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Jupiter&Sunset Back In The Sun..1970 FULL ALBUM ..Progressive Rock...

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Comments (archived 2022-10-02 12:53; 4 top, 4 total comments)

ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-20 07:51:28

🎩🧢🔥🎹🎼🎧🎤🥁🎷🎺🎸Respected Ladies and Gentlemen, before every review and hearing.., MUSICAL TREND OR CONCERT.. NICE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL FOR FREE AND ADD LIKE, NICE PLEASE... IN FRONT OF THE THANK YOU AND PLEASE AND LISTEN THANK YOU AND GREAT RESPECT AND WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL.. Thank you Great.......Ladislav&Z....Canada..,🎩🧢🔥🎹🎼🎧🎤🥁🎷🎺🎸

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-19 21:01:47

Return to the Sun (Jupiter Sunset, 1970)
As you may know by reading my previous posts, I very much like to dig into the proto-prog era in search of long-forgotten songs that carry the scent and sounds of naïve and dazzling weather. This band, called Jupiter Sunset, was not vague, as this debut single was especially a great success in Belgium, and also made the French charts. They were definitely inspired by the likes of Moody Blues and Procol Harum, yet they were fresh and original, and they managed to mix melody and energy in a bunch of thick and pleasant songs. Their singer has a full-body voice that the public loved in those days and they certainly wrote a very good theme for their first single. Jupiter Sunset also released several more hits in French-speaking countries, then returned a few years later as jupiter sunset disco band. On the dance floors, this time. C'est la vie, my friends... ladislav&zivanovic..... Biography
Jupiter JUPITER SOCIETY is a Swedish project led by Carl Westholm (CARPTREE, KRUX). He planned and wrote a science fiction-themed concept album and included a host of musical friends, mostly from metal backgrounds, to record it. American progressive rock specialized house Progrock Records signed this side project westholm and released its only album to date in June 2008 WHY THIS BAND WAS INCLUDED ON
PROGARCHIVES LIST: JUPITER SOCIETY encounters a mixture of CARPTREE and AYREON in style, exploring the shape of progressive metal with an emphasis on moods and atmospheres with vocals and synthesizers as key elements.

Their addition to the database was proposed and approved by the Progressive Metal team.i....... ladislav&zivanovic....

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ladislav zivanovic 2021-10-19 18:40:29 (edited 2021-10-19 18:46:24 )

Povratak na Sunce (Jupiterov zalazak sunca, 1970.)
Kao što možda znate čitajući moje prethodne postove, jako volim kopati u proto-prog eri u potrazi za davno zaboravljenim pjesmama koje nose miris i zvukove naivnog i blistavog vremena. Ovaj bend, nazvan Jupiter Sunset, nije bio nejasan, jer je ovaj debitantski singl posebno bio veliki uspjeh u Belgiji, a također se upisao na francuske top liste. Definitivno su inspirirani poput Moody Bluesa i Procol Haruma, ipak su bili svježi i originalni, a melodiju i energiju uspjeli su pomiješati u hrpi gustih i ugodnih pjesama.Njihova pjevačica ima glas punog tijela koji je javnost voljela tih dana i sigurno su napisali vrlo dobru temu za svoj prvi singl. Jupiter Sunset također je objavio još nekoliko hitova u zemljama francuskog govornog područja, a onda su se vratili nekoliko godina kasnije kao Jupiter Sunset Disco Band. Na plesnim podijima, ovaj put. C'est la vie,moji prijatelji.......ladislav&zivanovic.....Biografija
Društva Jupiter JUPITER SOCIETY švedski je projekt pod vodstvom Carla Westholma (CARPTREE, KRUX). Planirao je i napisao konceptualni album s temom znanstvene fantastike, a uključivao je mnoštvo glazbenih prijatelja, uglavnom iz metal okruženja, kako bi ga snimio. Američka progresivna rock specijalizirana kuća Progrock Records potpisala je ovaj sporedni projekt westholma i objavila svoj jedini album do danas u lipnju 2008. ZAŠTO JE OVAJ BEND UVRŠTEN NA
POPIS PROGARCHIVES: JUPITER SOCIETY nailazi na mješavinu CARPTREE-a i AYREONA sa stilom, istražujući oblik progresivnog metala s naglaskom na raspoloženja i atmosfere s vokalima i sintesajzerima kao ključnim elementima.

Njihovo dodavanje bazi podataka predložio je i odobrio tim Progressive Metal.i.......ladislav&zivanovic....

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Nikolaos Mosxakis 2021-10-23 16:27:43

very well.............................

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