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Hacker Storytime: I did a bad thing!

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Comments (archived 2022-07-01 23:55; 2 top, 4 total comments)

mike 2020-01-30 18:48:21

It wasnt a virus but the first virus like app i saw some one used back in 2000, and it was some kind of program that made the start button jump to an different spot on the screen. every time the mouse pointer went a few pixels over the edge of the icon it would jump before u could click ot

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Crypto The Llama 2020-01-30 18:53:18

Right on! Man the 90s till about 2002 or so where some magical times!

Landon Cardozo 2020-01-31 00:28:29

I know you will probably never see this but I’m 16 and about to enter in a college cyber security program and I was wondering how I can start learning and testing ethical hacking rn. If you could help me out that would be great. Where did you learn how to hack at 13?

Replies (1)
The Totally Random Guy 2020-08-25 21:25:58

I have the same question!