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Blind Reaction: MLP FIM Season 8 Episode 3 "The Maud Couple"

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Comments (archived 2023-12-02 07:32; 56 top, 93 total comments)

@fusionomni305 2019-12-08 02:32:30

Seeing Maud smile so many times can't help but make me feel happy. She and Mud Briar do seem like a good fit for each other. Unfortunately, Pinkie sees those close to her with rose colored glasses, so even though Mud Briar is very similar to Maud, she didn't see any of it. I do like the lesson of of the episode.

@de3722 2019-12-08 12:57:55

Whoever told you to watch for the small difference in the OP is a genius. Your reaction during the first OPs of S8 is hilarious to watch.

@SpacialRend7 2019-12-08 00:06:06

In this episode, Maud breaks her own record of smiling. One reason to put a “Maud smiling” counter for this episode.

@Somewhere_Bagel 2022-09-10 01:30:01

I like how the beginning scene is basically just the episode in a nutshell. With everyone not being amused except pinkie dying of laughter. Pinkie obviously seeing Maud differently than others because they are related. Than the episode basically having that but reverse. With Maud seeing Mudbriar differently than Pinkie does

@Silver-Arm 2019-12-07 23:39:17

I'm glad you also laughed at Maud's jokes, you have a quality taste for comedy

@joshblackwell8632 2019-12-07 23:06:28 (edited 2019-12-08 00:48:18 )

I can only imagine how many fans were driven crazy by Mud briar's "technicallys".

Of course they had no effect on me thanks to wrestling & cartoons.

Replies (5)
@dolphinsnape 2021-10-13 13:32:35

@@SpacialRend7 me too xD

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@cincoutmagus5508 2019-12-08 20:46:14

@@fusionomni305 Thank you for that. I needed a good laugh tonight.

@fusionomni305 2019-12-08 02:42:03

I think it's funny to think about how it would make everyday conversation with him. This fanfic demonstrates that well.

@joshblackwell8632 2019-12-08 00:47:38

@@SpacialRend7 same

@SpacialRend7 2019-12-08 00:07:19

I’m one of the few that found his “technically’s” to be amusing.

@thaddeusr.3967 2021-10-16 09:02:12

This is a fantastic episode. Mud Brier is great. Pinkie Pie is a lot of fun. The way Mud Brier speaks is great.

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@winter2716 2022-11-10 05:52:22

Yay, someone else who loves this episode (and Mudbriar)!

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@SpacialRend7 2019-12-08 00:10:29

Pinkie: “How annoying was that pony?!”

This is a first because Pinkie has not found any creature annoying, other than Mud Briar.

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@twist58 2019-12-08 00:34:58

SpacialRend7 Very true. A first in her usual mindset. However, does it count in that episode when Applebloom had Cutie Pox? Pinkie was forced to tell the truth?

@Strebiskunk 2019-12-08 01:29:10

Technically, Maud's going to perform some stick abuse on Mud Briar to get her rocks off. She gives him wood, and while he's hard as a rock, he'll put his stick in her cavern. Good night everybody!

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@Strebiskunk 2019-12-08 06:36:12

@@ravenscroftraven1786 Just so long as Mud Briar's not throwing a twig down a stone hallway.

@ravenscroftraven1786 2019-12-08 06:05:00

Technically, given the entrance's long on the y-axis but short on the x-axis nature, it is better defined as a chasm or fissure, depending on position, than a cavern.

@batpony487 2019-12-08 00:04:33

When Pinkie goes to Starlight for the second time is looks/sounded like as if talking with you.Also 19:50 Killing is magic

@rabidbunnyman1678 2019-12-08 02:04:01 (edited 2019-12-08 02:11:37 )

Every time I hear Mud Briar say "technically" I just think of the beginning of We Are Number One; "well, uh, technically, uh, nah." Now imagine "The Maud Couple" but every time Mud Briar speaks, We Are Number One plays.

RIP Stefan Karl Stefansson.

@TheJayjayforce 2019-12-13 09:54:26

As much as I loved seeing Maud, I must admit that seeing Limestone again put a smile on my face. Was also really great seeing that even though Pinkie has become somewhat out of sync with her sisters and the family business since moving away they still are the most important things in each other's lives.

@winter2716 2022-11-10 05:45:56

22:36 - 22:45 PonyBro, you have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say this. As someone who absolutely loves this episode, I was incredibly disheartened by the massive amount of hate it got (and still gets to a lesser extent). In fact, I seriously started to feel like something was wrong with me for liking this episode.

So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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@elliedavieslovesmlpfim1516 2021-09-04 15:41:41 (edited 2022-08-10 12:17:43 )

This episode has a really good message. Also, who can last a second without laughing in this episode?

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@elliedavieslovesmlpfim 2022-11-13 14:00:15

@@winter2716 oh yeah that's what I meant sorry

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@winter2716 2022-11-13 04:18:51

@@elliedavieslovesmlpfim I think you mean fortunately!

@elliedavieslovesmlpfim 2022-11-12 17:55:02

Unfortunately I laugh at this episode all the time

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@winter2716 2022-11-10 05:54:13

Lots of people can, trust me 😒

But luckily I’m not one of them!

@TheBlackQueen 2019-12-12 07:46:22

When Sheldon Cooper makes it into MLP.

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@KingJames-vq5bc 2023-02-08 05:29:40

I was deadass thinking the same thing😂

@SpacialRend7 2019-12-08 00:29:51

This is another fun Pinkie episode that I like. Mud Briar’s debut has the same effect on me as Maud’s did. It took me a couple of rewatches to get used to him. Nowadays, I think he’s a funny character. I’m glad that Maud found some pony special though. Unexpected, but I like this direction.

Among my favorite things about this episode was the scene when Pinkie had her imaginations of the her friends acting in an opposite manner. I always crack up hearing their dialogue, especially Twilight’s “I never learned to read” line. I also appreciate that Limestone and Marble had roles in this episode too, making Pinkie see the light and accept Mud Briar for who he is. I like the interactions between them.

@eddog6666 2020-04-09 06:05:01

Wasn’t expecting that were you? Well when season 6 episode 8 a hearth warming tale aired it was timed so perfectly that every fade to black was a commercial break. No one expected that.

And no one expected the change into. After the premiere we just assumed it wouldn’t change and then bam! Changed into

@joshblackwell8632 2019-12-07 22:53:55

Careful Mud briar if you get too far on Pinkie's bad side she might turn you into cupcakes.

@leopardndf6971 2019-12-07 22:28:25

Look at you, already reached the new intro...
1:20 pinkie stop it, you are ruining their lyras and bonbons date!
I love starlights decorations in her room, many trixie photos and that anti-equal sign XD
17:30 thats hilarious, I laugh every time I watch this scene. AJ prefers those strawberrys :P
Finally! more Limestone! My favorite pie...
19:50 pinkie about to commit murder, all those fanfictions were about to happen.

@leopardndf6971 2019-12-08 09:47:13

5:41 I was kinda hoping that trixie would get out of a closet that moment

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@cincoutmagus5508 2019-12-08 20:51:35

I think Trixie came out of the closet long ago, if you know what I mean.

@stormshadowproductions1660 2022-12-06 01:57:17

Mudbriar is like a Pony version of Sheldon Cooper only not crazy.

Sheldon Cooper: I'm not crazy my mother had me tested

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@TheElementsOfKindness 2023-04-16 00:51:46

If Mudbriar don't like stick abuse, then a drummer is his worse nightmare😂

@twist58 2019-12-07 22:18:05

Mud Briar is definitely a spoof on Sheldon Cooper of Big Bang Theory.

Beginning all of his sentences with the word “technically” can annoy though.

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@twist58 2021-03-30 03:23:28

@@bungiecrimes7247 (points finger) HA!!!

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@bungiecrimes7247 2021-03-30 02:48:06

Technically he did not start every single sentence with the word "technically"

@skittybug6937 2021-09-16 11:03:45

Mud Briar is the best thing to come out of this show.

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@winter2716 2022-11-10 05:59:12

Maybe not the best thing, but he’s pretty darn great! It pisses me off how many people hate him.

@XenoZbornak 2022-05-17 03:45:48

First thing I noticed about the picture was Zecora wasn't in it... then realized none of the town ponies were. Including the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I find that that's kinda sad. :\

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@ssms9336 2022-06-06 12:59:09

right, i understand it’s meant to be a school photo but i wish our reoccurring characters appeared opposed to all the randoms

@mariaharuspex9126 2019-12-07 22:28:16 (edited 2019-12-07 22:28:32 )

Too many episodes! I'm so happy :')

@jordanjaramillo7675 2021-03-18 04:31:07

It's so satisfying to see the video exactly 23 mins long :3

@RainbowDrop 2020-04-26 06:44:56 (edited 2020-04-26 06:47:33 )

Did you know mudbrier is voiced by the guy from the big bang theory Sheldon
In fact there entire relationship and personalities are based of Dr Amy fowler and Dr Sheldon cooper

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@RainbowDrop 2022-11-10 06:35:22

@@winter2716 God damn 2 years ago holy- yeah that was a lie my sister told at the time

@winter2716 2022-11-10 06:10:45

Not true. He resembles Sheldon in many ways, but Mudbriar is definitely not voiced by Jim Parsons.

@fusionomni305 2019-12-08 02:37:22

One criticism I've seen of the episode is that it while it explains that Maud sees Mud in a different perspective, it doesn't take the time to show that side of him. I understand this, but I disagree. It would kind of fly in the face of the lesson, that sometimes, you may never understand what your loved ones see in others, and that you don't really have to. This accommodates for a lot more nuance, in that sense. If someone doesn't like this episode because they felt Pinkie was being petty, I 100% don't blame you. I still like it, but I would be lying if I said it didn't drag down the experience a little bit. It was a bit much even for Pinkie standards, and she's shown much more maturity in earlier seasons.

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@ronoble2674 2020-11-09 15:36:35 (edited 2020-11-09 15:41:30 )

After coming back to this episode with fresh eyes, I can say that this is one of the best Maud episodes. It shows that Pinkie looks over Maud's strangeness because she's her sister and loves her but if these traits are displayed in another person, they're just as jarring to her as it is to anyone that meets Maud for the first time. But because she's Pinkie's sister, many people are cordial with her and make the effort to be kind. On the other hand, Pinkie Pie didn't make the same effort to look past his quirky character, even making her discomfort quite visible and known. Maud and Mud really are a good couple because he understands Maud and is a reflection of her to Pinkie through other's eyes-- plus, he doesn't even hold a grudge against Pinkie for insulting his character and being overall quite rude to him (because technically, her behavior was quite worse than her friend's when they met Maud for the first time). 

Also, it's absolutely hilarious.

@HeavyMetalMal42 2020-04-16 05:16:26

@@fusionomni305 I completely agree that a more nuanced take is better. When a moral is screamingly obvious, the story often stops feeling real or relevant, because situations in real life are almost always more complicated and ambiguous. Plus people tend to stop listening when they feel like they're being preached to, especially when it's something that seems like common sense or that they've heard a lot before. I think it's important that they did put in those good qualities, because that gives Mud Briar some character depth as more than a one-note annoyance if you look closely, but I also agree that they were right not to call attention to all those things and show Pinkie appreciating them and completely coming around on liking him by the end. That moral would have fallen flat because it would be unrealistic for her feelings to change quickly and completely, and because we've seen similar morals a zillion times before.

So they take it a step further. Instead of "Learn to see the beauty in people," it's "Learn to accept that your personal eye for beauty, even inner beauty, is not objective fact." Sometimes you have to be around people you find annoying or unpleasant, and you have to accept that other people see good in them. That's a much more real, adult lesson. I have an annoying brother-in-law myself, come to think of it. He's apparently what my sister wanted, so I shrug and deal with it even though it's a struggle sometimes.

Thus I think the problem you're calling out, which absolutely is a reasonable complaint in terms of watchability, is probably intentional. Yes, Mud Briar is pretty irritating despite his positive qualities. Yes, Pinkie Pie has an unreasonably strong reaction to his quirks and is rude and just plain wrong in how she behaves toward him. But I think that mirrors real-life situations pretty well. I can relate to Pinkie Pie, not just because despite calling out his good points just now I find Mud Briar's interactions with her frustrating too, but because I know I've made mistakes in the past with failing to put aside my negative reaction to someone who really rubbed me the wrong way. I think the writers were challenging viewers to see their own flaws in Pinkie Pie and to accept Mud Briar as Maud's match even though he can be hard to like.

Of course, none of that means a person isn't justified in disliking an episode that's apparently intentionally annoying them, so I can't blame people for that criticism. I think this is just one of those cases where, while art is always meant to evoke emotion, it isn't always meant to make us feel happy and satisfied. Sometimes a negative reaction is what serves the story and the message they want to get across. If Mud Briar hadn't been legitimately irritating, it would come across like Pinkie Pie was being a jerk out of nowhere, and if she hadn't had such a strong negative reaction to him, it wouldn't have been a real conflict and challenge for her to get past it enough to try to get along with him and take his advice for Maud's sake. This will never be my favorite episode, but I can respect the writers for taking the risk.

@fusionomni305 2020-04-16 04:11:09

​@@HeavyMetalMal42 You make a good point. One could still argue that what Maud sees in him should have been more. I'm just guessing, I think the main part of this criticism is that discovering Maud sees in him wasn't the revelation that led to a resolution, and none of those things were even something acknowledged or brought significant attention to. They just happened. So I guess my defense of the episode is a little off. Rather, if learning to see Mud Briar's "inner gem" was what they emphasized on and was a big focus in terms of plot events, then that would fly in the face of the core lesson.

I guess one could argue that they could have dropped that lesson in favor of the one about trying to see someone as others see them, but I still stand by the idea that this one is more nuanced, and I stand by the opinion that nuance in moral based stories are better. A lot of kids shows seem to run by the idea that morals are absolute and the same in all situations, and life is more complicated than that. This was one of the reasons I disliked "One Bad Apple", and it is why I appreciate and enjoy this episode.

I still consider the stronger criticism for the episode is the factor of Mud Briar himself. I guess you could call it a sort of annoyance reactionary paradox. If you were annoyed by him, then you could feel like Pinkie's behavior was called for, pitting you against him. If you weren't annoyed by him, then Pinkie's behavior would seem petty and childish and you could be annoyed by that. (I was in the latter category) Either way, someone here is going to annoy you. If it isn't one, it's the other. I can see how that may be a problem.

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@HeavyMetalMal42 2020-04-16 03:26:15

I agree that the lesson doesn't require Pinkie Pie to ever really understand Mud Briar, but after a few watches I've realized that the episode totally does show what Maud sees in him. Pinkie just doesn't notice the good points because she's too distracted by his annoying mannerisms and her constant struggle to communicate with him, and as viewers we're more sympathetic to Pinkie Pie so it's hard for us to look past her frustration at first, too. But it's all there.

Maud and Mud Briar's smiling little banter about whether they met at a stick show or a rock show demonstrate a shared dry sense of humor and appreciation for fine details and distinctions. At the same time it shows that even when they don't agree on the technicalities, they don't let it come between them, but each respect the other's right to maintain their position. They're teasing each other a little, but not arguing.

And in the party planning cave--technically cavern--Mud Briar shares some detailed rock knowledge and adds "Maud taught me that," and even though he's annoying Pinkie Pie by correcting her all the time, it's kind of adorable. He's paid close attention to Maud's biggest interest and sounds really satisfied to have learned something from her. Bringing out that piece of trivia might even have been an attempt to score points with Pinkie by showing her that he's really listening to her beloved sister and cares about the things that are important to her. That includes Pinkie Pie too--he's taking one-on-one time to get to know her because she and Maud are close.

Then when Pinkie Pie kind of freaks out and is really rude to him (he probably overheard a lot of what she said) and then runs away, even though she leaves abruptly he calls out "See you later!" after her. He doesn't take time to stop and think about it. He doesn't say "Goodbye," which we know is a completely different sentiment in his view. He's confident he'll see Pinkie Pie again soon because he's committed to Maud and he's already fully accepted Pinkie Pie as a part of the package even though she's having so much trouble accepting him.

Mud Briar also uses his weird visualization techniques to carefully track everything Maud likes, which shows how much he cares about her. By the end of the episode he's not only taught Pinkie Pie something about Maud that Maud never would have mentioned on her own because she prioritizes Pinkie's happiness (this is a pattern, e.g. the rock candy necklaces she never eats), he's also found a way to still let Pinkie Pie have fun throwing Maud a party, so she and Maud are both happy, which makes Maud even happier. She can finally avoid a large social gathering without giving up that feeling of enjoying Pinkie Pie's excitement.

In short, Mud Briar has grown on me.

@silverstone9836 2019-12-08 20:13:21

this episode was pretty much the same as Maud's first Episode but this time Pinkie takes the Place of the Mane 6

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@Narrator007 2019-12-08 22:02:15

22:14 "And he's gettin' laid tonight."
Insert joke about Mudbriar getting wood.

@joshblackwell8632 2019-12-07 22:56:07

Limestone is my favorite of the pie sisters (Not counting Pinkie of course).

@squeebers 2022-09-21 10:57:25

I love this episode

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@toidillov9705 2019-12-08 01:43:04

"I still haven´t seen... "
Struck silent for 5 seconds.

@adamcheck4941 2023-10-23 21:59:56

Mud Briar's stick-in-the-mud personality was obviously intentional his cutie mark is even a stick in the mud the definition of someone who's a stick in the mud is generally a buzzkill who always corrects you with a how that "technically" isn't true it's actually this way a good example of a stick in the mud is Sheldon from the big bang theory. That's exactly how Mud Briar is. His stick-ina mud puddle cutie mark shows him being a stick in the mud was known to them and they "technically" did that to be funny.

@MilenaLazar2114 2020-12-21 23:11:51

Mud Briar is Sheldon Cooper in Pony version.

@Homura666 2022-08-15 16:54:58 (edited 2022-08-15 16:56:48 )

8:31 and 9:48 my favorites moments😂

@MethodFire01 2020-11-30 03:04:38

Sticks and stones, the perfect couple

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@squeebers 2022-09-21 11:00:53

The only thing I have problem with with this intro is the CMCs are absent

@MVivar-dj8cp 2020-09-30 05:48:32

The new intro is fine, but i prefer the older one.

@ronoble2674 2020-11-09 15:05:19 (edited 2020-11-09 15:30:42 )

The title is a play of "The Odd Couple". But technically, they don't seem so odd if you think about it.

@Narrator007 2019-12-08 21:40:07

13:43 Animators, how about a little warning before you hit us with that much plot?

@thelordofchaos6470 2020-01-01 21:15:45

19:51-Murder is magic!!!!

@Icy-be5vl 2022-02-06 21:09:23

Actually Pinkie I love her but in this episode she was pathetic, her sister can love whoever she wants and Maud and Madbriar deserve each other because of their personality and actually everything is bad about being earth pony.

@JDueler11 2022-07-20 05:14:10

The correct term is “Missing Pony’s Poster”.

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@Usagi1992 2019-12-07 23:44:32

13:44 - uuuhhh, yeah, THAT'S not gonna get used for anything inappropriate. Not at all. :p

@thefierypug2034 2020-05-22 20:53:42

Mud briar is literally Sheldon Cooper

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Replies (1)
@bungiecrimes7247 2021-03-30 02:51:46 (edited 2021-03-30 02:52:22 )

Technically yes, but also it's technically not lateral

@wolfemperor_n112 2023-05-05 04:25:24

Pffffft I spit my drink I was laughing so hard

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@starlightglimmerthecomment5825 2021-10-06 21:29:10

Its so weird not hearing the ytp haha

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@winter2716 2022-11-10 05:56:38


@BeePuncher 2019-12-08 09:41:45

Stick in the Maud

@AwkwardSegway95 2020-06-27 22:58:10

This episode was funny, and I like the lesson a lot, but Pinkie was really out of character in this.

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@ifancyyouofficial9697 2020-07-08 18:14:45

I really love the advice that given by Limestone Pie ... idk why i think it's so beautiful and deep..

@crovax1375 2019-12-10 00:28:06

I never learned to read either!

@Usagi1992 2020-09-25 16:57:03

5:47 - yep...she doesn't have a closet. She loves everypony equally...Sunburst and Trixie especially. So I guess that makes her...bi? ^_^

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@bungiecrimes7247 2021-03-30 02:49:57

I have a closet. Guess that means I eradicate everyone I deem unequal with an iron fist.

@fizzycolalizzie 2019-12-09 12:17:58

Hi I'm twilight I'm 19 and I never fuckin learned how to read

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@eifanelson4746 2020-01-22 05:37:55

No offence to Mau Pie’s boyfriend and his fans but I actually think he is kind of annoying

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@winter2716 2022-11-13 04:13:03

@@eifanelson4746 No worries. I was just joking 😉

@eifanelson4746 2022-11-10 17:26:25

I love Maud but it took a while before I really understood Mud Briar

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@eifanelson4746 2022-11-10 17:25:10

@@winter2716 Sorry about that

@winter2716 2022-11-10 06:02:28

Technically, as a fan of Mudbriar, I take offense to that.

@Icy-be5vl 2022-02-06 21:12:39

If he is then Maud is annoying in the same way.

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@bungiecrimes7247 2021-03-30 02:52:58

Technically that would be offensive to her boyfriend.

@thetwelfth9987 2020-10-12 22:09:42


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@winter2716 2022-11-10 06:12:19


@Narrator007 2019-12-08 21:32:31 (edited 2019-12-08 21:32:45 )

10:41 "Dude, she is so horny for him."
Maud wants that stick in the mud to put his stick in the Maud instead!