her escape if this is so the elements if harmony only blasted her to the moon and the real spell was on the stars
Wrong! "The stars will aid in her escape" Twilight's cutie mark is some stars. Nightmare Moon is Princess Luna's prison. Twilight (the Stars), along with the elements, will aid in her (Princess Luna's) escape.
I think that twilight is the stars because Nightmare moon wasn't the prisoner. NM was the prison for Luna. "Her escape" is the escape of Luna. The stars(twilight) helped Luna escape from the prison (Nightmare Moon) Or maybe I'm just overthinking this. I don't really know.
your video about twilight being clover the clever got me thinking about how her name is twilight and if you look at when the stars came in it was twilight according to the sky so is she princess of the stars twilight or is it sunset shimmer from equestria girls using magic from a powerful artifact to release a challenge to form chaos which might have started discords break out
what doesn't make sense is the actual timing. If Discord was turned to stone by the two sisters THEN the elements used against Nightmare Moon, Discord should have broken free first then Nightmare Moon.
what doesn't make sense is the actual timing. If Discord was turned to stone by the two sisters THEN the elements used against Nightmare Moon, Discord should have broken free first then Nightmare Moon.
Not the same subject, but what if Celestia was actually Twilight's mother and didn't want Equestria to know that she had a foal... and sent her to live with another... that's why she guides her as much as she does and why Twilight has so much power.... just an idea.
Star swirl the bearded. He may have been banished to the stars and helped her. Or Twilights mother twilight velvet. She may have gave up her princess hood for twilight. But then didn't finish properly because she didn't understand friendship yet. My opinion
hay i think the meaning of ''the stars will aid in her escape'' so i think the four stars are like left over magic of the elaments af harmany beacuase when the elaments of harmany shot her into the moon its posible that all the magic dint go to the moon it problie shot to the 4 stars that was near the moon and it opend her escape
I think they did have a third sister because on the episode with the Grand Galloping Gala Prince Blueblood (or something like that😐) he was Princess Celestia's nefue so ya
Theorie time! I think that it was dicord if he is star swirll bearded I think he used the stars to set her free because he discord was evil and wanted evil and kaos and if celastia could see in the future then she knew how long until discord would come up with the idea. Sorry for bad spelling.
my oc is called cumulus and i made her the third sister of the stars her story goes like this. their parents were mad that from under the sky she could move the clouds with her wings . they turned her into a cloud and banished her there since she was a child and they removed all memories of cumulus );
OHMAHGARSH TIME LOOP THEORY! After twilight learns all that she does she goes back in time and does stuff to assist (herself?) to ensure a safer future! Notion do something with this theory please, I bet it would kinda of epic XD
still thought when twi said "the stars will aid in her escape" i thought 'stars will' was 'starswirl' as in, starswirl the bearded, but also, who in equestria wants a name about his beard? what if you shave it?!? i dont know????
also I see lots about lifeblood but what about cadence? I think that either they are siblings and the third sister is like, nature or something. either that or they both were adopted as royalty
HEY! i have a theory! celestia and luna's father did not die. he was probably just lost. when luna was trapped in the moon, her father may have wanted to save her! so he mad the stars AID IN HER ESCAPE
I believe that there IS a third sister. It all comes down to one pony. Princess Cadance. Why Cadance? In the MLP universe Cadance is Celestia's niece but isn't Luna's daughter. That means that she would be the third sister's child.
I think the 3 star would be Chrisalys that was the 3 sister but then someone send her a spell that changed her apperence. Angry, she tought that the one who send the spell was the royal family so she wanted revenge! (Sorry if my grammar is bad im from Brazil and i dont think in too good at inglish)
Well maybe star swirll did a bit of time travelling but knew luna was sad so eventually he let her out because the brony notion zsaid earlier they could have been a third sister the sister of the stars so i think star star swirll is involved
Maybe people figured out because they noticed one day that specifically that had appeared getting nearer everytime. Oh and, maybe there were some left over news of that Celestial had vanished her sister. Or is Star Swirl dude? (Sorry, I don't remember all their names :( )
They knew about Nightmare Moon's return though, so not exaaactly..... Discord, like you said could break any moment, as is NM as I will call it was predicted(I know I already said that), so big difference
right now I'm writing a fan fiction where Luna before the summer solstice went into the dreams of four different unicorns who would later become her right hand ponies in the lunar republic. These four ponies are using there magic to free Luna form her imprisonment the only day they can or else they have to wait anther 1000 years for the opportunity. I call it the Luner republic
the reason discord came out of his stone inprisonment was that the sisters where no longer connected and only didn't notice till then and there for end the stone inprisonment bc who they are connected to are the mane 6 and maybe celestia caused discord to be set FREE! so the world would have been inharmony with out them only for discord cozy glow other wise they'd be in mortal jeperdy. and that is my theory HA! didn't think a 10 year old could write all that and it make sense right WRONG LOL im just being funny but the theory im serious about.
i think that there was originally six sisters and they died and thats why there are six elements.... and the elements which were still connected to the original six sisters, released nightmare moon from the moon.
Well this is a little off topic but oh well (and im also late sooo) Well i think for the first time the elements of harmony is used (to banish Discord and Nightmare Moon) the bearers of the elements are not true enough? Idk its hard to explain. When Nightmare Moon was banished, the one who used the elements was Princess Celestia, who didn't have all the elements properties (only magic, kindness, and loyalty) so the spell only lasted for a thousand year. If after Nightmare Moon returned and the one who set her right was Princess Celestia again, Luna will become Nightmare Moon again im about a thousand years But idk thats just my random thought
here's what I think celestia didn't represent all forms of the manic of friendship not fully understanding it therefore making the spells weaker only lasting 1000 years while when the mane six did it they had all of the forms of the elements therefore making it permanent
@hannah choi actually they did celestia had 3 luna had 3 i'm guessing celestia had magic kindness and loyalty while luna had laughter, honesty and generosity
@hannah choi No it's just they may have the elements but Luna became nightmare moon and was Disloyal to celestia and luna and celestia are too serious and really wouldn't luna tell celestia she was jealous for honesty. And really Luna wouldn't become jealous if celestia was more generous. While the mane six used it I don't see luna turning into nightmare moon again. And do you think that discord is going to turn to stone and become evil after 1000 years like really? So i rest my case
I think it means that twilight and her friends needed to be together in order for nightmare moon to escape. (tho im probably way, way off) Also am i the only one who just noticed this: night-MARE moon ?
I'M WRITING A FANFICTION ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A third sister!!! Of the stars!!! And who that book was written by!!! YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES Sorry... that's what happens when I get a new fanfic idea XD Thank you!!! INSPIRATION MANIFESTATION Continue your theory videos BY ALL MEANS!!! I'm your fan XD
That 4 star to would actually help explain twilight's cutie mark.... Random thoughts. I mean like doesn't she have 4 stars on her cutie mark, surrounding one larger star. Any more "headcannoners" wanna help me out with this hahaha.
Hm. A third sister.I like your theories, but mabye it has to do with a VERY powerfull pony. cough Starswirl the Bearded cough Mabye he's still around, and helped Luna return to ponyville!
@The Brony Notion the part about Twilight Sparkle causing the stars to help Night Mare Moon because the spell could only happen once for a certain amount of time. So that would not make sense.
'''' the stars Will aid In there escape ''''That means The elements of Harmony magic Vanishes Afterall When twilight Found them,the elements were still in stone.And havent used for a while anyways
in my headcanon, luna and celestia have another sister because celestia has a nephew, prince bloodmoon. and as far as we know, celestia and luna don't have any kids, so there could be another sister who has bloodmoon. who agreed with me?
"The stars will aid in her escape" How about STARswirl the bearded? Maybe he could have been like a long lost family me member or something? I don't know just an idea to grow.
I think the stars are twilight Sparkle. Maybe in the future, twilight might end up raising the stars. After all, twilight's cutie mark is a star. This is the pegasister notion signing out until the next brony notion video. hoof bump !
Maybe because there's only 4 stars that the cutie mark crusaders were trying to help Luna understand or help someone so they grabbed Apple blooms cousin and tried helping her but something happened or some elements of harmony went missing like 2 of the mane six and twilight can't use the elements of harmony and it worked but idk.
Actually because in another video you said the elements of disharmony worked alone what if they are the ones who are making evil villians escape and that's supports why only four stars aided in her nightmare moons escape
if the elements last for every thousand years then foes that mean that discorf should have been released first because he was turned to stone before princess lunas banishment and celestria was the the who wrote the prophecy because she was the only witness of lunas banishment
I think StarSwirl is the one who wrote the book. Because in some episodes of mlp thy mention that StarSwirl studied the magic of "TIME TRAVEL"............ And I also think he is also the reason why Princess celestia knows Twilight's destany is to be a Princess. But then I have this theory that Star Swirl Found out that she is the Princess of Friendship but he got so Stubborn and not wanting to believe that "Friendship is Magic" so he got Corrupted by his Stubbornness that he went Chaotic causing him do become a Corrupted Beast Not understanding Friendship. Which turns him into Discord. Hope this helped 😊
I agree with you but then I started thinking maybe Luna had a secret child that after all those years she finally just decided I missed my mom I'm going to bring her back to earth and that child might be hidden her cutie Mark Might be stars and she probably actually does the stars Luna might raise the moon and she might raise the stars I'm getting off track it might have been Lunas child or children who freed her
The sun is a star ,right? and Luna is princess of night so does that mean Luna controls sun and moon and maybe when Luna banished celestia to the sun that answers the question How did Luna banish celestia to the sun if she controls the night?
i think when the stars go behind the moon it made a hole in the moon and then the hole closed when nightmare moon was out of the hole or when the stars went in the moon and night mare moon was in the star and then the star brings her out of the moon and then the star when into 4 and went back ware they belong in the sky thats what i think
Celestia probably wrot the profisy and when she got the note from twi that she discovered it she sent her to ponyville And scelestia needs to make longer and shorter day to creat seasons
The stars aid her in her escape=The Third Sister Will Help Her Be Unbanned Why?Because Mabye The Mom Had Ban The Third Sister When Luna And Cestia Babies and were never told
I think celestia wrote the story of the mare in the moon or whatever to cover up her magic failing. I'm sorry if you follow celestia I just don't like her that much. Luna is best princess.
what do you think the back ground story is for each of the main six? plus the cutie mark crusaders? I mean who is Applejacks parents? Or rather what happened to them? Is Scootaloo a orphan? If not then why don't we ever see her parents? and what about rainbow dash? we know that twilight and rarity have parents, but what about the rest of them?
The magic lasted for 1000 years and the tree of harmony Celestia even without this the tree poses a powerful magic aslong as that magic reamains it will contuie to grow luna and clelestia took the elemnts without the elments were gone for a thousand years so the tree of lived in 1000 years Can you explain thi sim confused that only i know
Princess Celestia made the Summer Sun Celebration the long day to celebrate that there is still the sun shining and she does it on the day she had to banish Luna
So was it her destiny..? I don't think so...why is it that twilights cutie mark is on everything magical? Tree of harmony, stars that helped luna 'escape' and some other things. Maybe twilight was one of his children or family? But when star swirl went missing she traveled into the very future put an age spell on her and lernt everything he did. I mean like why was she so smart anyway I know she didn't do friendship back then and just read buttttt it's really weird how ONLY her cutie mark is on like EVERYTHING MAGICAL TO DO WITH STAR SWIRL why not rainbow dashs or pinky pies, Reritys, apple jack or flutter shys!? Maybe I'm making MLP a bigger mystery or I'm just completely wrong XD
Discord: ...Because, as we all know, the element's effects wear off after a while. Princesses: What?? Discord: Well, yes. How else would Luna and myself escaped. Tia: Oh...my. Luna: I'm going to lose it again?? Sister! I don't want to hate anypony anymore!!
Maybe the third sister died I mean she died young maybe and her body was turned into a star maybe celestia killed her or made her fall of their balcony and she was a weak flyer and helped Luna to get revenge
I think you had something but then you let it go. It's the part about the 3rd sister. so who do we know has mark of stars,is a princess and is close to the sisters? TWAY IS THE LAST SISTER!!!!!!!
i think this means twilight will help her escape her nightmare moon self because twilights cutie mark is stars and at the end twilights element is final element to complete the mane six elements
If Luna ecscaped with help od four stars that mean that there were four sisters (im not shure are they sisters of luna and celestia) who were banished to the stars like luna to the moon and they helped her to make her rool the equstria. If night mare moon rule the equstria she could help them escaped to.(sory for mistakes, im not American:D).
The Stars will aid in her escape twilight is the star part she has stars on her flank as her cutie mark she did help her go back to normal and the element of magic is a star for more I'm filming a video on my channel
duh star swirl the bearded, STAR swirl the bearded, what if star swirl is an alicorn, what if star swirl is the princesses' brother? what if he went into the future, when he was making the time travel spell? and he heard about nightmares return and so he wrote about it and went to his time, but didn't release it until she was banished....I know what your thinking, if he knew about nightmare moon ahead of time why didn't he stop it from happening? well, he did but it failed so badly that instead of preventing it he made it worse, he made it so worse that he helped her take over equestria and rule equestria he felt guilty hanging over him for the rest of his life till one day he realized he could recreat his spell and change history so that it wouldn't change this he released his book and pretended he was not from an alternate future. DEH END!!🐱
I'm not putting any personal hate on this channel and I don't hate it (I love it) but game theory's theories are longer deeper and better I know you probably dont have time to make these longer but please make them deeper! (By the way you should check out game theory's channel its pretty cool)
I love your episode you are the best best Ella straighter I ever had heard in my own in my whole entire life and thank youyou have ever done in my whole entire life thank you
maybe not a third sister maybe a brother who lives with the stars and wanted to free his sister but agreed with Celestia that 1,000 years on the moon was a fair punishment but only 1,000.
I think twilight is the third sister but she is the little sister and celestia knows she will be a alicorn but she has to keep her from finding out sort of like elsa in frozen and she has to be locked away from her sister to keep her from finding out
I made a video on my other channel MMDgirls about celestia and Luna having an Alicorn brother and I have a bit of evidence to support my theory!! I used a bit of information from one of your previous videos
maby the " princess of stars " are cyrsalis i mean all know how she is, but she doesnt like her destenie and give up her quitimark that explan the blank flank. And maybi she earndet by the others this canching. Maby she was so strong to be a Form her kingdom...
ok so before i watched this i had made a character that i named starr she was luna and celestias sister and having missed her sister for 1000 years she helped her escape thinking it would be luna to escape not night mare moon this i thought of BEFORE i watched this video i came up with it a week after i found mlp
My oc moves the stars at night but she isn't an alicorn she is a Pegasus starfire ( my oc) was a unicorn but when she got her cutie mark she turned into a pegasus but when she got older she turned into a alicorn weird
actually their is evidence of a third sister. HAVE WE FORGOTEN PRINCE BLUE BLOOD (no matter how horrible). We know Tia (Celestia) can't mother her own nephew and we know lu lu (luna) isn't married so there has to be a third sister somehow. maybe she lives in saddle Arabia. 0_0
I think that doesn't celestia control over the Sun and also the Sun is a star so is there other pony world's were celestia Luna and 4 other sisters they each took over one world but the 4 mystery sisters liked Luna more than celestia so they freed her from the moon together
Wait i have a theory how you said a princess of stars got me wondering i watched your theroy why discord is starswirl well discord wanted to bring evil to equestria so he turned himself to stars to aid lunas escape
the brony notion after i seen the creature in MLP and i like to read Greek mythology and since a chimera is obviously from Greek mythology is MLP part Greek?
I think is because Luna and Celestia weren't connected to the elements any more maybe that's the way they broke free,because the elements changed to Twilight and her friends, it broke the spell because changed to Twilight they weren't with princess Celestia and Luna
maybe she picked to make that day longer because her how her magic was weaker on that day maybe it was the day she used the EOH on her sister and as a side effect weakness her on that day
I think it means that Luna will escape by blowing up the moon so I think that the stars with. Her escape means that the star will aid and restore the moon by the way my name is NOT Nickie it is Oliveah
It means that the stars and moon collide lulu is back into our live you can take your words and all your lies OH OH OH I really need to stop turning my sentences into songs
I think that when they do stores may nightmare moon exceed they made a portal from a Questria from the moon so when the four stars guy in a straight line they would make a portal from there there. I think it was called by the refill you when they Artie day argued about the same thing but why did they why did nightmare moon it is going to come and Saintind multiples where they were coming to thousand years so when the Phillies probably will discord to make him come out does my theory least
Oh, starlight glimmer will be the princesse of the stars! Twilight is the princess of friendship help by Celestia but how about a student of twilight becoming a princess once she finished her studies??? Starlight glimmer because is STAR light glimmer... I don't know just a hinch. I thinks it makes sence!!!!
You are so wrong...Celestia USED THEM to BANISH nightmare moon.... Discord got freed since the elements of Harmony now belonged to the mane six... True that the cutie-mark crusaders was helping it... But 1000, doubt Its a magical number.Now that is out :)
My though is The four star is the four pony who has a star cutie mark and as my though thd four pony is: Twilight sparkle Shining armor ( its my though so dont comment it! ) Starlight glimmer Star swirl
My thoughts are Celestia is the sun Luna is the moon Twilight is the stars #1 twilights cutie mark doesn't have any thing that seems to look like magic but looks like a simpler picture of a star! DING DING DING
I really hope that a princess of the stars doesn't exist because thats my oc :( (her name is Midnight Moodlight Star :p and I made her a back story and everything :( )
look at Celestia and Luna dad he got star in his wings and he is the colour of the night and there mum is the same colour of the day what happened it was Luna and Celestia dad that made Luna come back but without knowing that Luna was nightmare moon and there mum made it a 1000 years
OMG I HAVEN'T WATCH ONE OF YOUR VIDEOS IN SO LONG D: Sorry bout that. But, it is possible to have a third sister. I can explain. Prince blueblood (yeah, that jerk) is called celestia's nephew......... but.... He can't be Luna's son.
I think there IS a sister of the stars but we just have not me her yet and I think twilight bailing nightmare moon out would be odd bc she would have to fight her so there COULD be a sister of the stars or what if it was a BROTHER of the stars who bailed nightmare moon out think about that! BOOM!!!
+xmarie videoproductions I didn't like that explanation for Blueblood. Celestia having a nephew has big implications! It's not something they should have thrown out just to ignore for the rest of the show. Some people have suggested that Blueblood isn't a true nephew, but just someone Celestia took under her wing. I don't know what to think, you could be right!🤷
0.0 my character is the queen of the stars, I can tell you more later, and no I didn't come up with this after your video, I have her name and backstory XD
Twilight is the third sister why didn’t you think that there are stars on her cutie mark and then she got separated and she use that spell oh my gosh the pieces are coming together
wrong. they neve mention being blood relatives. Cadance is their niece by adoption. the sister did not form Equestria, the 3 tribes did. and the sister only took power after discord. thus Blueblood is from Platium;s line that ADOPTED the sisters.
@Starlight Dash If you ask the creator of the ponies she said that they were, I asked her myself of a web that I forgot and she said they were Goddess Alicorns. Too bad Twilight will age like a regular pony...
nuh uh! in the ticket master rarity claims that prince blueblood is celestia is her NEPHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the other sister's back story: when celestia and luna were young they went exploring in the everfree forest and the third got lost. then a magical creature disguised as a pony says she'll help her but tricks her and banishes her into the sky.the family soon find out what happened and put the creature in chains in her own cave so she'll never escape. the family brings the third back but she was cursed and her true form lays in the sky so she comes back as a spirit. while she's in space her hatred forms itself into the nightmare forces that in the future will change luna into nightmaremoon. when she realizes what she has done on the longest day of the thousandth year she will aide lunas escape.CLEAR?!?!
hello just thinking but I think there's a third princess of Equestria and I'm not talking about Cadence and Twilight I'm talking about their sister Estelle
Enyone see nightmare moon in the hourglass nop not crazy in the first ep it's in the part were twilit is explaining brink to spike or sunwer around there
maby STAR swirl wrote it and made the STARs aid her due to pity but after a long to so she hopefuly would learn her lesson and maby night eternal ment luna would come back
My first thought was from the title was...STARSWIRL THE BEARDED!!!!!!!!!! (dun, dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunn). wait. but if discord is starswirl, and the thousand years ago thingy. so he and nightmare moon and...faints
i think the two princesses have a thierd sister princess stirling i think that is how you speel it is thier thierd sister does stirling sound like starling
aaaawwww, Brony Notion.... I liked your old pony person! I have to say your friend is a good designer with the new one but it just doesn't look right...... As to your theory...... IDK, a third sister might be nice and a thousand years wear off spell may be going in the right direction.
I know it's nothing to do with the video but coming to think of it would you think star swell the bearded is celestial and luna's relative.........................................
hello just thinking but I think there's a third princess of Equestria and I'm not talking about Cadence and Twilight I'm talking about their sister Estelle
no, there must be another sister, because celestia has a niece, prince blueblood. That, or luna had a baby. so make a video on that, ppwwwweeeeeeeeezzzzzzze!
Or maybe starlight glimmer, twilight sparkle, star swirl, and sunset shimmer hmmmmm I think they did it together maybe the stars or not or I don't know????????
It reali make a sense. But my version makes sense to. My version is: trixie use magic to do that. Why? Because of TRIXI CUTIEMARK! But my new one makes more sense: after this years it's possible to break elements magic. Whit tirex crustaders do that but with nightmare moon - TRIXI!
They will aid like first aid were you help someone so they aid help her out if no the magic blast damaged her magic and they help her or has anyone recoiled this its from the human world and the stars in the human world have trapped her in and the stars in the pony world help her escape
Or the real stars luna the moon sister is connected with stars maybe the stars are dead spirits of ponies nightMAREmoon maybe close friends with planets and stars 2019 anyone
Okay so this comment I wrote earlier is like, probably dead lost in the section, but I want it to be recent because I freaking LOVE this theory. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING WARNING DISCLAIMER!!! THIS THEORY IS NOOOOT MINE!!!! SOMEONE ELSE WROTE IT AND I WANTED IT TO SPREAD!!!!!!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Okay you have been warned let's go on. I'm at 10% sh** I hope I can get this done: ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ So I think that "The stars will aide in her escape" has nothing to do with the frikin # of stars. no. I think it is talking about a third sister, (or brother, I REAAAALY want it to be a brother like come on what does a male alicorn even look like? HUH?!) Who rules he stars. And the reason she isn't mentioned is because the ponies don't know of her, remember, LuLu and Tia AREN'T from Equestria! And they DIDN'T bring her when they came! So, in pony history, they just never heard of her when naming random sh** after the sisters. So, here comes the actual thoery part. I think that Tia was ORIGINALLY going to banish NM FOREVER! But, the third sister remembered that somewhere deep inside of nightmare moon was still the lovable terrifying lil' luna sis that they had grown up with. So instead of forever, the third sister (im calling her star for now idc) convinced Tia to shorten it to a thousand years. That is the Stars (Star) aiding (helping) In her escape. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
This video is posted the day after my fourth birthday and I am 10 I was born in the year 2010 and I am using my dad‘s old YouTube account I am posting this in the year 2021 to you in this video I’m from the future
I think she slingshots it around, it's technically orbiting on it's own but she maintains it's angle and speed. Really she only seems to affect it at sunrise. On one of Notions other vids I theorized that the sun and moon used to orbit naturally on their own but Discord screwed them up, and the sisters had to take daily control because they lacked the scientific knowledge necessary to plot a proper perpetual orbit.
@DazeDream But unicorns raised it before the sisters according to Hearths Warming Eve.
My theory is that the sun and moon are artificial. Something happened to the real ones (likely some overzealous ponies trying to control night and day since they already control everything else in their world) and they were replaced by spells very high up in the sky that serve the same function as the real ones.
The artificial sun acts like a sunlamp, making artificial sunlight. The artificial moon is acts as a gravity well which shifts the tides.
When the unicorns/princesses raise and lower them they aren't pushing them, they are recharging the spells. Once to make it across one side of the world, and a second time to make sure it gets around the other side.
@Banchoking That makes sense, you might be on to something there. They did go haywire when Twilight tried to do it though, so I would still say trajectory is part of it. That is, unless she wasn't supposed to actually move them and tried to because she merely didn't know what she was doing.
I think: Who wrot the book was prinses calestia i recall you saying that prinses calestia moovd the stars but you sed it was untrue but you dont now that who mivd the stars grogar
Maybe a student star I repeat star swilled the bearded bump bump buuuuuuuump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE BRONY NOTION PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE there is an mlp video called snowdrop and snowdrop became really really really good friends with the princesses luna and celestia and luna said they were dear friends and that she was the only one who truly knew her night so so so PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS PLEEAAASE SNOWDROP COULD BE THE STAR PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @The Brony Notion
I'm also thinking who is princess-prince of the stars?? And I god idea then I create princess of the stars and legend like a nightmare moon I'm actually don't know a true about princess of the stars we can only wait then hasbro publish princess-prince of the stars
i think the elaments are there earths powers and that there is a 5th princess the space and time / stars or im roung and leting my self get the best of me
or maybe it was me !!!!!! hehehe }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} no seriously if there is a princess of the stars it should be me although i have dreamed of playing clestias daughter , i could settle for her sister that when to never land while controlling the stars
"The Stars will aid in her escape". Twilight Sparkle has a cutie mark that looks like stars. She helped Princess Luna 'escape' her destiny of being Nightmare Moon. Thus Twilight aided in the escape of Princess Luna from her destiny of being Nightmare Moon. But she didn't do it alone. She had help from her friends and the other elements of harmony. So the stars, and the elements assisting the stars, (which could just be thought of as more stars) helped turn Princess Luna back into her original form.
88 likesReplies (1)
Emma Downs this was the first friendship is magic episode
1 likeTheory!!! Twilight's cutie mark IS the Stars. Therefore she's the stars. Nm is the prison,not the prisoner. The prophecy was never about NM's return, it was about luna's redemption
371 likesReplies (15)
Here's a theory. Luna like Twilight Sparkle also had her own Mane 6 team. If the 5 stars on Twilight's Cutie Mark are her 5 friends. Then the stars who aid Luna are her friends, who due political and/or development issue, were never shown in full mare forms.
34 likesThat is smart. I'm talking to both of you.
12 likesHOLY CRAP that is CRAZY 🤯
6 likesMakes perfect sense. Aid in her escape = escape from darkness and into redemption
13 likesWoooow.
4 likesIf the sun is a star then celestia controls the stars
3 likesUberpants true
2 likes:ooo
0 likes*GASP* My goodness
0 likesWow😦🤯
0 likes@OrinokawaMizuki there were 4 stars not 5
0 likesThat actually goes along really well with the whole show it goes along the whole "Friendship is magic" theme
1 like@Urchin well one of them is a fake friend😬😂😂
0 likesI would agree with you exepct for the fact that her cutie mark has 6 stars on them, the book only shows 4 stars ading her escape. That being said, not to mention she found out about it in a book; and there was another book following this theory. So if Twilight did help Luna escape, she would surely know about it. I think she can be the star princess, I just dont think she helped Luna escape.
0 likesBased on "Twilight's Kingdom" it looks like Celestia has a prophetic dreaming ability of some sort, so I would guess that she made the prophecy herself. It would also neatly explain why Celestia did not try to stop Nightmare Moon on her own, as she already knew that Twilight and co would handle it.
12 likesPersonally, as a bit of random speculation, I think we may be reading the prophecy wrong.
368 likes"Her escape" may not refer to Nightmare Moon's return, but Luna's escape from her Nightmare Moon form.
"...And she will bring about night eternal" miiiiight actually mean "Luna will stay Luna and continue to raise the moon for Equestria for all eternity."
With these interpretations the prophecy could mean that Twilight and her friends (the stars) bring about the Luna's escape from Nightmare Moon, and Luna then rules alongside Celestial for all eternity.
I don't know, maybe I'm grasping at straws here. xD
Replies (30)
2 likesI agree, though really I think the design of twi's cutie mark look alot like stars. just saying.
4 likes+Hector A. Hernandez except they don't have planets orbiting them...
0 likes+Psyanari SaysThings Was going to mention that; however, I don't believe we're wrong to try and interpret both sides. Double readings and meanings are a classic part of any prophecy. Usually with the first interpretation being apparent from the start (the one covered in this video), and an alternative at the end (the one you brought up).
5 likesHow Luna actually escaped her prison is a worthy subject of speculation, and I'm inclined to agree that the Elements either resolve an issue or delay it.
That would make sense in some ways, but i think otherwise
2 likes+Psyanari SaysThings everything makes sense now
0 likesThat would make a lot of sense 😸
0 likeswow good reason
2 likesThats a great theory! But WOW, if Twilight and her friends hadn't saved mom, I wouldnt EXIST! It was because she turned good that dad— nevermind.
3 likesGeneralQuickstrike HalfGirlHalfCat Yeah
0 likesYeah
0 likesPsyanari SaysThings I get it. Maybe it says stars because of twilight's cutie mark.
1 likePsyanari SaysThings no
0 likesNo
0 likesPsyanari SaysThings i think you're right
1 likeNo wait, I think you're on to something here.
1 likeSorry I know this is 2 years later😅
But the stars could be talking about Twi's cutie mark, which we've learned before represents her and her friends.
So "the stars" would be the elements of harmony. And just like how discord needed a little push with the disharmony the cmcs caused, Luna needed a little push of extra magic to escape the moon. And since friendship is magic, Luna was able to escape after Twilight became friends with everyone.
Though this theory is proven false if you think about the season finale with starlight glimmer causing them to never become friends, yet Luna still escapes the moon.
It makes sense though. I like it :)
0 likesI guess you are right.
0 likesIt's making sense...
Psyanari SaysThings Makes a lot of sense
0 likesPsyanari SaysThings
0 likesYou just blew my mind.
0 likesPsyanari SaysThings YOU. ARE. BRILLIANT.
0 likesIn the intro to 'Mare in the Moon', it says that the 2 royal sisters 'maintained balance & harmony for all the different kinds of ponies'. When Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon, & was banished to the Moon by Celestia using the Elements of Harmony, that balance was disrupted. Nightmare Moon wasn't the prisoner, she WAS the prison (of Luna). 'The Stars will aid in her escape' refers to Luna being released from the prison of Nightmare Moon, aided by Twilight Sparkle (stars cutiemark) making true friendships, thus unlocking the full powers of the Elements of Harmony. This restored balance & harmony to Equestria, & the Elements bonded to their new guardians, the mane 6.
0 likesI dont really agree with you there, but it was 1 heck of an idea!!!
0 likesI like the way you think and Id like to add on to your theory "the stars" could refer to twilights cutie mark and how its stars and she aided in lunas escape from nightmare moon
0 likesYeah, I was kinda thinking something like that too...
0 likesPsyanari SaysThings true omg
0 likes@Hector A. Hernandez I think that her cutie mark represents her being the big shiny purple star and the smaller white ones representing her friends.Also,there are five smaller stars for her other five friends.HOW?I mean like she bears the most powerful element of harmony,the element of magic. (Plus even though the physical elements are gone,the mane6 and there personalities still represent the element they used to bear once).And she is the only alicorn from the mane six and the ONLY ALICORN RULER from her friends after srason 9. (I don't mean to say that she rules equestria alone.She still rules it with her friends.) But she is still an alicorn,"Making her a big star among her friends".I think that is what her cutie mark represents and means...
0 likesthat's actually a pretty good theory, and there's nothing going against it so this is my new headcannon
0 likesseason 9 twilight is the new ruler of equestria
0 likesI think people are onto something with the third sister. For one thing, Prince Blueblood. In the episode Ticket Master, Rarity said that Blueblood was Celestia's nephew. But he isnt Luna's son, so who's son is he? Possibly the son of the third sister? And his cutie mark does make sense. If you look at it, it's two stars. Maybe it resembles one star being the princess of stars, and the other one being her spoiled son. It's just a theory. Also on the topic of cutie marks, you did point out in the video that Luna's cutie mark has no stars on it and only a moon. It probably is a giveaway that she only raises the moon. It also makes sense that the elements effects may wear off after around a thousand years, but after re-watching your video, i remembered when you said that the crusaders argument may have just been the last push. Maybe a third sister tried to release Luna from the moon and that had also been the last push to free her, as she may have been about to be freed anyways, like what happened to discord. I know my babbling might not make any sense but its all I can figure. I would be interested to hear more of your thoughts on this topic.
116 likesReplies (35)
11 likesSuggestion: they wrote Blueblood in as a character before thinking about the implications to the lore. Also, maybe he was adopted into the Royal Sisters' "family" as he had some lineage with the royal unicorns who ruled Unicornia and held power in Equestria in its pre-alicorn days.
Let me clear stuff up.
3 likes+Marvel Fan I don't think he can raise the stars since he is just a unicorn, but I do think that since his cutie mark has two stars it could be a symbol of his connection to his mom even after she seemed to disappear. +janaya vinters I'm not sure they would but it would be interesting to see how it all fits. +BioniclesaurKing4t2 I guess that could be possible but you just forgot all the points I just made. I do think he could be important to the story even though we only see him twice. But I think your theory has a few rough spots. He wouldn't be counted as royalty if he was just plain related to ponies who ruled a thousand years ago. Others would think that a thousand years of generations with non royal blood wouldn't make him a technical royal prince unless he was related to the princesses directly. I'm sure that if that were the case, after a thousand years there would be other ponies to claim to be related to olden royalty and claiming to be considered princesses. But we only see Blueblood. I hope this clears stuff up.
@LPS Sue
4 likesPerhaps the royal unicorn family retained the "royal unicorn family" title, remaining in a position of distinction within the elite of Canterlot during those thousand+ years, just not having much political power with Celestia ruling things, more sort of "ceremonially royal". Also, yes, we only see Blueblood, but there may be others we haven't seen yet.
Or maybe he's Celestia's distant descendant and she tells everyone to call her his aunt instead of great, great, great, ect. grandma because it makes her feel old.
4 likes@janaya vinters
1 likeUnicorns used to raise the sun and moon according to Hearths Warming Eve.
What if it's his talent?
Maybe the only reason Celestia and Luna can do it is that it's their talent, rather than being particularly powerful or skilled at magic.
2 likesUnicorns moving the sun and moon drain them of their magic; alicorns moving them get rejuvenated. It's all due to the difference between the "flavors" of unicorn and alicorn magic, though the Sisters' talents do admittedly involve those objects in particular.
0 likesWhere was it said that moving the sun and moon rejuvenates them?
0 likesSomeone said it's from the "Journal of the Two Sisters" book.
1 likeI've never heard of anything like that. Sorry.
@BioniclesaurKing4t2 I dont think that would be the case. What i said is that over thousands of years the line of the royal unicorns probably got very big and the likely hood that, that being the case, we only see that Blueblood is considered a prince. Think about it. If the descendants of the royal unicorns all called themselves royals thousands of years later, the probabiity of there only being one descenant in all of Equestria is extremely unlikely. In a more likely case, Blublood is a nephew of Celestia and the descendants of the royal unicorns are now regular unicorns, just with possibly enhanced magic ability. Possibly those descendants could be part of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I think it would be a more likely case.
4 likes@janaya vinters
3 likesYeah, but it probably wasn't any of those unicorns' talent either.
I think the only reason Celestia and Luna can raise the sun and moon is because it's their talent, rather than being more powerful or skilled then normal.
@janaya vinters
1 likeWho knows?
@The Pegasister Notion Um.. I said that Blueblood's mother would be the princess of the stars. Luna's the princess of he moon if thats what you meant.
2 likesI think its lunas and celestias magic ( talent , wich is raising the sun and moon ) in Season 4 the last episode they all gave their power to twilight and she could raise the sun and moon beacuse she had so much magic , and disint rarity mention that it was her brother or grandson or whatever .. But think about it, it cannot be her GRAND SON , if it was would'nt Celestia have a kid and mention it? So it problaly their little brother that was born like 500 years after nightmare moon and everything. I dont know, just guessing
2 likes@GabbiGamerz Umm. I dont know how to respond to that. Is her nephew which is the hole point of this conversation. It means Celestia has another sister.
1 like@LPS Sue
1 likeI think she just considers him a nephew. She may have been close with his parents or something.
That could be the case I can admit that but there is the possibility that he IS her nephew.
3 likes@LPS Sue
0 likesMaybe.
0 likesYeh
0 likeswow never thought of that! Maybe her name is Constellation!
1 like@RainbowBlittz440 I'll make that an OC! No time to waist, must draw!
1 like@RainbowBlittz440 lol good idea. I think Its contagious. Now I have to draw her!
1 likeI already did >:D
1 likePlease give me a link! And so did I! :D
0 likes@LPS Sue I dont draw so people can see in public, but she was my idea, therefor my OC
0 likesi was going to put that down!
0 likesthird sister is chrisalis :3 i have a hole story about how she became a changeling and all
2 likes@VD Craft I guess that makes sense, but it still doesn't explain anything with how the stars are moved. It could be possible, just, im afraid, not completely likely.
3 likes@LPS Sue its probably magic
1 likeIn this The Fall of Sunset Shimmer panel.
3 likeshttp://comicsalliance.com/files/2013/10/My-Little-Pony-Annual-2013-Comic-Equestria-Girls-9.png
Luna's old original Cutie Mark resembles Twilight's CM.
I think that the issue is that, there're ponies older than Celestia and Luna. Because there was a Twilight before Sunrise/Daybreak (Day Breaker?). It's presumed that 'Ancient Twilight' might've played a part on the 'current incidents.
As for the stars. They're Luna's old friends.
Now i feel bad for not checking the comments section before making a comment like this.
0 likesSusanna Ennenbach but Luna is princess of the night dosent that also include the stars?
0 likesThat actually makes so much sense! The third sister may have kept herself hidden until she sat am opportunity to release the sister she missed so much.
0 likesPlus, if there were three, it would have probably caused tension when Celestia banished Nightmare Moon. After all, she would have had to choose sides and that could have probably resulted in a three-way battle instead of a simple two-way one.
Wait a moment twilight has a star cutie mark and is a princess
0 likesThe moon wasn't the prison, but Nightmare Moon was, imprisoning Luna. The stars that aided her escape were the ones on Sparklebutt's rump.
12 likesReplies (1)
Ok that made me chuckle
1 likeY'know, I actually have a different theory. Magic works on a strange system of checks and balances, but the reason it's strange is because the effect can come BEFORE the cause. "The stars will aid in her escape" may actually have to do more with Twilight, whose cutie mark is the "Symbol of Magic" otherwise a six-point star.
9 likesThe theory here is that the cause was in fact, (remember this strange cause-effect thing I was talking about) Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six becoming heir to the Elements of harmony.
In otherwords, Celestia was about to lose her connection with the Elements, so the elements had to focus on connecting to a new heir, instead of keeping their magic in place. Basically, Luna had already lost her connection to the elements when they were used on her, and Celestia was about to lose hers, this caused the spell on Nightmare Moon to fail (cast by one magical anchor, Celestia, and therefore the weaker) and the spell on Discord to begin to fall apart (Cast by two anchors,Luna and Celestia)
Yes this theory is self perpetuating, (The spell broke on Nightmare Moon, causing Twilight to become Heir to the elements, causing the spell to break on Nightmare Moon) But that's the thing, Magic sometimes, no, often IS self perpetuating, why else would magic (in it's purest form) be considered "all powerful" It makes itself stronger in order to allow itself to become even stronger.
Replies (1)
I think your right...
0 likesI heard another great head cannon. I don't know who thought of this but it's really good. The prophecy wasn't about nightmare moon it was about Luna. Luna was trapped in Nightmare Moon, and stars were Twilight. Twilight's cutie mark is stars and if the stars aided in her escape it could mean Twilight helped save Princess Luna with the elements.
5 likesIn Twilight's Kingdom, it seems that Magic cannot be destroyed. Perhaps Celestia stripped Luna of her powers and stored them in the stars. Luna slowly retrieved her magic from stars as the stars moved around. The celestial bodies seem to not move unless they are being acted upon by magic; however, they may be able to move on their own if they have magic stored in them. Clouds normally do not move and require a pegasus's aid, but in the everfree forest, they seem to move by themselves.
4 likesReplies (1)
Or Celestia held the magic and that's why she could raise the sun and the moon, and every time Celestia raised the moon, Luna got a bit of her magic back.
2 likesI think "The stars will aid in her escape" uses the stars as a reference to Twilight, in a previous video you made, you pointed out that Twilight is most likely the balance between the sun and the moon. Stars come out at night and so does the moon, but the sun is a star, so stars are the balance beetween sun and moon. So anyway, I think Clover the Clever (future Twilight who time traveled to the past) wrote the book to warn about what she was going to do.
3 likesI thought the episode 'Princess Twilight' made it pretty clear why all the elements' spells were suddenly wearing off at about the same time (and even why Celestia chose to release discord and try and reform him, she may have realised the elements were weakening and the seal wouldnt last much longer, ironicaly making the threat of sealing him away if he misbehaves a bluff).
2 likesMy theory is that the stars have something to do with twilight and the 'escape' refers to freeing Luna from the nightmare forces control.
Very interesting, as usual. I like the theory of a third sister. We've got the three basic astral signs: Sun, Moon and Stars. Granted that Planets could be one, I highly doubt it. The fact is, if such a sister of Stars existed, where would she live? Or, would it even BE a sister? It could be a boy, that would explain why it's the 'Castle of the two SISTERS' and 'Journal of the two SISTERS' get my point? In addition, perhaps Celestia and Luna didn't know this sibling existed, because maybe their parents wanted them seperate...perhaps this sister if met the other two could plunge the world into a war? Think about it, Nightmare Moon's banishment only happened because of the STARS, so, I theorize that one could link the Stars to Nightmare Moon. Hence, maybe this sister would extract Nightmare Moon and make her a seperate entity, as well as extract the bad Discord, bring back Chrysalis(who in the end would turn good), resurrect Sombra from the dead, awaken Plunderseeds EVERYWHERE, free Tirek, find Scorpan and make him help, and so forth. It would be one HUGE war of good vs evil
1 likeIn addition, what if the Elements of Disharmony were introduced. The Disharmony ones would perhaps feed off of Chaos and Disharmony, aka, Discord. Perhaps Discord made them as a way to help him in case he was defeated. It could be theorized that the Elements Of Harmony(EoH) and the Elements Of Disharmony(EoD) would, or could, cancel each other out. In a further idea, perhaps in the end, the villains would reform(except Tirek, he sucks), and join peacefully in Equestrian Society.
2 likesThe profecy could be about Luna’s redemption from being nightmare moon
The aid in her escape could mean that she could’ve been the spell wearing off as you said in the video BUT now there are 4 princesses and twilight could’ve represented the fourth star that would help Luna’s escape. Celestia Luna cadence and twilight. 4 princesses 4 stars. And when she gets banished into the moon look at the unicorn face. It looks like a shocked face that’s scared. Luna couldve been up there being scared of what would happen when she came back. Now if you watch the perfect pair when buttercup and bright mac are getting married look at the sky and you’ll see the mare in the moon. No stars are around it yet because they could’ve been too far away. When twilight looks thru the windows the stars are slowly coming to the moon and when before nmm makes her first appearance the stars are moving faster. Could it be the time that affects her escape
Actually, I believe celestia and Luna did have another sister. cough cough celestias nephew blueblood cough cough
134 likesReplies (8)
Who and the what now
8 likesGo see Magpiepony's whole Trixie Sparkle episodes.
6 likes@Ruby Rosepetal Lol I seen that but I didn't finish watching it all
2 likesOooor, it could be a brother
0 likesThey had a brother and another sister. Cadence is their blood niece, but Blueblood isn’t actually related to them in any way from what I found.
0 likes@BEN drowned🇺🇦 I thought that was the other way around
1 likeYour right blue blood's mother
0 likesIkr where did he come from?
0 likesI believe it was Celestia all along. Perhaps Celestia represents the stars. The sun is a star after all. And as it shows in season 4's first episode, the day represented the day she had to lock her own sister away, which she is very upset about and wanted the day to remembered as the rebirth of her sister. Perhaps she planned to release her that day, and she sent twilight to ponyville to meet her five friends, and for them to use the magic of friendship to change Nightmare Moon after she released her from her prison. I believe Celestia is the only pony powerful enough to break her from her chains after all.
28 likesReplies (6)
Finally somebody notice
0 likesFinally somebody notice
0 likes+Mr.chang cooler i agree with you, unless nm can/could have done something from the moon to set her free tia would be the only one to set her free (i have another idea but i'm to lazy to type it :/)
0 likesMr. Chang I agree!
0 likesMr. Chang ok
0 likesOk
0 likesAh! Loving the new design! :D
3 likesNow about this theory: It seems pretty legit to me. Maybe later, in another episode, you could go over prophesies and lore written down in Equestria. Like who exacly is writing them down or coming up with them. It's just a suggestion, and there may not be much to work with right now, but it'd still be cool for a later time. :) Keep on rocking, bro.
The four stars are =
278 likes1. Star Swirl the Bearded
2. Twilight Sparkle
3. Sunset Shimmer
4. Starlight Glimmer
Replies (19)
John Smith maybe
3 likesOr maybe the elements minus the magic element
5 likesJohn Smith nvm counted you're right
3 likesThat’s an interesting hypothesis, but it doesn’t really hold water if you look behind the scenes. Out of the four characters you mentioned, only two were canon by Magical Mystery Cure , which was originally written to be the series finale.
5 likesJohn Smith
1 likeC
1 likeILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!!!! jk lol
1 likeInteresting
0 likesShimmer and Glimmer.. Looks so familiar
2 likes@not aku you know twilight and sunset are literally the elements of magice (twilight is original and sunset is human) also there is minus generosity , honesty, laughter kindness and loyalty. Your statement is so wrong it's like U have never watched mlp
1 likeI never thought of that, good thirory ( I can’t spell )
1 likeMia Vanilla hi
0 likesJohn Smith in the photo of Luna there are four stars!!
0 likeswhy does sparkle shimmer and glimmer remind me of that one french barbie movie
0 likesMaybe they are Grogar? He was banished to the stars.
1 likeSunset Shimmer
1 likeStarlight Glimmer
What a funny connection
Or maybe Celestia Luna cadence twilight
1 likeMy guess is Celestia, Cadance, Flurry, and Twi
1 likeUnlikely, but possible
Just the pnes who had like a "star or bright word" in their name
1 likeFinally I find someone who agrees with my 1000 year timeframe headcannon. As with the prophecy, I like to think that celestia knew about the thousand year limit, and the stars were used more as a celestial clock. Easier to keep track of time across a millennia that way.
1 likeThe recently released 'Journal of the Two Sisters' book may have answered this.
0 likesStarswirl once tried to teach Luna a spell to move the stars. She learned how to cast it but even alicorns don't have enough magic to actually make it work.
She may have been storing up her magic for the thousand years she was trapped so that she could use the stars to escape.
Another possibility is that Starswirl knowing such a spell, the fact that he invented time travel, and was friendly with Luna means he may have gone to the time of the first episode and released her himself, then gone back to his own time and wrote the prophecy.
He did say that a unicorn couldn't cast the spell (and Luna proved that alicorns can't either) but there are ways of increasing a unicorn's power, such as the alicorn amulet.
I agree with the thought on them having a lost father, though I think it's more of a lost sister. I have my own little thoughts on it, but it is nice to take into consideration of other people.
1 likeThe Sun and the Moon are controlled by the princesses. But, maybe the Stars are too far away to be controlled.
1 likeIt’s either:
1. They have their own magic and move by themselves or
2. They don’t have magic and still move they move by themselves.
I’m gonna go option Nr.1. Because it matches perfectly with my theory.
My theory is:
The Stars come together with the Moon on the longest day once every thousand years. And when they come together, the Moon glows as the Stars lend their magic to the Moon. The day Nightmare Moon was banished was the longest day. And the only way for her to escape on her own was to use the magic from of the Stars she will get on the longest day after a thousand years. Celestia knew that and wrote that in the book of prophecies. Twilight got a copy of the same book and found that prophecy. And That’s how she knew about it.
Of course, that’s my theory. If you have a better one, give me a reply about it
I love how Bronies can have friendly arguments and conflicting theories without hate. It's so much more fun to have a non-hostile argument while accepting and reflecting on both sides' points instead of throwing insults and trying to seem more intelligent. Little to no groups are able to do the same.
0 likesI've always figured that since Luna was the Princess of the Night and the stars were her creations, that they naturally came to her aide when they felt that she was returning. It could be that as Nightmare Moon she couldn't control the night sky like she would normally do because that part of her was born purely from the darkness. Maybe being trapped on the moon made Nightmare Moon lose a lot of her dark powers like how being imprisoned in Tartars weakened Tirek. Luna on the other hoof is technically the true "mother" of the night sky and when the imposing darkness in her heart dissipated just enough with the passage of time, the strongest, brightest stars of the sky flew in to free her and give her a path to follow home. After all the second she was freed from being Nightmare Moon all she wanted was to be with her sister again.
0 likesGreat point!
0 likesTo be honest, I thought it was Discord that caused the CMC to fight, as they seemed strangely out of character if I remember correctly. But now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense that Discord would be feeding off chaos from the ponies to gain power, almost like in season 4 when Tirek steals magic.
I once read a theory that said that Celestia and Luna actually represent the Day and Night; the Sun and Moon being the most prevalent features of this. As 'ruler of the night' Luna (and thus Nightmare Moon) would have a connection with the stars and that particular arrangement of stars gave Nightmare the power boost needed to break the seal. (This could work either with or without the 1000 year theory)
0 likesThere is a comic strip on DeviantArt (which has also been turned into an animation on YouTube) called 'Luna's Cutie Mark' which also shows Luna as having power over the stars. If you haven't seen it before, I suggest you do, it's... sweet.
(I also remember another theory that says Twilight ended up absorbing some of Luna's power over the stars in the second episode - meaning that Twilights cutie mark represents not only magic and friendship but also the stars - which may be a reason why the power gap between Celestia and Luna seems so big because some of her own power ended up boosting Twilight's) But that's a whole other theory.
Mysticism often places emphasis on stellar alignment, pretty much any fiction with magic will have powers enhanced by aligning of planets or stars or arrival of comets or whatever. I had always assumed that the alignment of the stars merely boosted NightmareMoon's power and allowed her to break the spell on her own. If the solstice also boosts power then it makes sense to think that she needed both to coincide, that the stars may have aligned on other years but never on the solstice and alone they were not enough. As to Celestia making that day longer, it may be that the magic boosting effect is not because of the solstice, but rather the other way around- she makes that day longer because for whatever unrelated reason, magic is stronger then. I just had another idea- maybe there are mystical energies inherently linked to day and night that flow back and forth like a magic tide, and the summer/winter solstices are when the flow changes, when one sister is the strongest and the other is weakest. That would be backwards though, the longest day being Celestia's strongest. If that were the case Luna's escape would have to be on the longest night. I always thought it should be, right from day one when I watched that episode I felt it would make more sense if Luna escaped on the longest night. (I actually remembered it backwards for a while, I thought it was the longest night.) Maybe the star alignment affects the flow in some way, interrupting Celestia's power and shifting it all to Luna despite happening on Celestia's day. If all of Celestia's power was shifted to Luna but Luna was unaffected then she would have all the power normally shared between the two. I think I'm moving away from analysis and towards making shit up though.
0 likesIf Twilight really does write that prophecy, I want to see it happen in the fifth season. Scriptwriters, don't fail me now!
0 likesI like to think that Twilight Sparkle is the stars. Luna was imprisoned in the moon and it was known by Celestia that the spell to banish her would only last 1000 years.
1 likeI'm not saying Twilight let her loose, I'm saying the spell had a time limit. When Nightmare Moon came back, it would explain why the day was long. A day doesn't only mean the part when it's sunny. A day is used to described 24 hours, including night time. So when Nightmare Moon made the spell, night kept on going, making it the longest day. Besides, Luna did want ponies to stay awake at night in the first place, so I think her night became daytime and Celestia's day would be night when everyone should sleep, so they'd show love to her beautiful night.
I know that Nightmare Moon did a spell for eternal night before anyone corrects me, but maybe this was just a way to punish ponies for loving the daytime so much more and she would eventually bring back day once ponies would play at night and sleep at day. How else would plants and such grow? I mean, Celestia did take care of Luna's job for thousand years, who says Luna can't do Celestia's?
Anyway, so that is my opinion what the longest day of a thousand years mean. Then the stars will aid in her escape. I think the stars meant that Twilight will let Luna escape Nightmare Moon's control by using the magic of friendship through elements of harmony. After all, Twilight does have stars for a cutie mark. And once Luna was reformed, it broke the spell of eternal night, allowing Celestia to escape and bring back day.
This is just my opinion, so I don't mean to offend. I just like the idea. :)
The Journal of the Two Sisters does in fact say that Star Swirl mastered time travel. Perhaps he was the one to write the guide on the elements of harmony? It does confirm he went into the future, and he wouldn't let Celestia and Luna know about their future until it happened. So maybe he knew about Nightmare Moon and all the things to come? It would make sense that he had "prophecized" this.
0 likesIt had never really occurred to me about this part of the philosophy. But now that you mention it maybe the "stars aiding in her escape" is metaphorical of Twilight since her Cutie Mark is a Star (I know it represents magic but its still the shape) . And the 5 stars surrounding her Cutie Mark represent the rest of the mane 6. Perhaps the "stars aiding in her escape" is symbolic of the fact the mane 6 helped Luna escape the shell of Nightmare Moon and helped her once again become Luna :)
0 likesI'd imagine that when the prophecy stated that "the stars would aid in her escape," it meant that Celestia would aid in the escape of Nightmare Moon. Granted, she didn't want to bring Nightmare Moon herself back, but rather, she wanted to bring back Luna. The sun is a star, right? Wouldn't that mean that Celestia can control the stars too (I mean she can control the moon as well)? Maybe that's why the prophecy knew details all the way down to how many stars would aid, because Celestia is the one who put them there. She imprisoned her sister, so she was planning to get her out anyway. I bet she used the Elements because that way, she would know how long she'd have to wait until she'd get her sister back. Maybe she also planned for Twilight and her friends to become the new Element bearer so she could be reunited with her dear sister again. I don't know, that's my outlook on it.
0 likesDr. Whooves wrote the prophecy.
76 likesMIND. BLOWN.
Replies (4)
1 likeOMG DOCTOR WHOOVES!!!!!!!!
1 likeSpirit Squid
0 likesOk
0 likesI like your theory about the elements magic wearing off but I believe that I might have a better theory. I believe that after a thousand years of Luna (easier to write then Nightmare Moon) chipping away at the elements magic until it could stand no further and gave up, she used the stars as her key to her jail cell and left the moon. Or to mix the 2 theories, perhaps the spell sent her to the moon and only paralyzed her from using her magic. And eventually the spell wore off and she had just enough magic by herself with the boost of magic from the summer solstice for her to get the stars to her and use it as her key off the moon
0 likesIn the first episode that Trixie was introduced, it showed Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. Constellations. Constellations are stars.
0 likesI've always considered the stars as their own sort of entities.
Or, if you want to look at it a different way;
I've always made the connection of Twilight being the stars to Celestia's sun and Luna's moon.Which is partly why I anticipated Alicorn Twilight coming since the end of season 2.
It was Twilight's destiny to bring Luna back and connect with the elements of harmony.
I actually think that Celestia knew when she banished her sister to the moon that it would only last 1000 years. The elements could have been angry with her for using them on her own (which is why she was never able to use them again after banishing Luna. So I feel like the elements of harmony themselves took pity on Luna and freed her after the time was up. Celestia probably wrote the prophecy herself because she knew exactly what was going to happen. Which was why she was so adamant of taking on a student with high magic ability, so that her student could bear the elements with her friends. It could even have to do with the coincidence that Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle's names mean "the time between night and day" and were both Celestia's students. Celestia may have known (perhaps been told by the elements) that she needed someone who can unite day and night. Celestia failed with Sunset, and thus had to find a new student to bear the elements. Over all this would mean Celestia's plan was a complete gamble, but I feel like Celestia would have been content if her last hope (Twilight) failed. She would have to face the wrath of her sister which I'm sure she felt she deserved, and would be banished to the sun (Faust said she was sent to the sun when Luna returned) for Luna's reign.
0 likesWell, I already sort of worked it out - Luna/Nightmare Moon is connected to night and moon (therefore stars) so maybe there was so much magic she could get the stars to get her out "the stars will AID her escape" aid = help (doesnt it?) so, that is my theory.
2 likesI love all your videos and theories! Im aa big fan of MLP and all your videos make sense to me and help me understand more. Although I have my own opinions I'd love to share them but for this video I 100% agree :D
0 likesWow look how far we went with that kids show. Theories, adults actually being fans, lots of fan fiction and so much more! How perfect can you get?
0 likesI think Twilight's cutie mark (stars) could mean something.
19 likesHer cutie mark is one big star surrounded by five others (representing her and her five friends), but there were FOUR stars involved in Nightmare Moon's escape. However, they could still be related. Take away Twilight's big pink star, and you've got five. One too many. Take away one more, and you've got four stars, like you need.
But who else would you take away? Rarity, because she and Twilight were both unicorns at the time? Maybe. What reason would there be to take away somepony else? Or would you not take away Twilight? Would you take the two pegasi (Dash and Flutters) or the earth ponies (AJ and Pinkie) instead? Or two ponies of different tribes, like a unicorn and a pegasi, or an earth pony and a unicorn, and so on?
And how would Twilight help Nightmare Moon escape? Being the only pony who thought she'd come back?
IDK. Just something I thought of that makes zero sense :P
Replies (7)
@***** Thanks!
0 likes@ChocohalicPegasus
0 likesthe big star could mean celly and small star luna
@Addison Boott Good idea
0 likes+ChocohalicPegasus I think you're very close... but not quite correct about the Rarity part. Before I go on, I would just like to say this is my own idea, and if someone else has already said it, I'm very sorry.
0 likesContinuing on. I have a theory that Twilight IS the 'stars' that will aid the Mare in the Moon from her escape. (Like you said) But in metaphorical terms. Twilight freed Luna (I'm talking about good Luna now, not Nightmare Moon) from her evil, jealous self, and Luna can be related as the Mare in the Moon.
As for the sister theory, Twilight is a Alicorn now, making her a princess. Plus, Princess Celestia and Twilight have always been close.
And for the timeline, Twilight hadn't found her friends before the time she released Luna, and this affects her magic because... (wait for it)... FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!
As for who wrote the prophecy... Star Swirl the bearded? No idea.
If this actually makes sense... someone tell me? Most of my theories don't actually make sense, so I would be happy to know if someone read through this without any confusion :-)
@Nicky Awesome That's a really good theory! Much better than mine. Tad bit confusing, but still really good!
0 likesReally? Thanks! :-) I'll try to make it a bit more simple :-)
0 likesIn 0:01 there're 4 stars. In 2:39, there's one more star, but that got edited out. While in this:
0 likeshttp://comicsalliance.com/files/2013/10/My-Little-Pony-Annual-2013-Comic-Equestria-Girls-9.png
Luna's Cutie Mark resembles Twilight Sparkle's CM!
The stars are Luna's friend, who due to some reasons, wasn't shown in mare forms.
I think that the stars have some sort of spirit in them, like a Dryad, just in the stars and that the four star spirits were close with Luna (knowing that the stars would probably be lonely, along with Luna, so they became friends) so, when the timing was right (as in they all surrounded the moon) they combined their power and released Luna from her imprisonment in the moon. This might not make much sense but it might be true.
0 likesI have a small question. Go back to the first episode of season 1. When twilight is walking in the canterlot library, she walks past a giant hourglass. If you look through it, one of the large pony head pedestal has the face of nightmare moon. As soon as she passes it though, the face is gone. This could be a symbol of her traveling through time. I was just wondering if you noticed this as well. It would be great if you could look into this factor in a future video cause I'm still a little confused why they would put an Easter egg like that in the first episode.
0 likesNew theory: Twilight was the one that released NMM.
0 likesHear me out: Twilight's cutie mark represents stars in general, regardless of the Element of Magic. This can be backed up in a couple of episodes where Twilight has a Telescope pointed up at the night sky (this is further compounded in a fan project (turnabout storm), but that's irrelevent for this theory). Twilight being the new bearer of Harmony is a night owl, someone who's more active at night and would sleep late into the day (not unlike most night owls in OUR world), would prefer the night over the day to some extent and due to latent magical potent slowly moved the stars into position to release NMM. The Element of Magic, having been lost for centuries (as far as we know), would want to restore one of its former wielders... but how? Maybe help the new destined wielder in a subtle fashion (i.e. the latent magic moving the stars), and upon learning the value of friendship as a concept, revealed itself to its new bearer to give the other elements a boost and together, heal the former bearer to her rightful position as Princess of the Night (the good that the night brings).
Just something to think about...
Replies (2)
Twilight cutie mark represent the element of magic on the element of harmony and also, i don't think twilight would even help nightmare moon
0 likes@Anna Baker I never said it was a conscious effort. The Element of Magic (the physical form of it) had been missing for centuries. Thus, from it's hiding place, it probably could sense Twilight (given that she was its future bearer) and used her night outings watching the moon and stars and using that as a visual for moving the stars. Latent magical potential means what's inside that hasn't been discovered yet.
0 likesAnd NMM being released was the key to restoring Luna, the FORMER bearer of the Elements alongside Tia. Sometimes you have to let evil think its winning before defeating them utterly.
Just saiyan...
Twilight's cutie mark is a star, and she helped Luna return to her true self! Like Psyanari SaysThings said, maybe the prophecy means to help Luna escape from her form as Nightmare moon, and Twilight Sparkle - the "stars" - did just that!
1 likeTheory: On the night Nightmare was banished, Luna might have gone missing, and stopped raising the moon so she could gain power to overthrow Celestia. The day lasted longer than the others, and that would also explain why in the Season 4 beginner Celestia was talking about how she saw the Summer Sun Celebration!
0 likesI think you should do the next video on Tirek. If you listened closely to Tirek's story, it said that Tirek's brother became a friend of a unicorn wizard which looked exactly like Star Swirl the Bearded.
1 likeI think your theory is so interesting in a good way. I like you point out the interesting facts of everything from that episode.
0 likesI think a better explanation would be that Luna/Nightmare Moon somehow created a plan to free herself from the moon when she was imprisioned. Since she controlled the moon, she probably could control the stars as well, so its possible that she used her magic on the stars around her to help break free from the moon. Any ponies that studied stars would notice the formation and wrote it as a prediction. At least that's how I believe.
0 likesI think I figured it out! Maybe, like you said, future Twilight wrote the book and was Clover the Clever like you mentioned in your last video. Besides, who would know more about stars than the Princess of Magic with a star cutie mark? :3
0 likesSomething I noticed and thst i found pretty curious is how they got to use the elements of harmony 6 exact times to save equestria.
0 likes1.- We have discord stonned for the first time
2.- We get nightmare moon banished
3.- We reforming Nightmare moon
4.- Re-sntonning discord
5.- Releasing discord
6.- Giving the elements back to the Tree of Harmony
another thing that im unsure about is King Sombra's sealment (or whatever that is), did they use the elements of harmony?
Actually, there are other theories of the "Star God" as I call him/her. 1) If you watch "The Best Night Ever in season 1, it shows that Princess Celestia has a nephew, so there is that which means that either Luna has a son, or there is another brother/sister that bears the child. 2) The one who controlled the stars to help Nightmare Moon is Princess Luna's good side trying to get her out so that she could apologize to Celestia for her bad intents. Lastly, it might also be that Discord COUGH Star Swirl COUGH might want Nightmare Moon help him get out of the prison of stone and destroy Celestia. So the candidates are: Father or mother of Celestia's nephew, Luna's good side, or Discord/STAR Swirl. Please take these theories into consideration. Thank You. BRO-HOOF!
1 likeReplies (4)
I think Blueblood is her ADOPTED Nephew, a hold over of the Equestrian royalty beofre the sisters. Remember Equestria existed before the sisters known appearance.
1 likeWoah, didn't think about that before. Thanks!
0 likesit's an easy over look. But thankful that he isn't genetically related to Celesta
0 likesYeah.
0 likesThat time travel spell could only be used once. --Anyway, Ancient Greek astronomers were able to predict the movements of planets in night sky pretty far into the future. Since the show is loosely based on Greek myth, it stands to reason the same methods of calculations were used. By the way, the word planet means 'wandering star' in Ancient Greek.
0 likesThe stars were real "stars", not some symbology stuff. We've seen them approaching the Moon in S1E1 right after the unicorn head pattern of craters disappeared from it. But there's one more thing: these stars were MOVING! I think this is important. What "stars" are moving on our night sky? The planets, or "planetes" what the ancient Greeks have called them, to mean "the travellers" or "the wanderers". The "wandering stars", because they "wander" over the night sky instead of being attached to a fixed position. So I think the legend could be related to some special configuration of planets around the planet where the ponies live on. Using celestial (huh..) bodies to mark up important events in history and prophecies is very common and useful pattern, since calendars can change, they can be corrupted (ever heard of the Phantom Time Hypothesis?), but one cannot easily change the celestial mechanics. Also, certain configurations of celestial bodies (which are MASSIVE bodies after all) can produce unusual gravitational fluctuations. And who knows if Magic isn't one of these force fields of Nature too? There are so many correlations with magical rituals and astronomical events that the connection is evident.
0 likesThere's one more thing that can possibly connect with that: Have you noticed that a similar configuration of "moving stars" has been used in "Equestria Girls" movie to turn the portal between the worlds on and off? What if there is a similar portal located on the Moon, which activates every 1000 years (how many moons would that be?...) when the "stars" (=planets) are perfectly aligned, making a gravitational vortex or something which opens that portal? Nightmare Moon could then use such a portal when it has opened when the stars aligned.
(Fun fact: listen to the song during the end credits in "Rainbow Rocks". There's another reference to these "stars aligning" thingy.)
I actually happen to like the idea of a father figure and or third sister myself. :3 also, i believe it was actually starswirled who wrong that prophecy... or perhaps Celestia herself.
0 likes'The stars aid her in her escape' might refer to Twilight and her friends freeing Luna of Nightmare Moon and 'Night eternal' refers to Luna never becoming Nightmare Moon again.
0 likes"The stars will aid in her escape "
0 likesThe sun is a star which is made of gas just like the rest of the stars but the suns of different dimensions.so equestria is one of the four main dimensions.
Celestia somehow is able to actually control the other suns but remains in equestria ,needing a home.
Those four stars are the ones who aid in her escape and Luna was released on the sun celebration which uses a lot of magic since it's some how special.
Personal head canon: 1) I believe that the four stars are the past generations of My Little Pony blessing the new G4 ponies. (Yes even the 3.5 gen.) The past generation are helping start the new G4 MLP with good luck and a good story. Something like that.
3 likesPersonal head canon 2) The Doctor and TARDIS split up into different personalities. ( The Doctor, Time Turner, Discord Whooves and Star Swirl the Bearded) The power that it took to split up the Doctor, also shook the spell that held Nightmare Moon. Splitting Nightmare Moon her from the moon, and also half splitting Nightmare Moon from Princess Luna as well. The mane six just completed the split with the Elements of Harmony.
The magic of the elements could last longer because their are 1 bearer for each one so the bond between the bearers is bigger so the magic could and should last longer.
0 likesI think the "stars" are the stars on twilight's cutie mark. there are 6 stars on her cutie mark, the 5 around the center one represent the other elements/charactors and the center representing her. the maine 6 being the "stars" helped her escape the imprisonment of her jelousy that created nightmare moon in the first place. :P
0 likesTime travel yeeeesssssss I love that theory. Let's use it for everything! XD
5 likesBut seriously, perhaps Twi did write the prophecy, or someone knew the effects of the Elements wore off after 1,000 years.
The elements don’t have time limits on the spells, in return to harmony part1 celestial and Luna say that the reason he broke out was because there not connected to the elements anymore
1 likeWhat if Twilight is supposed to be the "stars?" Not only is her going to Ponyville and meeting the others what may have triggered a small but efficient enough amount of magic to help her get out, but Twilight also aided in Luna's escape from Nightmare Moon or the darkness that made her Nightmare Moon. What I mean when I said that Twilight meeting the others triggered a small amount of magic is that maybe it was destiny, and the"spark" that Twilight felt when she unlocked her element was slowly coming to the surface or was formed when she met the others and was fully noticed by Twilight when she saw them come to her aid in the ruins. This is only an idea, so if you can disprove it, please be respectful.😊
0 likesWouldn't it be a thought that instead of actual star aiding in Nightmare moons escape.Rather the twinkle or how the element of magic is shaped as a star.A thought could be that instead of the writers wanted to say that it was Twilight who the phrophacy was talking about.Her cutie mark is a star,so is the spark and the element of harmony.I think that the last line wasn't talking about the escape of Nightmare moon rather the escape of Luna from her prision within herself
0 likesI just had a thought. Let's go to a different theory (it was either by ConspiraPon3, TBN, or Canned Cream), in which the villains came back opposite to the chronological order in which they were originally defeated, i.e. Nightmare moon being the first villain we see defeated, and she was the most recent (that we know of) villain who was banished originally. A third sister, you say? The most recent villain we've seen defeated (reformed) was Starlight. Sound familiar? My theory is that Starlight is the third sister, but she was banished to the stars because she was the first to rebel. The reason we don't see her defeating any of the villains is because she was the first to be banished. She helped Luna escape, perhaps with a vengeance towards Celestia and not to Luna (maybe they understood eachother?). Eventually, whatever star Starlight was banished to died out and so did she. I think she was reincarnated in Starlight, and the reason she (Starlight) is so good at magic is because she still harbors Alicorn magic. Obviously, there are plenty of holes in this theory, even if we ignore the chronological error, but still.
0 likesAnother possibility that would fix the chronological issue with the previous theory is that Starlight isn't the princess of stars, but instead the student of the princess of stars. We never really learn how Starlight gains her extensive magical knowledge, but it was made clear that Starlight did not go to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. It would make sense if she gained that knowledge from a powerful pony, say, a vengeful Alicorn? The princess of stars could've taught Starlight dark magic and, knowing Starlights loathing of Celestia from "taking" Sunburst away from her, she could've manipulated her into, say, stealing the cutiemarks of an entire village.
"The stars will aid her escape" could mean the mane six because Twilight's cutie mark is six stars and the man six did help Luna escape from Nightmare Moon
1 likeReplies (1)
Omg that's really true Btw plz respond to my comment
0 likesMaybe, instead of a third sister, Celestia and Luna have a long lost younger brother. And being a god of the stars, he tended to look up to Luna more than he did Celestia. And what if he chose 4 large and powerful stars to release his sister, thus bringing her back as Nightmare Moon for re Mane 6 to reform her back into the older sister he loved and remembered dearly. I will be posting a fan fiction about this soon so try looking me up.
1 likeNow I’m just stuck imagining Celestia and Luna's dad coming and saying “Now girls, is this any way for queens to behave?”
1 likeCould be much simpler than everyone is saying. In the world of Equestria, it's no stretch to imagine that the stars are sapient beings. Since they only get to shine at night, they had a common interest with Nightmare Moon in bringing about night eternal. That's why they helped her to escape.
0 likesI acually have a theory myself: Look up a picture of celestia and luna's dad. look at his cutie mark. it's stars. so he felt bad for luna and wanted to get her out of the moon by using his magic. Sounds crazy but I think it's true.
0 likesWell if we observe the episode where we met Ursa Minor actual stars make up the body of the creature. My theory is that other constellations such as Sirius and Cancer even added in her escape.
0 likesOh and your use of Sherlock footage made me subscribe.
I think there's a little issue with the thousand year wear off theory, if that theory was true Discord should have awakened before Nightmare Moon
48 likesReplies (9)
@sonicfan967 I don't think the 1000 years is exact, cause you're right, he would have come first. It's after around 1000 years, the magic starts to wear down. Two years difference is still pretty close!
10 likes@The Brony Notion
10 likesAnd it wasn't even two years.
The season 4 premier revealed that the first three seasons all happened in one year.
Discord escaped at most a few months after Nightmare Moon.
@The Brony Notion i think its not that the element effects wear off, its that when the mane 6 became connected to the elements, celestia and luna lost their connection, which broke the spells keeping nightmare moon and discord banished. also (hypothetically) if they used the elements on sombra and tirek it would explain them coming back too
2 likes@The Derptor actually no they defeated tirek before sombra, sombra before discord, they found the elements around the time discord was in rule and used it on him and then celestia used it on luna after she became nightmare moon
2 likes@The Derptor I applaud thee clap clap clap clap clap
0 likes@DJ WOLF-3 yay
0 likes@yinyuck13
1 likenah, Discord's first, maybe Tirek he is more fuzzy there. I think Sombra was only a little time before Nightmare Moon.
I believe that the banishment of nightmare wore off faster is because both that celestia didn't put all of her heart and soul into it and the fact that there was less harmony between the elements, with discord there were luna and celestia, two sisters with a powerful bond so the effect was a bit longer because there were more ponies to have harmony between the elements
3 likesAsuraRaver oH
0 likesI think that “the stars will aid in her escape” means that its Luna’s escape from Nightmare Moon not Nightmare Moon’s escape from the moon. I think this because if you watch Lullaby for a princess you will see that Luna is giving in to NM. I also think that NM was a shadow creature from the everfree forest. thats why NM can turn into smoke and go faster than any other pony.
0 likesthats my opinion
I think Star Swirld The Bearded wrote it because in "The Journal Of The Two Sisters" he could time travel and sometimes he would come back and have seen bad things in the future. So maybe he cast a spell to free Luna and then already know that she would turn good again because of the Mane six!!!!!!!
2 likesQuick question, watching some of your old videos and, is your OC still a changeling?
23 likesReplies (4)
....... maybe....... >:D
9 likes@The Brony Notion and I really don't think ur Oc is real because its a changeling ... btw im 11 and my name is Lilli but cool I guess
0 likes@Tony Walters what are you talking about. You are cra cra
1 like@Sawtooth Waves whait ur a changeling
0 likesI think I know what it means. Twilight's cutie mark are stars, and together with her friends, she defeated Nightmare Moon, aiding her escape from evil.
0 likesLet´s see... I think I´ll talk about the Elements. And yes, I think that their effects actually wear out. But, does that happen naturally, or an alteration of some kind is needed? Let´s see. First of all, I want you to imagine that the magic of the Elements is not supposed to disappear, alright? If things had gone according to the nature of the Elements, Discord would have been imprisoned forever, since the original bearers of the Elements (Celestia and Luna) are immortal and therefore the link they maintained with the Elements wouldn´t have never been broken. However, once Celestia used them against Nightmare Moon, the connection was broken, making the prisons perishable. That is why Luna was able to escape and so Discord. According to Celestia: "I thought the spell we cast would keep him contained forever, but since Luna and I are no longer connected to The Elements, the spell has been broken." "And "You six showed the full potential of the Elements by harnessing the magic of your friendship to beat a mighty foe. Although Luna and I once wielded the Elements, it is you who now control their power, and it is you who must defeat Discord!"
0 likesWhy wouldn´t Celestia use the Elements against NM again, especially when she said that she had "seen the sighs"? Because she couldn´t do it anymore. That power needed to be activated and she was no longer able to do so. Then is when the mane six make their entrance. Since they are together until our days, the Elements magic won´t wore out. At least, until they die. From them on their power will grow weaker from year to year. And now I have another theory. Imagine that all I said is wrong. What if the Tree of Harmony is what maintains the imprisonments and not the Elements? What if the Elements are its source of energy? It is quite a coincidence that the Tree required the Elements a thousand years later as well. Perhaps it neglected its prisoners captivity because it needed the little magic it still possessed in order to survive without the Elements until it couldn´t take their absence anymore. That is why the Elements now sustain the Tree and can´t be removed. Those are my two theories.
I think the sentence "the stars will aid in her escape" means that when the picture on the moon disappears, the stars will aline a path down to equestria
0 likesMy theory is that this phrase doesn't refer to Nightmare Moon, but rather, Luna. The 'stars' are Twilight and her friends. If you look at Twilight's cutie mark, you can see that they are six stars, the big pink one in the center and five little white ones surrounding it. These represent Twilight and her friends, as well as Twilight's magical ability.
0 likesNow think back to the second part of the premiere of the show. Who releases Luna from the grip of Nightmare Moon? Twilight and her friends, along with the Elements of Harmony. I also think that Celestia was the one who wrote the prophecy. She would've banished her sister and then a couple of years later, she realized that the power of the Elements of Harmony would soon fade and Nightmare Moon would be released, giving a chance for somebody to free Luna. So, she made sure that the prophecy she had written would be in that book that Twilight read in the very first episode, sending Twilight and her friends through everything that happened in that two-parter.
That's my theory!
I think it was also that when twilight went to ponyville, she was the "star" to end the spell. The stars aligned when twilight went to ponyville. Coincidence?
0 likesWell, i know this may be a lousy theory, but what if it was the orphans that Luna rescued in Children of the Night?
0 likesShe said she was going to put them into "a garden of shadows" which couldve possibly symbolized the night sky, since it being so dark. Maybe the orphans somehow became her adopted children and became the stars in the night, or more rather, ponies that could be on the stars. We did see them walking in the sky in the vid. Maybe they finally had enough power to release and rescue their "mother" from the moon. I know it is a lousy theory since the vid was created after the first season, so it would be just utter coincidence. But still, its a theory.
I think that the book could have been written by Starswirl the Bearded, as he was the most intellectual pony at the time or Celestia herself.
0 likesMaybe Celestia helped. The sun is a star.
9 likesReplies (3)
0 likesestell is the 1 stell means star
0 likesInteresting...
0 likesCould you possibly do an episode on pony language? Thanks, love your videos!
0 likesI am not sure, but from what I can remember, it was not that the magic of the elements wore off after 1000 years, but in S2 E1&2, celestia talked about how when the elements were "transferred" to Twilight and her friends, the magic had wore off since celestia was the one to turn him to stone in the first place. Any one to support me? Not to be rude or anything. :) Just trying to clarify. :)
0 likesIn the theory with Flurry, you said they maybe come from another land, so maybe they have a sister back home, called Stella (Stars on Latin means Stella) who came to Equestria to Help her older sister to escape, and Celestia know that it maybe took a thousand years for her younger sister to come, there Becuse Stella was maybe only a filly
0 likesno, Discord got loose because the sister were nolonger bound to the elements thus why it was weakening. they banish Discord long before Luna went NMM. Celestia using the elements alone ensured it only be temporary. as for the stars, well before the season 4 ending many fans guess that Twilight would be Alicorn of the Stars since her name.
0 likesthat reminds me of Narnia and your right
6 likesTHE STARS WILL AID IN HER ESCAPE means that when Luna was banished to the moon, she ripped a hole in space, and when she returned, her magic undid the curse, meaning that the hole was never made.
0 likesIt's that simple :-)
I actually think this might have to do with Twilight's Cutie Mark, it's decorated in a collection of stars. What if it meant that Twi would aid in Luna's escape from Nightmare Moon's grasp by using the elements?
0 likesMaybe she can draw magic from the stars and it took Luna 1000 years to build up enough magic to escape. A third sister doesn't make sense because when someone is in control of the elements they cannot be used unless they are given up, the weilders die or someone who is better fit comes a long and news flash celestia used so much magic that the elements shattered so...
0 likesI think the Prophecy is mostly falls or wide for interpretation, It could mean that Celestia intetionaly made it last 1000 of years because of a propehcy she saw about A star/Twilight, Aid into her escape/Freeing her sister from Evil, Bring about Nightime Eternal/Bring about the real Night since Nightime since Luna was gone was done by Celestia. Celestia couldn't free Luna from her Evil because she didn't know she was possess while Twilight due to her loyalty to Celestia couldn't believe Luna was actualy realy Evil so insead of trying to panish her she tried to reason her.
0 likesWhich makes me think that maybe those Stained Glasses aren't made but are prophetic which is where Celestia knew the prophecy that Twilight would save Luna. Instead of made after events.
In journal of the two sister star swirl apparently could travel through time so maybe he wrote it?
4 likesThe story said it. Celestia took over the day and night. Controlling night means moon and stars...she put Luna in. She is only one to take her out
0 likesWhen you started talking about the whole moving the sun and moon thing I just remembered that maybe celestial doesn't move the sun but she actually moves the earth but from everyone's point of view it looks likes she's moving the sun, I mean, her mane isn't exactly the colour of the sun like lunas is like the night is it? Her mane reminds me more of the earths colours manely the green and blue.
0 likesManely...
Ok you don't
I know this doesn't support her cutiemark but it's just a thought.
I think that "The stars will aid in her escape" means her escape from Nightmare Moon. And Twilight is the aid, since her cutie mark is a star.
0 likesMaybe the Time Limit of the Elements' power is linked into Twilight's destiny and therefore her cutie mark. Maybe every millennium there is a pony born to create the "spark" that completes the combination of the Elements.
0 likesHey you got a new design!
24 likesFantastic!
Replies (15)
0 likesNot so 34 seconds later...
0 likesSome strange comments later...
the design looks kinda weird though...
3 likes@Brent Ramsten agree
1 likeyeah
0 likesWhat??????????????????????????????????😕😕😕😐😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😐😐😕
0 likesAs soon as I read the "Fantastic" part...I screamed a little....hehe....just another whovian left to fan girl at references out there!XD
0 likes@LPS ANIME GIRL DR WHO FANS UNITE!!!! Lol I'm a major fan!
0 likes@the evil munchies YESHHHHHH!!!!!!THE DOCTOR SHALL PICK US UP IN THE TARDIS!!!!>3<
0 likes((And of me....or the doctor?0.0))
0 likes@LPS ANIME GIRL DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!! It's great to see another whovian on here. Hi.
0 likes@jem 56 NO JOKE!!!!!=D I'm so happy I'm not the only one!!!<3
0 likesI know! I love River Song! And Rose, and 9, 10, 11, =D
0 likes@jem 56 But, what about twelve?
0 likes@Draconaquest I haven't seen anything that he's in. (please don't comment, it took me half a hour just to find this comment.)
0 likesMy head canon that I just made up 2 minutes ago:
0 likesCelestial wrote the book + put it in Twi's library so she would find out in time to save the world. She knew how many stars because THERE WERE FOUR SISTERS!!! They died in the ancient battle between the stars and the lights (inside joke about the stars and lights) and are now stars. They used to share the burden of lifting the stars(the battle was AFTER Luna got her cutie mark), which was passed to Luna when they died. They hadn't known the "evil" Luna, and wanted to help her out of the moon. They decided to do it on the longest day so it would be least likely for anyone to notice stars moving (what with all the partying and all). OMG RANDOM THOUGHT IN MY HEAD!!!!!!! Starswirl the bearded was their father!!!!
I like your old pony better. It actually looks like an actual character in the show.
0 likesFor me , I don't think that Twilight has ANYTHING to do with ( the stars will aid in her escape ) because :
0 likesImagine if CELESTIA was banished by Luna , what will aid in her escape ?? rays of the sun maybe ?? And that will happen in the longest night in a thousand years ??
I don't think that the elements of harmony's effect on something is temporary as mentioned in this video , because every time a elements of harmony spell is broken SOMETHING happens
1 - the stars helped Luna escape ( stars are sometimes the symbol of the night , and that's what Luna wanted and she was banished for it .
2 - when the cutie mark crusaders fought near Discord's statue , they caused chaos , and that what Discord wanted and he was banished for it
So my theory is an elements of harmony spell is only broken when the opposite thing happens ( the opposite for what the elements were used for )
But while Luna was in the moon, even the first scene in the pilot episode says that “Luna didn’t want to make the moon go down”, so while she was in the moon, how the heck did Celestia raise the sun if Luna wasn’t there to lower the moon? Maybe she was planning that all along..?
0 likesIsn't Prince Blueblood Princess Celestia's nephew? So wouldn't that mean that his mother would have to be one of Celestia and Luna's siblings? Or a better explanation for that would be that he was adopted.
3 likesReplies (2)
0 likesthat's what I said! I totally agree with you!
0 likesKnowing how Hasbro normally solves problems like this it probably was Star Swirl the Bearded.
0 likesWich actually could make sense since he invented time spells.
I think the effects of The elements of Harmony last for a thousand years unless they are used by the 6 spirits of the elements
0 likesi love the recorded uses of the elements of harmony 1.2 and 5
0 likesEternal Night is as off-balance as Eternal Day. Night also comes after Twilight was ended by (Sonata?) Dusk.
0 likesBut considering many of the ponies had nighttime related names (Luna, Starlight Glimmer), night isn't so bad. Nevertheless, here're the order of events: Sunset, Twilight, Dusk, Night, Dawn, Twilight, Daybreak, Day.
Considering on how Princess Kaguya-ish Twilight Sparkle is, it's possible after Dusk ended Twilight, Twilight will become Shining Night, the direct meaning of Kaguya (輝夜).
Wait a minute, is that a plot for Equestria Girls?
Anyway. The SN code is problematic though. So at the current being, I think this might took place outside My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (FiM or FM or MF).
As for Luna. Kaguya, a Moon Princess 'banished' to Earth. Sounds familiar?
What Twilight didn't realise was that 'the stars' actually read 'the starswirl' but her hoof was covering the 'wirl'.
8 likesReplies (5)
Love it! Possibly...
2 likesAnd there I thought I'd written a joke.
3 likesI heard somewhere that the stars in the prophesy refered to Twilight herself, mainly the stars on her cutie mark. But I dont really remember how the theory went.
2 likes@Dylan Long when it says the stars will aid in her escape i don't think it meant NMM i think it's talking about twilight realizing her potential and after finding the remaining elements and using the elements of harmony to free luna
4 likesso basically i think it was just foreshadowing NMM's eventual defeat
Luna is the ruler of the night, not just the moon. Seeing how she goes into dreams, and she has mentioned ruling the night before, it was even in the intro of the first episode, this being true, she also used the powers in her stars to boost her out to escape. Twilight doesn't rule the stars, she is the princess of FRIENDSHIP.
3 likesI think there IS evidence that there might be a third sister: Rarity wanted to go to the Grand Galloping Gala to meet Celestia's NEPHEW. Luna has no children. then again, if there was a third sister, there was a strange reason for her child, Blueblood i think it was, to not be an alicorn after cadence's child was. It could be that Blueblood's father wasn't a powerful unicorn like Shining Armor. Shining Armor's high magical ability could be the difference in all this. Darned conspiracy theories!
0 likesI personally think it means that Luna will use the stars to help guide her out from her prison on the moon
0 likesA third sister wouldn't be necessary because I'm pretty sure one of the 2 sisters also control the stars most probably Luna
1 likeKinda ironic for it to be the summer solstice vs the winter solstice, though.
0 likesCadence is dawn colored.
Then there’s Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and Starlight Glimmer...three unicorns incredibly gifted in magic, two directly mentored by Celestia, one mentored by Twilight (Celestia’s protege)
Suns are technically stars.
Twilight became a princess (and Starlight seems to be well on her way)
Sunset, Twilight, Midnight, Aurora, Dawn, Sunrise.
Idk, I’d say that perhaps there’s going to be a “fourth unicorn” OR a “fourth alicorn” (doubtful about it being Flurrieheart. Her name’s ominous, her magic’s incredibly chaotic, and she’s still an infant)
I dunno if MLP really thought that far ahead, but I’d look into those ponies as “Star Candidates”
Holy Celestia it's a Sherlock insert!!!!!
4 likesI think queen crysalis is the star princess so here's the story once there were 4 princess celestia, Luna, staria , and Belle years past and Belle went missing. staria blamed her self and the stars so she told luman (her father) about how she felt he said "it's not your fault" staria got angry and killed her father then she used her magic and erased all trase of stars putting holes in her skin and hair and turning her hair turquoise and skin black as night without stars then she ran away and took the star people (like crystal ponys) and turned them like her and she made her own castle no one would recognize her knew form
1 likeNot quite related to the main topic... but does anyone realize that Discord should have returned before Nightmare Moon. Like, Celestia and Luna turned him to stone for a thousand years, and perhaps a few years later Tia banished NM to the moon, but NM comes back first and then a year later Discord is freed that first time.
0 likesIt's very similar with all the other main villains.
Sombra - turned to shadow by the sisters (if I remember correctly), returns after Discord and NM (Though perhaps it make sense that he is after Discord due to Discord being the reason the sisters are in Equestria anyway).
Tirek - I believe he was defeated before the previous three and came back after them.
The only villain that seems to be consistent with the supposed time-line is Chrysalis and the changelings, who (again, if I remember correctly) were never missing for a thousand years and came back during "Canterlot Wedding".
I may have been the only one to notice this but it may make a good video debunking and decomposing the writers's wonky cannon time-line.
In my opinion, I think that the stars are the mane 6 (it's probably a metaphor in the prophecy). and since twilight has stars in her cutie mark and she is the leader, she is the big star and the mane 6 are the smaller ones.
0 likesTheory:twilight might have been the 3rd sister it shows her cutie mark name and her acting and twilight was stuck in the stars for 800 years instead of 1000 and she was banned in the stars from becoming midnight sparkle like the human realm(I think) she had a change of heart and the MOON had aided in her escape and twilight was always a princess and was just banned before her wings sprouted and celesta had to do a spell to get her wings.this makes a lot of sense saying that twilight has a lot in common with the princesses
0 likesOMG he just put sherlock holmes there
5 likesI think it means the stars will move closer and it's like a spell
2 likesEveryone... think about this!... isn't 3 supposed to be a lucky or.. special number? and I think that Brony Notion was going somewhere with the "maybe the stars are a long lost sister that felt bad for Luna and let her out".. and Celestia raises the sun.. Luna raises the moon... BUT she has no stars on her cutie mark.. so.. who puts the stars out? Maybe Twilight is the long lost sister... since she's the element of magic and stars are sometimes compared with magic... Maybe Twilight was the lost sister.. since it seemed in the first episode, Twilight seemed a bit lost and she still seems a bit lost around some of her friends... Maybe (if Twilight was around then, not saying she was) When Celestia banished Luna.. Twilight went with her.. an sacrificed her self in doing so... and since 'Twilight' is compared with stars as well.. (stars raising a bit before the moon) Maybe back before Luna's banishment.. Twilight was the middle sister... (sun set, TWILIGHT, night) this is my crap theory so dun judge me... it's like past midnight right now! if you like this theory then tell me! Thank you!
2 likesI think that the princesses did it. After The Crystalling we found out that there were now 5 alicorns in equestria and so I think that sometime when flurry heart is older that all the princesses (except Luna) went back in time to free Luna and that eventually led to twilight becoming a princess so she could free Luna. It's a paradox but we saw a paradox in Its About Time
0 likesReplies (1)
It also explains the four stars
0 likesStar swirled the bearded was famous for time traveling spells so much so they have an entire library wing when dedicated to him with time spell so star swirled could have traveled forward in time or if the star swirled = discord theory is true discord could have traveled back (I guess the discord thing could right even if he isn't star swirled)
0 likesUmm what about the episode where they said the prince was celestias nephew?
3 likeswhen he says "the princess of the stars" I thought Twilight, not knowing it, might have freed Luna. Just look at her cutie mark!
0 likesI feel like there are normal stars and stars that are actually equines that helped their "mother" Luna.
0 likesI think that it was either Princess Celestia that created (spoke and or wrote) the prophecy of Nightmare Moon's return, or, if he was still around at the time Starswirl the Bearded. IF. But for all we know, it could have been some other pony we know nothing about who was around at the time and had a talent for prophesying or something.
0 likesAlthough, Celestia DID say "...but since Luna and I are no longer connected to the Elements, the spell has been broken." So that kinda breaks your theory of the spell fading off after a thousand years. :/ But who knows? I might be wrong.
0 likesthe Prophecy was probably written by clover the cleaver
4 likesReplies (3)
and there's a theory that twilight is clover the clever, so.... PARADOX!!! no, mlp is fine with that so yep.
0 likes+Alyssa Jones Lauren Faust as done it again !!!
0 likesYep yep.
0 likesMy theory: Nightmare Moon is the prison, and the stars refer to Twilight finding the Element of Magic and aiding Luna in her escape from Nightmare Moon.
0 likes"We've got the princess of the sun, the princess of the moon..."
0 likesMe: "... the princess of love, the princess of friendship and the princess of... MERCHANDISE"
If the Celestia represents the sun, and the sun is a star, does that mean that Celestia helped Nightmare Moon escape?
0 likesOne character that I made up is Luna's daughter, Moonlight Mist raises the stars at night.
1 likeActually, you talk about the sun "rotating" around the World of equestria? tho that implies that it is a spherical object (actualy and shape) but her talent is to "raise" and "lower" the sun, if it were orbiting something, it would never rise or lower in a real sense only from your point of view, which talents in equestria are meant to be universal, so instead her talent, aswell as luna's, would be "orbitting" and not "raising and lowering". Also, they only do these twice a cycle each, if it were orbiting it would have to be done constantly. and if you ask, well how does the sun and the moon get to the other side when it rises? well.. magic :/
6 likesReplies (23)
Good point! Is equestria even on a planet or some flat realm like narnia?
1 like@The Brony Notion From my speculation of the wording, equestria would be a flat world, but maybe like minecraft where there isn't and end, but terrain is built up of time creating more and more land, the sun and moon would most likely have a point were they begin to touch the ground and go into some form of alternate universe when they are lowered, considering the stars can help the moon in NM escape, this means there must a plane were all the stars hover in the upper space, like an asteroid belt, but over a flat plain.
1 likeI would totally agree because when Twilight and Cadance went to get this giant flower to "heal" Discord, Discord said that it was on the other side of equestria and if the world was round there will be no "other side".
0 likes@Amy zheng
1 likeUnless Equestria is just a country, in which case there would be an "other side."
0 likesMy theory is that the sun and moon are artificial. Something happened to the real ones and they were replaced by spells very high up in the sky that serve the same function as the real ones.
The artificial sun acts like a sunlamp, making artificial sunlight. The artificial moon is acts as a gravity well which shifts the tides.
When the princesses raise and lower them they aren't pushing them, they are recharging the spells. Once to make it across one side of the world, and a second time to make sure it gets around the other side.
Though none of this has been mentioned, and they have never been described as rotating or anything so :/
0 likesI threw in my theory that the pony world may actually be heliocentric like Earth and that Celestia controls the planets orbit while Luna controls the moons orbit.
0 likes@Dylan Long this would make a lot of sense considering that they only do this at sunrise/set
0 likesParty killer.
this IS fun
0 likes@Dylan Long That makes Sence
0 likesWhat if all of Equestria has day at the same time. There's nothing to suggest that Equestria is on a planet of its own. For all we know, Equestria is just one side of a non-rotating planet, and the sisters are only responsible for Equestria. Maybe the other side of the planet is where Zecora is from?
0 likes@Amalrose Vayalinkal
0 likesI figure that Equestria is covered by a dome. The sun and moon are artificial and Celestia and Luna are just recharging them. Ponies seem to be control freaks (Winter Wrap-up) so it would fit.
@Banchoking What do you mean by dome?
0 likes@***** That's pretty interesting, but there still isn't any evidence to suggest that different timezones exist I'm Equestria.
0 likes@***** That's a possibility, but there still isn't any evidence that proves that different timezones exist in Equestria.
0 likes@Banchoking
0 likesI'm pretty sure that this theory has one major fault. Where the hell is all that power coming from?
It seems as though Luna does not have enough power to recharge a sun. Her cutiemark is that of the moon. The moon is considered a smaller and less powerful entity (for the duration of my arguement).This could be summed up as "She doesn't recharge the sun because she isn't powerful enough but she CAN recharge the moon". The moon would have to be a MUCH lesser light using less power yet have enough power to heat up Equestria so it doesn't freeze overnight.
Celestia is Luna's elder sibling by a few years if even that. They're in the same age group and live close to as long as eachother. If this is true there is reason to believe that they would have close to the same amount of power or varied only a bit.. How then, would Celestia have enough power to power the sun? The sun of our solar system is an entity so vast and powerful it gives off enough heat and energy to provide Earth with warmth so we don't freeze. It also gives light energy so we can grow food and such.
How the hell does she do this with something that's artificial and with her level of power?
@Alice Lo
0 likesThat was actually explained in the "Journal of the Two Sisters" book. Normally it took eight unicorns a day plus Starswirl to raise and lower both the sun and moon and the eight lost their magic permanently after. However, when the same spell is cast with Alicorn magic, it RECHARGES the caster, effectively multiplying the power they give and sending it back.
As long as Alicorn magic is used in the spell (which can be learned by unicorns) the spell multiplies any magic you put into it. Kind of like recharging the battery on the car by leaving it running after just barely getting enough of a spark to start the engine.
" The sun of our solar system is an entity so vast and powerful it gives off enough heat and energy to provide Earth with warmth so we don't freeze."
Well I imagine Equestria's "sun" to be little more than a giant sun lamp.
@Banchoking That makes a lot of sense actually.
0 likes@Alice Lo
0 likesThanks, I've thought a lot about it.
@Banchoking Wait, but then how does it work? Our sun is gigantic and seems small. Is theirs just small and seem small or is it like ours?
0 likes@Alice Lo
1 likeI think that their sun is a spell suspended very high up in the air, but isn't in space. Remember Rarity's wings bursting into flame when she got too close?
@Banchoking They didn't burst into flame. They disintegrated. They were made out of dew and Rarity was supposed to keep them directed away from the sun.
1 likei have a feeling that celestia felt bad and thought 1000 years was pretty much how long she could last keeping her sister on the moon, the stars being the means of escape, or a key of some sorts
0 likesIf Celestia can raise and lower the moon for a thousand years, all they would need is another Alacorn to control the stars, even ifs it's not the special talent.
0 likesactully there is evidence of a third sister, in the journal of the two sisters luna says that she can only control the moon.also one of the marks on the tree of harmony is a star and the other two are luna and celestias marks.last twighlight could be the star princess, she does do time travel.
0 likesSome even speculate that Twilight herself caused the return of NMM.
0 likesLook at her cutie mark and tell me that the main satr was originally her destined cutie mark, the fifth white star was her, and the other four are the ones that released NMM
3 likesyou say that the "stars" could have been her old father or whatever relative, but do you think it could have been twilight? since she is the princess of friendship (not yet here of course) but destiny has a funny hand in all of this i think. what do you think?
0 likesI think that celestia made that day the longest, each year, was because she wanted a reminder of what she had done to her sister so that she'd never make that same mistake again.
0 likesI think it means the stars as in the ones on Twilight’s cutie mark, aka the mane 6. They aided in her escape as Nightmare moon.
0 likesIn "A Hearthswarming Tale" Pinkie says that the ear this round, there is no up or down. So this puts a different complexion on things.
0 likesSTARZlight glimmer eh eh?
5 likesactually, there is evidence. If you look at Prince Blueblood, Rarity refers to him as Celestia's nephew. This either means that Blueblood is the son of Luna, or there is a long lost sister.
0 likesI'd just love it if they made an alicorn responsible for stars, but not a princess, but a prince. The oldest one for example, but not present in Equestira because of, for example, a fight they had... and as a good older brother he helped his sister in escaping the moon so she can be happy again. And he'd live in a land of alicorns now or something like it... oh, maybe because Luna and Celestia were BANISHED from the country and decided to take care of other kinds of ponies? That would be a real twist :D
0 likesI think the stars that aided in "her" escape are the ones on Twilight's butt. It's a double meaning prophecy like all the good ones. Twilight Sparkle's magic surge was necessary to wake up Nightmare Moon so she could work herself free, and Twilight Sparkle and the other elements represented on her butt were what were need to let Luna escape Nightmare Moon.
0 likesI have watched a Pegasus movie on YouTube and he was talking about Luna and Celestia, and Pegasus had a theory that Luna's father controlled the stars and released Nightmare Moon. And that he sometimes controlled Meteors. -Kitsu
0 likesMeh, I liked the old design better.
6 likesReplies (2)
Still looks pretty good though!
0 likes@LegoAJ11 ya i agree
0 likesWhat I was thinking was, Twilight's the princess of the stars, I mean just look at her cutie mark. And "The star will aid in her escape", Twi was rejecting friendship even more that episode than ever before, just like Luna had no friends when she was turned to Nightmare Moon. I don't know, it's probably just silly sounding.
0 likesmy idea who wrote that book: celestia herself. she knew someday there will be somepony to understand that this isnt just a book, but a warning. when twilight told celestia that nightmare moon will return, celestia said what she said to test if twilight really believes that or just thinks that and quits when celestia tells her its not true. celestia knew all along and just wanted to make sure she is not doing the same mistake she did when sunset shimmer was her student.
1 likeIf it's not a sister maybe its a brother? Like a younger brother who didn't understand what Luna was doing was wrong? Thinking Luna only wanted longer 'play time' as he probably would have said. And in the end he only wanted to help since the night was his time too? Yeah I like that 😊
0 likesOh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh sherlock reference SHERLOCK REFRENCE
3 likesReplies (2)
3 likesXD!
0 likesI think it was a third sister named Starla. She was the rebellious one and was banished by her parents when she encouraged nightmare moon
0 likesHere's what the stars will aid in her escape means: when twilight said "the stars will aid in her escape" she meant the stars will help in her escape! -here's what aid means: aid means help if ur not feeling good or there's somthing wrong which in this case the thing wrong is that luna's imprisoned in the moon so the stars aid in her escape as in the stars help in her escape
0 likesThe stars will aid in her ascape . I think it means Celestia will aid once nightmare moon esapes and forms into Luna because Celestia is Spanish for sun and the sun is a star.
0 likesMaybe the writers came up with it without giving much thought to where it came from, and then again without really thinking about it, the animators drew four stars to aid in the escape. Sorry, I'm a bit cynical... Whenever there's something that really cannot be explained I put it down to writers' underthinking.
0 likesSherlock!!
3 likesAs for who wrote it no idea. But I have a theor as to why the days are long and short.
0 likesBefore Luna was banished they could have had equal day and nights. But after she was banished Celestia made the days shift more like our world. That way ponies would actually spend more time out during the night. Just an idea though.
When you talked about these future things you just made me think of Interstellar .
0 likesI think that it means Celestia aided in luna's escape. The sun is a star. Celestia's cutie mark is the sun- a star. Why would she set up the school for the gifted unicorns? To find a unicorn powerful enough to take as her student. Why would she need a student? To groom to become the new bearer of the elements of harmony. Why did she send Twi to Ponyville? To make friends, with whom she knew could also become the bearers; that without Twi learning friendship, she couldn't. Celestia couldn't reform her sister, because she had become unable to with the elements, that she used to banish Luna, so she set up Twi for it, and assisted in Nightmare Moon's escape, so the Mane 6 could use the elements, when Celestia couldn't, and do it for her.
0 likes2:49 It was obviously either Luna or Celestia-'What we saw was no dream, but a vision'-Princess Luna. Also Luna saw into the future in forr whom the sweetie belle toils.
0 likesSherlock Holmes
5 likesReplies (2)
John Watson!
2 likesEw.
0 likesMy opinion: I think the star contains power and in tellls the years, if you think well it might say that Night-Mare (the mare of the nights or the mare of the nightmares)(lel) Moon controled the stars that had been used for years and helps her to take of the moon.
0 likesWhat stars will aid in whose escape? The stars aiding Nightmare Moon in escaping the moon, or the "stars" aiding Luna in escaping the Nightmare?
0 likesif you join the 4 stars together it appears to look like a rectangle more like a cage that nightmare moon was stuck in for 1000 years. Then 1000 years later the cage disappears which let's her free...
0 likesPrincess Celestia does not represent three of the elements that is why I think it lasted only a thousand years.
0 likesIt's probably going to last forever when the 6 turn him to stone because they represent all the elements.
3 likesReplies (1)
0 likesCelestia wants to make day longer to release her sister, Luna! Also the stars are Luna's friends (see below).
0 likesAt 0:01 in the Book, there are FOUR Stars. In 2:39, there's one more star that doesn't shine. It got edited in or out? Plot related (e.g. 'magical book') or series development related?
Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark is indeed a Big Star (that could be a stand-in for the Moon) surrounded by Five Stars.
Interestingly, in The Fall of Sunset Shimmer, Luna's old original Cutie Mark resembles Twilight's or vice-versa.
The differences is that, Luna's just a single star, while Twilight's seems to potray an eclipse. With Twilight looking like the stereotypical Princess Kaguya (think Touhou), it's suffice to say that Twilight also represents the Moon. Like Moon Dancer!
It's possible Luna like Twilight, also had her own Mane 6 team. So the Stars are like Twilight's 5 friends in the Mane 6, freeing their old friend/Leader.
However it's possible due to either political and/or budget reasons, Luna's friends/stars were never shown. So they're only represented by stars.
Nevertheless, if something happened to Twilight that caused her to be locked for 1000 years, the other Mane 6 probably would've sworn to release her. So the 'Stars' probably would've been the ones who wrote Prophecy.
I do like the Fallout Equestria take on it. They are lovecraftian horrors. With the ursa major/minors being viewed as "starspawn".
0 likesI think Nightmare Moon's bat guards could have been the stars: Celestia trapped the bat guards in the stars
0 likesI think Luna used the stars as stepping stones to get back down to equestria!
0 likesI think it has something to do with Twilight's cutie mark. 6 stars. Luna being set free. Luna even said it her self that she missed Clestia. Maybe she wanted out of the prison she made for her self.
0 likesWhat if the stars that will aid in her escape are the elements of harmony? like with discord, once Luna and Celestia lost the connection to the elements, Discord returned but only after the princesses lost the connection to the elements. Luna was banished to the moon but got out after princesses Celestia was trapped in the sun( I asume she was in the sun because when the sun came up princess Celestia popped up out of nowhere ) so there was none to have the elements so nothing was holding the spell that sent Luna to the moon. SOOOO YEA. idk if that's what it is but what the heck :)
0 likesBTW I love your channel and the theories you make XP
harmony is a balance, and the crystals couldnt hold them forever, because thats a imbalance and the crystal may also be a fallen star
0 likesStars... They have a ton of energy... So if you can get 4 stars... You can get Beck from the moon! Maybe she managed to pull stars to her and used their magic (this is Equestria, of course they are made of magic) to do teleport
0 likesMay I ask something?
1 likeWhy a 1000 years ago Celestia banished Luna but the mane six reformed her Back? Why Celestia didn't reform her back?
the ponies worried about their crops dying out cause there was no sun, but moon light is just reflected sunlight. meaning that plants can grow in moonlight. (just something i wanted to say)
0 likesIt would probably most likely be starswirl the bearded since he invented a time travel spell
0 likesI think it's the stars' alignment that help her to escape.
0 likesSo many comments I don't want to read them all. So here are my thoughts, interesting as The Brony Notion put it, we know that the reason for Luna's escape was the magic of the Elements wore off, the stars are always in the night's sky and there during the day when the sun is up, but no one sees them as the sun is brighter then the stars itself. So with that said there is no third sister who raises the stars The Brony Notion did. Cadence was adopted into the royal family as a princess even though she was a unicorn at birth according to the book mentioned in another video. Although some argue she was a pegasus pony. So may be Prince Blueblood was adopted into the royal family as well? When the elements were found in the ancient ruins of the castle of the two sisters, they were found to be stone which further proves the magic release on Luna. As with Discord's release, that was done because the two princesses no longer controlled the elements of harmony, Twilight and her friends now hold the key to its magic, so the Cutie Mark Crusaders little spaz was what ignites Discord's release. Remember what Princess Celestia told the mane six right before Discord interrupts her? And those are my thoughts on this matter.
0 likesWhat actually annoys me is in a further episode (can't remember what it's called, the one where the princesses go missing cause discord's seeds ruined the tree of harmony, blah blah blah) celestia said something along the lines of "for my subjects the celebration has been about the defeat of NMM" BUT EVERYONE THOUGHT SHE WAS A MYTH SO HOW DOES THAT WORK?! Also in Luna Eclipse, why is their a statue of NMM, everyone thought she was a lie so again, HOW DOES IT WORK?!
0 likesReplies (1)
Daisy Austin I think that was the creators' mistake.
0 likesMy theory is: Twilight Sparkle is the stars. Nightmare Moon was not the prisoner. She was the prison. The prophecy was never about her return. All along, it was about Twilight Sparkle and your friends bringing forth Luna's redemption.
0 likesThere was a greek myth where mother nature was the stars and the father was Uranus. So my guess is it was Mother Nature.
0 likesWhen the stars went to the center it kinda reminds me of when the stars moved in Equestria Girls closeing and opening the portal so maybe there's a portal from the moon, sun, and Equestria/earth.
0 likes{plz add to further calculations}
There is a third sister and she was the forgotten sister because to the ponies thought stars were less important so she ran away into the stars but she kept watch over equestria when luna was banished she sympathized with luna of being forgotten and unloved the third sister decided she would aid luna's escape but only when she was powerful enough eventually the third sister warned celestia but as a threat to equestria. When luna returned the third sister was not yet powerful enough to leave the stars to rule with her sisters once again.
0 likesSo maybe the stars aren't a third princess but an assistant of the two sisters. Like spike is for twilight. Perhaps the assistant had loyalty to luna and was captured in the magic while trying to reach luna and as a consequence was sent to the moon as well but they actually were banished to the stars seeing as the moon is the main celestial body of the night and the stars are there as a compliment or "assistant to the moon." So of the assistant of the two princesses was banished with luna and then it would make sense that her assistant would aid in her escape. Now why didn't her assistant come back with her? Maybe they gave up all the magic within them to help luna. I think it's established that all creatures in equestria contain magic within them. So what happens if that magic is lost? Perhaps the creature dies. Essentially Luna's loyal assistant was banished to the stars and 1000 years later "sold their soul" so to speak in order to give luna the last boost of magic she needed to escape the moon.
0 likesMy theory
0 likes"The Stars will aid in her Escape"
Stars=Twighlight Sparkle
Why I say this?
Twighlight would not stop trying to figure out how to stop the internal night from happening, she was helping Nightmare Moon all along. I don't have evidence to back it up, but to me, It makes sense
... I know I have weird theory's but I personally think chrysalis is/was the third sister, she became evil after the great alicorn war with the draconicus's. (And the four stars represent the four alicorns at the time.)
0 likesMaybe they live on a flat planet like when people thought our planet was flat. this could be why when both Luna and Celestia were captured and taken to the tree of harmony, both the sun and moon showed up in the sky at the same time.
0 likesPerhaps your idol StarSwirl wrote the prophecy. It might not be accurate but in The Journal of The Two Sisters Celestia and Luna mention that StarSwirl went into the future with his time scrolls and prepared for everything that was going to happen in the years to come, there was also some murmurings of StarSwirl knowing who Twilight was in the future so perhaps he wrote the prophecy for Twilight to guide her on her destiny
0 likesi guess your mostly right but with nightmare moons releasing i guess you are right with that too cause i think its not traditional for stars to make nightmare moon to be released wow you have very good questions and good answers but i also can top on them lol
0 likes"Her escape" may not refer to Nightmare Moon's return, but Luna's escape from her Nightmare Moon form. BTW I did not copy and past I just think that
0 likes"Millennia" is plural so that means AT LEAST 2,000 years. "Millennium" means 1,000 years
0 likesThis is from a different video of Bronx notion's " how long is 100 moons". If the three stars line up after 1000 years and if when the stars line up in equestria girls, the portal will be closed for 100 moons, does that mean 100 moons is 1000 years?
0 likesThis is my fanfic of the matter goes, after the solstice, celestia AND Luna realize that the events of twilight befriending the other 5 is because of the return of nightmare moon, so celestia ( I believe celestia would be sent back because the sun is a star) is sent back in time using the time travel spell to warn celestia beforehand of instead of banishing nightmare forever, as she originally intended, she does it so it's only temporary to secure the later events of future, or modern day equestria. since celestia knew the time travel spell she teaches it to past celestia so the future goes as planned, and modern celestia returns to her time. Then again this is just a fanfic I came up with as chart it down. Nice vids tho! Keep up the good work!
0 likesIf she did time travel to write the book it would be in a episode.
0 likesThere IS in fact an alicorn who coulf fit the idea of Princess of the Stars. They have a star for a cutie mark and have affected celestial bodies. Maybe they coukd be, I don't know, Princess...Twilight, or something along those lines?
0 likesthinks that star swirl could have something to do with this
0 likesfor one, he could have helped luna become nightmare moon (stars will aid part) and made sure the spell wasn't permanent (banish moon part) When cellie asked about this star swirl revealed the truth, and so cellie was ready for the return
I think Luna still changes the stars when she's on the moon and she had to wait 1000 years cause that is the longest day of the year and the bannishment has happened before so the book could show it and anyway Luna new that training would take a while so she waited until a time when ponies gather. And I think it has to do with twilight ASWELL so Twilight helped Celestia by moving the moon and Luna moved the stars and so one
0 likesyou don't need the powers of the stars just to move four stars
0 likesin the entire show, none of the stars move
"The stars will aid in (her) escape"
0 likesStars = Twilight + main 6, releasing Luna (her) from being Nightmare Moon. Celestia you troll you knew this was the plan all along. xD
I'm actually a little surprised you didn't see this yourself. I mean your previous videos even point out how Twilight's cutie mark has 5 star that are her friends.
According to Celestia, it was because she and Luna were not connected to the elements so discord was able to break free.
0 likesTo be honest, I theorized that Celestia does not move the Sun. She rotates the Earth instead, or, the Pony world.
0 likesAww... I got excited when you brought up the Elements... You were just talking about the possibility of another alicorn, then you brought up the history of the Elements... and then you blew it... sigh...
0 likesEven though twilight sparkle is the princess of friendship maybe since she has something to do with star swirl a bearded star swirl the bearded is the stars Twilight sparkle is related to star swirl a bearded she’s connected to the stars to
1 likeYou read the journal the two sisters you ask you find out that *Swirl had a time traveling spell so it could be that star squirrel actually wrote that
0 likesBasically..
0 likesCelestia, guardian of the sun?
Luna, guardian of the moon?
Cadence, guardian of the crystal heart?
Twilight, guardian of the stars?
I think it means by the stars the spots on the moon shaping a pony and her escape means the escape of nightmare moon from the moon and luna escaping from her nightmare format
0 likesIf youve watched Luna's "Children of the Night" maybe it was her children who aided in her escape
0 likesThe summer Sun festival is like the solar eclipse
1 likeactually, what if the 3rd sister was being protected by celestia and was hidden to protect the idea of more alicorns.
0 likesthe stars are the mane 6 and "the stars will aid in her escape" means the mane 6 will help Luna escape from her jealousy and turn her back to luna
0 likesI believe Celestia wrote that prophecy after a vision
0 likes“Now what’s that supposed to mean?”
A third sister (or a brother) is canon. Think about it Prince BlueBlood is related to the sisters (celestias nephew) his parent is related to the sisters
0 likesI have a question that I would love if someone would answer. And if you ever get around to reading this, please do an analysis video on this. So, I have been wondering, why does everybody's name go with their cutie mark? Are the parents psychic or do they just a thought at what their child's talent and Destiny will be. Someone please answer, this has been bothering me for a while
0 likesin season 5 she went back in time so it could have been her writing it down, but not showing a scene of her. why????
1 likeCelestia should be able to control the stars since the sun IS a star 😞
0 likesThat book is amazing
0 likesI think I know who wrote the prophecy. It may be twilight herself as when she became an Alicorn she prob knew some better time spells to travel back or even to the future without making an imbalance.
0 likesI think they got the number of stars right in the book because Luna and celestea New that the elements of harmony will wear off at around 1000 years that is why they called in the main six that's my theory you might have a different one that's just my opinion please don't yell at me if I am wrong.
0 likeswhat if the stars are a part of lunas lost magic or amour? it could be possible :)
0 likesI think that means that on the day, the stars will give her the power needed to escape out of the moon.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesthats basically your entire video in one sentenceWhat if the third sibling is Starswirl, and he ran away, because he never got his wings, and he " unleashed" nightmare moon for revenge, and then saw the error of his ways a nd became a good guy, and then possibly got grumpy for some reason, and was grumpy, until he met twilight . That kind of does make sense.
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesI actually did A Midsummer Night's Dream and I was Titania, the Queen of the Fairies
0 likesThe stars might have been made by celestia or Luna to help her escape from the moon in 1,000 years.
0 likesIt was planed by celestia
0 likesFacts
1.-she is not confortable to banish her sister
2.- she control the sun ( she appears when the sun rises, and sun is mentioned in the profecía)
3.-she said to twilight Not to worry
4.-If the stars are not controled for any pony that means that follow the same rules as the everfree forrest ( act like our stars)
The stars will aide in her escape basically means that the stars will line up with the moon lol
0 likeswhat if discord`s imprisonment was weakened after a thousand years and the fight may have completed his escape of the stone prison. And luna did get jealous of her sister and turned into nightmare moon, but from a thousand years later on the longest day is when of course celestia uses a lot of power to raise the sun for the longest day, and maybe nightmare moon had this one spell with her and could only work on one day that day and tries to take over equestria, but her plan backfired because she didn't know about the new elements of harmony and turned back into luna. and the sisters are united once more. just thinking
0 likesThey actually used the elements of harmony 6 times
0 likesI think that there's no third sister, I mean, look at Luna's mane. Aren't those stars? Also, the Prince Blueblood should be a distant relative from Celestia. He's not an alicorn too, so I don't think he has the power to bring up the stars. Maybe the stars in mlp universe are magical spheres that are controled by Celestia and Luna's parents. I believe that there's an "allmighty alicorn God cutie mark creator", father of Celestia and Luna. These last two are the oldest creatures in all mlp universe (u no say) appart from Chrysalis)) , but also the first ones who got cutie marks, thanks to their father. This God just gives cutie marks to earth, pegasus and unicorn type ponies. Why? because Celestia and Luna started the procreation of the ponie species. How? once upon a time, Sombra was kind and loved the princesses. But the time passed, and Sombra became ambitious for the power of the sisters, and standed against them. Celestia and Luna asked for help to their father, and he granted them the power to defeat Sombra. Once this happened, the sisters had their cutie marks as a gift from the God. The sisters ruled the most powerful kindom in all mlp universe: Equestria. That's why every villan wants to rule it. Queen Chrysalis is this God's wife, wich also turned ambitious for the power. As punishment, the God turned her into a pegacorn.
0 likesI interpreted the prophecy as if the stars were referring to twilight and her friends releasing Luna from nightmare moon..... Idk, it was just a thought....
0 likes4:49 BEST FATHER EVER
0 likesFather: Oh no my daughter trapped my other daughter on the thing the she controls, meh I'll get her out in 1000 years.
I have a theroy about luna haveing a aprentis or adopted daughter or a adopted sister that used the stars to make constelations and when luna was banished she sent her self to the stars forever so she may aid in her escape and sending her self away was the only way to set her free
2 likesbut in the episode that twilight time travels she says the spell can only be used once
0 likesWe don't know that discord was released after 1000 years. I always thought that there was a ton of time between discord turning to stone and Nightmare moon being banished.
0 likes@The Brony Notion well if you look at trixies cutie mark ,yes I know shes not an alicorn , but it is a cape with a wand , from what ive seen the cape has very small little stars on it . The wand has a star on the end of it aswell , however stars are seen as magical to some people , trixie is a magician , although a unicorn. If stars are magical and trixie is (calls herself )a magician she would most likely be associated with stars , her cape and hat have stars on them too . But you could say thats just a fasion choice. And its blatently obvious thats she is veerry jealous of (princess) twilight. Now, unicorns do not harness enough magical power to rise the sun and moon in large groups so how could trixie in any way move the stars to aid nightmare moons escape ? Another question, why would trixie be an alicorn princess?? :/ maybe she used the alicorn amulet to do so , but the amulet wasnt intoduced until after the pilot episode when princess luna returned home, although it could be possible. OR maybe it was another unicorn from trixies family , when trixie did not fully understand magic, before twilight became an alicorn I noticed that she was a teenie tini bit taller than trixie , indicating that she is older than her . If it was another member of trixies family they would've been amazingly strong at magic , inspiring trixie to take on being a magician , but this would mean trixie would've been a very late bloomer , the reason she wears a cape. However, in the show there is no indication of trixie having any relation or home at all . Well I havent seen every single episode of mlp fim so I may be wrong , BUT there is no reason to get in a hissy fit . After being defeated by twilight in a magic battle , or when ever it happened , she is shown falling over while running away , (at this point I would a picture up) if you look closely at her flank there is no cutie mark...but why? Well @The Brony Notion thats up to you to figure out and make a video about it , no hint intended peace!
0 likesI think Twilight couldn't be this pony who write the prophecy, because simply the consequence couldn't precede the cause. I think this was someone who know how the Elements of Harmony works and propably know something about magical functions of star in Equestria... or just somepony, who enumerate, that this star position will be in this day in which spell of the Elements of Harmony loss its power. Who is this pony? I don't know, but there definitely could be one pony about which existence we don't know at all(for example in season one we don;t know about Sunset Shimmer, which doesn't mean she didn't exist in this time), especially when we said about pony, who lived about 1000 years ago.
0 likesEHEM
0 likesBeing a scientific geek, The sun is a star, and Luna controls the stars AND night. So should Luna be older/more powerful than Celestia? Hasbro dun goofed.
Twilight's Cutimark looks like five smal and one big star. Can Twilight be one of the stars that sett Luna free? Maby one of the things that made her escape was that Twilight belived in her escape?
0 likesLove it
0 likeswhat about stars meaning the big dipper.the big dipper helped slaves up to the north.this could be a great idea!
0 likesIt was probably a reference to sailor moon with luna being sailor moon and the 4 stars being sailor star maker,fighter,healer and princess kakyu and sailor moon's cat is called luna
0 likeson the moon she has stars all around her .she has magic so the stars are portals to equstria.😎😎
1 likeThe Stars aiding in her escape are the stars on Twilights cutie mark. Not necessarily Nightmare Moon's escape from the moon, but Luna's escape from the prison of Nightmare Moon. Just pointing that out as an idea.
0 likesReplies (2)
+Stephanie „PokeStuffs“ C. And the stars on Twilight's cutie mark represent her and her friends/ the Elements of Harmony. Kinda would make sense.
0 likes+Stephanie „PokeStuffs“ C. And the stars on Twilight's cutie mark represent her and her friends/ the Elements of Harmony. Kinda would make sense.
0 likesWHOA. looking at New videos, this is more evidence that Twilight is Clover the clever (with the whole writing is accurate and twilight time travel)
0 likesI think it is their mother because if you look at her cutie mark it has stars and a circle that means that she is in charge of the stars in the solar system so it must be the mom helping the daughter get out and the dad who was it who is also the stars in the night sky because the parents died and they are in their places where they take care and they helped her get out
0 likesif Celestia and Luna had a brother then why was it called castle of the three siblings or castle of the three alicorns? because there mother did not want the existence of star swirl to be an alicorn, she hide his wings under a cape and instead of being the only male alicorn turned him into the most powerful UNICORN she thought that if word got out that he was a alicorn that they would department on herself and her son, worried she frantically told the public that his wings were but a trick of the eye from when the doctor saw him, since she was an alicorn they believed her not unaware of her fearful lies.
0 likesAccording to your third sister and cutie mark theory, I started to think about Twilight as the third sister, or actually not really. But just think, Twilight's cutie mark has a big star surrounded by five other stars. Yes- stars. Sun, Moon Stars. This might not make any sense, but I'll explain it through. Four stars helped Nightmare Moon escape, so she can rule Equestria and make the other ponies adore her. But in Luna Eclipsed, Luna came out again, with her slightly threatening attitude, but Twilight helped her become friendlier, and help others accept her. I believe that you had been seeing a connection here. Also, four stars surrounding the moon, and five stars surrounding a big star. A connection. A big one. But here's the thing: only for stars helped NMM escape, but Twilight has got five surrounding. So maybe it wasn't actually Twilight, but that third sister. And maybe it's not the term third sister, it could be first. This sister might have been born before Celestia and Luna did. And as her family has all been royal, this whole family might have been needed for everything. Her Mom with the sun, dad with moon, and mysterious third sister with the stars. But then Tia and Luna came around, and everything changed. Their parents and their older sister of the stars passed away and were forgotten, and the trust of Equestria was all put in the two sisters. But the sister came back to help her younger sister Luna escape. And those four stars were her soul, creaking NMM out. Back to Twilight, she might have had a forgotten relation to the two sisters' family, so Mysterious Star Sister was probably Twilight's ancestor. Being this, she had the same passion for Luna, and helped her "break out".
0 likesReplies (4)
Best Theory Ever,thumbs up to you good mare!
0 likesThanks! I just use whatever pops up into my mind. Theories that might just be true scare me... Plus I'm 10 and how on Equestria could I have ever thought of that XD
0 likesThe World May Never Know (brohoof my sister! /)
0 likes@Savannah Waddell (brohoof!) Indeed.
0 likesIf Discord was turned to stone before Nightmare Moon was banished then he would have escaped before Nightmare Moon returned therefore it most likely was the chaos of the cutie mark crusaders that released Discord.
0 likesCelestia said that Discord was set free because she and Luna were no longer bound to the elements. See Discord 's first appearance.
0 likes"Who are the 4 stars?" only Uncle Knot knows
0 likesDoes the princess of the stars have to be a sister to the other princesses? Why not an alicorn who felt sad for luna and freed her but she was not in any shape or form related to luna or celestia. also, maybe it's not just celestia thats getting weaker but the elements themselves and by getting weaker they are affecting celestia and possibly luna as well.
0 likesIn season one episode 23 on twilights part of telling her cutie mark story Derpy shows up in there, does this mean that Derpy can time travel? Or is it for the sake of our entertainment?
0 likesI agree with your elements of harmony theory
0 likesMy star theory is that it is the spirit of Lunas father
Celestia must have known how long it would last
0 likesIf Princess Celestia controls the Sun it means that she can control the stars too ( because stars a suns too)
0 likesMy Question: What if Twilight is the third sister?! This is just a theory, a MLP theory I'm not MatPat
0 likesI like the new design.
1 likeAll I know is that aid means help and that means the stars will help nightmaremoon escape
0 likesActually in my fanfic there is a Pegasus princess that controls the stars
0 likesAnother fact that has nothing to do with the video is that in Journal of the Two Sisters it says that Starswirled saw Twighlights cutie mark and his eyes twinkled leading me to think Starswirled meets Twighlight at some time.
0 likes(you guy will know what i am talking about if you read nightmare rarity)
0 likes#1 the stars are the nightmares that took over luna and rarity/the most powerful stars that have been taken over by the nightmares to help her escape from her lunar prison.
#2 prince blue blood is an adopted unicorn they took him in kind of like candence
with out the turning into the alicorn thing and becomeing a offical prince (alicorn prince).
Alien soul-freeing missiles? YES PLEASE
0 likesAlso, there wouldnt be a princess of the stars because princess of the stars is Twilight. When she became a princess, she apeared from a star, and her cutie mark is a star.
0 likesBut the sun is a star and a moon live with the stars?! 😳
0 likesWhy stars? I mean couldn't it be another shape. I mean could twilight be the Third princess? I mean in season 4 she made a star between dawn and dusk, and it was the color of her magic.
1 likeThese are the princesses:
The princess of the sun
The princess of the moon
The princess of love
The princess of friendship or (stars}
The daughter of the princess of love
Stars :
Twilight Sparkle
Starswirl the Bearded
Sunset Shimmer
Starlight Glimmer
Replies (1)
i love this Theory
0 likesWhat if the father actually had another child who became the princess of the stars and became the stars
0 likeswait about the weather, if pegasus move the clouds in ponyville to create weather then what about all the other places like manehatten. Also does Clestias sunrise actually effect everyone and the whole world or only ponyville
0 likesOmg me and my friend were thinking "The sisters had a older sister named dawn thinking she was the princess of the sun they named her that but when they had a foal they noticed the mess up they named her celestia witch should of been dawns name and the three kinds of ponies were also like the three sisters" maybe... well idk
0 likesI based my OC on this "third sister" theory.
0 likesThe stars will aid in her escape. What is a sparkle in the twilight? Well technically it would be planets since they become visible before the stars... BUT! Twilies cutiemark is a star, with 5 other stars being her friends. Maybe "her" referred to Luna? Luna escaping from the clutches of Nightmare Moon
0 likesWell, in journal of the 2 sisters Celestia says that there is a 3rd pony (the stars)
0 likesMaybe starlight glimmer is the tree sister
0 likesNow see
Celestial ( if I spell it right) is the sun
And Luna is moon
Starlight is we'll star
Maybe when celestia banished NM she used stars to form some type of special prism\square barrier around the moon to stop her escape if this is so the elements if harmony only blasted her to the moon and the real spell was on the stars
0 likesWrong! "The stars will aid in her escape" Twilight's cutie mark is some stars. Nightmare Moon is Princess Luna's prison. Twilight (the Stars), along with the elements, will aid in her (Princess Luna's) escape.
0 likesLuna = Princess of the moon and stars
0 likesSun = Star
CelestiA = controls sun
Luna = sun is star but I cannot control
I kind of think that the stars were greatfull to Luna, as you can't see stars in the daytime.
0 likesI think that twilight is the stars because Nightmare moon wasn't the prisoner. NM was the prison for Luna. "Her escape" is the escape of Luna. The stars(twilight) helped Luna escape from the prison (Nightmare Moon) Or maybe I'm just overthinking this. I don't really know.
0 likesyour video about twilight being clover the clever got me thinking about how her name is twilight and if you look at when the stars came in it was twilight according to the sky so is she princess of the stars twilight or is it sunset shimmer from equestria girls using magic from a powerful artifact to release a challenge to form chaos which might have started discords break out
0 likesbut just a thought
Luna and celestial were no longer connected to the elements of harmony that’s why discard went out of stone
0 likesWell, if you ask the Zebras, they say that stars are evil.
0 likeswhat doesn't make sense is the actual timing. If Discord was turned to stone by the two sisters THEN the elements used against Nightmare Moon, Discord should have broken free first then Nightmare Moon.
0 likeswhat doesn't make sense is the actual timing. If Discord was turned to stone by the two sisters THEN the elements used against Nightmare Moon, Discord should have broken free first then Nightmare Moon.
0 likesYou missed the fact that Discord awakened because the elements of harmony had new barers:The Mane 6
0 likesNot the same subject, but what if Celestia was actually Twilight's mother and didn't want Equestria to know that she had a foal... and sent her to live with another... that's why she guides her as much as she does and why Twilight has so much power.... just an idea.
0 likesI like your new OC design👍👌
2 likesStars will aid in her escape... what dose that mean? FRIENDSSSSSS!!,
1 likeCan you analyze the song "This Day Aria" please
0 likesStar swirl the bearded. He may have been banished to the stars and helped her. Or Twilights mother twilight velvet. She may have gave up her princess hood for twilight. But then didn't finish properly because she didn't understand friendship yet. My opinion
0 likesI actually have started a fanfic about the third sister, the princess of the stars!
0 likeshay i think the meaning of ''the stars will aid in her escape'' so i think the four stars are like left over magic of the elaments af harmany beacuase when the elaments of harmany shot her into the moon its posible that all the magic dint go to the moon it problie shot to the 4 stars that was near the moon and it opend her escape
1 likeTwilight's cutie mark : The one in the middle is her the other five is her freinds (the elements of harmony)
0 likesHave you actually read the book at 0:45? Because there is a lot of good stuff in it....
0 likesIt would make more sense if one was a princess of the sky
0 likesI think they did have a third sister because on the episode with the Grand Galloping Gala Prince Blueblood (or something like that😐) he was Princess Celestia's nefue so ya
0 likesTheorie time! I think that it was dicord if he is star swirll bearded I think he used the stars to set her free because he discord was evil and wanted evil and kaos and if celastia could see in the future then she knew how long until discord would come up with the idea. Sorry for bad spelling.
0 likesTry this. The stars four points are like a prison. Millennia goes past they go father apart, beams don't lengthen, gap, NM escapes through gap
0 likesmy oc is called cumulus and i made her the third sister of the stars her story goes like this. their parents were mad that from under the sky she could move the clouds with her wings . they turned her into a cloud and banished her there since she was a child and they removed all memories of cumulus );
0 likesReplies (1)
shes an alicorn (:
0 likesOHMAHGARSH TIME LOOP THEORY! After twilight learns all that she does she goes back in time and does stuff to assist (herself?) to ensure a safer future! Notion do something with this theory please, I bet it would kinda of epic XD
0 likesstill thought when twi said "the stars will aid in her escape" i thought 'stars will' was 'starswirl' as in, starswirl the bearded, but also, who in equestria wants a name about his beard? what if you shave it?!? i dont know????
0 likesit means, the sun,the moon,and the planet will aline.
0 likesIs Fleur Dis Lee the third sister?Because I saw her in the My Little Pony game and she is an alicorn.
0 likesalso I see lots about lifeblood but what about cadence? I think that either they are siblings and the third sister is like, nature or something. either that or they both were adopted as royalty
0 likesit could have been bluebloods mother as princess of the stars if you know what i mean
0 likesHEY! i have a theory! celestia and luna's father did not die. he was probably just lost. when luna was trapped in the moon, her father may have wanted to save her! so he mad the stars AID IN HER ESCAPE
0 likes2:54 omg I used that pony generator to make my pony! :D lol
0 likesif there is a princess of the stars it might be twilight because her cutie mark is a star.
0 likesmaybe the stars kept coming towards the moon every time it rose, so one her last year she came out
0 likesI believe that there IS a third sister. It all comes down to one pony. Princess Cadance. Why Cadance? In the MLP universe Cadance is Celestia's niece but isn't Luna's daughter. That means that she would be the third sister's child.
0 likesThis theory would fit in with your Clover the Clever = Twilight Sparkle theory
0 likesHow about Twilight free Nightmare Moon into Luna? That means star is Twilight that help Nightmare Moon to free from herself.
0 likesHow about Twilight free Nightmare Moon into Luna? That means star is Twilight that help Nightmare Moon to free from herself.
0 likesI think the 3 star would be Chrisalys that was the 3 sister but then someone send her a spell that changed her apperence. Angry, she tought that the one who send the spell was the royal family so she wanted revenge! (Sorry if my grammar is bad im from Brazil and i dont think in too good at inglish)
0 likesThis links in with one of your latest episodes, That Twilight is Clover the clever, Just think about that for a minute.
0 likesWell maybe star swirll did a bit of time travelling but knew luna was sad so eventually he let her out because the brony notion zsaid earlier they could have been a third sister the sister of the stars so i think star star swirll is involved
0 likesWhat if the stars were guards so Luna won't escape not pony guards but like the stars kept Luna from escaping.
0 likeswell the sun and stars are basically the same thing.. DOES THIS MEAN THAT THE STAR PRINCESS WOULD BE CELESTIA TWIN!!!!
1 likewhat if the "stars" alicorn is cadences mother?
0 likesMaybe theres 3 sisters the Sun Moon and Stars but... IS THERE A SISTER OF THE ECLIPSE?!?!
0 likesThey actually used the elements 6 times
0 likesThe third sister/princess is twilight sparkle. Her cutie mark are stars, mabey she had something to do with nightmare moons escape
0 likesMaybe people figured out because they noticed one day that specifically that had appeared getting nearer everytime. Oh and, maybe there were some left over news of that Celestial had vanished her sister. Or is Star Swirl dude? (Sorry, I don't remember all their names :( )
0 likesThey knew about Nightmare Moon's return though, so not exaaactly..... Discord, like you said could break any moment, as is NM as I will call it was predicted(I know I already said that), so big difference
0 likesright now I'm writing a fan fiction where Luna before the summer solstice went into the dreams of four different unicorns who would later become her right hand ponies in the lunar republic. These four ponies are using there magic to free Luna form her imprisonment the only day they can or else they have to wait anther 1000 years for the opportunity. I call it the Luner republic
0 likesthe reason discord came out of his stone inprisonment was that the sisters where no longer connected and only didn't notice till then and there for end the stone inprisonment bc who they are connected to are the mane 6 and maybe celestia caused discord to be set FREE! so the world would have been inharmony with out them only for discord cozy glow other wise they'd be in mortal jeperdy. and that is my theory HA! didn't think a 10 year old could write all that and it make sense right WRONG LOL im just being funny but the theory im serious about.
0 likesi think that there was originally six sisters and they died and thats why there are six elements.... and the elements which were still connected to the original six sisters, released nightmare moon from the moon.
0 likesIs it just me or did his OC get older?
1 likeLove the new design. Could Star Swirl the Bearded had make the prophesy?
1 likeTheory the stars spun around the moon a bit almost like a little swerl before freeing NM stars swerl ...! STARSWERL
0 likesWell this is a little off topic but oh well (and im also late sooo)
0 likesWell i think for the first time the elements of harmony is used (to banish Discord and Nightmare Moon) the bearers of the elements are not true enough? Idk its hard to explain. When Nightmare Moon was banished, the one who used the elements was Princess Celestia, who didn't have all the elements properties (only magic, kindness, and loyalty) so the spell only lasted for a thousand year. If after Nightmare Moon returned and the one who set her right was Princess Celestia again, Luna will become Nightmare Moon again im about a thousand years
But idk thats just my random thought
I have one for you
0 likesdo one where you ask every one which element of harmony is best
here's what I think celestia didn't represent all forms of the manic of friendship not fully understanding it therefore making the spells weaker only lasting 1000 years while when the mane six did it they had all of the forms of the elements therefore making it permanent
0 likesReplies (4)
But both Celestia and Luna sealed Discord, and that also only lasted a thousand years.
0 likesWell still both of them didn't represent all the elements
0 likes@hannah choi actually they did celestia had 3 luna had 3 i'm guessing celestia had magic kindness and loyalty while luna had laughter, honesty and generosity
0 likes@hannah choi No it's just they may have the elements but Luna became nightmare moon and was Disloyal to celestia and luna and celestia are too serious and really wouldn't luna tell celestia she was jealous for honesty. And really Luna wouldn't become jealous if celestia was more generous. While the mane six used it I don't see luna turning into nightmare moon again. And do you think that discord is going to turn to stone and become evil after 1000 years like really? So i rest my case
0 likesWhy do I care whether the earth goes around the sun or round and round the garden like a teddy bear?
0 likesI thought that it meant like aid means heal or help you. So like the stars will help her in her escape.
0 likesStar Swirl predicted it, I bet.
0 likesif the sun rotates on equestria, does that mean equestria is bigger than the sun?
0 likesI think it means that twilight and her friends needed to be together in order for nightmare moon to escape. (tho im probably way, way off)
0 likesAlso am i the only one who just noticed this:
night-MARE moon ?
is the unexplained nephew in the episode with the galla proof enough ???
0 likesA third sister!!! Of the stars!!! And who that book was written by!!! YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES
Sorry... that's what happens when I get a new fanfic idea XD
Continue your theory videos BY ALL MEANS!!! I'm your fan XD
That 4 star to would actually help explain twilight's cutie mark.... Random thoughts. I mean like doesn't she have 4 stars on her cutie mark, surrounding one larger star. Any more "headcannoners" wanna help me out with this hahaha.
0 likesPerhaps it's a brother who was never close to the two sisters
0 likes0:16 Way to break the mood
0 likesI actually made an oc mlp character that controls the stars mostly because my name actually means star and because I love the stars in the sky.
0 likesWhat if Celestia and Luna have a third sister?
0 likesHm. A third sister.I like your theories, but mabye it has to do with a VERY powerfull pony. cough Starswirl the Bearded cough Mabye he's still around, and helped Luna return to ponyville!
0 likesThe stars will aid in her escape might mean the stars will come together. and nightmare moon is free
0 likes@The Brony Notion the part about Twilight Sparkle causing the stars to help Night Mare Moon because the spell could only happen once for a certain amount of time. So that would not make sense.
0 likesThank you for reading!
Frosty71102 The Brony Action
Written by celestia herself of course
0 likesWhat dose anyone hose watching see the four stars moving to the moon? Maybe they were like stepping stones like in the song discord
0 likesWhat is the episode you referenced with the CMC's chaos?
0 likesI think that the stars are ponies, just like how the moon=princess Luna
0 likes'''' the stars Will aid In there escape ''''That means The elements of Harmony magic Vanishes Afterall When twilight Found them,the elements were still in stone.And havent used for a while anyways
0 likesMake a head cannon on a pony called Princess Silent Night.
0 likesI think that it was star swirled that wrote it. I don't have much proof but if you look into it I might have a theory here :3
0 likesin my headcanon, luna and celestia have another sister because celestia has a nephew, prince bloodmoon. and as far as we know, celestia and luna don't have any kids, so there could be another sister who has bloodmoon. who agreed with me?
0 likesReplies (1)
TheDiamondKitty Nightstorm's life Blueblood
0 likes"The stars will aid in her escape" How about STARswirl the bearded? Maybe he could have been like a long lost family me member or something? I don't know just an idea to grow.
0 likesI think the stars are twilight Sparkle. Maybe in the future, twilight might end up raising the stars. After all, twilight's cutie mark is a star. This is the pegasister notion signing out until the next brony notion video. hoof bump !
0 likesI think that the four stars mean the four princesses.
0 likesThe Sun is a star, so maybe Celestia released her?
0 likeswhat if twilight was the so call princess of the stars because her cutie mark has a lot of 🌟?
0 likesMaybe because there's only 4 stars that the cutie mark crusaders were trying to help Luna understand or help someone so they grabbed Apple blooms cousin and tried helping her but something happened or some elements of harmony went missing like 2 of the mane six and twilight can't use the elements of harmony and it worked but idk.
0 likesReplies (1)
Actually because in another video you said the elements of disharmony worked alone what if they are the ones who are making evil villians escape and that's supports why only four stars aided in her nightmare moons escape
0 likesif the elements last for every thousand years then foes that mean that discorf should have been released first because he was turned to stone before princess lunas banishment and celestria was the the who wrote the prophecy because she was the only witness of lunas banishment
0 likeswell yeah twilight can go back in time :D
0 likesPrincess Stella, princess of the Stars and the youngest of them all
0 likesI call my hamster doodle (actually his name is noodlely doodlely do but I call him other things also)
0 likesThat creepy stare doe xD
0 likesTHEORY:
0 likesIt's the four princesses that's what the four stars mean
But idk
Maybe there is a third sister. Maybe the third sister was Chrysalis and maybe she was ban and taken away when Celestia and Luna were young.
0 likesThe elements of harmony were used to summon discord in princess twilight sparkle
0 likesI'm performing in the midsummers night dream!
0 likesReplies (1)
School play?
0 likesI performed in a midsummer night dream as mustard seed the fairy
0 likesHoly Celestia it's a Sherlock insert!!!!!
2 likesIt could have been star swirl the bearded now that I think about it more it might not be star swirl cuz starswirl could be the long lost father
0 likesMmm... Maybe stars are evil forces that bring evil magic to Equestria? (Fallout: Equestria, what did you do with me?(()
0 likesI think StarSwirl is the one who wrote the book. Because in some episodes of mlp thy mention that StarSwirl studied the magic of "TIME TRAVEL"............ And I also think he is also the reason why Princess celestia knows Twilight's destany is to be a Princess. But then I have this theory that Star Swirl Found out that she is the Princess of Friendship but he got so Stubborn and not wanting to believe that "Friendship is Magic" so he got Corrupted by his Stubbornness that he went Chaotic causing him do become a Corrupted Beast Not understanding Friendship. Which turns him into Discord. Hope this helped 😊
0 likesReplies (1)
I almost forgot to tell you that StarSwirl's Cutie Mark Consists of 4 Stars...... You know he may be the one who "Unlocked Her Prison"
0 likesI agree with you but then I started thinking maybe Luna had a secret child that after all those years she finally just decided I missed my mom I'm going to bring her back to earth and that child might be hidden her cutie Mark Might be stars and she probably actually does the stars Luna might raise the moon and she might raise the stars I'm getting off track it might have been Lunas child or children who freed her
0 likesMaybe there Is actually a third sister. How else would Celestia have a nethew when neither her or Luna has kids
0 likesThe sun is a star ,right? and Luna is princess of night so does that mean Luna controls sun and moon and maybe when Luna banished celestia to the sun that answers the question How did Luna banish celestia to the sun if she controls the night?
0 likeswhen they opened the chest did the friends in the other world feel the power or had reaction
0 likesI think the four star is
0 likesCelestia, Luna,Cadance,Twilight Sparkle but in that time the Twilight is not a princess .😅😅
i think when the stars go behind the moon it made a hole in the moon and then the hole closed when nightmare moon was out of the hole or when the stars went in the moon and night mare moon was in the star and then the star brings her out of the moon and then the star when into 4 and went back ware they belong in the sky thats what i think
0 likes(My two undrawn alicorn ocs are the controllers of the stars in my head) <-not important
2 likesthis is important-> Stars... cough cough Star Swirl cough cough
Replies (1)
Oh ya! <- not important. -> important. bluh bluh bluh! 😈
0 likesAwesome pony!
0 likesI'd guess that Celestia wrote the prophecy.
0 likesI think your theory needs more fleshing out. Mostly cuz I was like... wait.. more.. info... please? LOL
0 likesCelestia probably wrot the profisy and when she got the note from twi that she discovered it she sent her to ponyville
0 likesAnd scelestia needs to make longer and shorter day to creat seasons
Discord needed more power or chaos which that gave him the power to brakout
0 likesA banish isnt a 1000 yeas, luna was banished after discord but luna awaked before discord.
0 likesMaybe they didn't know they had a third sister
0 likesThere is evidence of a third sister. The Ticket master, Rarity wanted to go the me celestia’s NEPHEW.
1 likeDun Dun Duhhh
Here is what i think it meant
0 likesThe stars aid her in her escape=The Third Sister Will Help Her Be Unbanned
Why?Because Mabye The Mom Had Ban The Third Sister When Luna And Cestia Babies and were never told
"the stars will aid in her escape." Aka twilight's & her friends. How do I know this?
0 likesJust look at twilight's cutie Mark. It's the mane six shown in stars.
I think celestia wrote the story of the mare in the moon or whatever to cover up her magic failing. I'm sorry if you follow celestia I just don't like her that much. Luna is best princess.
0 likesThe stars are the main six who will free Luna from the nightmare forces
0 likesThe third princess of the stars is Princess twilight
0 likeswhat do you think the back ground story is for each of the main six? plus the cutie mark crusaders? I mean who is Applejacks parents? Or rather what happened to them? Is Scootaloo a orphan? If not then why don't we ever see her parents? and what about rainbow dash? we know that twilight and rarity have parents, but what about the rest of them?
0 likesAnd bro pony ville has lots of magic I believe that some of that can deal with the stars on there own not a third princess!
0 likesthe shadow pony could it be luna's dad turned to dark and tried to take over luna to back the throne
0 likesI really want a third siter
1 likeYes, I agree with this video.
0 likesI think that the STARS could possibly be Star Swirl the Bearded....
0 likeswhat if celestia banished the third sister before luna was born
0 likesand where does luna go in the day, I mean in canterlot wedding part one you see her flying from somewhere back to the palace.
0 likesThird sister theory: The third sister died before she was born. The End.
0 likesI think discord/starswirl made Luna jealous and gave the thought of beating Celestia
0 likesBut then wouldn't dicored have got free 1st since he was frozen in stone b4 Luna was sent to the moon?
0 likesIt mean's when the stars come together it will help Luna (Night mare moon) escape!!!!!!!
1 likethat wasn't it it was meaning that nightmare was the prison , twilight helped Luna escape figure it out from there
0 likesMaybe the stars was Twilight and co who helped Luna escape
0 likesTwighlight! The princess of the stars, wait did twighlight help her someone
0 likesYou forgot about Asteel the star princess
0 likesdosent that mean celestia and luna lived for more than 1000 years
0 likesLike the new look.
2 likesMaybe there is a alicorn of the stars. Maybe it is a brother or something.
0 likesYou mean the third princess is the princess of love Cadence!?
0 likesI KNOW! Why not Comet Dust? It was an alicorn character I created, MAYBE SHE REALLY EXISTS!
0 likesIt's great to see you back how was your vacation
0 likesapparently, prince blueblood is celestias nephew!
0 likesI love the new design, you'll make a nice casserole...
0 likesI think twilight is the star queen
0 likesWhat the heck stars really saved her 😮
0 likes5 awkward MLP scenes that are awkward to watch with your parents:
0 likesflurry hearts birth
flurry hearts birth
flurry hearts brith
flurry hearts birth
flurry hearts birth
Maybe the person who wrote the prophecy was the one who witnessed the battle ( celestia)
1 likeReplies (2)
I believe that celestia definitely could have for sure wrote the book. She and the book have both been around for quite some time.
0 likesThxs for agreeing
0 likesOr the stars are the passed away citizens of the lunar republic?
0 likesYou inspired me to make the third sister art o-o
0 likesWhat's it supposed to mean?
The third sister is twilight mom cuz her parents aren't actually her mom and dad. I made a design 4 the theory and it looked BOSS
0 likesThe princess of the stars is Twilight because her cute Mark is a star
0 likesthe ender eye in the parody of don't mine at night now looks familiar...
0 likesThe magic lasted for 1000 years and the tree of harmony Celestia even without this the tree poses a powerful magic aslong as that magic reamains it will contuie to grow luna and clelestia took the elemnts without the elments were gone for a thousand years so the tree of lived in 1000 years Can you explain thi sim confused that only i
0 likesknow
Well, there is no third royal sister, because luna is in charge of bringing out the stars......
0 likesI think twilight let nightmare moon out so the world would be right so the events happen know and so they would retrieve the elements of harmony
0 likesPrincess Celestia made the Summer Sun Celebration the long day to celebrate that there is still the sun shining and she does it on the day she had to banish Luna
0 likesOn Google they have a comic and it shows celestial has been possessed NY one of Luna's friends from the moon that might be it
0 likesReplies (1)
The comics aren't really canon but it's okay!
0 likesSo was it her destiny..? I don't think so...why is it that twilights cutie mark is on everything magical? Tree of harmony, stars that helped luna 'escape' and some other things. Maybe twilight was one of his children or family? But when star swirl went missing she traveled into the very future put an age spell on her and lernt everything he did. I mean like why was she so smart anyway I know she didn't do friendship back then and just read buttttt it's really weird how ONLY her cutie mark is on like EVERYTHING MAGICAL TO DO WITH STAR SWIRL why not rainbow dashs or pinky pies, Reritys, apple jack or flutter shys!?
1 likeMaybe I'm making MLP a bigger mystery or I'm just completely wrong XD
Maybe thats on the book and it breaks the spell when the four stars conected in the moon she banishid
0 likes0:37
0 likesstarswirl the bearded or starlight glimmer - you choose
I dont belive this theory but if it was true i wouldn't think it would be of stars...Maybe of eclipse
0 likes1:16 I'm not normal...I GOT SNAKE ARMS!!! hahaha XD
0 likesSooooo...Nightmare Moon will return?
0 likesDiscord: ...Because, as we all know, the element's effects wear off after a while.
Princesses: What??
Discord: Well, yes. How else would Luna and myself escaped.
Tia: Oh...my.
Luna: I'm going to lose it again?? Sister! I don't want to hate anypony anymore!!
Maybe the third sister died I mean she died young maybe and her body was turned into a star maybe celestia killed her or made her fall of their balcony and she was a weak flyer and helped Luna to get revenge
0 likes2:58 will give you nightmares (jk but its still kinda creepy)
0 likesWatch how the disappeared behind the moon, maybe that had something to do with it
0 likesthe wrighters just needed something dramatic to wright.
0 likesI think you had something but then you let it go. It's the part about the 3rd sister. so who do we know has mark of stars,is a princess and is close to the sisters? TWAY IS THE LAST SISTER!!!!!!!
0 likes0:45 i have that book
0 likesThe older sister was princess Ingrid then celestia and then Luna
0 likesI KNEW you used the Pony Creator!! But it looked better than the thing now :I
0 likeswhat about twilight's mom she has a cutie mark that is in the shape of a triangle and has 3 stars. What about her?
0 likesin the list of times it was used you forgot king sombrero
0 likesi think this means twilight will help her escape her nightmare moon self because twilights cutie mark is stars and at the end twilights element is final element to complete the mane six elements
0 likesYes I remade my alicorn oc because of your thought of there being a third younger alicorn sister
1 likeLol my oc used to be a marysue alicorn that was the third star sister.
0 likesno i think the stars mean Twilight because her cutie mark is a picture of a star
0 likesIf Luna ecscaped with help od four stars that mean that there were four sisters (im not shure are they sisters of luna and celestia) who were banished to the stars like luna to the moon and they helped her to make her rool the equstria. If night mare moon rule the equstria she could help them escaped to.(sory for mistakes, im not American:D).
0 likesI read Narnia so I think that the stars are ponies.
0 likesI think that after 1000 years night mare moons spell woroff like discourses
0 likesActually, it means the stars have aids when luna escape the moon xD
0 likesThe Stars will aid in her escape twilight is the star part she has stars on her flank as her cutie mark she did help her go back to normal and the element of magic is a star for more I'm filming a video on my channel
0 likesMaybe she lived in the god kingdom
0 likesI know it’s FRIENDDSSSSSS😂😂😂
0 likesI think the mom of the sisters is the clouds.
0 likesduh star swirl the bearded, STAR swirl the bearded, what if star swirl is an alicorn, what if star swirl is the princesses' brother? what if he went into the future, when he was making the time travel spell? and he heard about nightmares return and so he wrote about it and went to his time, but didn't release it until she was banished....I know what your thinking, if he knew about nightmare moon ahead of time why didn't he stop it from happening? well, he did but it failed so badly that instead of preventing it he made it worse, he made it so worse that he helped her take over equestria and rule equestria he felt guilty hanging over him for the rest of his life till one day he realized he could recreat his spell and change history so that it wouldn't change this he released his book and pretended he was not from an alternate future. DEH END!!🐱
0 likesWhat would happen if the tree of Harmony did not exist till the mane six met starlight glimmer
0 likesWhy is Derpy's eyes weird?
0 likesDiscord cracked out of stone cause the elements of harmony were passed on to the main 6
0 likesYou can see the stars on twilights cutie Mark its the same stars around the moon
0 likesanyone just watching TBN old videos and comparing it to his new ones
0 likesHow about princess Nyx?i know she's not real but what if she was the princess of the stars?
0 likesI'm not putting any personal hate on this channel and I don't hate it (I love it) but game theory's theories are longer deeper and better I know you probably dont have time to make these longer but please make them deeper! (By the way you should check out game theory's channel its pretty cool)
0 likesI love your episode you are the best best Ella straighter I ever had heard in my own in my whole entire life and thank youyou have ever done in my whole entire life thank you
0 likesmaybe not a third sister maybe a brother who lives with the stars and wanted to free his sister but agreed with Celestia that 1,000 years on the moon was a fair punishment but only 1,000.
0 likesReplies (1)
then luna was the victim
0 likesIts probably a third sister that didn't leave the secret alicorn civilisation so all the ponys of equestria only knew of the two
0 likesReplies (1)
Lara Edmonds Good theory! I never thought about that.
0 likesCan you make a vid that tells how celcetia got to space in in the episode ''princess twilight sparkle''
0 likesI think twilight is the third sister but she is the little sister and celestia knows she will be a alicorn but she has to keep her from finding out sort of like elsa in frozen and she has to be locked away from her sister to keep her from finding out
0 likesI made a video on my other channel MMDgirls about celestia and Luna having an Alicorn brother and I have a bit of evidence to support my theory!! I used a bit of information from one of your previous videos
0 likesmaby the " princess of stars " are cyrsalis i mean all know how she is, but she doesnt like her destenie and give up her quitimark that explan the blank flank. And maybi she earndet by the others this canching. Maby she was so strong to be a Form her kingdom...
0 likesThe princess of the stars is Twilight
0 likesNo, it wear of because the elements of harmony are not connected to the royal sisters any more .
0 likesok so before i watched this i had made a character that i named starr she was luna and celestias sister and having missed her sister for 1000 years she helped her escape thinking it would be luna to escape not night mare moon this i thought of BEFORE i watched this video i came up with it a week after i found mlp
0 likesThe sun IS a star.
0 likesI like the new design, but the eyes look a bit weird.
0 likesAMAZING
0 likescelestia is the 1 who wrote that prophecy
0 likesMy brother thinks twilight is the prinsee of the stars can you do a video on it
0 likesThat pony haircut tho! I LOVE YOU
maybe the effect do were off after 1000 years and sense discords push was not as strong it took him longer to be freed
0 likesTwilight is the stars!!!! look at her cutie mark!!!!
0 likesi have a imaginary caracter not part of the show named comet and she's the princess of the stars
0 likesclearly everypony loves your original OC.
0 likesReplies (1)
They will love the new one more. Trust me, it's a lot better in more ways than one. Every one will get used to it. /)
0 likeswhy did Luna turn into a kid again?and if Luna can turn evil can Celestia turn evil if she gets to sad or guilty
0 likesin one episode prince blueblood was introduced and princess celestia said he was her nephew SOMEONE CLEAR THIS UP FOR ME!
0 likesReplies (1)
@Luigui Bautista thy this is my dads chanell
0 likesMy oc moves the stars at night but she isn't an alicorn she is a Pegasus starfire ( my oc) was a unicorn but when she got her cutie mark she turned into a pegasus but when she got older she turned into a alicorn weird
0 likesI'd Discord was defeated BEFORE Nightmare Moon, wouldn't Discord be free BEFORE Nightmare Moon?
0 likesIs twilight the princess of stars? She has the cutie mark...
0 likesWait a second...who's princess of the stars?
0 likesReplies (1)
Blanca Corral Exactly.
0 likesactually their is evidence of a third sister. HAVE WE FORGOTEN PRINCE BLUE BLOOD (no matter how horrible). We know Tia (Celestia) can't mother her own nephew and we know lu lu (luna) isn't married so there has to be a third sister somehow. maybe she lives in saddle Arabia. 0_0
0 likesprincess of the stars? k i'll subscribe to this theory and make a princess of the stars oc
0 likesI think that doesn't celestia control over the Sun and also the Sun is a star so is there other pony world's were celestia Luna and 4 other sisters they each took over one world but the 4 mystery sisters liked Luna more than celestia so they freed her from the moon together
0 likesWait i have a theory how you said a princess of stars got me wondering i watched your theroy why discord is starswirl well discord wanted to bring evil to equestria so he turned himself to stars to aid lunas escape
0 likesTwilight is probably the third sister
0 likesbut wait i remember in a vid of MLP and actually Luna controls moon and stars
0 likesI think that the long day was to show the nightmare moon banishment
0 likesI can't remember the Name of the video but since rarity call "Him" celestias nephew I think that the thrird sister had a son otherwise Luna had a son
0 likesReplies (1)
Lara Edmonds or maybe a third sister DUN DUN DUN!😂
0 likesthe brony notion after i seen the creature in MLP and i like to read Greek mythology and since a chimera is obviously from Greek mythology is MLP part Greek?
0 likesno a cousin's called well and the sisters : Celestia Luna Sunset and Dream waver
0 likesI think is because Luna and Celestia weren't connected to the elements any more maybe that's the way they broke free,because the elements changed to Twilight and her friends, it broke the spell because changed to Twilight they weren't with princess Celestia and Luna
0 likesI got a moon ad before this!!!😱
0 likeswhat if king somba is cadences farther and her mother got her out before the crystal empire disaperderd
2 likesReplies (1)
@Luna On The Moon actually she is celestia's adopted niece, but whatever
0 likesLuna is my fav like I love her so much
0 likesWhat if the star were a brother
0 likesmaybe she picked to make that day longer because her how her magic was weaker on that day maybe it was the day she used the EOH on her sister and as a side effect weakness her on that day
0 likesI love ur work(trying not to be weird)
0 likesoh and twilight said on the thousandth year she will come out of the moon so ya it is probably 1000 years
0 likesi think those stars means all princesses
0 likesI answered the question before you even started! The stars will aid in her escape aid means help or heal the stars will help her escape.........doy!
0 likesRemember that episode when rarity want get married with celestias brothers boy? Wait second.. Celestia have a brother too 0_0
0 likesTwilight sparkle is the princess of night so twilight sparkle could be the princess of the stars
0 likesI think it means that Luna will escape by blowing up the moon so I think that the stars with. Her escape means that the star will aid and restore the moon by the way my name is NOT Nickie it is Oliveah
0 likesMabye its twilight she has tons of stars on her cutie mark
0 likesIt means that the stars and moon collide lulu is back into our live you can take your words and all your lies OH OH OH I really need to stop turning my sentences into songs
0 likesHow about king somba?
0 likesThe stars will aid her escape means. That the stars will disappear and let .....
0 likesTwilight's cute mark is stars so she rase the stars
0 likesMakes sense again
1 likeI own that journal
0 likesi prefer ur old one it looks more mylittlepony-ish verb:a person place ,or thing having the traits or looks from my little pony .
0 likesI think the stars is Astros, lunas dad.
0 likesI think that when they do stores may nightmare moon exceed they made a portal from a Questria from the moon so when the four stars guy in a straight line they would make a portal from there there. I think it was called by the refill you when they Artie day argued about the same thing but why did they why did nightmare moon it is going to come and Saintind multiples where they were coming to thousand years so when the Phillies probably will discord to make him come out does my theory least
0 likesOh, starlight glimmer will be the princesse of the stars! Twilight is the princess of friendship help by Celestia but how about a student of twilight becoming a princess once she finished her studies??? Starlight glimmer because is STAR light glimmer... I don't know just a hinch. I thinks it makes sence!!!!
0 likesthe stars will help her escape
0 likesyay a new video I missed this
0 likesLol my oc is the secret princess of the stars lol
0 likesBut the sun is a star
0 likesYou are so wrong...Celestia USED THEM to BANISH nightmare moon.... Discord got freed since the elements of Harmony now belonged to the mane six... True that the cutie-mark crusaders was helping it... But 1000, doubt Its a magical number.Now that is out :)
0 likesThe music in the first part of this video is from hollow knight the game
0 likesOmg! Starswirled the bearded
0 likesMy though is
1 likeThe four star is the four pony who has a star cutie mark and as my though thd four pony is:
Twilight sparkle
Shining armor ( its my though so dont comment it! )
Starlight glimmer
Star swirl
Star swirl the bearded bailed out Night mare moon 😳😳😳
0 likesUmm what about the episode where they said the prince was celestias nephew?
2 likesNow what does that mean?
How if only canned cream would do that sigh
0 likesMy thoughts are Celestia is the sun Luna is the moon Twilight is the stars #1 twilights cutie mark doesn't have any thing that seems to look like magic but looks like a simpler picture of a star! DING DING DING
0 likesReplies (2)
Yes you right, she can be a Princess of stars, but than she was not alicorn, who ruled stars?
0 likes@Marsikas katinas mmm...very good question I'll think that over and tell you soon what I think
0 likesi think that discords magic had something to do with it
0 likeslol me in the morning 1:17 - 1:19
0 likesI really hope that a princess of the stars doesn't exist because thats my oc :( (her name is Midnight Moodlight Star :p and I made her a back story and everything :( )
0 likesremember when he says there might be a third sister well go Watch princestrixie sparkle
1 likeWho moves the stars in mlp world?
0 likeslook at Celestia and Luna dad he got star in his wings and he is the colour of the night and there mum is the same colour of the day what happened it was Luna and Celestia dad that made Luna come back but without knowing that Luna was nightmare moon and there mum made it a 1000 years
0 likesD:
Sorry bout that.
But, it is possible to have a third sister.
I can explain.
Prince blueblood (yeah, that jerk) is called celestia's nephew......... but....
He can't be Luna's son.
if luna is in the moon ,who rises the sun
0 likesThe stars on twilight cutie mark are the elements of harmony rite then they aided her escape from greed
0 likesReplies (1)
For magic boost to get her out of the moon
0 likesI think there IS a sister of the stars but we just have not me her yet and I think twilight bailing nightmare moon out would be odd bc she would have to fight her so there COULD be a sister of the stars or what if it was a BROTHER of the stars who bailed nightmare moon out think about that! BOOM!!!
0 likeswhat about sombra?
0 likeslisten it said the longest day of the thousand year who knows for how many years she was banished ????
0 likeswell when you want to wonder on the mlp wiki was said that luna and tia have a brother prince eclispe welp idk
0 likesI have the Journal of the 2 sisters
0 likesTwilights mom has a star cutie mark
0 likesDiscord was trend to stone first so it was 1002 years.
0 likesyou said 1000th too many times
0 likesinitiate punishment
Maybe it was a brother of a prince
0 likesTwilight has a star 🌟 Cutie Mark I think she's the princess of stars
0 likesI so agree with you
0 likesThere is 3 sisters because of Prince blue blood. Prince blue blood is the son of the 3ed sister
0 likeshey brony i thought that luna raised the moon. what about the other planets and stars???
the evidence to support a third would be prince blueblood. hes her nephew and luna never had a kid, so assuming thats all the evidence we have
0 likesReplies (2)
+xmarie videoproductions I didn't like that explanation for Blueblood. Celestia having a nephew has big implications! It's not something they should have thrown out just to ignore for the rest of the show.
1 likeSome people have suggested that Blueblood isn't a true nephew, but just someone Celestia took under her wing. I don't know what to think, you could be right!🤷
The Brony Notion id like to think i am right. how else could we explain it? :) but he was never seen since s1, soi guess it means nothing :/
0 likesI accually liked your pony generator oc heck half the time I couldn't tell
0 likes0.0 my character is the queen of the stars, I can tell you more later, and no I didn't come up with this after your video, I have her name and backstory XD
0 likes3rd sister... Lifeblood is Celestia's nephew and CAN YOU IMAGINE LUNA HAVING A BABY I THINK NOT!!!
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesmaybe this has deal with an extra dimensional creature or creatures???
0 likesThe stars twilight's cutie mark stars elements of harmony but if that's it wait no it can't be that no it can
0 likestwi is princes of stars... good idea?
0 likesdo something on: why ur cutiemark is a music note
0 likesWhat about a sister of the eclipse
0 likesIts the summer sun celebration ofcourse its the longest day of the year
0 likesI always said that luna was overtaken by a shadow and then turnd into nightmare moon and then I found this on the internet http://pinterest.com/pin/420875527646356913/?source_app=android
0 likeslunars farther felt sorry for her.
0 likesTwilight is the third sister why didn’t you think that there are stars on her cutie mark and then she got separated and she use that spell oh my gosh the pieces are coming together
0 likesI still use the pony maker...
0 likesthere might be a 3 sister because of princess clestia nephu.
0 likesReplies (1)
wrong. they neve mention being blood relatives. Cadance is their niece by adoption. the sister did not form Equestria, the 3 tribes did. and the sister only took power after discord. thus Blueblood is from Platium;s line that ADOPTED the sisters.
0 likesLol I already know what it means (I'm in 2015)
1 likeReplies (3)
+Kalani Goldberg LOL IKR ?
0 likesme 2 and season 5 has already came out!!!!! Not going to spoil it for you but you are going to love it
0 likes+Pinkie Pie seen it!
0 likesMaybe twilight is the third sister and is supposed to be the princess of the stars hints her cutie mark.
1 likeReplies (3)
I don't think so because the Princess were BORN alicorns. Not Twilight, if she was a sister she would be a goddess like them.
0 likes+Queencool45 Animal Jam How exactly do you know they were born alicorns?
0 likes@Starlight Dash If you ask the creator of the ponies she said that they were, I asked her myself of a web that I forgot and she said they were Goddess Alicorns. Too bad Twilight will age like a regular pony...
0 likesIt's the stars will Ame in her as apscap
0 likesthe 3 stars means nigthmare moon is will destroy and want to rule the ponyville
0 likesI think it mean the stars will help in her escape
0 likesUmm I recall Celesteas hair being pink when she was younger not Monty colored like it is now
0 likesaid means too help
0 likesFan there's flurry hart is the princess when she gets older twi becomes Princess of constellation and her friends become rolry some way some how
0 likesstars? star swirl?
0 likesthen wouldn't that mean that discord would return BEFORE Luna?
1 likeReplies (3)
Nhicole Owens
0 likesNhicole Owens
0 likesNhicole Owens
0 likesnuh uh! in the ticket master rarity claims that prince blueblood is celestia is her NEPHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesthe other sister's back story: when celestia and luna were young they went exploring in the everfree forest and the third got lost. then a magical creature disguised as a pony says she'll help her but tricks her and banishes her into the sky.the family soon find out what happened and put the creature in chains in her own cave so she'll never escape. the family brings the third back but she was cursed and her true form lays in the sky so she comes back as a spirit. while she's in space her hatred forms itself into the nightmare forces that in the future will change luna into nightmaremoon. when she realizes what she has done on the longest day of the thousandth year she will aide lunas escape.CLEAR?!?!
No their are 2 more princess
0 likes1. Princess cadence
2. Princess twilight sparkle
Twilight will become a alacorn later
umm...when nightmare moon was defeated...she was shown as a you get version than when she
0 likesSo cool
0 likesWhat happened to your OC? The redesign is... Odd. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings 😄
0 likesThe sun is just a big star.
0 likeshello just thinking but I think there's a third princess of Equestria and I'm not talking about Cadence and Twilight I'm talking about their sister Estelle
0 likesYeah but now you got huge freaking calves man!
0 likesHP-like music for the beginning.
0 likesI think their mom or dad controls the stars or money one of their kid
0 likesYou look a lot better that way
1 likeWhy are those four stars and not others?
0 likesYou look amazing!
0 likesWow,Good new quality oc
0 likesEnyone see nightmare moon in the hourglass nop not crazy
0 likesin the first ep it's in the part were twilit is explaining brink to spike or sunwer around there
I hate myself. I just dropped my phone on my mouth and now it hurts.
1 likeI think it means the stars will help her to escape
0 likesAnd later I will make my first video
Good real design
1 likeThe king of the star🌌is like luna she part is the moon
0 likeswhat about the movie Hercules (Disney)
0 likesdefeated discord back then...so how can she be older then younger then older again...r you sure that discord came before nightmare moon...?
0 likesIf it would take a throned years why did nightmare moon come back before discord
0 likeswhy did the elamints get gold
0 likesMy oc is the Unicorn of the stars
0 likesBrony Notion does the same video after 5 years
1 likeThe stars ahem Starswirl ahem Discord.Explained it.
0 likesow and the stars aided her when she brouck free
1 likeProbably star swirl.
0 likesWhat os the name of the things with what you created your caractor?
0 likesSorry i am late but my OC is a Lunas and Celestias sister
0 likesluna = good
0 likesnightmare moon = bad
I did midsummers nights dream as a play in drama I was... Well I forget AND I don't get it at all
0 likesI was thinking it was twilight sparkle did it but I thought I was wrong! 😩😩😩😩
0 likesmy oc is the princess of the stars
0 likesIm eating a candy cane and I just ate two colors right of baking thin lines the candy cane
0 likescelestia and luna have a older sister Astel
0 likesmaby STAR swirl wrote it and made the STARs aid her due to pity but after a long to so she hopefuly would learn her lesson and maby night eternal ment luna would come back
0 likesyeeeeaaaaaaa......... twilight heard about the elements before reading that damn book
0 likesReplies (1)
Dumb Comment Why? WHY??!!! 😩
0 likesThe stars will aid her in her escape . Friennndddssss hahahahahaha
0 likesWait didn't Luna and celestia s parents make the elemants
0 likesin the first episode of m.l.p so are night meer moon in the houerglas in twilights firs library
0 likesin the first episode of m.l.p so are night meer moon in the houerglas in twilights firs library
0 likes*technically the sun is a star
0 likesPrincess of star is twilight
0 likesTwilight is the stars
0 likesThe stars will aid in her escape what is that supposed to mean
There's no princess of the stars
0 likesHow do you do this stuff???????!!!!!!
0 likesI think startswirl wrote it
0 likesMy first thought was from the title was...STARSWIRL THE BEARDED!!!!!!!!!! (dun, dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunn). wait. but if discord is starswirl, and the thousand years ago thingy. so he and nightmare moon and...faints
0 likesIt's twilight! (: :D
0 likesi think the two princesses have a thierd sister
0 likesprincess stirling i think that is how
you speel it is thier thierd sister does stirling
sound like starling
In google it says the sisters name is Ingrid
0 likesaaaawwww, Brony Notion.... I liked your old pony person! I have to say your friend is a good designer with the new one but it just doesn't look right...... As to your theory...... IDK, a third sister might be nice and a thousand years wear off spell may be going in the right direction.
0 likes0:37 what about clouds?😕😕😕😕😕😕
0 likesWon't star swirled free her from the moon
0 likesDear the brony notion, how old are you? Oh and good idea
0 likesHow do u get that pony app
0 likesI like your new look
0 likesWatch the video again you will see the answer of the The four Star and just don’t mak
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesthe third sister is the big sister witch is probably cristalst
0 likesI know it's nothing to do with the video but coming to think of it would you think star swell the bearded is celestial and luna's relative.........................................
0 likesWhat about twilight her cutie mark are stars
0 likes2:08 it looks like discord in the earth
0 likesIt means"the stars will help her escape"this is nonsence.
0 likesI think Celestia knowd her spell will not able to take Luna on the moon forever, she knowd it will able to take her back for 1000 years! ?
0 likesReplies (1)
Umm it's knew not knowd....
0 likesluna controlles the stars AND the moon so ya
1 likeYou forgot samba 😕
0 likesI think it's just figurative language.
0 likesBrohoof for quitting the pony generator!
I think twilight is the princess of the f reins hip and the princess of the stars to
0 likesthird sister: SNOWDROP duhhh
0 likesi mean who rises the moon
0 likesI wonder how old princess celestia
0 likesThe stars wil aid nitmar moons escape
0 likesand his way is also a good guess
0 likeswut i dont get it if the ponies lived 1000 years why aren't they dead?
0 likesmy oc raises the stars
0 likes2:10 = XD
0 likesSHERLOCK CLIP!!!!!!!!
1 likeSHERLOCK CLIP!!!!!!!!
1 likehello just thinking but I think there's a third princess of Equestria and I'm not talking about Cadence and Twilight I'm talking about their sister Estelle
0 likesReplies (1)
omg!!! Astelle is too cool!!!!
0 likesWhen u showed the "3" sisters and u showed the cutiemarks t
0 likesHe "star princesses" cutiemark was twilight velvet's cutiemark! Bum bum buuuuuuuuuum !
Is that really true
0 likesmanifold asitance from stars since they have control over 900 star systems mabye bail out from them so my fiction can help
0 likesIt is actually starswirl will aiden her escape. Duhh
0 likesTillilight is the three sites and shining is sorted
0 likesReally i think A BEST FRIEND!!, just to know
0 likesShip ship ship ship ship ship ship ship what?! I don't even know what Johnlock is....
0 likesno, there must be another sister, because celestia has a niece, prince blueblood. That, or luna had a baby. so make a video on that, ppwwwweeeeeeeeezzzzzzze!
0 likesİt means stars will free her
0 likesLuna from my little pony is athosound years old
0 likesOr maybe starlight glimmer, twilight sparkle, star swirl, and sunset shimmer hmmmmm I think they did it together maybe the stars or not or I don't know????????
0 likesI think you so right about everthing I also though about the way they where set free be I think .
0 likeswhat would happen to the elements if all the girls would be gone would the generation continue would the tree die
0 likesPrincess of the stars is stars warld because his cute make
0 likes2:24 is the breezies
0 likesI think that ponys and mules where at war because there's an empire and is ruled by emperor
0 likesWitch is like the British empire the was in a war so ya
Replies (1)
Oh I forgot something
0 likesBut it's like how most people now don't like nazis after the war
Soooo... Ponys hate mules after there war against each other
It's the myana in poney version
0 likesbut like you said discord came first to stone so
0 likesYOU WATCH SHERLOCK?!?!?!?!
0 likesorrrrrrrrr STARSWIRL [ITS IN HIS NAME]
0 likessun and moon is celestia and luna twailight got mark like stars big stars but way luna disapirad in the moon 10000yers
0 likesthey return becase the sisters were no longer conent to the elements but it perking
0 likesIt reali make a sense. But my version makes sense to. My version is: trixie use magic to do that. Why? Because of TRIXI CUTIEMARK! But my new one makes more sense: after this years it's possible to break elements magic. Whit tirex crustaders do that but with nightmare moon - TRIXI!
0 likesThey will aid like first aid were you help someone so they aid help her out if no the magic blast damaged her magic and they help her or has anyone recoiled this its from the human world and the stars in the human world have trapped her in and the stars in the pony world help her escape
0 likesReplies (1)
I mean recognized
0 likesWhat about eclipse
0 likesOr the real stars luna the moon sister is connected with stars maybe the stars are dead spirits of ponies nightMAREmoon maybe close friends with planets and stars 2019 anyone
0 likeswell..,. ITS TWILIGHTTTTT she has a star cuitie mark......
0 likesUmm...... season 1 episode1 of mlp was reformation of nightmare moon
0 likesBrony notion :what thet supposts to mean ? Me:I du nu
0 likesAren't Stars suns
0 likesHahaha
0 likesWhat about prince Blueblood?
0 likes0:06 ummm am I dumb or there is another main six a long time ago?
0 likesWhy the new head makes you look worse.
2 likesI'm luna's son and I don't have any aunts other than aunt tia
0 likesOkay so this comment I wrote earlier is like, probably dead lost in the section, but I want it to be recent because I freaking LOVE this theory.
Okay you have been warned let's go on. I'm at 10% sh** I hope I can get this done:
So I think that "The stars will aide in her escape" has nothing to do with the frikin # of stars. no. I think it is talking about a third sister, (or brother, I REAAAALY want it to be a brother like come on what does a male alicorn even look like? HUH?!) Who rules he stars. And the reason she isn't mentioned is because the ponies don't know of her, remember, LuLu and Tia AREN'T from Equestria! And they DIDN'T bring her when they came! So, in pony history, they just never heard of her when naming random sh** after the sisters. So, here comes the actual thoery part. I think that Tia was ORIGINALLY going to banish NM FOREVER! But, the third sister remembered that somewhere deep inside of nightmare moon was still the lovable terrifying lil' luna sis that they had grown up with. So instead of forever, the third sister (im calling her star for now idc) convinced Tia to shorten it to a thousand years. That is the Stars (Star) aiding (helping) In her escape.
YAAAAS finished with 7% yayy
Replies (1)
Princess Luna I just love how you put in all that unnecessary cursing.
0 likeswow
0 likesI prefer your other pony style... This one is kinda wierd
0 likesum hello!!! celestia is a star
0 likesmaybe starswirle is the stars
0 likesYour old oc was better then this one. ALOT better
0 likesThis video is posted the day after my fourth birthday and I am 10 I was born in the year 2010 and I am using my dad‘s old YouTube account I am posting this in the year 2021 to you in this video I’m from the future
0 likesher name is estell and stell means star
0 likesReplies (2)
plus she hates celestia and love luna
0 likesah another Astelle knower....
0 likesUm just my opinion... But your new version of your pony is kinda creepy...
0 likesTwilight is the stars her cuteymark
0 likesI think you shold make a video of you and princess twlight childhood or the mysters hou still can,t figure out
0 likeswhat about trixie
0 likesIf it sun were to rotate Celiastia would have to work 24/7.
0 likesReplies (5)
I think she slingshots it around, it's technically orbiting on it's own but she maintains it's angle and speed. Really she only seems to affect it at sunrise. On one of Notions other vids I theorized that the sun and moon used to orbit naturally on their own but Discord screwed them up, and the sisters had to take daily control because they lacked the scientific knowledge necessary to plot a proper perpetual orbit.
2 likes@DazeDream 'I think she slingshots it around'... that is officially the most hilarious explanantion ever!
0 likes@DazeDream
0 likesBut unicorns raised it before the sisters according to Hearths Warming Eve.
My theory is that the sun and moon are artificial. Something happened to the real ones (likely some overzealous ponies trying to control night and day since they already control everything else in their world) and they were replaced by spells very high up in the sky that serve the same function as the real ones.
The artificial sun acts like a sunlamp, making artificial sunlight. The artificial moon is acts as a gravity well which shifts the tides.
When the unicorns/princesses raise and lower them they aren't pushing them, they are recharging the spells. Once to make it across one side of the world, and a second time to make sure it gets around the other side.
@Banchoking That makes sense, you might be on to something there. They did go haywire when Twilight tried to do it though, so I would still say trajectory is part of it. That is, unless she wasn't supposed to actually move them and tried to because she merely didn't know what she was doing.
0 likes@DazeDream
0 likesThanks.
Meep, meep
0 likesSALUT. Je recommande de le traduire, mais si vous le pouvez, vous connaissez le français. Le message important est des pommes
0 likesOh shit!🖓
0 likesYou say 1000 year's like its only a week
0 likesWhat does that mean?
Or earthia her names
0 likesYour are adorable
0 likes:3
0 likes:3
0 likesNightmare moon
0 likesdocter whooves!! The anwser is dr whooves
0 likesJust kidding
Flash warning
0 likesMaybe the 3 sister
0 likesWhat the heck are you doing in Sweet apple acres?
0 likesReplies (2)
Stealing apples?
3 likes@123itisez
0 likesi dont know.... hrhrhrhehhehehhrhhthrheh
Flash warning
0 likesthank for my rediting my pony
0 likesTur four stars are FRIENDS
0 likesthe sun is a star ....
1 likeReplies (2)
0 likesSo we have a star princess
0 likesbut i like your old pony better no ofence
0 likesi like the pony genarator oc better no offence
0 likesdidint u forget that, that was the day when princes of the sun banesht luna into the moon, and sorry not good whit english
0 likesyou are basicly the boy version of ink rose
0 likesReplies (1)
0 likesLove up new look but I think u need a different hair cut
0 likesYou are very smart tho
0 likesTwilight is who did it
0 likesI think:
1 likeWho wrot the book was prinses calestia i recall you saying that prinses calestia moovd the stars but you sed it was untrue but you dont now that who mivd the stars grogar
Mmh cookies nom nom nom
0 likesI could draw a better pony than that. 😡
0 likesMaybe a student star I repeat star swilled the bearded bump bump buuuuuuuump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 likesWHAT THE !!!!!
0 likesThree sisters annestelle
0 likesHey can she make me one?
0 likesAnd can u teach me how to put them into videos???? (Please reply)
Replies (3)
You need to ask the artist....
0 likesIdk who she is @angela mee
0 likesHe says in the end, Rebeca doodle, he had her devian art in the Vid...
0 likesTHE BRONY NOTION PLEASE READ THIS COMMENT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE there is an mlp video called snowdrop and snowdrop became really really really good friends with the princesses luna and celestia and luna said they were dear friends and that she was the only one who truly knew her night so so so PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS PLEEAAASE SNOWDROP COULD BE THE STAR PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @The Brony Notion
0 likesI think that its the fighting that free discord
0 likesI am that third sister shhhh.....
0 likesok i am cunfuesed
0 likesFore Sight predicted it read alphathegriffin17's mlp fanfiction he is best writer XD wow I read to much
0 likesWhat happened to your hair 😰
1 likewut about cadence
0 likesthose ears are too long
0 likesDoodles Hahahahahah
0 likesI know that show it is sherlock
0 likesomg Thierry is do epoce lol
0 likesJust curious
0 likesCools
0 likesOhh ohh wiggle wiggle ohh
0 likesI kinda liked it befor....
0 likesI don't want to pay
0 likesWhat well the summer Sun sellabraton happen twice in twilats life that means that she is 1000 years or older
0 likesYou look different...
0 likesHAH
0 likescringes no offense but I like the Pony Creator Brony Notions better than the new design
0 likesI'm also thinking who is princess-prince of the stars?? And I god idea then I create princess of the stars and legend like a nightmare moon I'm actually don't know a true about princess of the stars we can only wait then hasbro publish princess-prince of the stars
0 likesSherlock. Lol
0 likesit is gorgar
0 likesi think the elaments are there earths powers and that there is a 5th princess the space and time / stars or im roung and leting my self get the best of me
0 likesApples
0 likesno it was i star brother to luna and calestia
0 likesim watchimng this in 2016
0 likesReplies (1)
oops i mean watching
0 likesooooooooooooooooooooh
0 likesYou will hate me
0 likesRead more
PLZ don't make the first episode black and white becuse I first saw it when I was 4 mabye 5 or 6 Idk, but it made me feel old even when I'm only ##.
0 likesjk but what happened to ur face dude? oh nvm
whats with the birthday of this both prinsessess maby thats why this one day is longer ?!
0 likeshow is there 4 ****HOOOOOOOWWWWW!!??????????
0 likesIt's +Shaylee Nicholson s bday!!!!
0 likesReplies (2)
Bad new design man, go back 2 old 1
0 likes@Clifton Nicholson he needs to go back to old one
0 likesDon't like new Change back NOW!!!!!!!!!
0 likesI like the other u better
0 likesor maybe it was me !!!!!! hehehe }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} no seriously if there is a princess of the stars it should be me although i have dreamed of playing clestias daughter , i could settle for her sister that when to never land while controlling the stars
0 likesReplies (2)
If there was a princess of the stars, it wouldn't be you. It shouldn't be you.
0 likeshey! my name is star so i think it makes sense
0 likesplz dont break my stupid spirint
Worst. Episode. Ever...
0 likesIdk? 🤷🏻♀️
0 likesASTELLE
0 likescan u go back to normal now???😕
0 likesIt a joke
0 likes*midsummer nights dream pops up* NOOOOOoooooOOOOOOooooooo.... That book has been giving me pain for like 7 weeks... I have to study it for school ;-;
2 likesReplies (13)
Don't ya just love Shakespeare?
4 likes@The Brony Notion no
0 likesdo you even 1984 bro, how about Animal Farm bro, don't forget Inherit the Wind bro, let us not forget Macbeth bro
0 likesYikes
0 likesdude that book has a ton of sex jokes and dirty humor its freaking hilarious
0 likes@The Derptor some of its funny in a way i guess :/
0 likes@dragonflyzMC i guess it wouldnt be as funny if u cant understand what the characters are saying
0 likes@The Derptor yep :P
0 likesActually, I liked the play. any pony else think that Puck is like Discord and Q?
2 likesXD IKR!!!!I did the same thing!!!
1 likeI am reading it as well in my class and I kind of like it idk if I'm the only one but I like it :)
1 likeYa
1 likenice hat
0 likesNo it’s bac
0 likeshhhhmmmmm
0 likeshi
0 likesOUT
0 likesdoes anyone know
0 likesHi
0 likesHi I
0 likeswhats going on you
0 likesI'm mean by not my
1 likenoooooooooooooooooooooo I don't like face
0 likes1st comment
0 likesHi
0 likespoo
0 likesLoked old you better
0 likesfirst? Na i don't care...
2 likesReplies (2)
Also love the new design!
3 likesSame and nice profile pic.
0 likessos if u don't understand
0 likesWhat, @3
0 likes890!
0 likes71st
0 likesWiy 100 yirs
0 likesSorry wrong
0 likesSonic
0 likes30
0 likesUr looks worse
0 likesReplies (2)
Ur oc looks worse
0 likesHay its just my opinion its kinda creepy geez
1 like